Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Monday is just about done... And so am I. Ahahah 😁

    Good Evening Everyone. 😃

    Back and Biceps tonight! OH YEAH!!! 😎

    You may or may not recall, last week I had a real rough time with Bent Over DB Rows, in fact I had to pull out the hooks eventually because I just couldn't hold on. And I decided that this week I would use my Iron Masters instead of the Pepin's. Well Holy cow was it was so much easier did not need any grip assistance what's so ever, so much so I could seriously think of moving up. But I'll hold off one more week. Anyway, moral of the story is, sometimes you think 75 was hard why move up? Then you move up, and it was really hard, and you're wondering why the hell you moved up, but then the following a week what seemed too hard all of a sudden isn't that bad at all. So moral of the story, don't stagnate to long at the same wait. Sometimes going heavy just helps. (So then why don't I move up? You know what your right I'm moving up... Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. 👍💪

    Also added a new exercise that Lynn was doing instead of lat pulldowns (Cause my cable station sucks...) There Called plate pullovers. PS if anyone gets this far reading this, and no anything about properly lubing a cable station so the weights move as free as possible... HELP ME. Cause I'm starting to hate my cable station.

    So, here's the blow by blow!

    Straight Arm Pulldowns (2 x 20)
    Black Band x 20
    Black + Orange Band x 20 (16 decent)
    Staying here next week. 😉

    Bent over DB rows (3 x 8 - 12)
    80LB x 12 (12 Decent)
    80LB x 12 (11 Decent)
    80LB x 12 (11 Decent)
    Moving up to 85 next week. 👍

    Lat Pulldowns (2 x 20)
    105LB x 16
    105LB x 16

    My Cable station sucks, I have to lube fresh every time I use it. and something was definitely funky... Was way heavier than it should have been, these took it right out of me. (which is still good I guess.) But this is bothering me, and I'm tired of breathing in silicone spray mist every time I need to use it. I'm seriously thinking of investing in the SPUD INC PULLEY SYSTEMS which is sort of cheap and it would simply hang from the exact same spot as my heavy bag.... And it's quiet and smooth as butter. But then it would make the entire existing Lat cable station useless. Anyway, does anyone know the best possible lube for a cable station sliddy weight thing that you don't have to keep reapplying? It's driving me nuts.

    Seated DB Hammer Curls (2 x 12-15)
    30LB x 11
    30LB x 10
    Staying here... I think I bit off more than I can chew these were really hard... oddly enough using Pepin handles.. what is it about these things? Hmmmm

    EZ bar Preacher Curls (2 x 12-15)
    60LB x 15 (with a pinch of help on the final rep)
    60LB x 15 (with literally 5 grams of help on the final rep... So close to failure) 😎😃
    Very happy with this one... Moving up to 62.5LB next week. 🙂👍

    Standing Ez Bar curls ( 1 x 30)
    47.5 LB x 27 - Very happy with that...
    But Staying here next week.

    Plate Pull Overs
    25LB x 20 (first time trying) easy.
    35LB x 20 I started to feel this one by the end... But I think i need to go higher. 🙂
    Next week 45LB. 🙂

    Okay that's it... I need to get my *kitten* to bed soon... And catch up with you guys a bit. 🙂

    It's definitely going to be a 5000+ calorie burn day again today... I cherish these days because I know eventually, I probably won't be able to make it happen anymore. 😋😎

    Good night everyone! 🙂🤗😋

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,579 Member
    Shannonsto wrote: »
    Steps for 8/8

    Today was the first day of school here in Las Vegas and the first time my kids have been in school since March 2020. I don’t know who is more nervous, them or me. I handled my anxiety by going to the gym after I put my kids on the bus and really crushed my workout. Hopefully I’ll see the results on the scale tomorrow.

    That’s a great way to deal with anxiety. Hope your kids had a fantastic first day back.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,579 Member
    Awesome workout! Your burns are insane but you work hard for them. Sleep tight! 😴
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Daily Check-in: Monday 08/09

    ✖️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 1/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/08 - 13,162
    08/09 - 12,405

    Good morning team.

    I’m feeling extremely frustrated at the scale this morning. I feel like the more I workout the more I gain weight. I know I’m building muscle and I’m seeing minor difference in my body but damn that scale and how it messes with my mind. Yesterday I had a bad day with food so this may have had some part in the spike but geez it was my first bad day in over a week. Whatever. I still got my workout done. Nothings gonna stop me.

    Wishing you all a great start to the week.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Steps for 8/9
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Awesome workout! Your burns are insane but you work hard for them. Sleep tight! 😴

    Thanks Linda... Here comes another one. :)

    Last night was hot, humid and storming... Sleep sucked. In fact, I was by 4:00am I gave up on sleeping.

    So, let's box instead?

    With the extra time this morning, I got a full 15 rounds in. HIIT is pretty awesome (and when I say awesome it sucks of course). lol But it's way better than an hour straight of Hardio. It's a little less hard, is what I'm saying. 😋

    That's it, no more workout's for today... Not a lot of food either. Hell, I'm just looking forward to getting a drug induced sleep tonight in preparation for tomorrow. lol

    Have yourselves an amazing day today guys... Work hard, play hard, and don't forget to Hardio. 🙂 Then you can rest well.

    PEACE!!! 💖🤗😃


  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Daily Check-in: Monday 08/09

    ✖️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 1/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/08 - 13,162
    08/09 - 12,405

    Good morning team.

    I’m feeling extremely frustrated at the scale this morning. I feel like the more I workout the more I gain weight. I know I’m building muscle and I’m seeing minor difference in my body but damn that scale and how it messes with my mind. Yesterday I had a bad day with food so this may have had some part in the spike but geez it was my first bad day in over a week. Whatever. I still got my workout done. Nothings gonna stop me.

    Wishing you all a great start to the week.

    Scales are down right evil... My Fiancé is dealing with it right now. Cause when you up your game in the gym or working out in general it usually always means the scales will hate you for a week sometimes two. But do have faith it's only temporary. And it will pay off. Sore muscles and body from new intense workouts always brings water retention to facilitate repairs (and some muscle mass as well).

    This all means you have a whoosh coming in your future. Great work Mari! :)
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited August 2021
    Aqualang26 wrote: »
    I don't think I'm normally a huge emotional eater, but I'm so angry and sad and I'd really like to just bury myself in a plate of nachos.

    I just want my baby to be able to safely play with other kids. I want to go to the market without getting harrassed for wearing a mask (which I do to protect others.)

    It's basically been her whole little life and she deserves better. She deserves a community who cares enough to take simple and easy precautions.

    I had high hopes for this fall and they've been dashed and I'm kind of devastated.

    Sorry your having a rough go... Sadly a terribly high percentage of the population is just dumb.. And that's never going to change. Hang in there. 🤗
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,579 Member
    Aqualang26 wrote: »
    I don't think I'm normally a huge emotional eater, but I'm so angry and sad and I'd really like to just bury myself in a plate of nachos.

    I just want my baby to be able to safely play with other kids. I want to go to the market without getting harrassed for wearing a mask (which I do to protect others.)

    It's basically been her whole little life and she deserves better. She deserves a community who cares enough to take simple and easy precautions.

    I had high hopes for this fall and they've been dashed and I'm kind of devastated.

    I understand your frustration. Like Jonathan said people can be dumb. Stay strong!

    Daily Check-in: Monday 08/09

    ✖️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 1/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/08 - 13,162
    08/09 - 12,405

    Good morning team.

    I’m feeling extremely frustrated at the scale this morning. I feel like the more I workout the more I gain weight. I know I’m building muscle and I’m seeing minor difference in my body but damn that scale and how it messes with my mind. Yesterday I had a bad day with food so this may have had some part in the spike but geez it was my first bad day in over a week. Whatever. I still got my workout done. Nothings gonna stop me.

    Wishing you all a great start to the week.

    The scales are evil. I understand your frustration. Sometimes I just shrug and put it behind me but other times it drives me insane. Look at how far you come. Your perseverance is amazing. Make a list of your NSV’s. Share them with us if you feel like it. Remember, the scale is not the only measure of our success.

    Shannonsto wrote: »
    Steps for 8/9

    Amazing steps!

    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Awesome workout! Your burns are insane but you work hard for them. Sleep tight! 😴

    Thanks Linda... Here comes another one. :)

    Last night was hot, humid and storming... Sleep sucked. In fact, I was by 4:00am I gave up on sleeping.

    So, let's box instead?

    With the extra time this morning, I got a full 15 rounds in. HIIT is pretty awesome (and when I say awesome it sucks of course). lol But it's way better than an hour straight of Hardio. It's a little less hard, is what I'm saying. 😋

    That's it, no more workout's for today... Not a lot of food either. Hell, I'm just looking forward to getting a drug induced sleep tonight in preparation for tomorrow. lol

    Have yourselves an amazing day today guys... Work hard, play hard, and don't forget to Hardio. 🙂 Then you can rest well.

    PEACE!!! 💖🤗😃


    The heat and humidity is terrible this week. We have air conditioning and it can’t keep up. You still had another killer workout. Sometimes I take a couple of gravol if I can’t fall asleep. I know for myself I do so much better when I sleep properly. Here’s to a great sleep tonight! 💤💤💤
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member

    8/8 4,579
    8/9 1,187

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing well ....As for me I was working out yesterday on my home gym... I was only able to do it for 25 minutes because all of a sudden I got nauseous (this isn't the 1st time this has happen) ...I took a shower after I cooled down and slept most of the afternoon away... I feel fine today and we are about to go on our walk...
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,579 Member
    Monday check in

    ✅ Exercise
    ✅Reminders 8/8

    I was peeved with my swim yesterday. I was so out of breath when I hit 30 laps I decided to rest for 30 seconds or so. I paused my Fitbit and forgot to restart it. I caught it when I checked my lap time. So my swim time is off. My Fitbit missed 8 laps and I had a great lap time yesterday. 🤦‍♀️ I won’t be pausing it today.

    I am swimming laps today but no workout. I have to walk to massage which has me a little freaked out. We are having thunderstorms on and off. I don’t mind the walking in the rain but not when we are having thunderstorms.

    Have a terrific Tuesday!


    22 minutes moderate

    Water workout
    39 minutes moderate

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,579 Member
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing well ....As for me I was working out yesterday on my home gym... I was only able to do it for 25 minutes because all of a sudden I got nauseous (this isn't the 1st time this has happen) ...I took a shower after I cooled down and slept most of the afternoon away... I feel fine today and we are about to go on our walk...

    I hope you get through your walk without getting nauseous.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Daily Check-In For Sunday 8/8

    Calories: Within Allotted Range
    Water: 90+ oz.
    IF 16/8: Yes, 17 hours fasting
    AF: Yes, Day 14 no-alcohol
    Exercise: 2 Mile Run

    This week will have some challenges to my weight loss but I am trying to convince myself to look at them as "areas of opportunities" instead...prove to myself that I can be consistent with my plan and goals in "real world settings". 2 dinners out this week (one at a Cookout, one in a restaurant) + taking long weekend for a little getaway (eating out all meals). I know that there will be choices I can make that are the right choices, just have to make them! Definitely, will be ending my AF streak, but plan to keep it at no more than 2 drinks per occasion and then right back to being AF (current plan is only drinking alcohol on social or special occasions).

    8/8 Steps = 10,778

    Looks like your hitting your markers and making great progress. Good luck on those making those choices soon! :)

    Thanks, @Poobah1972 !!
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Daily Check-In For Monday 8/9

    Calories: Within Allotted Range (Restaurant dinner, made the right choices, stayed on plan)
    Water: 90+ oz.
    IF 16/8: Yes, 18 hours fasting
    AF: No, 1 glass of wine, For the month 8/9 days AF
    Exercise: 2 Mile Walk

    Went on a walk on my lunch hour yesterday and then planned to do some arm weights but time got away from me, will have to do those today after my run. In other news, I'm an everyday weigher and the scale has been stuck on the exact same number since Friday, but it finally moved today and I am back in the 170's!!! Never thought I would be so happy to see 170 something on the scale! Still a long way to go, but this was a mental thing for me, I NEEDED to be out of the 180s.

    8/9 Steps = 11,132
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy tuesday.

    Check in for 8/9:
    Steps - 4378. Didn't wear my watch most of the day so I did a quick stroll late last night.
    Calories - 1550. I have been fighting an urge to eat a large dessert to get up by my allotted calorie limit.
    Exercise - none. Hope for the gym today since it is very muggy.
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