Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Checking in...
    Steps for 8/6 : 10,638

    Busy night at work last night. Only had time to drink about 1/3 of my water. Somehow I found time, though, to eat the ice cream bar 🤦🏻‍♀️. Saw a the resulting bump on the scale today. I’ll do better tonight.
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    Rest Day

    Steps 5,539
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member

    Great day overall! Do you have any tricks for hitting your water goal? On that note I need to go drink some. 💦


    I fill up a 32 oz. mason jar in the morning, have another in the afternoon, and then a last one in the evening. I use a straw (reusable metal) which I think makes it go down a lot faster. If it's a running day, I carry water with me and will get about 24 oz, during/post run. I also really like water, which helps :)
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Welcome back @mari_moulin and @azkunk!
    Welcome to all the new members!
    Just read 122 posts from the group, apologize for not responding to everyone.

    @lindamtuck2018 that is awesome that you are weaning yourself from insulin under dr.'s orders! Absolutely phenomenal and a great payoff for all the work you have put in to get healthy.

    Saw the endocrinologist last week. She switched me back to prednisone. It was so nice to see someone familiar with diabetic nerve damage. Saw my GP because blood pressures were running 90/52 when standing and sitting. Blood pressure medication was halved until GP can talk to nephrologist about stopping it entirely. @rwood566 if you are on any bp meds, maybe you can ask your dr. to readjust the dosage or remove. Think this will resolve my lightheadedness. Skin grafts still on going. Told to stay off my feet still. So bored.
    Was looking through a closet today and ran into an old notebook that I used to record weightlifting sessions and measurements in. Depressing how much strength I have lost but thought that I would share some of the measurements for fun.

    March 29, 2010
    (I had already lost 40 lbs. before taking measurements. 46 y.o.
    bust: 42.0"
    waist: 39.0"
    hips: 46.0"
    thighs: 27.0", 26.o"
    calves: 16.0", 16.5"
    wt. 194.8 lbs.

    May 10, 2011 (up 6 lbs. from lowest wt. but measurements are smaller.
    bust: 36.6"
    waist: 31.75"
    hips: 36.5
    thighs: 21.5, 21.0
    calves: 14.0, 14.25"
    wt. 143.4, lbs.
    Ltd: 90.0 lbs.

    Apr. 12, 2020 (I had lost 15.3 lbs before started daily weighing and monthly measuring)
    bust: 46.0"
    waist: 46.0"
    hips: 49.0"
    thighs: 27.5", 27.0"
    wt. 208.1 lbs. 56 y.o.

    June 13, 2021 57 y.o.
    bust: 37.0"
    waist: 35.0" Endocrinologist tells me this is from long term prednisone use. Causes fat to deposit first in abdomen, back of neck and face and muscle to waste in arms and legs.
    hips: 37.0"
    thighs: 20.5", 20.0"
    calves: 14.0", 13.75"
    wt. 143.2 lbs.
    ltd: 80.2 lbs.
    Forgive me for the boring numbers but I am a data geek and it's funny how the changes sneak up on you. You just don't really see the person that you have become over time as a result of your habits unless you measure and track.

    Trigger food.s: Diet pop and chocolate, corn chips
    had to stop drinking pop because it left a sweet taste in my mouth that made me want more and upset my stomach so would eat something with it. Now I eat fruit or if I want chocolate a Built bar. They have 130 cal, are chewy and have 6g fiber so very filling. Tomato sauce tends to trigger sugar cravings so rarely eat it. Just stopped buying corn chips and didn't miss them.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @Beautyofdreams very eye opening numbers. Thank you for sharing. I have been off my b/p meds for months. They started taking me off or reducing last year when I started getting lightheaded. Used to be on 2.

    @lindamtuck2018 congrats on starting to wean off insulin. I hope you get to stay off it.

    Check in for 8/7:
    Steps - 6234. Bad day when I was standing. Got lightheaded quickly. Pulse while making pancakes should never be 127.
    Calories - 1700. Had room for a flan cup.
    Exercise - 1.5 mile walk in 35 minutes. Had to stretch my legs so I did a little one. Back is really sore today. I want to hit a long one tomorrow or maybe the gym.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 What fantastic news about your insulin!! 🎉💕🎉 Yayyy! I bet it feels great to have such a substantial result from your hard work! So very happy for you!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thank you for your comment. I truly appreciate your unwavering support💖
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member
    Ok... Now for the rest of the story. I'm just getting back online today. First and foremost, I would like to think all of you who stuck with me for the last couple of months. When I got back from my last trip in late June, I had a really really bad ankle sprain. I was coming down the stairs, and our cat just jumped out of nowhere and surprised me. I missed the last step and turned my ankle. I had to get 2 sets of x-rays over time. The concern was there might have been ligament damage, the swelling was so great. It was so weird to be totally stopped in my tracks like that. I know I have often said that it is not what is thrown in ones path, but how one deals with it... Well, I must humbly admit, I didn't deal with it very well. I went into a funk. You see, I am totally type A. I expect a lot of myself. I am able to accomplish quit a bit.

    Well as of last Wednesday I was given the total ok to resume my regular exercise. Also, I didn't gain too much. Moving around was slow and painful. I'm just dangerous on crutches, so that didn't work very well even with a protective brace sort of thing.

    A real positive is that I am still at 50 lbs. lost since 9/1/20. I'm not to my goal, but within 15 lbs., or less. If I had been over weight, I would have broken my ankle for sure, no joke. 😬

    This was my first real setback. However, the one thing I know for sure is I will never go back to being overweight. I just need to really give myself grace. I have to work on that.

    As a final note... I am going on another trip to the East Coast in the wee hours on Monday morning. I have a niece getting married, and will be visiting my sister. I'm not sure what my internet situation will be for some of the trip. I will have my phone, but if it is cellular only, I have to reset my login days, even though I check in daily. It needs to be wifi. Anyway, I will do my best to check in. It is my last trip till the fall. 😛🙂🧡Lee
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Checking in for a lovely relaxing Sunday, no gym today just lots of resting getting ready for the week and generally gaming my life away! oh and sticking to my calories!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Hey team, I printed out my workouts as I am sharing them with my GF and I thought I would share what I am doing on here. I always start off with 30 min cardio, then one of the 4 strength training workouts, then I finish with 10-15 minutes of abs. I always alternate the ab exercises.





    That is a great routine. Some of these would be great for my back. My physiotherapist has me now trying to strengthen my muscles in my back.

    Steps 8/6: 17,757

    Amazing steps!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Shannonsto wrote: »
    Checking in...
    Steps for 8/6 : 10,638

    Busy night at work last night. Only had time to drink about 1/3 of my water. Somehow I found time, though, to eat the ice cream bar 🤦🏻‍♀️. Saw a the resulting bump on the scale today. I’ll do better tonight.

    Great steps! I know myself that when I get busy I tend to reach for the “bad” foods. I say “bad” as I don’t feel there is any bad foods. There is always going to be chips, pop, ice cream, pizza, etc around. When we have it we log it and move on. I know you will be on point tonight. As for water, for me personally, I will see a spike the next day if I am low on water.

    Rest Day

    Steps 5,539

    Hope you had a wonderful rest day.

    Great day overall! Do you have any tricks for hitting your water goal? On that note I need to go drink some. 💦


    I fill up a 32 oz. mason jar in the morning, have another in the afternoon, and then a last one in the evening. I use a straw (reusable metal) which I think makes it go down a lot faster. If it's a running day, I carry water with me and will get about 24 oz, during/post run. I also really like water, which helps :)

    Great strategy for drinking water. I am pretty good on water but I tend to drink most of it in the evening. At least I get lots of steps for the trips to the bathroom during the night. 😂. I my implement your strategy so I get more during the day.

    Welcome back @mari_moulin and @azkunk!
    Welcome to all the new members!
    Just read 122 posts from the group, apologize for not responding to everyone.

    @lindamtuck2018 that is awesome that you are weaning yourself from insulin under dr.'s orders! Absolutely phenomenal and a great payoff for all the work you have put in to get healthy.

    Saw the endocrinologist last week. She switched me back to prednisone. It was so nice to see someone familiar with diabetic nerve damage. Saw my GP because blood pressures were running 90/52 when standing and sitting. Blood pressure medication was halved until GP can talk to nephrologist about stopping it entirely. @rwood566 if you are on any bp meds, maybe you can ask your dr. to readjust the dosage or remove. Think this will resolve my lightheadedness. Skin grafts still on going. Told to stay off my feet still. So bored.
    Was looking through a closet today and ran into an old notebook that I used to record weightlifting sessions and measurements in. Depressing how much strength I have lost but thought that I would share some of the measurements for fun.
    March 29, 2010
    (I had already lost 40 lbs. before taking measurements. 46 y.o.
    bust: 42.0"
    waist: 39.0"
    hips: 46.0"
    thighs: 27.0", 26.o"
    calves: 16.0", 16.5"
    wt. 194.8 lbs.

    May 10, 2011 (up 6 lbs. from lowest wt. but measurements are smaller.
    bust: 36.6"
    waist: 31.75"
    hips: 36.5
    thighs: 21.5, 21.0
    calves: 14.0, 14.25"
    wt. 143.4, lbs.
    Ltd: 90.0 lbs.

    Apr. 12, 2020 (I had lost 15.3 lbs before started daily weighing and monthly measuring)
    bust: 46.0"
    waist: 46.0"
    hips: 49.0"
    thighs: 27.5", 27.0"
    wt. 208.1 lbs. 56 y.o.

    June 13, 2021 57 y.o.
    bust: 37.0"
    waist: 35.0" Endocrinologist tells me this is from long term prednisone use. Causes fat to deposit first in abdomen, back of neck and face and muscle to waste in arms and legs.
    hips: 37.0"
    thighs: 20.5", 20.0"
    calves: 14.0", 13.75"
    wt. 143.2 lbs.
    ltd: 80.2 lbs.
    Forgive me for the boring numbers but I am a data geek and it's funny how the changes sneak up on you. You just don't really see the person that you have become over time as a result of your habits unless you measure and track.

    Trigger food.s: Diet pop and chocolate, corn chips
    had to stop drinking pop because it left a sweet taste in my mouth that made me want more and upset my stomach so would eat something with it. Now I eat fruit or if I want chocolate a Built bar. They have 130 cal, are chewy and have 6g fiber so very filling. Tomato sauce tends to trigger sugar cravings so rarely eat it. Just stopped buying corn chips and didn't miss them.

    Your measurements are very interesting. Also, menopause for me has added stubborn weight in the abdomen. Thank you as I am very happy about the insulin. Sounds like things are coming together with your doctors finally. When will you be finished the skin grafts?

    rwood566 wrote: »
    @Beautyofdreams very eye opening numbers. Thank you for sharing. I have been off my b/p meds for months. They started taking me off or reducing last year when I started getting lightheaded. Used to be on 2.

    @lindamtuck2018 congrats on starting to wean off insulin. I hope you get to stay off it.

    Check in for 8/7:
    Steps - 6234. Bad day when I was standing. Got lightheaded quickly. Pulse while making pancakes should never be 127.
    Calories - 1700. Had room for a flan cup.
    Exercise - 1.5 mile walk in 35 minutes. Had to stretch my legs so I did a little one. Back is really sore today. I want to hit a long one tomorrow or maybe the gym.

    Thanks Roger! Sorry about the dizziness. Nice walk in spite of your back being sore. Did you do the lying on floor with legs up on chair? I put an ice back under my back when doing that.

    Aqualang26 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 What fantastic news about your insulin!! 🎉💕🎉 Yayyy! I bet it feels great to have such a substantial result from your hard work! So very happy for you!

    Thanks! It’s been a long term goal of mine.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    Ok... Now for the rest of the story. I'm just getting back online today. First and foremost, I would like to think all of you who stuck with me for the last couple of months. When I got back from my last trip in late June, I had a really really bad ankle sprain. I was coming down the stairs, and our cat just jumped out of nowhere and surprised me. I missed the last step and turned my ankle. I had to get 2 sets of x-rays over time. The concern was there might have been ligament damage, the swelling was so great. It was so weird to be totally stopped in my tracks like that. I know I have often said that it is not what is thrown in ones path, but how one deals with it... Well, I must humbly admit, I didn't deal with it very well. I went into a funk. You see, I am totally type A. I expect a lot of myself. I am able to accomplish quit a bit.

    Well as of last Wednesday I was given the total ok to resume my regular exercise. Also, I didn't gain too much. Moving around was slow and painful. I'm just dangerous on crutches, so that didn't work very well even with a protective brace sort of thing.

    A real positive is that I am still at 50 lbs. lost since 9/1/20. I'm not to my goal, but within 15 lbs., or less. If I had been over weight, I would have broken my ankle for sure, no joke. 😬

    This was my first real setback. However, the one thing I know for sure is I will never go back to being overweight. I just need to really give myself grace. I have to work on that.

    As a final note... I am going on another trip to the East Coast in the wee hours on Monday morning. I have a niece getting married, and will be visiting my sister. I'm not sure what my internet situation will be for some of the trip. I will have my phone, but if it is cellular only, I have to reset my login days, even though I check in daily. It needs to be wifi. Anyway, I will do my best to check in. It is my last trip till the fall. 😛🙂🧡Lee

    That sounds so painful. I am glad you didn’t break it. Your back and that’s the most important thing. Enjoy your trip! Will you be missing Thursday weigh day?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Saturday check in

    ✅ Exercise
    ❌Reminders 5/8

    Missed 2 of my reminders to move because I had a nap. Not sure what happened to the third. I used the exercise bike and tried the elliptical again. I think the elliptical is hard as I am very uncoordinated.

    My granddaughters stayed over last night so I will only do the bike when they go home. If my steps are short I will hop on the treadmill. It’s going to be too hot to walk once they go home. Hopefully the pool will be open tomorrow.

    Happy Sunday

    5 minutes moderate

    21 minutes moderate
    1 minute cool down

  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Daily Check-In For Saturday 8/7

    Calories: Within Allotted Range (low end of calories as didn't eat all all my dinner, made Keto "bagel" bites to go with my soup & salad and HATED them so didn't eat them, took an hour to make them too! On the plus side the soup I made was delicious!)
    Water: 90+ oz.
    IF 16/8: Yes, 18 hours fasting
    AF: Yes, Day 13 no-alcohol
    Exercise: Rest Day but made what seemed liked 100 trips up & down the stairs doing laundry and house cleaning

    8/7 Steps = 7,822
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    edited August 2021
    Here is my Sunday Reminder ....I need steps from the following people

    @littleflutterby 8/1-8/7
    @iradi8 8/5-8/7
    @azkunk 8/6 & 8/7
    @rlaskey2 8/7
    @red1185 8/1
    @amymartin555 8/2-8/7

    Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday 8/10 so that I can post the winners ... Thanks ladies for your cooperation :)
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Daily Check-in: Saturday 08/07

    ✔️Track my food
    ✔️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 5/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/01 - 7,134
    08/02 - 15,909
    08/03 - 11,681
    08/04 - 17,231
    08/05 - 17,964
    08/06 - 17,096
    08/07 - 13,968

    Good morning team! Day 6 of being back on track!

    It’s rest and recovery day for me. I had a nice long easy walk with hubby and hound and got home to a gorgeous bouquet from my neighbor and also some courgettes all from her garden.

    Blessed Sunday 💪🏻♥️👍🏻
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    Here is my Sunday Reminder ....I need steps from the following people

    @littleflutterby 8/1-8/7
    @Piqueaboo 8/2-8/7
    @888Angie888 8/7
    @iradi8 8/5-8/7
    @azkunk 8/6 & 8/7
    @rlaskey2 8/7
    @Tazaria87 8/7
    @red1185 8/1-8/7
    @lmf1012 8/5-8/7
    @amymartin555 8/2-8/7
    @Jpedno 8/7
    @tahm42 8/6 & 8/7
    @Shannonsto 8/7

    Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday 8/10 so that I can post the winners ... Thanks ladies for your cooperation :)

    Jpedno 8/7 steps 15,248
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 80oz
    Steps 11487 + 2hours leisurely swimming @Megan_smartiepants1970
    Exercise 5mile loop at lake

    Got up in the morning and met dad at the lake for a 5 mile walk. We had a very deep and therapeutic talk about insecurities. The walk was good for the body and mind. After that we relaxed for a bit and then headed to our friends' house for swimming. After a couple hours the kids got tired so we headed home. My husband made yellow curry for dinner that turned out fabulous and I made a fresh loaf of bread and tried a new recipe for low calorie chocolate chip cookies. After the busy day, I was pretty tired and crawled into bed early haha.
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry!! Was offline all day yesterday.

    CW 136.4

    8/5 5548
    8/6 3945
    8/7 9736
This discussion has been closed.