Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,949 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 8/3: 6707 Here ya go.No worries!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,758 Member
    Looks like a lot of you have found ways to deal with your trigger foods.

    I have a lot of trigger foods but potato chips by far are the most troublesome. I find if I have a small serving at night it prevents binges. I weigh and bag them into individual servings. My hubby puts them on a shelf I can’t reach and gets one for me each night. Good thing I am a shorty. 🤷‍♀️
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    You have the right attitude! I am still pouting about my gain. Maybe it could have been from the increase in exercise for me too. I know without a doubt you will be an expert in the machine very quick. You are determined and I don’t think there isn’t much that you can’t do.

    Thanks Linda ....we are doing the right thing for our bodies by exercising ...You are doing awesome ....You aren't bingeing much anymore.... You have quite a bit of steps ...Please do not get frustrated with the scale ...are you taking measurements? It is only part of the equation ...You got this girlie :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    I just got done using my home gym... boy do I feel it in my arms ...20 lbs doesn't sound like a lot but it is for a newbie like me .... did it for 31 minutes and burned 110 calories :)
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    8/5 10,383

    Not sure if I logged in yesterday 🤔
    Hubby and I are going on a walk tonight after he gets off work...the heat has increased so it's very early morning or late evening walks for me!!

    Thanks for all the support ❤...I can't believe the steps I'm getting in this week!!!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @azkunk they think it's orthostatic hypotension. I am hopefully getting compression socks, told to eat more salt and wiggle my feet when standing. If it doesn't help then they will look at meds.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 pistachios are a danger for me. I was eating one while reading your post. I will grab 1 for me when I give the rats 1. I know a serving is 50 nuts so I won't log one.

    I am still looking at getting a shirt made but it will be about 25 bucks to do the lettering. Maybe I will get the crafting gal paint and hand make it.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    What are my trigger foods? Like many here, chips and nuts. When I started I couldn't have them in the house. I started having cravings as my daughter would bring them in for herself. I started breaking them down into single servings as soon as they came in. Then I would put them in the bottom of the pantry and forget about them. Having memory problems helps a lot. Now I am comfortable with them here. I have some in the pantry now that have survived 3 months. At my worst they wouldn't see 3 hours.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @rwood566 - I’m glad they know what it is and have a plan. This journey is hard enough without piling on health issues
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    My trigger is anything sweet. I need to avoid them so that my body doesn’t crave them. I am in the process of cutting back the sugar by substituting iced tea sweetened with Splenda when I get my afternoon craving.
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    Baked items are a big trigger for me! I like to bake but if I make a cake or pie or cookies.... I can't help but finish them off. So I'm trying to only bake when I can bring it in to work. I also really like to bake with fruit in the summer so I convince myself that a nice ricotta cake slice with a whole peach is a legit breakfast.

    Also. I love wine + cheese plate! And nuts can be dangerous.

    I don't struggle too much with chips. But crackers and boxes of cookies should not be in my house because I'll plow right through.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,758 Member
    I just got done using my home gym... boy do I feel it in my arms ...20 lbs doesn't sound like a lot but it is for a newbie like me .... did it for 31 minutes and burned 110 calories :)

    Great job!

    8/5 10,383

    Not sure if I logged in yesterday 🤔
    Hubby and I are going on a walk tonight after he gets off work...the heat has increased so it's very early morning or late evening walks for me!!

    Thanks for all the support ❤...I can't believe the steps I'm getting in this week!!!

    You are killing it with your steps. WTG!

    azkunk wrote: »
    Being back in this group has already inspired me to exercise. You guys are killing it! So, I dusted off the rower and did my first rowing workout since 6/1. I also rowed longer and further than any previous row. That was mostly due to a challenge with the video but I hung in there.

    It’s good to be back. Thank you for the inspiration 😊

    Awesome workout! Rowing is a great cardio workout.

    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    It's weigh-in day!

    Username piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 213.2
    CW (Current Weight): 212.1

    Almost back on track now - doing C210K (week 2), personal training is going really well (once a week) and I'm back to swimming. Trying to incorporate vegan days, anyone else a HUGE fan of fake meat? Like Impossible burger etc? So nice! My steps are also coming in nicely. Fingers crossed =)

    Nice loss!

    Aqualang26 wrote: »
    Aqualang26 (Laura)
    Weigh-in: Saturday (Friday night)
    PW: 171.6
    CW: 168.2

    I was stoked to see this tonight, especially after a couple weeks of losing very slowly!

    That puts me at over 80lbs lost! I'm FINALLY starting to see/feel it. For a VERY long time I watched the scale go down, but couldn't really tell in the mirror or how I felt. Just recently I'm starting to feel better and recognize myself. What a relief! I still have issues and almost 30lbs to go, but I'm really happy to feel like I'm coming back.

    Fantastic loss! 80 lbs lost and a new decade! It’s great you are seeing the results of your hard work. 👍👍👍
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    Great job!

    Thank you very much Linda :) Tomorrow is our lonnnnnnnnng walk ... I am hoping for 10+ miles :)
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member


    Nice walk with hubby and the bugs!! I spray before I left, hubby didn't. I'm not sure he will go walking with me in the evenings
    Guess I'll stick to mornings!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    8/4 11,750
    8/5 19,356

    My calf’s were so sore for 3 days from Monday’s workout so I just did a short walk Wednesday and yesterday’s steps were from going to a concert and walking to the venue. I was wearing newish sneakers and got a huge blister of one heal. Oh well it was a nice nice for a concert and fun being in the city.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening. How was your water balloon day?

    Check in for 8/6:
    Steps - 5224. Not a lot.
    Calories - 1559 had pineapple chunks with each meal.
    Exercise - gym. 9 machines and 10 minutes bike. 2.75 miles moderate effort. Had to stop early with dead leg.
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    FLEX FRIDAY!!!! 💪

    Also leg day.... So DOH! 🍗🤦‍♂️

    Alright I'll be the first to admit it this morning.... Lynn actually woke up earlier than normal to unleash the beast on that exercise room. I *kitten* you not. She was a crazed exercise Lunatic on the loose. 🤗

    Whereas I, pretty much planned to take it easy this morning, although I didn't tell anyone. Lol. It's Leg day, I worked hard the previous 4 days, thus I basically did a half session. But I did do it hard, in fact my legs were going so fast at one point, I feared I would lose them. 😆 Taking it a bit easy today makes it way more likely I'll throw in a 6th cardio session this weekend, so I'll see what I can do. 😛 And with any luck, I'll have a great leg workout later. 👍

    Anyways, I was quite aware of how well Lynn was pushing through her cycle. She didn't miss a beat, and marched directly from one station to the other and didn't stop the entire time (Her cycle in the photo below, Trampoline, Steps, and Ab Booster Plus). And that is saying something, cause that Ab Booster thing isn't easy, and when she first got it, she was lucky to work for 1 minute on it before being completely done.... Wow, what progress she has made. She has every right to be super proud of herself this morning. Jill's morning message "Don't stop until your extremely proud of yourself", really rang true and her ears. 😃 I'm proud of her too, she kicked my *kitten* this morning. 🙂


    Ok time to Flex Friday.... Now bear in mind, I'm still a little shy, and I'm not ready to unveil my Thighs, Calves, Back, and god no on my stomach probably ever. lol. So, you're going to get tired of seeing my biceps.... But here it is, and for added measure, I got some triceps poking out from under there too. 😆😎🥳👍🤓😋

    Have an amazing day folks... I'll catch up with all you amazing people at work shortly. 😃🤗🤗🤗


    wow i want your gym in my house! and look at those guns inspire me in this journey!
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