WaistAways - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit Glad Mabel is doing well and sounds like you had a great day! Way to check off the to do list.

    Today I am in my calories and my husband and I got in 20 minutes of meditation. No workout again since I have a very minor version of my kiddos cold. Trying to rest so it goes away faster. Work has just been disappointing. It's still early so hopefully this improves.

    @micki48 I am interested in the pilates accountability buddy thing!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    09/14 exercise:
    18 minutes yoga + 10 minutes stationary bike + 8171 steps
    09/15 exercise:
    22 minutes yoga + 9598 steps
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    @micki48 I'm down for trying Balanced Life Pilates... no equipment necessary, right? I don't think I've ever tried Pilates so why not :)

    Colds are sure making their rounds right now eh... sorry to hear you're under the weather now @conleywoods but hoping it stays mild...

    Good news about Mabel @KellyBgetsfit

    Back with weigh-in tomorrow morning!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    @jugar CW 180.6
    It’s been a while checking in and I’ve missed you! When I use my phone to check in, I have to be in a good position for my healing arm to help hold it with the right hand. I’m more comfortable typing that way but prefer having no glasses on but then end up having to hold it with just the right hand (to get it 6 inches from my face) which is more straining ‘cause I type with one thumb only whilst holding with a round thingy stuck on the back.
    Ok. That’s enough of that!
    I’ve been eating pretty well overall but have trouble getting meals put together when I’m alone. There are only certain things I can easily cut up (no pressure on the left side) so, I find that limiting & I’m bored with eating.
    I’m bored with a lot of things and figure it’s all part of healing. Just a bit of wingeing for the day! Taking long walks isn’t advised unless I have company. Added safety against tripping, etc. That’s okay since OH’s new job goes from 6 a - 2p so we can walk in the late afternoon. When Monica is here, we can go earlier.
    I plan to do some inside routines for general movement but can’t lie flat for another 5+ weeks. Something is better than nothing.
    That’s it for now.
    Have a great day, everyone. Stay healthy out there.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    @ashleycarole86 Thanks for starting off the day with such a beautiful loss - you're in the race for Onederland now too. Wow!

    It's a gorgeous morning here - I won't delay getting outside. I hope everyone is feeling good today, getting better if you're under the weather, and ready for whatever the day throws your way.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Congratulations @bowens1973 for getting into Onederland! You and Ashley are both really consistent and you deserve to see the fruits of your labours!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys.
    We truly are a changed couple. Going through this journey together has been great!
    One more week of work before my second maintenance break :) I'm doing the ladder up challenge so I'll be progressively increasing my exercise minutes all week... will be a bit of a relief on Sunday when that resets ;) but been having fun with it.
    Enjoy the day all
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    Hey sorry! Going through a lot of stuff right now, high stress and injured rotator cuff :( I'm at 124 ugh!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @jugar CW 152 PW 154.5
    Am I on that damn yo-yo again!? I mean I'm happy to be back where I was but frustrating. Probably most frustrating because I know exactly why and what I ate and when, knowing it was going to bump me up but, giving in to it anyways. Then now for several days I've been good - lots of vegetables and stopping when I should. I haven't been logging. Making the time - not even physical time, but mental time, has seemed impossible.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    I've just caught up on pages of posts. @YinxFed Congratulations on the walk! I"ve got the Herriot Trail walk in my sights for one of these years - I agree walking in the countryside beats it all.
    @ashleycarole86 great photos and it's good to read what a good thing you and Brad have going - a team within the team!
    @EvMakesChanges long recovery for shoulder surgery, my sister is going through the same process(she had full shoulder replacement), it's been 6 or 7 weeks now and she's allowed to lift only a pound - she was happy though to get the go ahead to do 10 minutes on the recumbent bike. I wonder if you could talk your chat post - maybe into a text message, but then cut and paste it into the chat here?
    @AshenMoon hang in there...may the stress lessen and your rotator cuff heal..
    @KellyBgetsfit and @conleywoods - you teachers have my utmost respect, raising your own families and doing your all to help everyone else.

    Okay. Just logging in here finally, reading posts and posting a little myself....I'm going to prelog my food tonight before I turn out my light - I KNOW how well that works.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    AshenMoon wrote: »
    Hey sorry! Going through a lot of stuff right now, high stress and injured rotator cuff :( I'm at 124 ugh!

    Get in touch with @EvMakesChanges - she just had surgery for shoulder/rotator cuff probs and can tell you all about it! Don't worry about a weight fluctuation - they happen, but take care of the stress and injury. Hang in there, kiddo!
    bowens1973 wrote: »
    Username: Bowens1973
    PW: 200.2
    CW: WAIT FOR IT... drum roll please... 197.4

    Guess whose back in the 100's for the first time since his 20's? Thanks for all your encouragement and huge thanks to @ashleycarole86 for being my biggest cheerleader and for creating an environment where it is safe to fail but Wayyyy more fun to win!!!

    The drum roll is fabulous! And when the stinger arrives, there you are under 200! I was marvelling at your before and after photos on your news feed - I swear you look younger now than you did 20 years ago. WTG!!
    eggfreak wrote: »
    @jugar CW 152 PW 154.5
    Am I on that damn yo-yo again!? I mean I'm happy to be back where I was but frustrating. Probably most frustrating because I know exactly why and what I ate and when, knowing it was going to bump me up but, giving in to it anyways. Then now for several days I've been good - lots of vegetables and stopping when I should. I haven't been logging. Making the time - not even physical time, but mental time, has seemed impossible.
    Danged yo-yo indeed. We make it happen, we hate it, but right now you're DOWN!! No need to bounce the yo-yo back up again, right? Lots of veggies and all the good things are happening. You're still not back up where you were, so there has been progress - 44 pounds of progress. You're not going back there - just bouncing around a tad and fussing a bit. The yo-yo is not going all the way up anymore. It is a good little yo-yo. Stay, yo-yo, Stay.

    Things are rolling! it's already time for the Friday people heads up ---
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Early Friday weigh in that was actually Thursday’s because I’m away.

    PW 202.5

    @bowens1973 Fabulous loss!! Congratulations on making it to Onederland!!! You are so consistent. Well done!! Enjoy.

    @EvMakesChanges Glad to hear from you and that you are improving little by little.

    Drove to my son’s today. Road food and take out. It wasn’t pretty calorie wise, but it’s all logged. 😲 Hoping to go listen to the waves tomorrow. 🌊

    Glad we have interest in doing the Pilates. I will go get the link and post it for you to sign up.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Here’s the link for Balance Life Pilates.
    5 days, 15 minutes a day. It really is great.


  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    All signed up @micki48 ... looking forward to it. I watched the welcome video and she really sells the benefits! Can't wait to check it out.

    Today's exercise - 11467 steps
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    PW - 191.1 lbs
    CW - 190.2 lbs

    I have been working a lot lately. I really feel blessed to have this job and it's hard to not want to give it my all. I wanted to eat all the foodz this week and was reminded of this quote I read in a fitness article: "When you are 50 lbs away from your ultimate goal weight, you are hungry for maybe 20 mins a day. And when you are 10-20 lbs away from your goal weight, you are hungry for 1-2 hours per day." It is definitely proving true in my case. If my hunger levels don't go down next week, I might switch to eating at maintainance for 2 weeks, we'll see. I haven't been to the gym in a week and it's annoying me. But I am prioritizing sleep over my workouts for now and once I routinely get 7-8 hours of sleep, I will work on going to gym more regularly. 7 hours of sleep and 0 gym sessions is better than 5 hours of sleep plus 3 gym sessions I am assuming.

    Congratulations @bowens1973 You are killing it 🥳🎊 And the way you are going, you will be joining him soon in onederland @ashleycarole86 🙌
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