Prayer Requests for 2024



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Linda, I just read this. Will pray for the family as they deal with this shock. So sorry to hear it. 🙏💐
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    This is my update and Prayer Request last 3 weeks. A lot to take in!

    Here is my 3 Week update in Detail:

    The end of November is when I was seen by the Pathologist who diagnosed me with a condition that affects the jaw, mouth opening and swallowing caused by Head and Neck Cancers. There will be a specialized treatment and physiotherapy to help the jaw and mouth function in the best possible way. This treatment begins in New Year. Then they work on the swallowing issues. Due to my weight the Pathologist wanted to put in a feeding tube.I said no and I am trying to bring weight back up.

    Thursday December 8th I saw my Surgeon, he instructed me to stop using 2 ointments and use just the one hoping it will make a difference with the issues with pooling and bubbling and the new diseased areas that are appearing on the outward parts of face. The Surgeon said it was too early to do the injections now but said it will have to wait until into the New Year. The injections will hopefully bring healing in the inner and outerlayerslayers of the skin, facial tissues, muscles and nerves, diseased cells and destroy the disease.

    Wednesday I saw Pathologist Dental oncology and the Oncology Nutritionist who also brought up the issues of having a feeding tube but I said no, so she gave me protein packets and instructed me to increase my protein, drink more Boost nutritional drink do more high calorie soups, congee and smoothies. She also prescribed a multivitamin Centrum Mini which can be crushed if I need, Also doing Vitamin C and Magnesium, my skin is breaking down and nails are breaking and splitting off. She is quite concerned.

    Dental oncology will see me in January to assess the mouth, surgical site and jaw, possibly taking X-rays.

    I see my Neurologist and my Melanoma Oncologist ongoing in the New Year who will assess the head neck and face to see where I am. Possibly will order CT Scan and Pet Scan but for sure will do the Facial scans that happens every 3 months. they may discuss doing a Pet Scan.

    At first of December I also had an online appointment with my cardiologist and he has ordered Blood and Heart Tests but said he is happy with the meds he put me on which is helping my BP to a point. He would like my BP to be lower. Anyway he is keeping track of all my Blood work. Watching all the levels so no surprises.

    So there you have my update for the past 3 weeks of appointments and some treatment
    which has mainly been done by my Surgeon,
    Pathologist and Nutritionist!

    I will keep you updated as I know more.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Thank-you Judith for the informative update. I pray that you will be able to ingest more protein which will help with the skin breakdown and also the brittleness of the nails. I wish I could go with you to your appointments and give you hugs of encouragement but God is with you as you go and loves you even more than any human can ever do.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda for your encouraging words , I feel those Hugs and send my Hugs back! Appreciate your Love, Kindness, Friendship and valued Prayers. ❤️🤗🙏

    I received calls from Cancer Clinic and have the New Year booked already for January 2023

    For Cancer Clinic

    January 4th Dental Oncology
    January 17th Pathologist
    January 16th or “later date” in January with Neurologist Will confirm time and date after Christmas

    For VGH

    January 5th Surgeon

    Thank you for your prayers…❤️🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    edited January 2023
    Update on my appointment on Tuesday January 17th.

    I saw my Pathologist today and this is what I found out!

    Due to the seriousness of the jaw and mouth issues I have right now and after the physical examination of my jaw I was told that all that could be done for treatment was to massage all the areas around side of face and jaw, no further treatment could be done on the jaw or the mouth for the 2 months of recovery I am going thru. All the reports are being sent to my Surgeon, Family Doctor, Neurologist and my Oncologist.

    My mouth opening is barely a 10 and normal mouth opening is 35 so the jaw has been altered severely from all the cancer surgeries. They can’t stretch it out until I have recovered from the last 2 surgeries.

    I see my Surgeon next Thursday, January 26th. He might have some more answers when I see him then.

    In the meantime all we can do is pray and trust God! I will keep you updated as I learn more 🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh wow, Judith. So sorry about the things you are dealing with now. Praying for healing and strength for the next phase of your treatment. 🙏💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Thanks for the update. Praying for some intervention by God to help the healing process. Massage will help with circulation and maybe fluid removal so at least there is something that can be done in the meantime. 🙏💕
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
    Judith - am so sorry you are going through all that you are going through. Please know that I am praying for you and that the Lord will give you the strength needed to hold up through all of this - He loves you so much, will never leave you and hears your requests - am praying that if it is His will that you will be completely healed, and that He will give you the strength to handle whatever comes your way
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan Marilyn and Linda for your love kindness in all the words you shared. They have come at just the perfect timing by God as He knew what I needed to read and receive! Praise God, He is Good, All the Time…

    Your prayers are so appreciated! ❤️🙏🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Evening Hello,

    I was here this morning posting in all the forums and reading your various comments and quotes, thank you for being so attentive on our team. It’s wonderful to see you all working together and in meeting your daily goals. Good Job everyone!

    It is almost 8:00pm in early evening and wanted to come here and fill you in and ask for your prayers. I had my appointment with my family doctor and she is going to wait for the next reports to come in so she can set up a schedule for meds to take while I undergo treatment.

    My infection has not cleared, it has worsened. My jaw, face mouth and lips are in rough shape. I am trusting God that the Surgeon has the referral ready where he wants me to get a second opinion on what is going on and why my body is not recovering.

    Please pray that my Surgeon, Dermatologist, Oncologist and Pathology will have some answers on what and when next step will be.

    Thank you all…you are so appreciated. I will update you as soon as I can. 🤗🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Judith, I read your post and prayed for you right away. I am so sorry to hear things are worse. I'm leaning in to the Lord trusting He will work mightily in your life. Sending much love and I will continue to keep you in my prayers and heart. 💕🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan for your kindness and for your prayers!

    I saw my Surgeon on Thursday which proved to be a very long day!

    Due to the issues he observed and the seriousness of the way my face mouth and lips are appearing and the fact I am not recovering as well as hoped for he put in a referral to another specialist, (a Dermatologist) He said he needs a second opinion to be sure he hasn’t missed anything.

    He said due to me not bouncing back from the last surgeries and treatment he can’t start any further treatment until the 9 months are completed to allow the body to recover. That brings me to March. I will use the previous ointments and creams on face and lips.

    He will monitor me monthly in person and by online while I wait to be seen by next specialist for 2nd opinion! I see Neurologist this coming month and begin the other treatment in March
    with Pathology at Cancer clinic regarding the jaw face and mouth.

    Thank you for your prayers these next 2.5 months as I recover. Trusting God my body will respond so I can get on with all the treatment I need so I am totally restored to God’s Glory! ✝️🙏😇
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    edited January 2023
    I can see the wisdom in getting a second opinion from a dermatologist and I do pray that there is not a long weight for you. I continue to cry out to God for a miracle that your body will be healed.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    I echo Linda's thoughts and prayers, Judith. Hugs. 🙏💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan, I have been feeling very discouraged and frustrated with it all so knowing you both are supporting me in prayer helps. Love you both… God Bless your day! 🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Hello Team

    I am leaving early morning for Surgeon’s appointment and will likely know what next step will be in my treatment schedule. I also am at Cancer Clinic on Friday.

    Trusting my tests will be all good. The melanoma has spread on face and am trusting no metastases of the disease in the body.

    The frustrating part is with Melanoma and it’s continued spread this has required injections and surgery which to date has been 5 surgeries in all.

    The cancer and surgeries has caused damage to the mouth palate and jaw which has caused the massive weight loss.

    However I know this body will bounce back and I will walk in victory! God is Good and He will carry me the rest of the way just as He has so far. Praise God for His Goodness.

    Thank you for your prayers my dear friends.You all are so appreciated! Will keep you updated after these appointments and let you know what next step will be as soon as I know. 🙏🤗❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Thank you for the update, Judith. Your faith is going to get you through whatever is ahead. The Lord bless you and keep you strong. 🙏💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    I pray that you will remain strong in faith as well as body during this difficult time. I have found that having a medical background can be a good thing to understand things but Satan can use it to cause more concerns of the "what if". I am praying that Satan will not have any hold on your emotions and in the name of Jesus he will flee from you. 🥰
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda. So appreciate your friendship and many prayers.

    It has been a trying day and much for me to digest. I am tired too so won’t spend to much time here as another big appointment tomorrow at Cancer Clinic.

    I will bring a full update after I put my head around the two appointments so I can focus on God and let Him have control over my life.

    God Bless your evening, sleep well my friends. ❤️🤗🙏😴

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member

    Here is my updated report I told you I would bring to you.

    I saw my Surgeon on Thursday March 9th. After my consult he said further surgery was needed with starting the injection treatments following the surgery, he said both would be done in the OR while I was still under anesthetic.

    I then saw my Melanoma Oncologist on Friday March 10th. After he finished examining my face and lips he agreed with Surgeon that more surgery was needed. He couldn’t do a scan as he usually does each visit I have due to my face and lips still reacting to the graphs and the flaps from last surgery; he said he wouldn’t be able to get a proper reading.

    He gave me a prescription to use along with last one. He said with my face being opened again and with not yet recovered from the last two surgeries the scans may not be able to be done for another 6 months or more to get a clear reading.

    I came home with a Pre-op package to fill out all the forms for my next surgery. I take the completed package back when I see my Surgeon in 4 weeks.

    At that time he will discuss the procedures with moving forward in this next step. He will also send me for Blood work and a ECG at the Lab at the hospital I see my Surgeon at. I then will be put on a waiting list, hopefully it won’t be a long wait.

    In the meantime all I can do is keep trusting God for my miracle! One thing for sure I know my God is Faithful! ✝️

    Thank you for your prayers and valued friendship and support! You are so loved! 🙏❤️