A Seinfeld September...



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    @SummerSkier I'm so sorry the Bandit is hurting - poor horsey!! When my pups are ailing it's always so stressful, so I can imagine how you are feeling. I'm glad you are still breathing. <3
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,205 Member
    @SummerSkier I am so sorry that Bandit is still poorly. It is so painful to see them hurting. I hope the vet visit helped and he gets some relief soon. And that your blood pressure and sleep improve. Take good care of yourself. 💛
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @Summerskier I’m sorry Bandit’s foot is still hurting. 🤞 today is better. I’m glad you’re still breathing🤗
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @themedalist I <3<3<3 your chart! My first favorite (probably because it stood out) was the 7th. But on a second long look, my vote goes to 5th and 6th. Just the shy junior high couple checking each other out :D I hope you had as much fun creating it as we will looking at it. #15 is right up there, too...hmmm.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    I love them all. I used stars but it does show that you can just simply use a calendar for your habit and no fancy trackers (altho they are all beautiful and amazing!) needed.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member

    It’s kind of based on a bullet journal. I have done those at various times over the years.

    It’s kind of a visual record that shows you how you’ve done in a particular habit, so it’s kind of motivating and rewarding.

    The colours don’t actually Stand for anything in particular except that they are rainbow colours and look pretty.

    I picked rainbow colours because they correspond to the days of the week and I just move the colours along one Square each week which creates the diagonal lines of squares. Other than that there’s nothing special about them

    @TerriRichardson112 - I love it and am going to steal some of your ideas! Thank you for sharing. What is the size of your notebook?

    It's an A5 notebook printed with 0.5cm squares. I was using a circular Habit Tracker but fancied a change, and as I had bought a couple of these notebooks a few months ago, I thought I would try out a new format. I'm in the process of prepping a double page spread for October.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited September 2021
    🍄🍁🍂 SEPTEMBER 🍂🍁🍄

    In September I will ..... write in my journal for 10 minutes every day.
    This has rekindled my joy in writing. 10 minutes flies by and I just power on, following my muse wherever she leads.

    I thought I would just let you know that I'm still working on the habits that I developed in July and August. I continue with my solid habits every day and I'm working on developing the not so solid ones.

    I have consolidated my July and August Tiny habits and endeavour to do a HIIT circuits with cardio Workout, and yoga/tai chi/Pilates after I do my writing first thing each morning. (Or mid morning if I have something urgent to do like my grocery shopping on Wednesday)

    I'm pondering on what I might do for October.

    @SummerSkier <> So sorry that Bandit is not feeling well. Hope he gets better soon.
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    Well, here it is the last day of the month. It's a beautiful fall day, although fall time here, Bucerias Mexico is very different than any place I've lived in Canada. Here it means the rainy season is coming to an end and the humidity is soon going to go down. I only just joined this thread mid month. My Seinfeld Sept. challenges were to study spanish 1hr per day and journal about it. I have only missed one day of the spanish, but journalling was my real challenge. I think it was @terririchards who suggested making a physical calendar to check off each day for an 'immediate reward'. Thank you, this simple idea has made all the difference. Just staring at the calendar, looking at the empty spots is a certainly motivating. I will continue these habits. Thank you for Seinfeld September:)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited October 2021
    🍄🍁🍂 SEPTEMBER 🍂🍁🍄

    In September I will ..... write in my journal for 10 minutes every day.
    This has rekindled my joy in writing. 10 minutes flies by and I just power on, following my muse wherever she leads.

    Final Habit Tracker for September. Roll on October!!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Congratulations everyone!

    A great month!
    I have worked on my Sentimental “I Don’t Wanna’s” daily since July 13.
    I’ll be continuing with this - at least until Oct 20. (100 days) and likely longer.

    Feels great💕
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    Wow! @texasgardnr you had a whole anti-procrastination MONTH

    @TerriRichardson112 I love your sparkling grids of accomplishment. - A bullet journal is something I’d like to do some day.Not in October, though. 🤣

    @themedalist , the happy face calendar is totally awesome, and I agree with @nebslp the 7th is my favorite.

    @everydaywechoose so glad that you’ve found a way to reward yourself for practicing your Spanish. B.J. Fogg of Tiny Habits says that celebrating is the best way to establish a habit.

    @SummerSkier I hope Bandit is better now.

    I’m really glad I chose singing because I really need to sing every day. In fact, one day last week was a bad day, heck the whole week was rough, and I was driving somewhere and thought that I should sing, I didn’t feel like it, but I wanted to color in my square. So I started to sing, and I could feel the pressure lift from me. It was astonishing! So everyday I’d better sing from now on - and color in a square. 🤣

    Final tracker for September
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    I never made it to check in here all month. It was a difficult/ stressful month. It seemed like I never could get ahead of it. Of course it was also the "I'll check in and post tomorrow" syndrome, which I should know how that plays out for me. You know what "they" say about 'tomorrow'...

    So... I am going to post my tiny habit results and then come back and finish reading everyone's posts this weekend. It is getting late here and I do need to get the last of the dishes finished and go to sleep.

    My tiny habit was to use around 10 minutes or so each day to purposely and quickly look for, and then take care of something, that had been left undone "for later". If I couldn't easily find something then I would take care of something small that can be very tempting to leave for another day like tidying a flat surface.

    9/1 accumulating mail (usually do this every day, but sometimes not...)
    9/2 start the kitchen towels load (I'm almost down to the last one)
    9/3 put plastic grocery bags from Wednesday's grocery shopping into their container
    9/4 prepare some outgoing mail
    9/5 quick clean/ declutter a flat surface
    9/6 finish the outgoing mail (then mail it today)
    9/7 make a purchase I have been putting off
    9/8 unsubscribe from some email newsletters I've been planning to do one day
    9/9 two small tasks that I was putting off (didn't note what they were)
    9/10 another small task that I was putting off
    9/11 chose an easy item on my ongoing to-do list that gets passed over
    9/12 folded and put away some of the left over laundry
    9/13 finished the remaining bit of yesterday's task
    9/14 quickly decluttered a file that I had been planning for a while to get to
    9/15 quick clean/ declutter another flat surface
    9/16 another file that was easy to declutter now finished
    9/17 wrote the note card to a friend that I had been 'thinking' about doing soon
    9/18 some quick computer work I had on the to do list that I was "not getting to"
    9/19 played cards with DH 🃏 (instead of looking for a quick task 😉)
    9/20 phone calls
    9/21 sorted/ acted on some papers in the to do box
    9/22 sorted/ acted on some more of the papers in the to do box
    9/23 easy tidy on the kitchen counters
    9/24 went through a mini pile of paper
    9/25 extra laundry load instead of putting it off till later
    9/26 folded/ put away yesterday's extra laundry load
    9/27 insurance stuff
    9/28 put away my laundry that I had in the basket in my closet that I was taking items from
    9/29 put the bag in the shredder so that it is ready to use again
    9/30 cut any coupons wanted, then put neighborhood newspapers in recycle bag


    I’m very sorry it was a difficult month for you. I’m Impressed with your achievements💕

    I hope that October is a more enjoyable month.

    My Best,
    Maddie 🌸
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    @77tes, thank you for sharing that you pushed through on a rough day and that singing did indeed help. I think our trusty habits can help make us feel better when we are feeling low. @texasgardnr, I’m very sorry to hear that September was a rough month for you. I too am very impressed with your complete list of “10 minute to dos” Even under challenging circumstances, we can take small steps towards something that’s important to us.

    Thank you for all the feedback on my faces calendar. For the most part I enjoyed doing it. There were a few times it felt stressful trying to come up with something different. Here’s the final calendar:

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I finally finished reading reading through September's posts. So much goodness and and heartfelt sharing that I had to continue and read every one of them! I wish I could respond to every post.

    I enjoyed "meeting" all the new members. I am certainly glad that you joined us!

    Thank you for your kind words to my post. I really appreciated them 🌼💗🌼.

    Just a few remarks, then I need to say good night 😴:

    @nebslp Yes! we really do need a "love 💗" button here, and..... @jamcnewman
    we definitely need that "laugh 😁" button also!! As I was reading everyone's posts I found my self laughing out loud while "talking to you all" about what my responses would be if I could actually respond to everyone 😉.

    @jamcnewman I thank you so much for sharing the videos! I was happy to have been reading these posts this weekend and see your post before the videos expired soon.They were both amazing! Even the dog was enjoying getting into the action 😄. Thank you again 💗!

    @77tes Wow! that is a good thought.... I had a whole anti-procrastination MONTH 🤸‍♀️ ! I forgot about FL's anti-procrastination days. Thanks for the reminder. I am continuing those short bursts through October again.
    And I'm also adding in daily tiny micro-mini tidy/declutter moments to my daily habits because there are some potentially stressful times coming up in October, so I don't want to find myself going backwards again. Maybe they will expand into regular declutter times for me like before. But for now micro-mini segments are a step in the right direction. I tend to lean more toward all or nothing during difficult times, so I'm trying to dial that back and go more for stability and keep up routines again. It worked for me before, so time to get back to it again.

    I really loved everyone's trackers! So much creativity 🧐 . See you in October 👟👟

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited October 2021
    I think I need an October Oasis after all the freneticism of the summer. 😂

    I need time to review my progress since the beginning of July, and plan my way forward. I think I'm ready to work on my sleep habits, and try to get to bed before midnight.

    This is what I'm contemplating:
    In October I will ....... switch off my devices at 11 pm for the next 10 days

    Sun 3:
    Mon 4:
    Tues 5:
    Wed 6:
    Thurs 7:
    Fri 8:
    Sat: 9:
    Sun 10:
    Mon 11:
    Tues 12:

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    I think I need an October Oasis after all the freneticism of the summer. 😂

    I need time to review my progress since the beginning of July, and plan my way forward. I think I'm ready to work on my sleep habits, and try to get to bed before midnight.

    This is what I'm contemplating:
    In October I will ....... switch off my devices at 11 pm for the next 10 days

    Sun 3:
    Mon 4:
    Tues 5:
    Wed 6:
    Thurs 7:
    Fri 8:
    Sat: 9:
    Sun 10:
    Mon 11:
    Tues 12:

    Hey @TerriRichardson112
    I hear you on the Oasis!
    I have to say turning off my devices 2 hrs before bedtime & reading in bed beginning 1 hr before bed (and charging phone & watch downstairs) since July 21 has been a miraculous improvement my life! As a lifelong night owl)!!

    Plus: I’m reading tons of books on my shelves that “I want to read someday!” 🤣🤣

    I’m happy for you!

  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,205 Member
    edited October 2021
    Moved comment over to Walktober (and more)