Weather for the Day
We are not above freezing today. We have a high of 27F (-2.7C) and a low of 5F (-15C) with 23% humidity. There is some wind but not like yesterday.1
31°C/87.8°F to 21°C/69.8°F (it feels 2°C warmer, so 33C/91.4F)
Humidity 52% - 86%
Partly cloudy, 0 - 1mm rain1 -
We had mostly sunny skies most of the day! Temps were cold 🥶 minus 1 Celsius today and tonight minus 4 degrees Celsius! Really chilly here for us!0
I am glad you know how to stay warm, Judith. I hope you always have back up plans in case the power goes out, too.
Heat wave warnings are current here. We're going to run the air conditioning and fans today. If then power goes out, we'll take cool showers and have damp cloths for our necks. We also have hand fans and if needed can get in the caravan with its solar powered fans.
36°C/96.8°F to 23°C/73.4°F (it feels 4°C warmer, so 40C/104F)
Humidity 40% - 79%
Partly cloudy, no rain.1 -
Thank you Susan, I have lots of blankets and warm socks to keep warm.
You are sure having some very hot temps, hope you have an AC and fans to keep cool!
Today it was much the same, mostly cloudy 🌥 with Daytime Temps of minus 1 Celsius and tonight minus 4 degrees Celsius.0 -
We sure do, Judith.
34°C/93.2°F to 24°C/75.2°F (it feels 5°C warmer, so 39C/102F)
Humidity 60% - 97%
Partly cloudy, 0 - 1mm rain.1 -
So glad to hear you have AC and Fans, Good News
Today weather was much the same but late morning we had a Burst of Sunny Skies, just felt it was the touch of God’s Warmth of Love looking down on me, it was an intense appointment so the burst of sunny skies is what I needed! God is Good! ❤️✝️0 -
It has been sunny all day but continues to feel cold. the High for today is 35F and the low is 13F (C). Humidity is 30% with no wind.1
Judith, what a beautiful moment. God is good. Linda, that sounds so cold.
It's hot here.
37°C/98.6°F to 24°C/75.2°F (it feels 4°C warmer, so 41C/105.8F)
Humidity 43% - 80%
Partly cloudy, 0 - 1mm rain.1 -
30°C/86°F to 23°C/73.4 °F (it feels 3°C warmer, so 33C/91.5F)
Humidity 59% - 83%
Cloudy, no rain. Heatwave warning.1 -
Hope it wasn’t too hot for you Susan!
Today we had Sunny Skies but it was cold 🥶
Minus 2 Celsius and tonight minus 5 degrees Celsius0 -
We were comfortable in the air conditioning and fans, Judith. Hope you kept warm!
30°C/86°F to 22°C/71.6 °F (it feels 4°C warmer, so 34C/93.2F)
Humidity 60% - 84%
Partly cloudy, no rain. Heatwave warning cancelled.1 -
Susan, so glad heat wave warning was cancelled
Another Sunny day but cold 🥶 0 degrees Celsius and minus 5 degrees Celsius tonight!0