WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    @PlaneMonkey the decks are AMAZING! Your whole neighborhood looks awesome. And I am just like you on fruit - despise melons and can't do blueberries (unless baked into something, with other fruit).

    @micki48 someone in my neighborhood also has a golden retriever puppy, and someone else has a little baby corgi! I've been dying over them on my walks but trying not to actually whimper out loud because that is weird. :D

    I am on incredibly low sleep, work is going to kick my BUTT this week, but I still got my walk in this morning. And this Saturday, my friend and I have tickets to a 3 hour live workout session with 2 personal trainers we know from instagram & the FitOn app (they are doing a little US tour of 6 cities, 1 workout with each of them back to back and then a dance party). I will be beat but we plan to get a nice brunch afterwards! Something to get me through these first difficult days of quarter-end.

    Continuing the soup conversation, I am not always a fan but I love a good tomato - I am now obsessed with Campbell's Slow Kettle Tomato & Sweet Basil Bisque. Canned soups can be a bit much for sodium etc but this one is SO delicious. Really thick and great flavor, and I like to add a little Calabrian chili oil and some garlic powder. Had it yesterday and need to keep more cans on hand!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    @PlaneMonkey the deck looks amazing and I really like the clear panels that keep the view open! I’ve been considering doing something similar with our deck.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    @PlaneMonkey Enjoy the hockey - super jealous! What a great form of exercise and socialization

    @Kali225 Not using food to cope with work stress can be so hard! Sounds like you're having to put in some long hours...getting out for a walk to reset a bit sounds like a great plan.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    Logged and under ✔️
    8k ✔️
    Gave in to some refined sugar aka chocolate Kringle cookies we made this afternoon, Had2 and that was it. Logged and counted the recipe. I did better than I would have normally.

    @ashleycarole86 So sorry you are getting pressure from family about food. Be strong. You know what you want. People pleaser? Please yourself first!! You can do it.

    @PlaneMonkey Have a great time at hockey Courtney! Sounds fun for sure.

    @Kali225 Sending hugs to you on your very stressful day. Hope you get some good sleep and feel refreshed tomorrow.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    I just had my Mom say "you need to just resign yourself to the fact you'll gain 5 pounds on this trip."

    ARGGGGGG!! I am such a people pleaser personality and this familial peer pressure stuff drives me NUTS!

    The other day at breakfast out I chose a healthy option and was told "what's the point of going out if that's what you're going to order....you could just make that at home."

    Seriously drives me nuts.

    Block your ears, say LALALALALA really loudly, and eat whatever makes you feel great. Tell them you're taking them on an intense bike ride right after the meal, and they had better order sensibly! It is really annoying when people pull that stuff. You have worked really hard to get where you are now, and they should not be trying to wreck that. Grrrr indeed!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @PlaneMonkey I hope your hockey match was awesome

    @Kali225 I don't think there's anything wrong with your plan - and you say you handled it better than normal which is great. If we were all perfect all of the time we wouldn't be here!

    @ashleycarole86 is there a phrase you can have on repeat 'that's not helpful' or 'thanks for your input' which is politely dismissive, and will hopefully prevent a blowout later in the week? Alternatively have the conversation - when food isn't involved - about how they need to butt out. I think it'd be worth a few moments of being uncomfortable if it means they stop.

    Gorgeous photos @jugar, our autumn colours aren't quite as strong as yours yet but we're heading that way. September was pretty good weather wise and it's still fairly mild so I think the trees held off changing a little longer.

    @conleywoods I'm sorry work is challenging. Enjoy your break today with the kids, and maybe share photos of the gingerbread houses?

    Yet another day of me being tired today. It's supposed to be my half day at work but I have to prepare for a training session I'm delivering on Tuesday - I don't know the customer or the topic so I'm pretty anxious about it and regret not passing it up. I'm off work on Monday to do the airport run, but I think I'll be working extra hours between now and then. I do need to make the spare bed/clean the bathroom, but we have tradesmen in this morning working in the upstairs hallway (finally getting the new 'wardrobe' plastered) so that's a little awkward.

    I did heart rate training yesterday which was very difficult. I had to do 2 minute intervals with a 1 minute recovery in between, trying to increase my heart rate (and stick at it) by 10 each time. I'm not sure whether it was my body, my Garmin or a combination, but I felt like there were no changes then all of a sudden I'd overshoot my target in both directions, and once my HR was moving it was very difficult to bring it back under control. I'll try again on Sunday. I'm hoping we'll settle on finding a pace that I can run in a comfortable HR zone, as I think it'd be easier to maintain a pace than it would a HR.

    Tonight we're having a curry that I've made a lot before - I've made it with lamb, but normally (like today) we use beef because it's cheaper. https://pinchofnom.com/recipes/lamb-rogan-josh/ I was going to slow cook it, but glad I checked their site because it says the yoghurt will cause it to split, so I'll do it in a pan! I think a slow cooker curry would definitely be a good one though; imagine smelling the spices all day. Dreamy.
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