Trimstones Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • suziieq56
    suziieq56 Posts: 14 Member
    Sunday weigh in:
    PW: 244.4
    CW: 244.6
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited November 2021
    suziieq56 wrote: »
    Sunday weigh in:
    PW: 244.4
    CW: 244.6

    @suziieq56 Good morning! I had your previous weight as 245.4 so this is a loss for you. If that is incorrect, please let me know. I'll check back and see what you sent last time. Here's what I found:


    Hope you have a great Sunday...congrats on the loss!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited November 2021
    @napattack9558 Nice loss...WTG! Need your steps for Oct 25 - 30th ASAP please!

    @GSAllumbaugh Need your steps for Oct 29 & 30 ASAP please!

    @ncfitbit Need your steps for Oct 30th ASAP please!

    @pupowl I want to see that beautiful puzzle once you get it finished!! I love Thomas Kinkade! His artwork is amazing and I need to pick up a new puzzle. You're right though, there's something about finding that perfect spot to work puzzles and it's so relaxing. Wonder if my cat would stay out of it, if I started working one?! I may have to look into this...I used to love working puzzles with my Dad when I was a little girl...we'd sit for hours, talking and laughing together while working on one...some of my best memories with him...

    Steppers...I'm still waiting on steps from three of you. I have filled the spots with have until end of day today to report in...I'm waiting to announce the winners for the month.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited November 2021

    Today begin's Week 7 of the Captain's Challenge. My focus this week is on Communications with the Team.

    As your Captain, I really try to send in helpful information, watch and answer questions as they come in and send little pics/quotes/memes when I find them to help motivate each of you. We all know weight loss isn't easy, but with extra sources of support and encouragement, it does help make the road a little easier to travel.

    We all live busy lives, different for each of us, but it's my hope, that we take time to use this support group as more of a sounding board and less of a once a week report-in tool. I've been on this team for several years and in my time here, I've found that the people are an amazing group of caring individuals, ready to help in a moment's notice. I can't tell you the number of times, I've been close to giving up, only to see a message from one of you that gives me the nudge I need to keep trying. It's SOOooo important. My frustration is that not everyone tries to realize this. It really breaks my heart.

    So, while I challenge myself this week, to make sure and "share", I'm also issuing a challenge to you. Take time to help someone else...I guarantee it will come back around to helping you, in some unspoken way. Take a minute and share with the group...a struggle, a tip, a picture, a quote that means something to announcement of an article you found helpful, or just something from your heart. I hope we'll all get better in that respect.
    • What's your focus for Week 7?
    • How did week 6 prepare you to choose this focus for week 7?
    • What did you learn last week?
    • What's your main goal for the coming week?
    • How do you feel about the Captain's Challenge?

    Hope to hear from each of you soon...enjoy your Sunday!

  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    @jessicakrall8 Thanks for the reminder!


    Replaced my Fitbit on Thursday and really love my new one!
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    So happy I checked in this morning. So many inspiring things here! @Pupowl your photographs are breathtaking! Love it. I'm not great at taking pictures, but I am going to try to do it more often. I hope you have enough energy to get out there more often, too.

    My brother was visiting us since Thursday and just left this morning. I had forgotten how bad his lactose intolerance is so most of my plans for making meals at home went out the window. That and the fact that we were very busy the whole time he was here meant we ate out at almost every meal. We also celebrated my mom's birthday with another meal out and a decadent chocolate cake. I'm disappointed in myself, both because I had finally hit 184 again earlier this week, but also because I thought I had a fairly good plan going into the visit. Still, I refuse to let this derail me. I will just dust myself off and get back to it asap.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Congratulations to everyone who participated this past week. Way to start November out strong!

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    I think puzzles are awesome too. And there are so many different kinds! I like browing webshops and bookmarking the ones I want. I still have several at home I haven't finished yet though, so I am not buying anything new until I have completed them all. I do find it's an expensive hobby if you only make them once (unless you can find people to trade with), but it's very relaxing. There aren't many things that absorb me so completely. Good for weight loss too because I tend to forget everything else while doing them, including eating! During the colder months when it's not as nice outside, I always start a puzzle with my mom when she sleeps over. It's a lot of fun! I will share this puzzle when it's finished. My cat does not leave the table alone. He doesn't like it when I focus on something else, so he already sat on it today when I was trying to work on it, but I don't really mind that as long as he doesn't mess up the puzzle. Also in the past, I left a puzzle box open on the table overnight, woke up to weird litterbox sounds and found him peeing in the box. So I suggest you don't leave the box open with the pieces just in case. :smiley: My cat has never gone outside of his litterbox except for that one time. I guess he thought it was a nice, new box for him to use. :D

    Thank you so much! I think with creative things, it doesn't matter as much if you are good at them, as long as you enjoy doing them. I recently got my mom into photography and instagram, and while she also sometimes complains her pictures aren't as nice as others, she is having a blast. If you compare yourself to other people, you will never get anything done because it is very likely that someone has already done it better anyway. So just try to have a good time with it. :smile:
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    Not a good week for me. Started out strong but really having a hard time with stress eating. So much going on right now, and while I know the things to do (get outside for a walk, meditate, eat healthy snacks, measure my portions), I just keep finding myself mindlessly snacking and overeating. Anyone have some practical tips on how to deal with stress? Unfortunately the stuff going on in my life isn’t going away anytime soon.
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    I have been dealing with a very stressful life for the past few years. I have yo-yoed between eating too much, drinking too much and exercising too much.
    The best things I have found are “radical acceptance” and sitting with my emotions. Radical acceptance is accepting how things are, accepting you are doing your best and accepting somethings are just out of your control. Sitting with your emotions is allowing yourself to feel the feelings, allowing yourself to hurt be angry ect so you can move forward.
    Avoidance and distraction only worked for a little while, and would come back stronger and harder.
    I hope you find some peace.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    I've just found out that my cholesterol is in the "borderline" category...would love to know if anyone else has to deal with cholesterol issues and if you can recommend some specific dietary changes to help with that. I already know to cut out bacon, sausage and processed meats. I also know that weight loss and increased activity are two good actions to take...will be continuing both of those...hoping to avoid yet another prescription if I can. I see my doctor to discuss the results on Thursday.

    Thanks in advance...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    November Week 2 Challenge is UP!

    Come enjoy playing the numbers this week:
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    CasandraW wrote: »
    I have been dealing with a very stressful life for the past few years. I have yo-yoed between eating too much, drinking too much and exercising too much.
    The best things I have found are “radical acceptance” and sitting with my emotions. Radical acceptance is accepting how things are, accepting you are doing your best and accepting somethings are just out of your control. Sitting with your emotions is allowing yourself to feel the feelings, allowing yourself to hurt be angry ect so you can move forward.
    Avoidance and distraction only worked for a little while, and would come back stronger and harder.
    I hope you find some peace.

    Cassandra - Radical acceptance - wow, that really resonates with me. Such a powerful tool I think. Thank you for that. I really do get caught up in the feelings of “why is this my life right now”. Instead of why, I’ll try to get to the place where I can just accept that this is the way things are. And I am definitely guilty of “eating my emotions” instead of sitting with them. Have been trying to embrace mediation as a daily practice - I think that might be a good place to sit with things. Thank you so much. That really gave me a lot to think about.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited November 2021
    Sunday, November 07
    • Exercise: no
    • Net calories: 1023
    • Steps: 11.758 / 10.000
    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. I had a pretty uneventful Sunday. Did not manage to clean as I planned, so hopefully I can find the energy for that tomorrow. I have some medical paperwork to fill out which is kind of blocking everything else, so I will try to get that done today.
    Happy Monday everyone <3

    I found this little factsheet for you which I hope gives you some more ideas.
    Ultimate Cholesterol Lowering Plan© from Heart UK

    And their website for more info:
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member

    11/4 - 8,995
    11/5 - 8,058
    11/6 - 4,352
    11/7 - 5,146
  • princessdimplz
    princessdimplz Posts: 47 Member
    I've just found out that my cholesterol is in the "borderline" category...would love to know if anyone else has to deal with cholesterol issues and if you can recommend some specific dietary changes to help with that. I already know to cut out bacon, sausage and processed meats. I also know that weight loss and increased activity are two good actions to take...will be continuing both of those...hoping to avoid yet another prescription if I can. I see my doctor to discuss the results on Thursday.

    Thanks in advance...

    Hey Jessica, I haven't had to deal with it personally but have family that has. A lot of veggies and mainly leafy green veggies will help. They help with a lot of other conditions as well. Not eating processed meats is great, add red meat and pork to your mental scissors too.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Monday Weigh-in
    PW: 184.8
    CW: 185.8

    I actually thought it would be worse after all the eating out when my brother was here so I will take this gain and just get on with it.

    I'm so glad to be on this team. Otherwise, I might have avoided this weigh-in and probably just slid into old habits for a while.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited November 2021
    Waifer003 wrote: »
    CasandraW wrote: »
    I have been dealing with a very stressful life for the past few years. I have yo-yoed between eating too much, drinking too much and exercising too much.
    The best things I have found are “radical acceptance” and sitting with my emotions. Radical acceptance is accepting how things are, accepting you are doing your best and accepting somethings are just out of your control. Sitting with your emotions is allowing yourself to feel the feelings, allowing yourself to hurt be angry ect so you can move forward.
    Avoidance and distraction only worked for a little while, and would come back stronger and harder.
    I hope you find some peace.

    Cassandra - Radical acceptance - wow, that really resonates with me. Such a powerful tool I think. Thank you for that. I really do get caught up in the feelings of “why is this my life right now”. Instead of why, I’ll try to get to the place where I can just accept that this is the way things are. And I am definitely guilty of “eating my emotions” instead of sitting with them. Have been trying to embrace mediation as a daily practice - I think that might be a good place to sit with things. Thank you so much. That really gave me a lot to think about.

    This really resonates with me, too. I've been wasting too much time lately wishing things were different and I see my mom do it, too, and see how unhappy it makes her. It's okay to be sad or disappointed, I think, but I don't want that to be the focus of my life. I want to enjoy every moment I get with my mom and dad. I know I do better when I accept things as they come and just deal with them.

    Thanks, @CasandraW .
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Monday Weigh-In
    PW: 270
    CW: 266.6
    LTD: 3.4

    Good Morning Everyone! I need to start putting those little decimals, I thought to myself this morning 'That decimal point matters'.

    Wow, great loss this week @princessdimplz and YES, that decimal point matters!!! Thanks for the advice on my new cholesterol's not bad at this point, but I don't want it to get there...been looking at trout and tilapia recipes too...need to eat more baked fish, broccoli, beans and like you said...less red meat and no more bacon/ is cruel!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    Monday Weigh-in
    PW: 184.8
    CW: 185.8

    I actually thought it would be worse after all the eating out when my brother was here so I will take this gain and just get on with it.

    I'm so glad to be on this team. Otherwise, I might have avoided this weigh-in and probably just slid into old habits for a while.

    @ncfitbit At least you can pinpoint what happened and rebuild your plan from there...great attitude and that's MORE than half the battle...glad we're here for you!!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member

    Step Challenge Results for October

    Week 1 - @ssssseika 99,371 steps
    Week 2 - @izzyred9400 87,973 steps
    Week 3 - @Ssssseika 79,330 steps
    Week 4 - @Pupowl 99,486 steps

    October Overall Top 3

    1st Place - @Pupowl 335,125 steps
    2nd Place - @ssssseika 330,575 steps
    3rd Place - @izzyred9400 326,440 steps

    CONGRATS to everyone who walked during October!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    PW 222
    CW 223.5

    Ugh again! I'm hoping this is salt. I'm exercising but failing in the kitchen. Need to get my MFP mojo back some how. I've restarted my weight tracking spreadsheet, that self-inflicted feedback helped me before.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    mulecanter wrote: »
    PW 222
    CW 223.5

    Ugh again! I'm hoping this is salt. I'm exercising but failing in the kitchen. Need to get my MFP mojo back some how. I've restarted my weight tracking spreadsheet, that self-inflicted feedback helped me before.

    @mulecanter I'm sure you'll turn it back around...and you're probably right about messes with me a lot least you're taking action and that's the first step! Hang in there, my friend!
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    PW 270.4
    CW 272.6

    @DreaRN15 You've been pretty quiet lately...either you're really busy with work, traveling or any of those, just use us as a sounding know the drill...once you get back on track, those little gains come right back off...hope all is well with you...

    Yeah I've been EXTREMELY stressed & work has been a b!+ch! It keeps piling on & we recently found out that our bosses now want us to basically take on an extra position in addition to our regular duties with no compensation & leniency with our deadlines. My immediate supervisor avoided the fall out by taking a 2 week vacation right before we found out. Needless to say they're about to lose a lot of their work force.
    I am actually preparing to leave for a MUCH needed vacation on Wednesday so if you would carry my weight over for this week's weigh in I'd appreciate it.
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    Hey Jessica,
    Dealing with a family emergency here. I don’t know how long I’ll be away, but can you please put me onto support until further notice?
    Thank you,
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @DreaRN15 I've requested you be excused by the MODS for your Sat weigh in...enjoy your vacation. Sorry work is so stressful and I hope you find a solution to the extra position's sad that they're overworking you with no additional compensation!

    @Waifer003 I've asked for you to be placed on the Support Team. As soon as you can, please give me an estimate on your return...doesn't have to be carved in stone, just need an estimate. Thanks and I'll be praying for peace over your family.

  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Daily Step Goal: 8,000
    11/6: 9,035
    11/7: 10,529
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Monday, November 08
    • Exercise: gym
    • Net calories: 1005
    • Steps: 10.600 / 10.000
    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. I didn't have a great Monday. Got the paperwork out of the way at least and the gym was alright. But I felt sick all day and took a couple of pills that didn't help much. Going to pick up meds and some groceries in a bit and hopefully clean. Already have a pretty bad headache so will see how that goes.
    Happy Tuesday everyone <3
This discussion has been closed.