Trimstones Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    kcpond wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day - Wednesday
    PW - 243.8
    CW - 246.6

    @kcpond Good morning Kevin...tough week...with my holiday luncheon yesterday, I'm probably going to see a gain this week as well...and we're leading into holiday party season, so it will be hard. I am going to try and do some extra walking to help counter some of the you walk while watching tv or do any of the walk videos on YouTube? I've found those to be helpful...I also just like to turn on my favorite playlist or upbeat station and walk/ long we're moving, right?! Don't beat yourself up too bad...we all have tough weeks...just try to do what you can to mitigate...hope you have a wonderful weekend! YOU GOT THIS!!!

  • bearchested
    bearchested Posts: 235 Member
    PW: 199.6
    CW: 198.4

    Sorry I haven't been very active here. The week before Thanksgiving at my office (in the U.S.) is always crazy busy as a lot of people will be on vacation next week.

    Stayed somewhat consistent in my daily activity goal. Concept 2 (indoor rower company) always has a rowing challenge for charity from the day after Thanksgiving to the day before Christmas. That should keep me more consistent.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    PW: 199.6
    CW: 198.4

    Sorry I haven't been very active here. The week before Thanksgiving at my office (in the U.S.) is always crazy busy as a lot of people will be on vacation next week.

    Stayed somewhat consistent in my daily activity goal. Concept 2 (indoor rower company) always has a rowing challenge for charity from the day after Thanksgiving to the day before Christmas. That should keep me more consistent.

    @bearchested Nice loss this week! WTG! Things are crazy busy for my office too...but once Hanukkah kicks in, things slow down (international headquarters in Israel) things in the US slows down (YAY!)...
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    PW 150.2
    CW 148.8
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member



    Don't forget to post your weigh in for this week...thanks!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @Chalmation Nice loss this week -- WTG! WOOHOO!

    Not hearing ANY reports this week on Week 8 of the Captain's Challenge is revive in your progress!! Don't leave your old Captain hanging here!!!
    Jessica :smile:
  • KHill875
    KHill875 Posts: 156 Member
    Friday weight
    PW: 143.5
    CW: 142.2
  • Wow what a change! I'm not sure I like it as much. I'm on Android. Anyway l was super busy. Had two sick kiddos. We got our flu shots on Sat. I went to go visit my dad last week and couldn't get the page to load before I left sorry.
    Lw 183.5 if you had 185 that's fine.
    Cw 182.6
    So I was contiplanting the keto diet.
    For now I'm not counting calories but have reduced my eating windows. Going for the 18 hour fast. Eating 12:00pm and 6pm. Which has been later more like 1 and 7. Lots of water intake at work. Trying to eat more veggies. Lots of walking on my days I work it's over 10000 steps.
    We clean the school this weekend plus I have two extra shifts over the next two weeks. So I'm not worried about excersise. My poor body is taking a beating with all the bending and stiffness. Trying to also eat more fatty protein and less breads not quite keto. I'll try this first and see how it goes.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited November 2021
    Nice loss @KHill875 awesome week!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned!

    Sorry about the issues with the new look @jennifersusanmcdougall ...I understand it's even more weird in the Android environment...but I am told it's getting better. I like the larger fonts, but it does take some getting used to. Great job on your loss...for the last two weeks...Amazing! Try to remember to stretch before and after those extra shifts and then do a hot shower afterward...both will help with the stiffness...enjoy your weekend!

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Weigh in Friday
    PW 192 lbs
    CW 191 lbs.

    Thank you Jessica for posting my weight for last week.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Friday, November 19

    Exercise: no
    Net calories: 1117
    Steps: 11.066 / 10.000

    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. Friday is usually my gym day, but I wasn't feeling up to it so I cancelled in the morning. Had a relaxing day, working on my new puzzle, gaming and watching youtube.
    Happy Saturday everyone <3
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 992 Member
    Sat weigh in
    PW 134.4
    CW 135.6
    11/16 6,179
    11/17 4,716
    11/18 21,097
  • ssssseika
    ssssseika Posts: 112 Member
    Username ssssseika
    Weigh in Friday
    CW 160.5
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    PW 272.6
    CW 277.4

    Travel and Mother Nature got me despite my BEST efforts. Next week will be better!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    Weigh in Friday
    PW 192 lbs
    CW 191 lbs.

    Thank you Jessica for posting my weight for last week.

    @dillyg08 No problem at all! The changes were new to everyone and there were lots of bugs they were working on, so all the Captains and MODS pitched in to make life easier...NICE LOSS THIS WEEK!! WOOHOO! You hit Onederland a while ago, but I can only imagine how good that feels!! SOMEDAY!!

    Enjoy your Caturday!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    Saturday weigh in
    PW: 201.2
    CW: 199.5

    Onederland reached. Not that special for me since I don't use lbs, but still fun.



    WOOHOOO!! :)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    ssssseika wrote: »
    Username ssssseika
    Weigh in Friday
    CW 160.5


    @sssseika Teensy little gain, but I have no doubt, you'll turn it around, dust yourself off and bring it right back down. Yell at your scale...that's what I do! LOL! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    PW 272.6
    CW 277.4

    Travel and Mother Nature got me despite my BEST efforts. Next week will be better!

    So next week @DreaRN15 will be a bounce back week for you! You already have your mindset adjusted!! WTG! That's the biggest battle!

    Enjoy your weekend...get out and do something fun!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    I'm having issues with my right foot with that lovely friend, plantar fasciitis this week. I wish he would just GO AWAY! So, rather than getting out and doing lots of walking, I'll have to somewhat take it easy this weekend...I have been pushing myself, but I am REALLY getting into walking more and just loving it. I wish I could experience for five minutes what 50 pounds down from now will feel like...I just know it's going to be glorious...

    This week's luncheon was nice at work and I kept control. Yesterday's Chinese food has me a little swollen this morning and my foot on top of that...I'm not a very happy camper today, but trying to make the best of it...I've gotten up, showered, dressed and getting ready to head to the grocery. This upcoming week is Thanksgiving for us in the US. I'm not I'll likely go out and pick something up. There will be a few choices, but today, I want to make sure I pick up some baked chicken from the grocery deli. It makes my life simpler and with all the extra work I've been doing at work, it's easier if all I have to do is steam some veggies and reheat the chicken for my dinner meals.

    I've made the decision to stop teaching piano. After 23 years of teaching, I am looking forward to closing that chapter of my life. Don't get me wrong, I have loved every minute of it, but now, in my free time after my day job, I want to concentrate on me...walking, working towards my fitness and weight loss goals, reading, playing piano FOR ME and not others...looking forward to what this new chapter brings. Will be really hard to tell my current families and to announce it on my FB studio page though...not looking forward to that part...but life goes on...

    OK, off to the store...enjoy your day all!

  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Weigh-in (Sat)
    PW: 133.4
    CW: 133.8
    Not much change weight- wise.

    Steps update
    11/16 - 7194
    11/17- 5261
    11/18- 7184
    11/19 - 6914

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Daily Step Goal: 8,000
    11/18: 10,389
    11/19: 9,786
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    ssssseika wrote: »
    Username ssssseika
    Weigh in Friday
    CW 160.5

    @ssssseika I still need your steps from Nov 4th til today...please catch me up so I can update the spreadsheet. Thanks!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Man you guys are quiet this week! I feel like I'm talking to myself! LOL! Not that I ever do that!! :wink:

    Well, I'm going to go read a book for the evening...I lead such an exciting life...already hit my step goal for the day...time to rest this stupid foot...

    Still missing six weigh ins for the week:

    @jenready and

    Stats begin around 830am in the morning...have a good evening all!
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I've been so busy I haven't been on here much. I thought I checked in last Saturday to post my weigh-in but only now realized that I didn't. Anyway, here goes.

    Saturday 11/20/2021 weigh-in
    PW: 205.4 (two weeks ago)
    CW: 203.9
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    PW 230
    CW 233
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Saturday, November 20

    Exercise: no
    Net calories: no idea
    Steps: 10.485 / 10.000

    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. Not much to report today. Had to increase my dose of the new meds on Saturday which I was really worried about. But it seems like I get less side effects on that dose. Cautiously optimistic about that since it has only been 1 day, so will see how it goes. Happy Sunday everyone <3

    That must have been a really hard choice to make. I can imagine a lot of time goes into it though, considering it's something you do besides your regular job. Making more room for yourself sounds like a great idea. I hope you will enjoy the extra time you free up!
  • suziieq56
    suziieq56 Posts: 14 Member
    Sunday weigh in:
    PW: 241.6
    CW: 241.8

    Fell off the wagon a couple times this week, but I guess I walked enough to keep it down anyways lol. Yea! :D
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    suziieq56 wrote: »
    Sunday weigh in:
    PW: 241.6
    CW: 241.8

    Fell off the wagon a couple times this week, but I guess I walked enough to keep it down anyways lol. Yea! :D

    @suziieq56 Sometimes it's all about mitigating the damage! This next week, you'll likely see a good drop...good deal!

    @Arc130 good loss!

    @CasandraW Hopefully your week ahead will be a bounce back in the other direction!

    @Pupowl Thank you for your kind words...yes, tough decision, but I'm just tired...and now that I can financially do without that extra income, my focus is just going in a different direction. I think 23 years is a good run...I'm sure I'll miss it though...the kids are always such fun and it's great to watch them grow in their ability...but it's time.

This discussion has been closed.