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2022: Become a priority in your life - today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.
Well, I spoke too soon, because my weight, metabolic age, etc. have crept up again over the past week. I have had a couple of social events with eating and have had that thinking of well, while I'm off the diet anyway, I might as well eat x and then get back on it properly later. I really need to get a grip because I don't want to undo all the work I've been doing for the whole of the year so far. It's frustrating that it's so easy to put on the weight again! It's interesting what you say about becoming a binge eater, Snoozie, because I'm feeling that eating is like a compulsion, and I find myself getting stressed if I don't go ahead and eat. I maybe need to go back to intermittent fasting as it's so much easier to not eat at all for a while than to control eating.
I'm with you on not being bothered to cook too. It has partly been the heat. My go to at the moment is baked eggs in my health grill, just an egg or two, maybe on some spinach with seasoning and a tiny bit of smoked cheese and a tiny bit of olive oil and butter. But the veggies, I can't be bothered. Still sometimes doing some roast veg, or sometimes I microwave them. I have very sensitive teeth at the moment, so cold salad is no fun - I only like warm food!0 -
Its funny you posted this today Vail because im trying to get back to the veggies.. i admit i use frozen right now - its just so fast and easy to use the microwave rather than peel chop etc but its the only way i am being able to get back to more veg less crap etc.. i hate using frozen in the summer but whatever works these days.. and the weird thing is i actually love broccoli and cauli and squash etc... and when i sit to eat it im like yum yum yum lol.. its just the damn prep that does me in! I can't remember the last time i had a salad.. i actually bought a tub of organic greens which is about to be tossed in the garbage.. i knew when i paid dearly for it it was just gonna get thrown out but i thought yet again.. no if i have it i will eat it.. nope... i didnt...
i actually did up a fav skinnytaste dish friday; the creamy mushroom balsamic chicken one .. actually its not skinny taste its another site but it was always a fav and i made a bit of rice with peas in it to go along with.. and a side of nuked frozen broccoli lol.. that's the first actual "meal" i've made in a long time and it was soooo good plus bonus i had leftovers yesterday and have one meal in the freezer for those nights when blech...
on my airport days, i tend to have my bigger meal around 1pm for the day and then just bring a small tortilla wrap with ham or turkey for my dinner and some fruit like grapes or something easy to eat..its been working out ok but im getting kind of sick of the sandwich type thing lol. but i only have this month left in my deployment; we don't know yet if they will be extending it but if they do, i have decided i'm going to take a month off first... it sounds like a lot but my physio has been pushing me to take some time off while working on my back issues .. plus it's been 6 months (so hard to believe!!) pretty much non stop.. so i'm going to take the few weeks and try to start doing even some minimal exercise .. my doc gave me new NSAID meds and the pain is greatly diminished - for the first time in 2 months i'm amost pain free and its awesome.. i don't know whether they are doing the job, or if the discs have just shrunk a bit or if the physio stretches have helped - no idea but right now im in a lot less pain.. i am trying to take only 1 a day (i'm allowed 2) and on my days off i will not take any and see what happens..
Vail any word on a potential test/doc appointment as yet? i know you said none avail and that you werent sure if you were placed on a waiting list or not... ??
Suzy - how is your foot and hand.. did you get apt with the doc for either yet?? i hope you're doing ok ..
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You know, I see these people online who buy fresh veg every weekend and do all the prep for the week at one time. I always think that sounds brilliant but I never do it. It seems like it would make eating better so much easier. Maybe I should bite the bullet and try it. Just grab a container of already prepped stir fry veggies and add a chicken breast? Sounds simple. I hate to cook. Lol.
I’m so glad that your back pain has improved, Snoozie! Taking a month off and concentrating on getting pain free sounds like a great plan. I can’t believe it’s been six months! That flew by so fast! Are you still getting veggies from your garden plot?
Vail, the very fact that you are aware of your numbers and are tracking them makes me think that you won’t let it get out of control. I’ve said before that it’s when I stop weighing and tracking that I gain so much back.
Me and my bright ideas! Yesterday the forecast said no rain until after 3:00, so I suggested a quick hike with a packed lunch. Ha! Almost to the top and the skies opened up! We got completely soaked. The good news is that the new hiking shoes didn’t cause me that much pain and the tread was good enough not to slip in all the mud and wet rocks. I have an appointment with the hand doctor on the 22nd. Still haven’t gotten through to the foot doctor but I’m working on it.1 -
That's great news about the hiking shoes, Suzy! I'm so glad you've got a pair that work for you. Good luck with the appointments.
I'm glad something is working for your pain, Snoozie too. It sounds like a good idea to take some time off and get things sorted properly. I find standing can really set off my back problem, although mine is a different one to yours, but I just wondered if you are sometimes obliged to stand at work, whereas if you have some time off you can choose to sit or move instead. It must be such a relief to have less pain! I hope it continues.
No appointment yet for me. Our health service is pretty much in crisis, and we are still getting lots of excess deaths, so I don't think I am far up the queue! However, I've had a new medication which I've just started so I'll see how things are on that.
I don't actually like veg prepping, as with fresh foods I usually like to prepare them fresh. I do think prepping is overrated and the food deteriorates with time. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I also have very limited fridge/freezer space. I will sometimes do a bigger batch of soup, roast veg, etc. but only for a couple of days. Recently I have been cheating and using the frozen microwave steam packs of veg sometimes and they're ok, but can be a bit bland without some seasoning and butter/olive oil. But I think nutritionally they are fine. Or last night I was cooking char (fish) in the air fryer grill thing so put in a little tray of veg to roast. Or a quick salad.
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Suzy - kudos on the shoe choice but i'm sorry you almost drowned LOL.. iM GLAD u got an apt with the hand doc at least.. crossing toes the foot doc isnt far behind! The only thing left in my garden right now is tomatos.. i have lovely ones and fortunately they aren't all turning red at the same time.. every 4 days or so i get about a dozen cherry ones and one or two big ones... so its worked out well.. i had a pretty good haul of both last week so i dropped some off to my pickleball partner as she helped me setting up the garden so im paying her off in tomatos! I had an excellent batch of carrots... i think i got maybe 24 total... waited long enough but they were lovely so next year if i do the garden again im planting more carrots and less swiss chard lol... i did a late planting of some lettuce... so far it seems to be holding its own.. and i have a gorgeous row of green peppers - lovely and tall and green but they never flowered.. and as they self pollinate i dunno if i'll ever see one.. BUT. .i was looking closely last week and i THINK i saw a teeny tiny pepper just starting lol.. i'll slide by today and see if indeed that was it or if its just a dud hahaha..
Vail yes a lot of standing during our shift.. only sitting if we are registering a family. i could sit for the whole shift but sitting is usually even worse than just standing in one place.. so i am trying to balance out now and sit for 15 then get up and i just stroll now up and down the station rather than just standing still...
My "go to" stance when i'm standing has for 40 years been arms crossed, feet about 2 feet apart (that's from work.. so it's just habit now whenever i'm standing whether talking to someone or just standing waiting somewhere thats the stance i'm in.. which according to my physiotherapist is the absolute worst position as my upper torso also tends to go backwards a bit in that stance...and compresses the spine even more... so now i'm supposed to make sure if i'm standing still, i have one foot slightly in front of the other, arms at my sides and a pelvic tilt under and in going on.... so i've been trying to change it but after standing that way for 40 years lol.. it's a tough habit to break! i told my co workers at RC if they saw me standing with my arms crossed slap me... haha. but i have been paying attention and trying to make sure i dont go there.. sometimes i don't even realize it tho.. even when he was telling me about how to stand and i was watching him.. i fell back into my usual one 3 x lol.... anyway i am seeing a bit of improvement; to be honest i think its the NSAIDS or maybe the discs just settled down for a while.. i dont know but im just happy to be in much less pain and more mobile.. i am still hesitant to do more physical i think im scared it will set it off worse again... but i have to get over that in my head and keep increasing as im able...
im with u Vail on the veg prep... plus i seem to waste more cause if i make it up in advance, im usually ok with leftovers for the next day.. in fact when i do cook i plan on leftovers for another day lol.. but after that i dont want the same stuff lol.. i do freeze soups tho.. they are great for those nights i dont wanna cook and find one in the freezer, i just forget to make it some times. But with the cooler weather coming thats something i should think about and maybe a chili .. i just have to be careful not to put too much in the freezer.. i just tossed a bunch of stuff that was in there from last december!! yikes!!0 -
Interesting about your stance needing correction. I've wondered about that. My father has started standing and walking differently recently because he'd noticed "old men" (he's in his 90s) hunching and having bad posture. So he has consciously adjusted. It had made me wonder if I should do that too. Do you remember years ago, before our time really, rich young women used to have "deportment" classes? Which involved walking with a book on their head? I'm starting to feel I could do with that now. Although like you, it's standing rather than walking that's the problem. I was at a night out recently and had to sneak away early as it was standing and I just couldn't do it any longer.
I clear out my freezer every so often. I know people say things keep forever in there, but I find that they don't and although they might not poison me, they do deteriorate and pick up a "freezer" taste. And I put things in and don't label them properly and don't know what they are, so I'm not going to cook them. At the moment, it's mainly fish, vegetables, and bread (because I only have the occasional slice). I also have a frozen pizza in there and some breaded chicken for the occasional treat (the chicken isn't too bad if I count the breading as my carb and have veg with it, is my reasoning! Can't find any sort of reasoning for the pizza though).
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Yeah….I doubt I will ever be on top of things enough that I will actually prep anything a week at a time. I’m doing good to even plan a menu and shop for the week.
Hello! Vail!!! Pizza is its own reason!!! You don’t have to rationalize pizza. It just is. Lol.
My calf muscles are so incredibly sore after that drenched hike on Sunday. It’s comical to watch (and hear!) me walking down the stairs. Lol. I’ve got to get back in hiking shape. We would really like to do an overnight backpack this fall sometime.
I’m off to my parent’s apartment for the day. It’s a two and a half hour round trip drive. I think I’m helping mom clean out her closet today. Last week we organized her jewelry (that she will never wear).0 -
Suzy you took the words right out of my mouth Hello! Vail!!! Pizza is its own reason!!! You don’t have to rationalize pizza. It just is. Lol.
Sorry about the sore calves . ow!!! wow long day for you today... hugs!0 -
Sending my deepest heartfelt condolences to you both on the loss of your beloved queen. She was extraordinary and much loved and respected worldwide.0
Thank you, Suzy. It's strange to think she had been reigning for years before I was even born, and I kind of hoped she'd go on for ever. Her mother lived to over 100 so I was hoping it was in her genes. It must have been hard for her to keep working right up till the end, but I think she took her role very, very seriously. She is very sadly missed.2
I always admired the Queen - she was a woman of courage, strength, resilience and grace.. I'm actually enjoying some of the documentary type shows on right now showing her history ..and the challenges she faced especially as she was so young when she became Queen. It does sounds like Philip was the love of her life as well... so I'm happy she had him by her side too.. indeed she will be missed. It's funny what brings back memories.. in elementary school we sang both God Save the Queen and Oh Canada every morning.. I know neither one is sung now in schools but i sometimes think that's part of the reason we sadly lack patriotism here these days..
anyway.. suzy i hope your legs are recovered by now.... when is your hand doc apt again? I took a me day yesterday and never got out of my jammies lol... just chilled read 2 books and ate .. some good, some bad lol.. so today im trying to make up for it as im back to the airport tomorrow. I had a veggie tray i had to use up so i made the skinnytaste broccoli cheese and potato soup.. omg i forgot how good it is .. i added a cup of cauliflower with the broccoli just to use it up.. and i never use the parm only the cheddar.. but it took care of the leftover celery and carrots and broccoli and cauli or most of it.. for dinner i'm going to make a small amount of fettucine and load it up with the last of the veg and a bit of alfredo sauce.. lunch was home made bruschetta made with tomatos and basil from my garden. i got a small roll and sliced it 1/2 inch thick and toasted it under the broiler then scooped the bruschetta over top omg the warm crispy bread with the topping i was literally drooling lol. i will definitely make that again when the next batch of tomatos is ready.. and the little roll only gave me 4 little slices of the bread so it was more like a snack than lunch but it was enough. And I admit i sampled a 1/4 cup of the soup.. i had to right? in case it needed a bit of salt or pepper or .. whatever.. hahaha that's my story and i'm sticking to it.. )
my back issues seem to have improved a little bit.. it will always be tehre its just about trying to avoid the triggers which aint always possible with life.. but im diligently doing my stretches and still planning to take a few weeks off from the RC in October... so that's about me caught up .. i have to go bag the soup to freeze it .. i'm going to use a one cup measuring cup to pour it in, even though a serving is 1 adn 1/3 cups.. i figure at just one cup it can either make a nice afternoon snack or i can add a roll and a glass of wine on the side to round it out for lunch or dinner ha...1 -
I'm glad your back is improving, Snoozie. Your cooking sounds delicious, and with fresh veg from your garden too! I have half a cauliflower and some broccoli that I need to use up, along with a lack of motivation and energy, so am looking for easy ideas - soup might be the answer. Because I bought that new grill thing, I tend to cook everything in that, so haven't been tending to do soups. Much as roast broccoli is nice, it's not comfort food. I might do my vegetable mash thing again because that is so good. I have some fish in the freezer for protein, although not much. I might just do baked eggs tonight.
I haven't been doing well on the exercise front for the past few days. I really need to get back on with it. Along with all the other things I really need to get on with, lol!0 -
I have got to try that soup recipe. You’ve mentioned how much you like it and I always think that I should make it but I never do. Adding cauliflower sounds yummy! I also need to try the creamy balsamic chicken recipe you shared. Bruschetta with homegrown tomatoes sounds so delicious! Yum!
I baked a whole chicken the other night. I put a bunch of veggies (sweet potatoes, onion, brussel sprouts, carrots) tossed with olive oil and garlic in my cast iron pan then seasoned a chicken and set it on top of the veg. Put the whole pan in the oven and it was so good! I have leftover chicken so I froze that for a couple more meals.
I went to the local women’s club meeting yesterday. I think I’m going to join. I was invited to join the literacy program and there’s a meeting this afternoon. We will be helping the kids in the elementary school. The women seemed really friendly and welcoming. I just want to get involved in the community and hopefully make some friends.
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By the way Vail, what are baked eggs?0
sUZY your "one pan" chicken (with all the fixings along with) sounds yummy! i'll have to try that sometime.. doing up the veg then browning the chicken and tossingit on top.. jamie oliver does something like that where he splits the whole chiken in half and just plops the whole thing down on a pan of veg.. i LOVE brussel sprouts thanks for that reminder they are going on my shopping list!
that's awesome that you are finding community groups to join! im really happy you found them so inviting and welcoming!! You will have to keep us updated how it goes! i think baked eggs are like our shirred eggs? But.. i will wait and see what Vail says lol
and yes Suzy i really only make that soup in the winter but i had so much broccoli to use up i made it anyway lol.. and it happened to be a rather cool and rainy day so it turned into dinner that night ha.. if you do make the recipe, i dont use the parmesan cause im not that fond of it.. and i usually only grate about 3 ounces of cheddar into it .. that's just my preference tho .. i have an immersion blender (the stick thing) that i use on it but when i took it out of the box it the "button" popped off and springs and little bits fell out LOL.. so i ended up scooping out about 2 cups of the soup into my food processor and whizzing it smooth then tossed it back in.. so this soup was a little chunkier than normal but i quite liked it that way ... not to self.... need a new immersion stick ha1 -
Baked eggs, I literally meant just eggs baked in the oven (or the health grill, in my case)! I'm sure there are recipes out there but it's so simple I tend to do it without. Just a buttered or oiled small baking dish or ramekin crack an egg in and season (I use a seasoning mix with paprika, etc.), and I like to add a bit of a strong-flavoured cheese as well. I sometimes put some spinach in first and I suppose you could add a bit of cream if you wanted. Then just bake for a few minutes to your consistency of choice. It's so simple and easy and I really like eggs that way. I used to do it a lot when I was younger and short of money. For some reason, a baked egg seems more substantial than a boiled or scrambled egg, more of a meal.
It's one of my favourite ways to do eggs. My actual favourite is to a boil an egg, and then when it's still hot, cut it all up in a cup with lots of butter and a bit of salt and have with toast. But it's not as good without a large quantity of butter! I also do mini omelettes, mini crustless quiche, rarely poached eggs (because I'm not very good at them) or fried. My second favourite way to have an egg is fried, but it's got to be in a good amount of hot oil, which I spoon over it while cooking so the white goes lacey and crispy. I then blot off the oil with kitchen roll, but it does seem that the eggs I like most involve the most fat! I can do a fried egg on the flat plate on my grill and it comes out well, but doesn't have that deep-fried crispy white at the edges.
I do traybakes too: love the simplicity! I'm never sure with my health grill thing when to use bake, when to use roast and when to use air fryer functions for that sort of thing! Chicken is so expensive now though. I used to be able to get thighs very cheaply, but not any more, and I don't tend to buy whole as there's only me and I don't have the fridge space for a carcass. I love the idea of getting several meals out of a chicken, using the bones for stock, etc., but I haven't actually done that for years, ha ha!
I have one of those immersion blenders too. No food processor as I have limited gadget space in my kitchen! Those sticks are so handy for soups. I quite like lumpy soup so don't always blend it anyway.1 -
Vail - omg your post brought me an immediate flashback to when we were kids - my dad would always make soft boiled eggs for us - we actually each had our own egg cups (i had a duck and still have it!!) he would serve it in the cup, then lop the top off, pour it into the cup and cut it up with butter and salt! i loved them .. we had toast on the side but i seem to recall using the spoon to dump it on the toast too.. ha so thank you for that lovely memory!
I hear ya on the lacy crispy part lol.. i used to do scrambled eggs for breakfast often cause i have a very small frying pan (less washing up) and they were quick and easy but i havent had any eggs for a while because last time i ended up throwing out almost a dozenwe can't buy 6 here - some places you can but that's the first time i havent used up eggs before they expired and i was horrified at the waste so i havent bought any since. and you're right on the chicken prices.. legs and thighs used to be cheap.. but not any more. same with fish here omg.. its crazy expensive.. i eat a lot more fish these days so i'm always looking for a sale on the frozen stuff. and i rarely buy a whole chicken either altho when they go on sale i should... i can buy a whole chicken sometimes for like $6 and if i baked it i could freeze some and make soup from the carcass.. but... instead i end up paying 6.99 for a half pre cooked chicken.. grrrrr.
as for the food processor.. i have a mini one for the same reason lack of space.. its just the right size for me and fits easily in the cupboard.. i just keep forgetting its there ha.
as for the health grill options.. you could probably google "when to use roast or bake with my health grill" and get some ideas??
im kinda bored with food right now.. i need a personal chef ha1 -
I swear if I ever win the lottery that I will hire a personal chef. Lol.
I think I paid about $10 for the whole chicken. I’ll get three meals for the two of us out of it, so that’s not bad. Everything is so much more expensive now though. I hate throwing out any food. So the challenge is to only make enough for the two of us with nothing going in the garbage. My husband doesn’t like leftovers so I have to disguise them as something else. Lol.
Are baked eggs similar to coddled eggs? Just baked instead of put in the coddle cups and hot water? Sounds yummy to me. I love eggs any way they’re prepared.
We have an apple and a pear tree and I need to go pick some fruit. I’m not sure they’re “eating” fruit. It may be more “baking” varieties. I don’t know. If they’re more for baking then I have to figure out what to do with them. I’ve never canned anything before.
We’re going to Savannah and Tybee Island for a long weekend. My husband has never been and we wanted a vacation just the two of us. Hopefully we’ll have good weather. It will be a lot of walking in Savannah and a day on the beach at Tybee. I think I’ll try to eat mostly fish and veg at restaurants. My appointment with the hand doctor is the day after we get back next week.
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Oh, have a lovely weekend, Suzy! Nice that you have a mix of walking and relaxing. I had to go on google maps as hadn't heard of that part of the world. It looks really interesting with lots of wildlife reserves and marshes. I bet it's amazing for bird watching! Then I got distracted planning what I would visit if I went there!
I think coddled eggs are more lightly cooked. I used to have an egg coddler but never used it and decluttered it. I had forgotten about coddled eggs. Thank you for reminding me!
Eggs here keep for ages, so I don't worry too much about the expiry dates now. My son claims that they don't matter and eats them literally weeks later. I suppose it's really obvious if an egg is off, and they start getting air in the shell a long time before that. I wouldn't use old eggs raw, but I think they're probably ok cooked. Although I'm told they are processed differently in different places, and I think in some parts of the US are treated so they have to be kept in the fridge and don't last as long.
Thanks for the soup idea. I ended up making a soup with chicken stock and some frozen chicken pieces I remembered I had in the freezer, onion, sweetcorn, mushroom and the very lightly cooked broccoli and cauliflower, then added some milk. And then some smoked cheddar for the second helping. It was really good! I might do a fish soup next.
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Yep, all our eggs are kept in the refrigerator. I think it has something to do with them being washed before going to the stores. Maybe if you got them straight from the chicken farm then you wouldn’t have to refrigerate them. I don’t know.0
Back from our little trip! We had a wonderful time. The first three days was a TON of walking. I probably walked eight miles the first two days in Savannah. We climbed a lighthouse and walked all over Tybee Island on the third day. The fourth day was spent just sitting on the beach and playing in the waves. It was awesome! We stayed until the tide came all the way up to our chairs.
Today was my hand doctor appointment. I got a cortisone shot in my thumb (arthritis) and I have hand surgery scheduled for October 5. I’m looking forward to being rid of the pain.
My eating has been totally out of control. We did only have two meals each day but they were far from low calorie. My daughter has scheduled family photos for November 6. I wonder if I could lose about twenty pounds before then. Lol. That’s just over six weeks. I’ve seen ads online where you could lose sixty pounds in that amount of time! Lol.
How are y’all doing? I completely missed all of the queen’s services since we were traveling. I saw a brief blip on the news but that’s all.1 -
The trip sounds fantastic! I love that you had a day on the beach as well as all the really active stuff. I'm just picturing you on the beach with waves coming up to the chairs!
That's great that you are getting your hand sorted soon. Best of luck with the surgery.
Ah, the family photos! No, you can't lose 60 lb by November 6th, lol! It's almost a year since my son's wedding, and I know most people lose weight for weddings. Not me, I seemed to put it on. So in the wedding photos I am almost 30 lb heavier than I am now. But so what? They are nice photos. You look lovely in the photos I've seen of you and I'm sure you will in the family photos. Not to say don't lose weight, but just that the photos aren't a reason to lose weight - maybe to use as motivation to keep focus, but not to matter if you don't lose by then.
But I do completely get where you're coming from and oh, those ads! You know it's not going to work but so tempting! The diet I did earlier this year, it was advertised, well, not advertised but there was a programme on TV about it where the aim was to lose a stone (14 pounds) in three weeks, and of course I think all the people did lose that. Whereas I lost about a pound a week on the same diet lol.
I think you did well sticking to the two meals a day. I know you said they weren't low calorie, but it probably did limit how much you ate, and set a good habit.
I watched most of the Queen's funeral on TV, and actually quite a lot of the other stuff such as the King being invested. Lots of traditions that I didn't know about: it's odd because it's so long since there has been a funeral for a monarch here.
Not much to update here, except that I finally have a hospital appointment!1 -
Hi guys - just popping in for a few to catch up i'll post tomororw morning.. suzy so glad u had such a wonderful trip!! And girl dont you worry a minute about those family photos.. its so lovely you will all be together to capture the family forever in a photo that i guarantee you nobody is going to be looking at someone's size... they will just be thrilled to see a photo depicting the entire fam believe me! So glad u got the shot and the surgery appointment!!!! and Vail .. ALSO THRILLED you finally got a hospital appointment!!!! So happy for both of you..
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I've had my cardiology appointment now. The cardiologist wasn't too worried about my symptoms - the pain that I've been getting doesn't seem to be heart related, and for the other stuff he thought wasn't a big worry either, so just doing some more tests in case, but it was quite reassuring. I know the course of these things is there's a good chance that I'll get worse as I get older, particularly now I'm post-menopausal, but hoping to stave that off as long as possible! My medication has been rejigged a bit, and I'm now on a lower dose of a medication that might have been contributing to the symptoms, so I'm hoping that will sort it out.
The downside is that it does still leave me with this unexplained pain! I think it's our fate to always have some sort of chronic, vague pain, ladies!
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Vail I'm so glad you finally got to see the cardiologist.. and i'm glad he's doing a few more tests as a precaution but mostly im glad you're reassured a bit now! And I'm glad he's keeping an eye on your meds in case indeed they are causing some of the symptoms.. it does suck about the pain tho.. did he have any ideas or suggestions about what's causing the pain if it's not heart related? I do agree with you about us having to get used to some chronic pain these days.. that also sucks!
i had some recent bloodwork done; just the routine but got a call from the endo yesterday reducing my thryoid meds some which is always good news.. anything that reduces a med for me is a win lol..
I have my last 2 sched shifts with the RC this week; the deployment has been extended til Dec 31st but i'm still taking the few weeks off to see if it makes any difference in my back issues.. the physio hasnt really been doing much IMO.. but on the other hand i haven't changed the behaviours if you will that he thinks are aggravating it.. the long periods standing at the airport so i figure a month is enough time to see. But i have already decided.. if not... i'm going back to playing a little pickleball and what not anyway next month.. i'll start slowly of course but i need to get active again.. other than just standing somewhere i mean. I'll decide in Nov if i'm going to go back for the last 2 months of the deployment assuming i'm still asked to continue that is.. there are so many responses going on now .. things like both Fiona which was a huge hurricane type storm that hit our maritime provinces so hard, and Ian which is now bearing down on Florida (Suzy... i can't remember where you are.. but i think was Oregon? So I'm thinking you're safe from this Ian one? i hope so!!) So many people need to be supported while they rebuild all around the world... unimaginable destruction everywhere from lives and homes and crops and livliehoods.. i find it quite overwhelming when i think about it..
I'm actually going to a social event friday; a casual retirement party at a pub downtown .. i'm only going cause the man retiring is one of the nicest people i ever worked with.. and i know i'll see a lot of people i know from my work years but i admit it's a little weird feeling going into a crowded pub without a mask! Next Monday all covid mandates are being lifted here.. we still have mandatory masking in certain places like transit (planes, trains, busses) airports and hospitals... but no more masks required anywhere as of Monday (including the airport.. yikes!) so that transition is something i'm going to have to get used to now.. even if its just baby steps.0 -
Sounds like a good appointment, Vail. You’re right that aches and pains are our new reality. I hate that we have to learn to live with it but that’s where we are now. I’m so glad you were able to get the appointment and there’s no bad news and that the doctor is following through with tests. Lower thyroid meds are good too, right Snoozie? My daughter is now on thyroid meds and they’re having a heck of a time figuring out the correct dosage. You grow up thinking that medicine is a science but it really isn’t.
Unfortunately my cortisone shot wasn’t very effective in my thumb. Pain I’ll learn to live with. My hand surgery is a week from today. I’m excited to get it done and just hoping it all goes well.
I live in North Georgia, Snoozie. We’re supposed to get wind and rain starting Friday evening and Saturday but it’s not supposed to be that bad. Florida is getting hammered.
Enjoy the retirement party. We have to get back to enjoying our lives without fear. I know it’s difficult and scary though. We have to wear masks at all medical facilities and that’s it. It’s to the point that seeing anyone in a mask is kind of strange. We’re flying to Kansas City in November. I have no idea if we’ll be required to mask up but I think I’ll be doing it either way.
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yep suzy.. lower is always better! and yes on first diagnosis had to play with the dosage to get the right amount.. and its harder if the person has HYPOthyroidism (the kind where their metabolism slows and they have a hard time losing weight among other things). mine is the opposite HYPER so mine was in overdrive... but it does require a lot of blood tests to figure out the dosage that's right and then every few months to make sure it doesnt need adjusting..i started at one a day and now i'm down to 1 every 4 days ... i hope it helps her feel better
that sucks on your cortisone shot not working.. happened to my cousin too in her knee.. didnt work the first time but the 2nd time it did... i gather its kinda a crapshoot as to whether it will take sometimes.. so i'm sorry yours didnt.. but im glad you are getting the hand surgery soon!
omg i didnt know you lived in Georgia.. or i did but i mixed it up thinking oregon!! you're right beside florida so i hope you guys are ok.. i've been watching the news of course and i have friends in Naples.. they arent there right now being snowbirds but they did sustain a fair amount of damage to the house.. of course with so many people having lost everything they are grateful it wasn't worse. Our maritime provinces got devastated by Fiona .. entire groups of houses in Newfoundland were washed out into the ocean and Nova Scotia has impassable roads that were destroyed and of course like everyone else homes and lives destroyed.. and it hit Cuba so hard and the Dominican before it came here.. i think sometimes here we underestimate the fierce destruction mother nature can wreak - i know there are places in the states that have gone thru hurricanes and tornadoes and tropical storms before but they are rare here.. my heart goes out to everyone affected
and I am going to enjoy the party - its just a bit weird as masking is still in effect here pretty much everywhere.. until monday anyway lol.. people NOT wearing a mask is unusual for us.. but yes you're right have to re learn living with it now.. several people i know have recently come down with covid and having a pretty rough time.. its still prevalent here but seems like we are just going to have to learn to ilve with it now..
its gonna be very weird tonite too with my last shift lol... after 6 months there i feel like im gonna be lost without something to do even tho i know i wont be.. it just means i'll actually have to tackle all the stuff i was able to put off justifying i didnt have time.. hahaha
And i'm working on a mini vacay with an old friend... we're looking at maybe meeting somewhere half way since we're about 4 hrs apart driving wise and there is a lovely little spa resort place with cottages and a spa attached that we are thinking might be perfect for a get away and catch up ... our thanksgiving is next weekend .. or the 10th... whenever that is so it will likely be the week after as its cheaper during the week then on weekends.. the benefit of being retired is we can do midweek.. lol so that will be nice for sure
ok thats me all caught up lol.. my weight has been staying pretty much the same within a pound or two either way but man i have to start toning up or something cause of all the loose skin hanging everywhere now.. if its not one thing its another eh?1 -
What a shame about the cortisone shot, Suzy. Good that the surgery is soon. Fingers crossed for you!
Congratulations on the thyroid medication, Snoozie! Hope you have a lovely break with your friend, and a lovely Thanksgiving weekend too.
There are virtually no masks here! I had a letter before my hospital appointment to tell me I had to wear one, but I was about the only person with one on. None of the doctors had them. I have given up wearing one in all other situations (although I do ask patients if they would like me to wear one, but mostly they prefer that I don't), because it's frowned on now. I've had my booster though, and should get my flu shot soon. A little bit worried about winter as the hospitals are already in crisis! Not to mention the financial situation, which is dire. BUT I have to add that I'm feeling reasonably positive. It's funny how your mood doesn't always really fit to the circumstances, lol!
I hope your weather is OK, Suzy. It's cold, rainy and windy here which is a bit of a shock to the system after an exceptionally hot summer! Hope it doesn't get too windy out your way.0 -
The fall out from the hurricane ended up way east of us so we’ve got beautiful fall weather. It did seem to turn cooler really fast though. I’m not complaining! I was so tired of the scorching heat. We’re going to try and start hiking on Sundays again.
Happy Thanksgiving Snoozie!1