Mission Slimpossible Team Chat JANUARY 2022



  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    At work, I joined a wellness challenge (CatchLife30), and one of my first "assignments" is to choose a motivational word for the challenge. I have been pondering a word or phrase of the year since it was part of a challenge on here a couple of weeks ago. It doesn't feel quite right yet, but this is what I have: OWN IT
    The idea is that I am the one responsible for my health and wellness choices.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 373 Member
    Crazy day yesterday with stressful situation and I'm so sorry I forgot to log my weight. Praying for a turn around today. I'm trying to find a norm for daily routines again. I'm joining the gym again and plan to go back this week. Have a great day!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @tammyccrady6278 Congrats on the loss! Woot woot! I hope the loss makes you feel less down.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, me too! I'm sorry you guys are having stressful nights but maybe things are turning a corner if your hubby can go for a short walk? Tracking is good for you like eating your veggies lol. You've got this!

    @Katmary71 Thank you, me too! I'm sorry your back is still bothering you. That's too bad about the plant sale and farmer's market. Yay for your new stereo! I hope you have a nice visit with your parents.

    @bgame4 Great loss, congrats! I like your new phrase for the year, it's short and to the point. Great phrase.

    @askewcr Congrats on the loss, great way to start out the new year! I'm sorry about the stress. I hope it gets better today.

    Hi all. Not much going on here. I'm looking forward to my walk with my friend. Have a great Sunday!

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 511 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 143
    CW. 141
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member

    The first week of the year is in the bag! Congrats to all of our members for bringing our average weight lost this week to over a pound per person! Find all of our weekly results in the link below...

    Here's a sneak peek into how your team did...

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,830 Member
    Only -20c here today. Now that the weather is warming up I am going the start aqua size classes tomorrow at 7 am. Going to snow today so more snow shoveling tomorrow. Sunday is my rest day so I plan meals so I can shop for food on Monday. Just me and my wife so we do not get fancy. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahoooo Team Mission Slimpossibles for making second place on the leaderboard! Keep up the great work and maybe next week we can be NUMBER ONE!! :star:B):)


    @Katmary71 I will for sure share a pic once the Amaryllis blooms! It’s been fascinating to watch. :grin: And now with your new workout pants, you have some added motivation to lose that 5 lbs. I have never tried kombucha but have wanted to. How nice to have a new stereo!

    @trooworld HaHa, I look at tracking as punishment and you look at it as something good. I will try to see it your way. I do love my veggies! :grin:

    @askewcr Great weight loss this week! I hope some peace in your stressful situation. Going to the gym is great! :)

    @bgame4 Own It is a great phrase for the New Year! I hope you find this wellness challenge just the thing you need to keep you mindful and motivated. :)

    Hi Team! Today has been a pretty good day. Hubby and I got some much-needed sleep last night and his pain is somewhat better today. We watched church on live stream and hated having to miss being there in person. We have had so many wonderful people reaching out wanting to bring us food. But I have declined because cooking is easy for me, and I don’t want to derail my new eating plan. The scale was down a little this morning and I managed to get back into my workout room for a good lower body workout, which felt great! B)
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 373 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Today has been a much better day. E-Church this morning and then cooked steamed cabbage, roast with peppers in crock pot, potato salad, and muffins. I only ate cabbage and roast and it was good. Working on staying away from fast food.

    Hubby and I played on the WII tonight. I beat him in table tennis and he beat me at bowling. We also played the water board game. It was so much fun and I burned a few extra calories.

    Blessed day!!! Let's go get our victories!! B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @19shmoo69 @Vegan4lyfe2012 @tammymccrady6278 Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard! Woot woot!

    @laurelfit57 @adoglover @FutureTrophyWife @3duffs Congrats on the losses!

    @digger61 I hope you enjoy the classes and the meal prep!

    @TeresaW1020 Hahaha! Good for you for turning down the church ladies.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • lose4me71
    lose4me71 Posts: 36 Member
    Username: lose4me71
    Weigh day: Wednesday ( last week)
    PW: 299.5
    CW: 299.8
    still trynna get it together.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 213 Member
    Congrats on being on the letter board this week team!!!!
    Well today is my day off and I should be cleaning the bathroom the house really. What am I doing? Binge watching How to get away with Murder lol. I just don’t have the energy to do anything today so I choose not to. It can all wait till tomorrow. I have been working so much this last month what with people off sick that I’m zonked both mentally and physically. And to top it all off Sean and I decided to cancel out Cuba trip. We had already changed the date due to this omicron variant and not it just seems to be getting worse and we don’t want to be in a position that the Canadian borders close while we r away. So next year maybe. Good news is I’m still on track with my food and did some exercise this morning too.

    Have a good rest of your day guys.
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