This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thank you for your kind comments. It felt good to try my hobby again and I was really happy with how it turned out, despite the name plate cracking. It tasted pretty good, too! Chocolate cake, raspberry filling and chocolate buttercream. What’s not to like, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I just got an email telling me my absentee ballot has been counted. Cool system!

    Waiting for AAA. I've got another nail in my tire. Been through this routine SO often. AAA puts on my spare. I go to Mr. Tire and ask them to "repair or order a new one". They will of course say they can't repair it but at least then they'll take it and discard it for me. Just one of the many joys of feeding these colonies - frequently damaged tires. Since I have run flat tires it's never an immediate emergency, thank goodness, but it is an expensive exercise.

    Fed this morning then came home. In addition to AAA coming, I've got a food delivery coming. I've got a ton of chores to do. Work for a living? What's that? LOL!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    DH tested positive for Covid this afternoon. So far, he said he feels like he has a bad cold. Hopefully it won’t get much worse than that and I won’t get it. It really throws our plans for moving his mom into her new assisted living facility this weekend into chaos. His nephew and wife were going to stay with us but now will have to make other arrangements. We may have to leave things on the front porch that were supposed to go into her new apartment, and they will have to leave some things there for us that we will be storing for her. We were supposed to go over there Friday afternoon to sign all the paperwork and inspect her apartment, but we can’t do that now.

    I was supposed to get my CT scan on my elbow today but when I went to the hospital I was told they didn’t have the right type of CT scanner for the test the doctor has ordered. The scheduler was supposed to have caught that, but didn’t. I came home and called some other places locally and obtained an appointment for tomorrow. After DH tested positive I called them to ask if they would prefer that I cancel the appointment but they said it would be ok, as long as I wear a mask throughout my appointment, which I am happy to do. So unless I’m running a fever or otherwise exhibiting symptoms tomorrow, I will plan to go and get it done. My OT office, on the other hand, said they would cancel my appointments until at least next Tuesday.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I noticed a spot on DH’s neck when we were in the car on Friday. My first thought was skin cancer. I took a photo since he couldn’t see that part of his neck. I was trying to figure out how to get an appointment with a specialist. I had a wellness check Monday. When the doctor came in, I asked her to look at the photos and advise me on what to do. By that time, I was thinking it might be Lyme disease. She couldn’t tell from the photos but told me to bring him to the walk in clinic the medical center has. We went right after lunch and it is Lyme disease. He has the classic bull’s eye rash. He’s on an antibiotic and I think we caught it pretty early. Pam, I’m sorry DH has come down with Covid. I hope you can avoid getting it.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thank goodness you spotted it early and got him on an antibiotic immediately. Lyme disease can be pretty nasty if it goes unnoticed.

    So far DH is feeling like he has a bad head cold, and seems lacking in energy. However, the low energy may be due to not sleeping well and being awakened at 6 AM by workmen in our neighbor’s yard. They started putting in a pool right after the new year, and due to demand and labor and material shortages, it is still just a big hole in the ground. Due to the excessive heat, the workmen started early to plaster the pool, which is typically the last step before filling the pool with water and chemicals. I’m happy for my neighbors to finally be at this step, but I definitely was not happy at 6 AM when the noise started.

    Tomorrow I will go to the assisted living facility to complete all the necessary paperwork to admit MIL. I informed my contact there about DH’s Covid diagnosis and they were ok with me coming as long as I am asymptomatic and masked. Fingers crossed that I’m still asymptomatic tomorrow. DH has power of attorney for his mom, so she emailed us the document he needs to sign and I can take it with me tomorrow morning.

    I was able to get my CT scan of my elbow today as well. Now I just need to wait for the 2 doctors to confer. I have no idea how long that may take.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    DH tested positive for Covid this afternoon. So far, he said he feels like he has a bad cold. Hopefully it won’t get much worse than that and I won’t get it. It really throws our plans for moving his mom into her new assisted living facility this weekend into chaos. His nephew and wife were going to stay with us but now will have to make other arrangements. We may have to leave things on the front porch that were supposed to go into her new apartment, and they will have to leave some things there for us that we will be storing for her. We were supposed to go over there Friday afternoon to sign all the paperwork and inspect her apartment, but we can’t do that now.

    I was supposed to get my CT scan on my elbow today but when I went to the hospital I was told they didn’t have the right type of CT scanner for the test the doctor has ordered. The scheduler was supposed to have caught that, but didn’t. I came home and called some other places locally and obtained an appointment for tomorrow. After DH tested positive I called them to ask if they would prefer that I cancel the appointment but they said it would be ok, as long as I wear a mask throughout my appointment, which I am happy to do. So unless I’m running a fever or otherwise exhibiting symptoms tomorrow, I will plan to go and get it done. My OT office, on the other hand, said they would cancel my appointments until at least next Tuesday.

    I'm so sorry! Both that he's positive and that it messes up your carefully laid out plans! I hope it doesn't develop into anything and that you don't get it. I'm glad you can still have your CT scan!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Thank goodness you spotted it early and got him on an antibiotic immediately. Lyme disease can be pretty nasty if it goes unnoticed.

    So far DH is feeling like he has a bad head cold, and seems lacking in energy. However, the low energy may be due to not sleeping well and being awakened at 6 AM by workmen in our neighbor’s yard. They started putting in a pool right after the new year, and due to demand and labor and material shortages, it is still just a big hole in the ground. Due to the excessive heat, the workmen started early to plaster the pool, which is typically the last step before filling the pool with water and chemicals. I’m happy for my neighbors to finally be at this step, but I definitely was not happy at 6 AM when the noise started.

    Tomorrow I will go to the assisted living facility to complete all the necessary paperwork to admit MIL. I informed my contact there about DH’s Covid diagnosis and they were ok with me coming as long as I am asymptomatic and masked. Fingers crossed that I’m still asymptomatic tomorrow. DH has power of attorney for his mom, so she emailed us the document he needs to sign and I can take it with me tomorrow morning.

    I was able to get my CT scan of my elbow today as well. Now I just need to wait for the 2 doctors to confer. I have no idea how long that may take.

    Fingers and paws crossed!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I noticed a spot on DH’s neck when we were in the car on Friday. My first thought was skin cancer. I took a photo since he couldn’t see that part of his neck. I was trying to figure out how to get an appointment with a specialist. I had a wellness check Monday. When the doctor came in, I asked her to look at the photos and advise me on what to do. By that time, I was thinking it might be Lyme disease. She couldn’t tell from the photos but told me to bring him to the walk in clinic the medical center has. We went right after lunch and it is Lyme disease. He has the classic bull’s eye rash. He’s on an antibiotic and I think we caught it pretty early. Pam, I’m sorry DH has come down with Covid. I hope you can avoid getting it.

    Lyme disease! Wouldn't have guessed that but I'm so glad they were able to pick it up and start treatment!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I'm still laughing over the fact that at Hopkins there are no ENT doctors There are E or N or T. I already see a T for my vocal chords. This week I saw an E because my right ear feels stuffy. Apparently there's nothing they can see. I'm scheduled for a hearing test. Supposedly that will tell them more about what's going on further in. I don't really understand that! The doctor suggested I may need to see an N. Yep, I'm having too much fun with this.

    DH thinks if I could take decongestants it would clear up the stuffiness. As long as there's no real issue I can live with this. I just thought I should get it checked out.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    mdubbs1 wrote: »
    I'm still laughing over the fact that at Hopkins there are no ENT doctors There are E or N or T. I already see a T for my vocal chords. This week I saw an E because my right ear feels stuffy. Apparently there's nothing they can see. I'm scheduled for a hearing test. Supposedly that will tell them more about what's going on further in. I don't really understand that! The doctor suggested I may need to see an N. Yep, I'm having too much fun with this.

    DH thinks if I could take decongestants it would clear up the stuffiness. As long as there's no real issue I can live with this. I just thought I should get it checked out.
    Boy, those Hopkins docs take specializing to new levels!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sounds like the Hopkins docs don’t know the ear is connected to the nose and the nose is connected to the throat. LOL Good luck with the N doc if you decide to go that route.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Sounds like the Hopkins docs don’t know the ear is connected to the nose and the nose is connected to the throat. LOL Good luck with the N doc if you decide to go that route.

    Yeah, all the connections are probably why ENT became a specialty in the first place.

    On the plus side, the resident who actually examined me and the doctor both shared a hearty laugh with me over the whole thing.

    I told them I had an allergist client for years who wanted to test me. I said why bother. I've had a kleenex in my hand 365 days a year my entire life. Whatever I'm allergic to is obviously too ubiquitous to avoid.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I'm starting on the next newsletter and struggling with the daggone computers and photos. It's all so complicated any more.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’ve spent my weekend helping get my MIL moved into her new assisted living facility 2 miles from my home. She will officially become a resident today, but we were able to move her furniture and personal effects in and unpack over the past 2 days. My SIL will go home this afternoon. Since DH was still testing positive for Covid as of yesterday, he was unable to assist in any of this. Thankfully, I am still symptom-free, though I haven’t taken a test. So far, everyone seems pleased with the new abode, especially since this place agreed with us that she did not need to be in memory care. Her former place forced us to move her into memory care about 6 months ago, which was much more expensive and very depressing for her. After spending most of the past 2 days with her, I am completely baffled as to how they justified that. In fact, as she was leaving several staffers came to say goodbye and told her grandson they were glad they were getting her out of there because she didn’t belong in memory care. They seemed very fond of her and wanted us to let them know how she is doing here and asked to see pictures of her new place.

    I am beyond tired at this point, but hopefully after today things will settle into a routine and DH will be able to share the responsibility.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - how wonderful of you to take charge and get her moved. "More expensive" may, unfortunately, be all you need to know about their reasoning. When I discovered that most of such places are owned by real estate dudes (I have a bunch of real estate clients who've branched out into long term care type facilities) that sort of told me all I need to know. I've told DH I'm never going. I shall make sure I always have the means here to avoid it. Somehow we avoided it with all four of our parents so it's an experience we will miss out on unless it's for one of us.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I spent over an hour at Mr. Tire this morning to get a tire put on a rim. These places that are so short of help have done nothing to institute systems to fill in for missing personnel and it shows. I took a detailed "to do" list but that only helps if someone actually READS IT! After awhile I sort of wondered if the guy could read it. You'd think after being embarrassed a couple times you'd take a minute and read but he never did.

    Then I went to the storage unit to pick up a cage because I need to fast Lola Wednesday night. I must have lent the lightweight cage because it wasn't there so I went to Petsmart. Not a trip I was planning on today. Haven't been in a Petsmart in aeons and boy, it's SO not the same. And not in a good way.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    DH tested negative this morning so he was able to visit his mom and see his sister before she left to return to Houston. He also needed to sign most of the admission paperwork, since he holds POA for his mom. We spent most of the day there meeting staff members and taking care of the paperwork and medication routine. I think all of us are really tired at this point. Here’s a link to the main website for the parent company of her facility. So far, we are pleased and impressed by them. They seem to run a pretty high quality operation, though it’s too soon to say if it’s really as good as it seems this early.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    DH tested negative this morning so he was able to visit his mom and see his sister before she left to return to Houston. He also needed to sign most of the admission paperwork, since he holds POA for his mom. We spent most of the day there meeting staff members and taking care of the paperwork and medication routine. I think all of us are really tired at this point. Here’s a link to the main website for the parent company of her facility. So far, we are pleased and impressed by them. They seem to run a pretty high quality operation, though it’s too soon to say if it’s really as good as it seems this early.

    I'm glad your DH was able to see his mom and sister. That's wonderful! Hopefully once his mom settles in you can get a little rest!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I went to the website. It looks like you picked a good place. Is she in the assisted living section. I hope she’s happy there. And it’s good that you’re close enough to visit and see that she’s adjusting to her new living situation. Is SIL still moving to Colorado?
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    They agreed to try her is assisted living. Having spent a lot of time with her over the past 3 days, I never saw any hint of dementia or Alzheimer’s. I’ve always thought that most of her issues are related to her hearing loss and unwillingness or forgetting to wear her hearing aids. When she responds inappropriately to questions, I really believe it’s because she doesn’t hear or understand what’s being asked. She is forgetful, but at almost 95 years of age, I don’t think that’s unusual. She seemed to have a good night last night and went to dinner and breakfast this morning, so that’s a plus. She often refused to go to the dining room for meals at her last place.

    SIL will be going to Colorado, but probably not for about 6 weeks. DH is scheduled to help her drive a u-haul truck with her furniture up there. In the meantime, she is paring down her furniture and prepping her house to become a rental property. Her DIL will be staying with her in the interim as she is still searching for a job in the new area. That is proving to be more difficult than she expected, which I think has been a bit surprising to them. She’s a RN and recently completed her doctorate in nursing practice management. I think she may be over educated for most of the available positions, which may be why she’s having more difficulty than she expected.