This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’ve had a busy week. DH’s nephew, wife and 2 kids came for a brief visit on Thursday and we combined their visit with a small birthday party for DH’s mom, who turned 96 last Sunday. I made a baked penne pasta dish with salad and garlic bread sticks for dinner, as well as an almond layer cake with raspberry filling and a white chocolate amaretto frosting, then covered the sides of the cake with sliced almonds and fresh raspberries all over the top. Preparing all of the food kept me busy for most of the week as I’ve learned that I have to pace myself and prepare as much ahead of time as possible to avoid being in pain from my back. I had also made a couple of pastries and a breakfast casserole for Friday morning, but unbeknownst to me, they had made plans to meet up with some of our nephew’s wife’s family for brunch. So those items went into the freezer and I’ll take them to my sister’s house for our Thanksgiving morning breakfast.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Your meal sounds wonderful and the cake sounds amazing. Did you take a photo of the cake? Smart idea to freeze breakfast for your Thanksgiving visit. Did MIL enjoy her birthday celebration?
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, there was so much happening that I only got one, not very good picture of the cake with the birthday girl. She seemed to enjoy her birthday dinner, but got very tired. She’s had Covid for the past 3 weeks, but finally tested negative yesterday.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I’m feeling much better today. It feels like the remnants of a mild cold now. I should be back to normal by Sunday. I’ll take a new test just to make sure I’m negative by then. In the meantime, I’m keeping my germs to myself by staying at home.

    Here's hoping you are back to normal and test negative!!!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Turns out I continued to test positive on Sunday. I had to cancel my dental cleaning Monday but I was able to pass the appointment to DH. His appointment was canceled because his hygienist is on long term medical leave following a couple of surgeries. My hygienist told him she try to find space in her schedule for me before we head to FL. I feel like the remnants of a cold. It’s about 12 days now. I didn’t expect it to last this long. I probably could have gotten Paxlovid if I realized I had Covid sooner but too much time has passed. I didn’t realize it was Covid until I tested prior to my mammogram appointment. I was shocked when it was positive. I rescheduled the appointment and I’m just staying home until I’m negative.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I forgot to say the cake was gorgeous. I’m sure it was delicious as well.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    edited November 2023
    Thank you, Helene. We enjoyed it, but thankfully for my diet, it’s all gone now!

    DH’s mom continued to test positive for a full 3 weeks, but finally tested negative last Friday. Apparently it’s not too unusual to test positive long after the symptoms are mostly gone. According to my niece who is an RN, you’re not really contagious at that point. I hope she’s correct since we had MIL here in spite of the positive Covid test from 3 days before.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I tested today and I’m negative. Just in time to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow. DH had a couple of errands yesterday. I rode along but stayed in the car. It was my version of mobile quarantine. I hadn’t left home for 2 weeks so I was getting cabin fever. The change of scenery was great even though I never left the car.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I tested today and I’m negative. Just in time to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow. DH had a couple of errands yesterday. I rode along but stayed in the car. It was my version of mobile quarantine. I hadn’t left home for 2 weeks so I was getting cabin fever. The change of scenery was great even though I never left the car.

    YEAH!! I bet you were getting cabin fever. Sometimes I find that my mind has sort of gone into "pandemic mode" and I feel like I did when everything was closed and I didn't go anywhere except to feed the colonies. They also say that people who lived through the depression were never the same. I wonder if that will be true of the pandemic.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Thank you, Helene. We enjoyed it, but thankfully for my diet, it’s all gone now!

    DH’s mom continued to test positive for a full 3 weeks, but finally tested negative last Friday. Apparently it’s not too unusual to test positive long after the symptoms are mostly gone. According to my niece who is an RN, you’re not really contagious at that point. I hope she’s correct since we had MIL here in spite of the positive Covid test from 3 days before.

    YEAH! I'm sure you and your DH are relieved!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I continue to work hard but the last couple weekends I just had to take a break and work on my own "to do" list. Things were just piling up and piling up! I also had to figure out the new Maryland system for filing non profit returns. It's always something!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Got my rescheduled mammogram in yesterday. I canceled the original appointment for Covid. I was surprised when they only asked if I had Covid symptoms that day. Prior to that, questions included have you come in contact with anyone with Covid in the past 14 days. Another sign of Covid protocols becoming more like asking about the flu.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Got my rescheduled mammogram in yesterday. I canceled the original appointment for Covid. I was surprised when they only asked if I had Covid symptoms that day. Prior to that, questions included have you come in contact with anyone with Covid in the past 14 days. Another sign of Covid protocols becoming more like asking about the flu.

    I think most places are at most paying lip service any more. Buildings that used to have someone checking temps as people came in and checking for masks have totally eliminated that.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    That’s true. Two years ago, I had to use the main hospital entrance and stop for an ID and temp check. Only people with an appointment could come in. The office building I go to connected to the hospital by a hallway. Now we’re back to going directly into the office building and access is open as before before Covid restrictions.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - I was just reading an article about Buc-ee's convenience stores in the Washington Post. Boy, everything IS supersized in Texas. LOL!

    It's raining hard here. In typical Maryland fashion the tv channels were already scrolling flood warnings last evening at least 12 hours before the rain was to start.

    I'm trying to psych myself up to make Thanksgiving dinner. I could cheerfully skip this year but DH would be sad.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, the Buc-ees stores are crazy! We typically skip them but I have been to a few of them when I travel with my sister. They do have really good snacks, lol. And the bathrooms really are super clean and nice. And you almost never have to wait for a gas pump because they have so many. I think they are fun, but DH would rather be shot than stop at one.

    We are driving to my sister’s house tomorrow. This year's dinner is coming together pretty easily. A friend of hers offered to gift her pies that she had in her freezer. Her friend enjoys baking pies and typically makes 2 every time she bakes. She eats one and freezes the other, so she offered a couple of the pies from her freezer for our dinner. I baked an apple pie today because that’s my BIL’s favorite and I like it too. I already had a breakfast casserole in the freezer leftover from our visitors last month that we ended up not using, along with a couple of breakfast pastries. I had mashed potatoes in the freezer, extras from a previous dinner I had made for someone who was recovering from surgery. I made my cranberry sauce last week, so I was really able to space out everything pretty easily. My sister did the same thing — several dishes were made ahead of time, so on Thursday we will mostly be reheating things. Our turkey is smoked, so it will just need to be sliced.

    MIL is not doing well. Her dementia seems to be getting worse, and she’s becoming very needy. She’s calling DH almost daily, expecting him to come and sit with her. She gets very frustrated when she can’t remember what she wants to say or can’t find the right word, which can trigger an anxiety attack. And she has apparently started wandering the halls in her underwear. She moans a lot as if in pain, but can’t really say what hurts. DH is patient with her, but I think he is growing frustrated, too. He said tonight that she’s like a big baby, which might be the most critical thing I’ve ever heard him say about her. I sincerely hope I don’t live as long as she has, unless I’m in much better condition.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam -

    I'm sorry about your MIL! That is my worst nightmare.

    Your dinner sounds fantastic!

    I've got a turkey along with my usual stove top, jars of gravy, etc. LOL! I don't like cranberry; DH does. But he only likes the jellied stuff in the can so that's in the frig. I tried buying something fancier one year and he was not amused.

    Have a great Thanksgiving Day everyone!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! It’s just the two of us at home so I ordered a dinner kit from Stop & Shop. For Maryanne’s FYI, they’re related to the Giant supermarket chain. It included a turkey breast, potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and squash. There was no gravy or cranberry sauce but I had those in the house already. It included a pumpkin pie too. So I just have to heat everything. We’ve been spending Thanksgiving with family but couldn’t go this year because DH had a medical appointment yesterday. He had some lab tests done yesterday but the appointment was positive. We have to wait for a follow up with the doctor but we should be able to go to FL before Christmas.

    We’re also waiting for the Registry to mail me a replacement driver’s license. I renewed online in September and then forgot about it. I had to show my license at the bank and was told it had expired. I went to the registry and got a temporary license. The real one will be mailed. It was a blessing I had to show it at the bank. Otherwise I would have gone to FL without a valid license.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    We had a nice Thanksgiving with my sister and her family but we are back home now. Today we plan to go to MIL’s place and decorate her apartment for some holiday cheer and check in on her. She didn’t call while we were away, but SIL reported that she spoke with some of the staff and they said she wasn’t doing well. The hospice nurse was supposed to check on her, but we weren’t notified if that occurred or not. The main problem seems to be anxiety now. Any change to her routine sets off an anxiety attack, and us being out of town apparently was a big trigger for her. Even though we were only 2 hours away and could easily return if needed.

    I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving and are enjoying a relaxed weekend. I have no plans to go shopping until next week when people are back at work, lol! I had hoped to severely limit the number of people we were buying gifts for this year to only MIL and our young niece and nephews, but DH’s family threw a fit and he caved. So now our gift list has expanded and I’ll have to have everything ready to ship in time to arrive for Christmas.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Happy Thanksgiving! It’s just the two of us at home so I ordered a dinner kit from Stop & Shop. For Maryanne’s FYI, they’re related to the Giant supermarket chain. It included a turkey breast, potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and squash. There was no gravy or cranberry sauce but I had those in the house already. It included a pumpkin pie too. So I just have to heat everything. We’ve been spending Thanksgiving with family but couldn’t go this year because DH had a medical appointment yesterday. He had some lab tests done yesterday but the appointment was positive. We have to wait for a follow up with the doctor but we should be able to go to FL before Christmas.

    We’re also waiting for the Registry to mail me a replacement driver’s license. I renewed online in September and then forgot about it. I had to show my license at the bank and was told it had expired. I went to the registry and got a temporary license. The real one will be mailed. It was a blessing I had to show it at the bank. Otherwise I would have gone to FL without a valid license.

    Maybe some year I can swing something easier for Thanksgiving. That dinner sounds like a good option. As would eating out on Friday some year.

    That's too bad you couldn't see family on Thanksgiving!