This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Helene, we get some fall color some years, but nothing like you see in the Northeast. It has been almost unbearably hot for the past week, but so far our A/C is handling it well. I’m so glad we replaced those units last spring! My sister’s unit failed 3 days ago but they were able to get it replaced the next day. They spent most of the day in their pool, trying to stay cool. I’m coping by staying indoors as much as I can.

    My 20 pound bear may be out of the closet soon! I’m a couple of pounds away now, but I’m hopeful I can dust him off in another week or two. It always seems that I have a big weight drop the day AFTER my appointment at the clinic, and that’s what happened again yesterday. The scale showed a 1.2 pound drop from Friday to today.

    Fingers crossed that your DH gets as good a report from the cardiologist as Maryanne!

    That's interesting that your weight drops the day AFTER the clinic. Power of positive thinking? LOL!

    Here's hoping that 20-lb bear is ready to come out of the closet.

    What's funny is I'm haunting ebay looking for discontinued jenny craig, NS and optavia foods but not dieting right this minute. When I get back to it, though, I'll be ready!!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    We both had dental cleanings scheduled yesterday but DH had a letter saying his appointment was canceled and he needed to reschedule. Turns out his hygienist had surgery and will be out for months. They offered him an appointment in December when we’ll be in FL. He asked to be put on a cancellation list. I had my appointment and was talking to my hygienist about DH being on a cancellation list. She asked how far from the center we live(5 minutes). Someone had just cancelled with her for tomorrow and she was able to slot DH in. She told me his hygienist had rotator cuff surgery and they won’t let her come back to work for six months. She’ll be back in October. She went in and scheduled both of us for November appointments and gave us appointments for next June. We always chat a bit before my appointment so she knows we leave for FL before Thanksgiving. It was so sweet of her to take care of all our appointments. It was lucky I told her about DH and that she just had a cancellation.

    What a PITA but lucky on the cancellation.

    I had a new appointment scheduled with an internist last Friday. They cancelled (why depends on which story you believe). I can't believe they didn't make accommodations. I mean maybe add one appointment a day until they catch up? But no, I'd already looked up her next appointment online and that's what they scheduled me for. Their cancellations work through text only and I'll be darned if I'm turning on my phone and carting it around for something that was their doing not mine. I'm not the one who cancelled. I then called my existing internist and changed that appointment again. They don't even seem to be suspicious. Guess they don't care!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    DH had his cardiology appointment today. He had an echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test done in the last two weeks. On one of his previous echocardiograms, he was immediately sent to the hospital because his stents started to re-block. He ended up having triple bypass surgery. So I’m alway a little nervous to get the results of those tests. Turns out I worried for nothing. He had great results and his doctor was very pleased. We celebrated with lunch and DH had a lobster roll. All around, it was a good day.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    DH had his cardiology appointment today. He had an echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test done in the last two weeks. On one of his previous echocardiograms, he was immediately sent to the hospital because his stents started to re-block. He ended up having triple bypass surgery. So I’m alway a little nervous to get the results of those tests. Turns out I worried for nothing. He had great results and his doctor was very pleased. We celebrated with lunch and DH had a lobster roll. All around, it was a good day.

    Yay for excellent results!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We’re driving to visit a friend at his lake house for the holiday. We leave Sunday and come back Friday. It’s the same friend who stayed with us last spring and help us rebuild the stairs. The time when DH had the concerning results, he was hospitalized the same day. The Plavix he takes had to leave his system so he wouldn’t have heavy bleeding during surgery. He had triple bypass a few days later. I had visions of something like that happening and having to call our friend and cancel the trip. It was a huge relief to hear the tests were all clear.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    DH had his cardiology appointment today. He had an echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test done in the last two weeks. On one of his previous echocardiograms, he was immediately sent to the hospital because his stents started to re-block. He ended up having triple bypass surgery. So I’m alway a little nervous to get the results of those tests. Turns out I worried for nothing. He had great results and his doctor was very pleased. We celebrated with lunch and DH had a lobster roll. All around, it was a good day.

    That is fantastic news!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I'm originally from a tiny town 8 miles north of Gettysburg. One of my brothers recently moved back east after several years in the Pacific northwest and settled into an apartment in Gettysburg (it's a college town so rents aren't small town).

    Anyway he emailed me that today is the 160th anniversary of the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg. I bet the town is overrun with tourists!

    (The local economy thanks the heavens for the tourists. When I went to college our second semester ended mid April and I'd go home and clean motel rooms from mid April to Labor Day. Continued to do it after I started teaching, only stopping when we moved to Baltimore and I stopped teaching. And my friends wonder why I don't clean house much. LOL!)
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Enjoying a few days at our frien’s lake house. Last night, he and I went to Tanglewood to see James Taylor in concert. DH preferred to stay home and dog sit than come. He’s strictly a classical music fan. Tanglewood is the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra but they’ve added more contemporary concerts scheduled for when the BSO isn’t performing. It was a 90 minute drive but we’ll worth it. JT was fabulous.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Enjoying a few days at our frien’s lake house. Last night, he and I went to Tanglewood to see James Taylor in concert. DH preferred to stay home and dog sit than come. He’s strictly a classical music fan. Tanglewood is the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra but they’ve added more contemporary concerts scheduled for when the BSO isn’t performing. It was a 90 minute drive but we’ll worth it. JT was fabulous.

    Oh, what a wonderful opportunity!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    NS's parent company is bringing back Jenny Craig:
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Interesting that the parent company of NS is buying and reviving Jenny Craig. Seems like it would make more sense to fold it into NS rather than keep operating it separately, since the two companies basically offer the same thing. But what do I know, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Interesting that the parent company of NS is buying and reviving Jenny Craig. Seems like it would make more sense to fold it into NS rather than keep operating it separately, since the two companies basically offer the same thing. But what do I know, lol!

    I'm guessing the two brand names both have loyal clientele with only some overlap. Because you're right; both have shelf stable and frozen food. JC couldn't be purchased though unless you bought coaching (that frayed a little over time; there was some food that cropped up on Amazon). Like NS, the quality of JC food went downhill over time as well.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    The amount of diet food in this house is getting a little crazy as I've been haunting ebay looking for discontinued ns, jc and optavia food. But it's buy now or it's gone forever so I'm buying and stockpiling. Sort of funny as right this minute I'm not dieting - I'm in my annual post cardiologist splurge mode.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I didn’t think I’d make it our seats the night of the concert. The ride from home to our friends house was about six hours. He took us on a drive up to Ft Ticonderoga and then we took a 15 minute ride on a small ferry across Lake Champlain to Vermont on the other side of the lake. The ride continued down the Vermont border until we crossed back into NY. It was a lot driving and my knees really stiffened up. It felt like about a half mile walk from the parking lot to our seats. It probably wasn’t that far but it sure felt like it. During intermission, I was talking to a woman who was in the handicapped lot. She said they had a shuttle that could drive us to our car. We left as the last song was playing and asked a cop at the gate about the shuttle. He pointed us to the people we had to ask and we’re able to get a ride right to our row. And we were a bit ahead of the crowd so we cleared the lot and we’re back on the road before the traffic jam.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I didn’t think I’d make it our seats the night of the concert. The ride from home to our friends house was about six hours. He took us on a drive up to Ft Ticonderoga and then we took a 15 minute ride on a small ferry across Lake Champlain to Vermont on the other side of the lake. The ride continued down the Vermont border until we crossed back into NY. It was a lot driving and my knees really stiffened up. It felt like about a half mile walk from the parking lot to our seats. It probably wasn’t that far but it sure felt like it. During intermission, I was talking to a woman who was in the handicapped lot. She said they had a shuttle that could drive us to our car. We left as the last song was playing and asked a cop at the gate about the shuttle. He pointed us to the people we had to ask and we’re able to get a ride right to our row. And we were a bit ahead of the crowd so we cleared the lot and we’re back on the road before the traffic jam.

    There was a period when I went to a ton of concerts. Getting there, parking, etc. was also a struggle. That's why when I was able to watch a couple concerts virtually recently I thought "this is fantastic" I wish there were more virtual opportunities. Of course nothing beats watching a show live but I think those days may be behind me.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I typed out a long post this morning, only to lose it when my wayward pinky on my damaged right hand hit something on the screen and took me to a different screen, thereby deleting my post. So annoying! Anyway …

    I had lunch yesterday with friends and was very gratified that they all noticed and commented on my weight loss! My 20 pound bear is almost ready to come out of the closet! I’m debating whether to keep going and try for another 6-7 pounds. The age-adjusted BMI calculator shows me to be in an good place at my current weight and doesn’t indicate any advantage to going any lower, but I would really like to get into the 130’s and then try to maintain that. I think I will keep trying to lose until I see my doctor August 24th and then decide if I’m ready to move into a maintenance phase at that time. I also have an appointment next Friday with my consultant at the weight loss clinic, so I will be discussing with her as well.

    I saw my hand doctor on Thursday for a routine visit. It left me a little puzzled as to next steps. He is leaving his current practice group and moving to a sports medicine group. He doesn’t know yet what insurances are accepted, so not clear yet if I can follow him to his new location. He gave me the contact info for it as well as the name and contact info for a doctor there if I choose not to follow him. He said I could follow up “prn” in 6 months. I know prn means as needed, so my confusion is over whether that means I need to schedule an appointment or not. At this point he is really only checking to see what progress is being observed in the healing of my ulnar nerve and whether there is any functional improvement from one visit to the next. I don’t know that I “need” to continue observation for that. Also, I’m coming up on the 2 year anniversary of the accident (November 30), which means that under Texas law I either need to settle the bodily injury portion of the claim, or file a lawsuit in order to extend the time frame to do so. I don’t really want to sue the individual who hit me, but I’m not sure that I will have reached maximum improvement by then. In fact, I’m almost certain I won’t have. The doctor said it could be up to 5 years, but that after a certain point, gains would be minimal and very slow. I kind of think I’m already at that point, but it’s hard to tell. So I’m confused as to what I need to do next. I guess I need to talk to my lawyer and see what he recommends.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We get a lot of commercials for Morgan & Morgan. They say they are the world’s largest personal injury law firm. In their commercials, they say you’re not really suing the individual but they’re insurance company. Ask your lawyer if that’s true. I’d have no qualms about suing the insurance company.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, I don’t really have an issue with suing the person vs the insurance company. In my mind, the other driver was extremely careless and deserves to pay for my injuries. I just don’t want the hassle of a lawsuit. Even if a suit has to be filed, I sincerely hope a settlement will be reached without ever going to court. Since there were at least 2 witnesses who clearly saw the accident and gave their statements that she was at fault, I can’t imagine that she and her insurance company won’t be willing to settle. I hope to get a settlement large enough to cover all of my medical bills and the lawyer’s fees. Since I don’t expect to ever regain 100% function of my dominant hand, I think that should be worth something as well, but I don’t know how that will factor into the negotiations.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    They would be foolish not to settle. With the surgeries and rehab you needed, your case is well documented. And you should get something for pain and suffering. I wonder if the other driver has any understanding of the seriousness of the injuries she caused you. I have a feeling she doesn’t.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - it certainly sounds like you could use some advice from a good personal injury lawyer as well as maybe a second opinion on the hand? Maybe your doctor moving on is a chance to do that without insulting anyone? Just a thought! And odds are the suit will settle.

    WAY TO GO on the weight loss! 20-lb bear coming up and people noticing? YEAH!!