New here and struggling with nutrition!

Hello everyone! I\'m hoping that this is an active group I can participate in! My name is Britiany I'm 29 and after being chronically underweight for many years of my life. Now that I am approaching 30, my metabolism is slowing. I never had to eat healthily or exercise growing up but I know how important it is for me as a health and wellness coach.

I'm getting ready to start thinking about having kids and starting a business. I was in the US Army for 4 years and the structure really helped me to stay lean and fit but with getting out, and COVID happening I struggle to build that structure on my own. I only weigh 120 lbs and the number really means nothing to me I'm more concerned with the distribution of weight and the fact that my body fat is around 25% whereas I'd like it to be closer to 20%.

I have a great gym that does group fitness and live in colorado where there are plenty of outdoor activities to do and enjoy but I struggle with food. I am the kind of person that can eat 3 chili cheese hot dogs every day of the week. I love savory foods like potatoes and gravy and grew up eating basically no vegetables except canned corn and green beans. My husband and I have both gained more weight since I left the army due to inactivity, working from home through covid, and honestly the way I manage our meals. I am hoping to get to know you all and learn from you as well! If my struggle is resonating with anyone please reach out and if there are any other groups that you know might be better suited for my struggle please let me know!


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,473 Member
    For starters, exactly why do you believe your metabolism is slowing?

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You don't have to cut a ton of calories to go from gaining a little to losing a little...maybe just as simple as a salad every night with dinner to shift some of those savory calories just a tad bit lower with veggies. If you don't already know what you are eating, start with logging your food for 2-3 weeks and averaging out your weekly/daily intake...then try to cut out 400-500 calories a day and see how your body responds.

    Exercise is great and by all means try to be more active if you want an active life, but weight loss is really more about food than activity.