TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    edited March 2022
    March2022; Week 3
    Week3 Roundtable Discussion: WRD
    Whats your “Why”??
    Lets mentally prepare ourselves for this temptation-filled weekend!!

    …. Share with us your reasons for being here and working at this every day! Why do you keep getting back on the wagon??

    And if you could also incorporate some pictures. Sometimes the best way to paint a picture is to share a picture of what you mean.

    Let’s keep pushing through! One more week and we’re finishing up March!
    Where do you want to be in April?

  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 802 Member
    March 17th

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - Dance Cardio

  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Logged - yes
    Under - yes
    Exercise - speed work for running
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 958 Member
    Sorry for late postings. It’s been a stressful week.

    Tuesday, March 15
    Tracked: yes
    Under calories: yes
    Exercise: no
    Comments: I took our older son to a fun movie (Uncharted). First time since pandemic. I think it helped him to de-stress a little.

    Wednesday, March 16
    Tracked: yes
    Under calories: yes
    Exercise: no
    Comments: Had my 2nd follow up appointment following cataract surgery. Having the left eye done Monday morning 🙏🏻

    Thursday, March 17 ☘️
    Tracked: yes
    Under calories: yes
    Exercise: 38 minutes (walking & housework)
    Comments: Did quite a bit around the house after 10 days of no lifting, straining, or bending. The time change has been affecting my sleep all week.

    Friday, March 18
    Tracked: yes
    Under calories: yes
    Exercise: 28 minutes (Housework)
    Comments: Did quite a lot of laundry and vacuuming. Slept better last night!

  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    Thursday 17 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: No

    Friday 18 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: Yes

    Making some new recipes and they are high in calories! I have to alter them to make them lower cals. Scared I may gain this week because of them. For both new recipes, I ate before calculating how much calories there were, kept forgetting 🙃
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    Friday 18 March
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    BlissfulK wrote: »
    Thursday 17 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: No

    Friday 18 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: Yes

    Making some new recipes and they are high in calories! I have to alter them to make them lower cals. Scared I may gain this week because of them. For both new recipes, I ate before calculating how much calories there were, kept forgetting 🙃

    @BlissfulK I hear that! I made some jambalaya this week and was shocked to see it was 460 calories per serving! 😯 BUT we had it for dinner on Thursday and lunch yesterday and I froze a big container and STILL have some left! I'm thinking there's way more than the 8 servings the recipe claimed.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    @Krysless2 I'll have to get back to you on my why. I wrote a big post a few months ago that I need to find. No way I'm typing that all over... 😁
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 958 Member
    Weekly Post:
    Username: @susanshaughnessy80
    Week: March Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Saturday, March 19
    Previous Week's Weight: 200.4
    Today's Weight: 196.2 🥳
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    BlissfulK wrote: »
    Thursday 17 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: No

    Friday 18 March
    Track: Yes
    Under: No
    Exercise: Yes

    Making some new recipes and they are high in calories! I have to alter them to make them lower cals. Scared I may gain this week because of them. For both new recipes, I ate before calculating how much calories there were, kept forgetting 🙃

    @BlissfulK I hear that! I made some jambalaya this week and was shocked to see it was 460 calories per serving! 😯 BUT we had it for dinner on Thursday and lunch yesterday and I froze a big container and STILL have some left! I'm thinking there's way more than the 8 servings the recipe claimed.


    I think the major offender for our recipes is “rice”. I don’t eat rice and have not been using rice flour. I wanted to use up the remainder rice flour bought from awhile ago. The lasagna made used sheets made of rice flour blend and used rice flour for pizza crust. Also vegan cheese is high calories, and didn’t check calories until afterwards. I was trying to use it up before it expired, lol. I was way too generous with vegan cheese in both recipes. I’m gluten free and vegan and make up a lot of recipes since there’s not many recipes that incorporate both lifestyles and the ingredients I like to use. I have learned to say no to rice while losing weight and check calories of entire recipe before making and eating! Lol
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Friday March 18th
    ✔️Track: yes
    ✔️ Under Calories: yes
    ✖️ Exercise: no
    ✔️ Water: yes

    I went to baseball game and we didn’t get home till 6pm and at that time, I was hot and exhausted. So no exercise. But walking up and down stairs that day with 90 degrees heat was more than enough for the day. I am thinking this morning I’m going to insanity. I have to push.

    Melissan84 weigh in
    PW: 240.4 lbs
    CW: 236.8lbs 😳

    I cannot believe I lost 3.6 lbs this week!

  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Weigh in

    I had a gift card for Cheddars and decided while we were out to go ahead and use it. It was late and had been up and going since 6am and hadn't eaten all day. I didn't feel like I over-ate and quit eating as soon as I felt full. The food was delicious BUT it caused me to swell and bloat BAD!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    @Krysless2 here goes, and I'll try not to write a book. ;) I'm 61 and have been on this journey most of my life. My Why changed over the years from wanting to look good going out partying with my friends, to lose the baby fat, to not be an embarassment to my kids, to look good for a special event, etc. I think perhaps my current Why may be the most important.

    Being 61, retirement is no longer some far off point in the future but actually just a couple of years away. Life expectancy being what it is my biggest fear is not having enough money to live on. I've been doing a lot of research on the subject and the biggest expense senior citizens have is healthcare. Thus, if I want my money to last I need to be healthy. I need to do cardio to keep my heart and lungs strong. Strength and yoga to keep my bones and muscles strong and my balance good so that I don't fall and break a hip. I need to eat right so that my body has the nutrients that it needs to stay healty and strong.

    My father was morbidly obese. The last years of his life he had emphysema and COPD and was on oxygen 24/7. I recently saw my brother at my niece's wedding, first time in 2 years due to COVID. I was shocked at the weight he had gained. Talking to him later I learned that during the last 2 years he had been bedridden due to blood clots in his legs and had a total hip replacement (yes I somehow missed those things). While talking he was sitting down because he didn't have the energy to stand, and he had to take off his bowtie because he couldn't breathe. Honestly it's a wonder he made it down the aisle. My brother is only 63.

    Bottom line here is that we have a choice on how we age. We can't prevent getting older but we can prevent decaying. I intend to stay strong enough and healty enough to live my life, not sit in a recliner and watch from the sidelines. I want to continue to ride my bike and roll down hills with my grandson and everything else that life entails for as long as possible.

    That is my why.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    melissan84 wrote: »
    Friday March 18th
    ✔️Track: yes
    ✔️ Under Calories: yes
    ✖️ Exercise: no
    ✔️ Water: yes

    I went to baseball game and we didn’t get home till 6pm and at that time, I was hot and exhausted. So no exercise. But walking up and down stairs that day with 90 degrees heat was more than enough for the day. I am thinking this morning I’m going to insanity. I have to push.

    Melissan84 weigh in
    PW: 240.4 lbs
    CW: 236.8lbs 😳

    I cannot believe I lost 3.6 lbs this week!

    @melissan84 great job! I'm not surprised at all.
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    melissan84 wrote: »
    Friday March 18th
    ✔️Track: yes
    ✔️ Under Calories: yes
    ✖️ Exercise: no
    ✔️ Water: yes

    I went to baseball game and we didn’t get home till 6pm and at that time, I was hot and exhausted. So no exercise. But walking up and down stairs that day with 90 degrees heat was more than enough for the day. I am thinking this morning I’m going to insanity. I have to push.

    Melissan84 weigh in
    PW: 240.4 lbs
    CW: 236.8lbs 😳

    I cannot believe I lost 3.6 lbs this week!

    Nice loss, congrats!💫
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member

    Bottom line here is that we have a choice on how we age. We can't prevent getting older but we can prevent decaying << THIS!! What a resonating statement!! You really struck a chord for me!! Thank you for sharing Sue!!

    That is my why.

  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Saturday March 19th
    ✔️Track: yes
    ✔️ Under Calories: yes
    ✔️ Exercise: yes
    ✔️ Water: yes
    I restarted insanity and I made a calendar to follow. My 12 yr old daughter even joined me. She could lose some weight and get a little more active. I’m glad that I’m that I can set an example for her. She is slightly overweight since the pandemic started.
    Well now to rest as I work long days tomorrow and Monday. Will try to update here n there but it’s hard.
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
    Saturday 19 March

    Track: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: Yes
This discussion has been closed.