March Mindfulness Challenge 2022



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Dumb scale is dumb. (sigh)
    So I'm just going to focus on having an non-eat-all-things weekend and see how things look next week. My body does this. I know that. KCKO.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    Under 100 carbs daily =47
    Be active 3x a week for at least 20 minutes= 35 minutes on the elliptical in the hotel gym. Eat more produce= My traveling day went well. Lunch was low carb with salad, roasted Brussels and mushrooms. Dinner was pretty low carb with collards and green beans. I splurged a little on a small Paloma cocktail and some honey sriracha sauce on my pork.

    Lost 1 lb. according to my weigh in before we left. Might gain it back with all this good food around me though lol
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 509 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    New post-covid low. 174.6
    Focusing on doing well this weekend

    Yes!!! Keep it going!!

    3/19 - 161.6
    I am finally on the move down. Of course this trend will most likely do an abrupt 180, but I will take it! I had 2 glasses of wine last night, and didn't log them. It's been awhile since I've drank wine, and it was so good! Today back on the straight and narrow and KCKO!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I started my cut finally this month and am seeing results. I’m down 4 pounds which is all water weight. It will be interesting to see how much fat I can shed before hitting a plateau since I’m about 7 pounds from my goal weight. Keeping a focus on protein has helped with not snacking. I’ll likely need to do some prepping to keep options in hand.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 509 Member
    edited March 2022
    3/20 - 162.4 - Slight uptick. No biggie. Back on plan today and going dancing in a few. Should be good for a few calories! Happy 1st day of Spring!! <3
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    Under 100 carbs daily =69
    Be active 3x a week for at least 20 minutes= Walked over 5 miles doing tourist stuff.
    Eat more produce= Yes. Fruit. Salad. Mixed veggies. Subbed risotto at dinner for broccolini.

    A little higher carb day but enjoyed my weekend trip and made good choices overall.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 509 Member
    3/21 - 162.4
    Well, at least I'm consistent. I went line dancing again last night. So in a few days I should hopefully see a loss.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    SW 170
    CW 165.5
    GW 165 (3/31)

    The not being able to breathe through my nose thing kept me on my couch for the weekend with a few comfort foods so a slight bounce up on weight. Feeling a little better today so will see what movement I can manage. Made extra keto pancakes yesterday so I wouldn't have to cook this morning LOL.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    great on-plan weekend
    174.4 this morning
    ditching schoolwork and taking the kids to the park this afternoon for a walk in gorgeous weather
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Under calorie plan and nearly 200g of protein so needless to say I ate when hungry and didn’t snack. I’m retaining some water today from all the boneless wings I ate. I’m thinking I may start to weigh in every 3 days or so and average them every two weeks. Maybe I’ll keep an eye on measurements too more often. Looks like everyone is doing well!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 509 Member
    3/22 - 162.6
    Slight increase again, but still lookin' good!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Scale bounce. No reason for it. Just did it. 175.2
    This is going to be the longest 10lb ever :weary:
    Anyway, KCKO
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    3/20 & 3/21/22

    Under 100 carbs daily =27 & 34
    Be active 3x a week for at least 20 minutes= Sunday I walked around an outdoor mall to get my activity in before the car ride home. Monday I was tired and had a doctor's appointment so mostly rest.
    Eat more produce= Sunday I had fruit at breakfast, a kale salad at lunch, and a side side salad at dinner. I was on the road most the day. Monday I had a big Greek salad for lunch and an Unwich from Jimmy Johns for dinner.

    Up almost 3 lbs. but my legs are still really sore so I assume I'm holding some water from my travels and extra activity. We'll see.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 509 Member
    3/23 - 163.6
    Up a pound from yesterday! Oooh...those demon scales!! LOL! Well, tonight's line dancing so hopefully that will help bring it back down!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member

    W 170
    CW 163.5
    GW 165 (3/31)

    80oz water daily - ✔
    Keep carbs under 40 - ✔
    Keep cal between 1200-1300 - ✔
    Do my house stairs 10x a day - ❌
    Get in 5000 steps a day exercise or daily count- 2278
    Use my stand up desk at least 1 hour a day - ❌

    Finally feeling better enough to workout. 45 (easy) min on the spin bike at the gym yesterday. Food has been pretty darned good this month and it's showing on the scale for the first time in a LONG TIME.
    Time to get back into my lunch workouts a few days a week.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    Under 100 carbs daily =17
    Be active 3x a week for at least 20 minutes= None yesterday. I'm unnaturally tired.
    Eat more produce=Zoodles at lunch and a salad with dinner.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’m on the scale roller coaster as well but nothing major so I plan to stay under calories and stay focused. I’ll move to a lighter workout schedule next week to see how the scale moves with my focus being more on food than exercise that is already a consistent habit. I’m doing fine with keeping protein high and have cut out snacking in the evening so let’s see how this trends. I’m with you @baconslave, this is a long haul when close to goal.
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,055 Member
    Back to my normal food routine this week and back to work after my holiday. I weighed myself and didn’t put on any weight over the holiday. I used to put on about 7lbs every holiday. I had a birthday treat and had some honey but otherwise stuck to my diet and this is the result!

    Feeling good, feel like I can finally relax and not stress about my food all the time. I still need to stick to a strict diet, I’m not going to be able to start eating salads again (which is sad because summer is coming and that’s salad season but never mind). I’m finally at a point where I know what makes me feel good both physically and mentally and can just stick to it. I think I’m at peace with food at last.