March 1st to May 31st challenge



  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    45 minute leisurely dog walk. Except the calories burned keeping them from bolting.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Will be doing yoga tomorrow. Got in almost an hour walk with the dogs and picked up the pace for the last 20 or 30 minutes.

    I wasn't in a very good frame of mind last night. I have not been logging the food very carefully for the most part.

    Generally I do pretty well until afternoon and evening. I'm not going to weigh again until Sunday and be disciplined the rest of this week.
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 226 Member
    Progress!!! Fantastic!! Picking up the pace the final 20 minutes is progress!!!

    I "overate" approximately 7600 calories this week. To be honest, I thought I had done much worse! So this week, I need to reduce 1400 calories over the week. Approximately 200 per day. Doable!! It's just a banana and a piece of toast! πŸ€ͺ

    More shockingly, I lost 3 lbs! Although I never accept my first weeks numbers. When my three weeks are done and I can take my measurements, I will believe those numbers. Two weeks to go. IF I have in fact lost 3 pounds, it wouldn't really surprise me. I was eating a LOT of calories!! Even just writing everything down has made a big difference.

    I started at probably 195 pounds in the middle of 2017. I have literally crawled my way to 157 pounds and been tap dancing in the 150s for a while now. And 160s. My goal weight is 135 pounds max. I would love to tap dance between 125 and 135 if possible! πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈπŸ§˜πŸ‹πŸ˜

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited April 2022
    You have had an impressive journey. The body keeps its own peculiar calendar for letting go of the fat.

    I used mfp in the past to get down 30+ lb and then gradually put on around 10 or so. Logging is the only thing that has ever worked.


    Today we put in about the same number of miles in an hour.

    I ended up with fewer calories last night but didn't measure the sides at dinner. I relied on eyeballing it. After eating so little during the day, it seemed like an awful lot of food.

    I'm trying to limit bread, potatoes, and grain to the evenings but today I had half a bagel for breakfast.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Yoga, 1 hour!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    May is fast approaching. I'm going on a trip the second week. I doubt that I will log very much. I'm wondering if I will lose the 15 lb by the end of this journey.

    GW: 118
    CW: 123
    SW: 132.6

    This is possible, if I don't overdo on my trip!

    It is rainy and so I have not gone for a walk with the dogs. Maybe I will put in an extra yoga session today.

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    The rain held off and we took a 48:minute walk in the evening. It was a little warm for the dogs but since the sun was going down I thought it would be okay.

    Today I ate lunch out and managed to order the skinny version of the pasta. Unfortunately I could not find the calorie count on their website. I heart mac and cheese.

    I went shopping with my daughter and she tried to get me to buy some clothes that were little on my edge. It's nice that she thinks I can get away with those. It was so nice to try on clothes and feel that mostly they fit properly. Non scale victories!

    All in all I think I got through the day without too much of a calorie hit.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I walked the dogs almost an hour today. Feeling lazy. I'm going to yoga at 10:00.

    I started keeping a page of things and I'm not getting to which I really want to do. I have too many things that I really want to do, apparently!

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I just read that you're not supposed to do hot yoga more than once a week. I guess I never heard that at my studio. One time I was too close to the UV lights and I felt very unwell. Nausea and lightheadedness! Signs of heat exhaustion?

    Now I am always positioned near the door and I drink Nuun solution throughout. I haven't had any more trouble.

    Usually I do one regular yoga and at least one hot yoga per week. I have trouble fitting in the third session.

    I'm actually stronger this year than last year at the yoga studio. My legs do not hurt like they did in the past. There is some discomfort when the post goes on a long time. It is nice to know I can still improve. I don't know if it's because of my sciatica resolving or because it is easier to do yoga when you lose a few pounds. Or both. My balance is slowly improving but I am sure it is still a source of amusement to my fellow Yogis.

    The instructors are good about mixing up the routines which is helpful to the brain and to keeping the body stimulated. It is a very intense sweaty workout, and I know I must be burning some calories doing that.

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited April 2022
    Today I did more than 45 minutes of hot vinyasa yoga. For some reason the class runs longer than it's supposed to.

    I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep up the pace, but I did 85% or more.

    I worked from 5:45 to 8:00 cleaning up the house. Now I'm ready to collapse.

    I went to Wendy's trying to order a grilled chicken sandwich. Instead I got three cheeseburger patties with lettuce and an order of fries.

    I did not resist the temptation and I ate the fries and one cheeseburger patty

    I don't know what was going on with the people at our Wendy's today.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    43 minute walk with the dogs.

    Looking back on the week I have been more in the range of losing half a pound per week. Let's see what the scale says tomorrow.
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 226 Member
    Hello my virtual weight loss partner!! I have been VERY SICK since Sunday Easter Sunday in fact. All was well and good right thru until Saturday night. My last workout was on the final Day 30 of Yoga With Adriene. We had a house guest for one night and on Sunday I had full fledged chills and body aches and high fever πŸ€’. I swear it was Covid yet I tested myself almost daily and it always came back negative. It has been a new Covid symptom almost daily on top of everything else. The painful cough, the neasea, the running nose. Yet I continued to test negative. Don't know how well those kits are government handed out actually work. If nothing else, I learned it's the flu and I wish I would have been alab technician. It was actually fun running the test on myself! And now I know exactly how to do it if anyone needs help. So far my husband is πŸ™‚

    I think it's important to maintain yoga no matter what!! I'm 54 and I don't know ANYONE my age who can sit with their legs crossed! Or even comfortable seated on their knees with their thighs straight. Their hips are too tight and most women are actually quite obese and unable to comfortably cross their legs. I say if you are fine with hot yoga 2x a week, you should be fine. Just keep that water bottle handy! I personally found yoga is easier with less pounds coming along for the ride but you're right I'm sure!!

    As for your trip.....have fun. One way to jot down your EXERCISE AND WATER that I do...because part of the fun is eating on vacation. Almost all hotels have gyms so it can be easier to get in a workout or make sure you walk around the property and as much as possible. I take an index card, your standard 3x5 lined. One for each day of the trip. On one side I put the exercise I did that day. Everything counts! On the other I mark off the number of bottles of water I drank that day. This actually forces you to carry a water bottle as you go about your day and constantly refill it. Just a good sized bottle you can put in your purse or bag. If you have your little index card for the day, you'll easily find yourself adding a tick mark as you go.. Trust me!!! JUST MONITORING YOUR Water and EXERCISE is all you need to do to stay positive, focused and not fall behind on habits. 7 to 10 index cards and a pen take up NO ROOM at all in your handbag too You won't even need MFP JUST INPUT YOUR WORKOUTS FOR THE TIME YOU WERE AWAY WHEN YOU GET BACK.

    I'm not 100% yet but I feel I should be soon. I lost 2 pounds this week strictly thru not eating. I've done absolutely no exercise. Hoping I can keep those 2 pounds off!
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 226 Member
    Aha! Great news! I have inadvertently reached the first goal I set for myself!! Shocked myself!! When I started MFP again I dutifully set up my starting weight and goal and to be honest, I forgot about it. I have a little ticker on my profile and when I input my 2 pound loss for the week, not that I tried, I apparently reached my goal! So I went back to SETTINGS and yes! I started right on November 1st and my first goal was to just lose 15 pounds. Gain some momentum and start going the opposite way as I could feel the Winter pounds making themselves comfortable. πŸ€ͺ That is when I felt CHUBBY. Not fat, certainly not obese. If you've been there you understand the various levels of weight. I could still wear jeans but was finding joggers more comfortable πŸ™ƒ. I decided on a strictly yoga program with the intention of just MOVING everyday. It worked! Within that 6 months I did daily yoga, then some eleptical, then found yoga a bit too boring. Which in my mind meant I had now prepped my body for more. But I continued just not daily and switched to aerobics class for 20 minutes and time spent lifting light weights. I actually cut back my calories a lot too in hindsight.

    Just short of 6 months I have lost the 15 pounds. And even though it was just yoga at first it was hard because an extra 15 pounds makes everything harder! I am an example of just deciding life with dignity is better and as soon as sweats and joggers are worn 50% of the time...because they aren't really meant to be as pants. It's time to pull back πŸ€ͺ ITS not a question of do these pants make me look fat.

    I now find myself 20 pounds away from πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ into my goal. I would now describe myself as solid. I'm 155 with a perfect hourglass figure of 40 30 40. My underarms do t shake when I wave and my thighs are 20 inches. There is no leg rubbing at all when I walk. I have a Sofia Vergara body type. You know how you wouldn't describe her as fat...but she's definitely THERE? SOLID. VOLUPTUOUS?

    So it's time to reset another goal. As soon as I am 100%.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I wondered where you were. I am so sorry that you were very sick. I do not understand why my husband and I have not had covid, unless it was a very mild case. I have a friend who's had it twice. I know you said you did not have covid --- I'm just making side comments.

    I love the index card idea. I was thinking of seeing if I could do yoga with my sister, but the gym idea sounds really good too.

    Honestly if I lost any more weight than I have my husband would think I was not voluptuous enough. I will see if he says anything when I lose four more pounds, because I don't really intend to get thinner than that.

    I will never have thin thighs or the arms that do not jiggle but that is not realistic or necessary!

    Even though I did not keep to my calories I did lose my pound this week, thanks to the exercise. I spent over 3 hours in the garage trying to clean up and that probably helped. Another side benefit of regular exercise is that I tackled the garage again!

    Last Sunday
    Weight 123

    Height 5'3"
    Weight 122
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited April 2022
    Walked the dogs for an hour. No yoga today because I forgot to sign up and the class is overbooked.
    Back into the garage to burn some calories rearranging and discarding items.
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 226 Member
    Lol! No you definitely don't need to lose any weight! I admire your perseverance to focus on strength, endurance and flexibility.

    Ha! The Covid tests I did from our government provided kits tells me I was negative. I wasn't cleared by an actual professional. It's possible these kits are meant to be placebos to keep people at home. Are you Commonwealth? I am, Canadian. Nowhere near as bad as America with their case count. Even though it's not mandated, many continue to wear masks. Mind you, Transit and airports, etc you still need masks. Most people just read the room and act appropriately. I personally believe it's with us forever so get all your vaccines and boosters. Mask when you can least in Canada nobody personally cares what you do. Keep your immune system strong thru nutrition and exercise. Survival of the Fittest is real. πŸ˜† Still not understanding why people are forgetting Polio Vaccine back in the day. The law was just followed and worldwide we ended up much better than we have this go round.

    I appreciate your concerns as to where I had gone and sympathy for my sickness. It is precisely because of our environment that I check in after lengthy absences. I don't want anyone to think I have suddenly passed from Covid! πŸ€ͺ

    Enjoy your productive garage clean up!!! 😊
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm not Canadian, but I have Japanese relatives and they are so used to wearing masks. Everybody just keeps doing it and nobody makes an issue of it. Interesting contrast. It really makes sense, especially if you are feeling a bit under the weather and you can protect other people. And I don't touch door knobs in public with my bare hands.

    I do have limited exposure except through my daughter who gets around with her two children. That's probably why I haven't gotten sick, but I am careful when I'm in public.

    I know people who had polio. Maybe the difference is that it affected children. Covid generally does not affect children as severely as adults.

    The garage is probably going to need at least three more days of serious effort. That's just a tidy up and organize. Then I need to start bringing in boxes of papers frequently and throw stuff away.

    I usually walk the dogs first thing in the morning before I have a chance to talk myself out of it. Some days I just don't want to go. But today it is rainy so I think I will not go unless I get an opportunity later to just go around the block. My grandson is coming over and maybe he will help me get them some exercise.

    If I don't schedule the yoga once a week I also have excuses because they get overbooked. All this requires commitment and planning!!!
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 226 Member
    I'm so Proud of you for continuing with your program with a goal towards daily progress! 🀩 This means your habits are becoming lifestyle changes and will be MUCH harder to just stop. Bravo!!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks. You are inspiring me, too!

    The weather was so beautiful tonight that I could not justify skipping the walk with the dogs, so we did about 45 minutes.

    I made protein bars and I should have calculated the calorie content right away. It sort of messed up my planning today.

    Now that I know I really am glad I tried them because just a small piece is very filling.

    I will try to find the recipe and post it.

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I like protein bars because if I'm in a hurry it is easy to have a meal substitute. The disadvantage of making my own is that they might be more tempting than the pre-made kind.

    Divide by 12 so each bar is 279 calories. I did not follow that division so I have to adjust.

    They were good, but I did put in about a third of a cup of chocolate chips which made them taste better.

    Today I'm going to yoga and my brother is coming into town for the evening. He is the one who likes to walk 10 miles a day or more so I guess I'm walking tonight. He also likes Braum's so I am saving up for a hamburger and will try to skip the fries.