WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2022



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hugs to you all! I'm just about to jump in the shower after a late bike session, so I won't go on much right now, but it has been lovely reading all your news today.

    Reminder time - here are all the weigh-ins due through Thursday -

  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    PW: 217.2
    CW: 216.2

    @eggfreak what vegetables do you like to grow? This is my first year trying and I hope it turns out ok. I was growing some bell peppers and started them indoors like it suggested and none of them grew 😕 I hope that's not a sign of the squash, zucchini, and tomatoes 😂

    This week has been so-so for me. I went to the gym 3 times and did a lot of yardwork too! We got food brought in to work one day and I was able to limit myself and track the calories! Then yesterday I caved and had a bunch of easter candy. But today is a new day!

    Hi Lauren, this year I'm limiting myself to the things I found I can grow well AND will actually eat - tomatoes, cucumbers, scarlet runner beans, honeynut squash, a couple potato bags, and that might be it....but then I always add more...like, I need to have 2 zucchini, etc...my space is already full with all listed above. Deer are a big factor here and last year I fenced my garden. Most all I'll grow UP so I have more room. Last year I had 12 kale plants and made only about 2 salads - will this year have 2 plants and make at least 12 salads, Ha! I've sowed seeds indoors for some things but often it's easier to just buy a 6-pack of veg at the nursery when the weather and soil temp improve.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Woohoo, Got my new computer set up at the new job, so I can see you guys super clear now... Got my log in set for auto. I am ready for May !

    I've been recording my food, and exercising everyday, even though it's not alot, I am fitting in atleast 10 minutes. These 10 hour days are kickin my butt. But next week is my last 50/60 hr week. So I am super excited about that.

    Food hasn't been great, but not horrible either, so I think I am getting myself in the position to seriously kick Mays butt !

    Do you guys eat mushrooms, I was reading this stuff about how they are so good for you, but I don't like them. So I bought and started taking a supplement that is supposed to contain 7 kinds of mushrooms... Anyway, I think it is helping it has definitely increased my energy , I no longer dread getting out of bed, and I don't feel like plopping on the couch and not moving after work, last night I cleaned the inside and outside of my fridge.. ( That is super weird for me, lol)

    Although this new found energy could be from several other things, like looking forward to one job, that I like, or just general happiness, so I don't really know, but I have it, so I am going to hold on to it and run with it, lol...

    Have a wonderful day !

  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    CW - 174.7 lbs

    @jugar Can you move me back to the main team? I am trying to cut again for the next few weeks. Thanks!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Today started well, but I've just heard some sad news from a co-worker and now I feel a little blue! It's overcast but when I finish work I shall go for a walk and that will cheer me up - there are ducklings at the Wharf now.

    I didn't eat the Creme Egg last night, though I did eat up to my calorie goal. I also moved the chocolates right after tea, pretty much all to the top of the fridge so I can leverage 'out of sight, out of mind'. I know I could just throw/give it away but I can't bring myself to do it... The worktop looks clearer now anyway, so that's a bonus!

    This morning I had a chicken wrap for breakfast as I was quite hungry and had a few back to back meetings, but also a 239kcal energy drink; although I had about 8 hours sleep I felt like I needed something to focus at 8am. Fairly high-calorie start to the day but I'm not hungry any more! I've pre-tracked lunch - pasta pot - and dinner - beef stir fry - plus have some calories left for snacks if I want. I did consider upping my calorie goal to 1800 (so +150) which is about where it was when I was at this weight last year, but I'll leave it be, as I think most days those extra calories would be used on sweet or savoury snacks just because they're there to be used, and that's ultimately the habit I need to break.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    I did consider upping my calorie goal to 1800 (so +150) which is about where it was when I was at this weight last year, but I'll leave it be, as I think most days those extra calories would be used on sweet or savoury snacks just because they're there to be used, and that's ultimately the habit I need to break.

    That's great awareness! I'm definitely the same, if I see there's room in the calorie allowance, I'm going to fill it with something. It's the reason I turned off the exercise calories settings. I would just eat because the number said I could, not because I was actually hungry.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    CW 151.2

    @conleywoods I get the mad sad feeling.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    CW - 174.7 lbs

    @jugar Can you move me back to the main team? I am trying to cut again for the next few weeks. Thanks!

    You've got it - good to see you!
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