WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2022



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hello everyone! I read posts from the last few days, but have way more older posts to read to catch up. I am curious about this dill pickle relish!

    @ashleycarole86 Sounds like you have made it to your goal BMI level. Congratulations!!! That’s fantastic. You have worked so hard. Nice payoff. So happy for you.

    @conleywoods Kristi, your test sounded so informative and comprehensive. I’m glad they gave you a heads up to insulin resistance before it became a real issue for you. Glad you got so much information and happy to hear hubby sees your efforts in a new light. I know you’ve got this. Good luck!

    @jugar thank you for the email. I saw it but as usual was on the run and haven’t responded yet. I will, but will also tell you here, I will be back on the regular team and step team for May. I have done enough damage. Time to get myself back into a routine and follow what I have learned. Thanks for the nudge.

    That said, I have read about all the MFP problems people are having. 🙁 I also read the notice from MFP about an “extended outrage” of all of MFP to fix the problem. Do we have a plan, as a team, for support when that happens? Would a closed Facebook group work for folks or something like that? I know I am going to need this team for support in the coming month and don’t want to be left on my own for an extended period!🤪

    I will weigh in later this week, but tipped the scale at 200 today 😳 All my progress this past months or so lost. More on that observation later.

    Still trying to find new drs and schedule appointments. National healthcare feels like it would be so much easier in my situation.

    Tomorrow my granddaughter, Juliet, turns 4!!! She’s very excited. Party on Saturday with friends. Yes, we have those here because we lived here a decade ago. She also has made new friends in our neighborhood. Our neighbors are lovely on our little cul-de-sac.

    She will go to camp this summer and then in September we will attend school together. She’s in PreK. I still don’t know which grade for sure.

    All the garden talk makes me miss my garden in NC. I’m sure it’s an overgrown mess since my son hasn’t moved in yet. A few more weeks. I do have some containers I will plant some things in. And I will put tomatoes in the ground.

    So good to get my brain and self back into this journey. It’s all part of it. I just had a little detour. @YinxFed glad to hear you are back too.

  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Monday!

    PW: 142.4
    CW: 141.4 (-1#)

    Lack of prepping has been taking a toll on me so I'm trying to get everything together again.

    I love hearing about the gardens that are getting prepped! I'm going to live vicariously through you all since it's probably not in the cards for me this year (I've got too many other home repair things to take care of now that I know we'll be staying up here for a few years)

    Also - taking ideas for elopement locales in the Redwood areas of CA....so if you have some awesome spots, I'd love to hear them!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    So good to see you @micki48 - you're going straight back onto the regular team, and all will be heading back in the right direction pronto! Do you still want to stick with Friday weigh-ins? If so, this coming Friday will be the time for your starting weight. You have a few days to sneak back down under 200 :smiley: I am sure you will have a fantastic party for Juliet on Saturday - and then you'll both be at the same school in the fall - how good is that?

    I read the notice from MFP https://support.myfitnesspal.com/hc/en-us/articles/5716717249933 where they say there may be extended outage. As far as I know, this is ONLY on the diary side, not on community. So it may be difficult to track food and exercise properly, but it won't effect the groups, forums, etc. The team is safe! Maybe an alternative tracking site might be a good idea for a while, in case things get worse. I know some people who use mynetdiary.com and they like it a lot - but there are many of them easily available.

    I cannot wait to see the answers to your elopement recommendations request @MoonlitMuse :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Don't forget! Still a couple of weigh-ins due for yesterday and today -

    and then the Tuesday solo
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    Alternate tracking site?? But ... but ... I don't want change!!! LOL

    Although the problems with the site are worse than a bit of downtime to get it back to normal, I suppose! I've heard good things about an app called Lose It too, or Cronometer. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but I really don't know if I want to break out paper and pen! ;)

    I was a tad sore from the long bike ride yesterday, but the kind of sore where some movement today was going to help it. The weather was beautiful today! My work day dragged (just my mental space I think... ) but the break at lunch to walk my dog was lovely. After work, I got our taxes filed, and that felt great to get that monkey off my back!

    I joined Brad for a 10 minute strength session, did my 45 minute Peloton ride, and finished off with a stretch. A nice hot shower earned @jugar style to cap off the night!

    Back to office tomorrow so my wake up call comes earlier... I am not doing so well at maintaining 7.75 hours or more of sleep. Just something to note and keep working on.

    @micki48 Glad to see you back on the team and was delighted to see your Pilates workout in my feed today.

    @MoonlitMuse Nice progress this week! I have no suggestions for you as I'm not familiar with that area but that sounds very exciting!

    4/24 exercise:
    8200 steps + 190 minutes outdoor cycling
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    @veronica1359 If you are able to submit steps for Apr 17-23 by tomorrow evening, I'll be sure to include your numbers in our tallies! :)
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @micki48 @ashleycarole86 I don't want to use another tracking app either! Hopefully they'll be able to tell us when the outage will be and how long they expect it to be down for. I figure if I pre-track my days and screenshot them, then I just have to stick to my planned food. As somebody who works in the software industry, I would be surprised if the downtime is more than a few hours/half a day; the software is their business, so they need to be able to minimise the downtime. :smile:

    What I have found good lately is being able to select multiple items to track on the Android app - it makes tracking on my phone a lot less painful, even if the items are currently duplicating on the PC!

    I had the chiropractor again last night, then a training session this morning. My mobility is very good, even the aching thoracic area, but there's something going on in/with my right hip. C did some stretching with it this morning then we did work on the bear complex again - I definitely felt stronger after lifting, even with just the 12.5kg bar but quite quickly. We've agreed to focus on the bear complex and overhead squat for our next training goal, then outside of our sessions I'll try to get more runs in. I am still getting breathless very quickly, so I'm going to try running a 5K as slowly as I need to. If I really can't do it, I may go see my GP.

    Tonight I am taking OH shopping for Lego, as he has birthday money burning a hole in his bank account. I can't judge him as childish because I'd be the same. :D Might also look for a bird feeding station - we've got to stop putting food out the way we do to see if the rats in the garden leave. I feel bad about stopping feeding them completely as I love seeing the birds in the garden, but we don't want to risk the rats spreading and causing issues for our neighbours, or damaging the house. :/
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    @DD265 Good idea to see the GP if your breathlessness is persisting after the run attempt. Your mention of the R word has me shook.. we don't have rats in Alberta but my biggest fear when we open the trailer at the lake this weekend will be mice having gotten in over the winter. For some reason I imagine @jugar laughing at me now... country living gal that she is. It's a legit fear!!!! What kind of Lego did OH get?

    Up early thanks to my lovely cat... but off to office today so not the worst thing. I have a big meeting with the larger group today, many of which I still haven't seen yet despite being back for two weeks. Will be interesting as I've had some pretty obvious reactions so far in a more private setting.

    Will be back later to post exercise for yesterday and the week 3 step report!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    I am so ready for May to begin, I have been doing terrible. I must have it in my head that I am going to start on May so it's okay to overindulge now while I have the chance... Makes no sense, but that is how my brain works.

    I did do a 10 min video this morning, and yesterday worked my last official day at the old job. So this is my last 50+ hour week.

    I went bathing suit shopping this past weekend, I DID NOT EVEN NEED A BATHING SUIT ! but I tried one on, and smashed my self esteem into a million pieces... I don't know what I was thinking...

    Ugh... Tonight when I get home, I will be cleaning and prepping all of the beautiful produce, I bought over the weekend, but never took the time to prep...

    Ugh, it will get better, I think I had to get over this hump of finalizing that last job, so now I can throw myself into just this one, and working on myself. Apparently I can't do 3 things at once... :smiley:

    Have a great day !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy it will get better it will get better it will get better. really. it will. And besides, your May week 1 weigh in is this coming Sunday - 5 days from now! :astonished:

    @DD265 I'm wondering if you have considered seeing an osteopath - I have found over many years as a performing musician and part-time mover of my body that it is much more effective than chiro. In fewer treatments, way more integration and ability to keep doing all the things. Just my 2 pennies worth :smiley:

    And rats? We have muskrats here but usually, like @ashleycarole86 , just tons and tons and tons of mice. And groundhogs! But everyone needs the muskrat song

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,070 Member
    Hi WA's ...You have a new member joining your wonderful team ...Please welcome @sophsjw :)
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 554 Member
    @DD265 ...but my biggest fear when we open the trailer at the lake this weekend will be mice having gotten in over the winter. For some reason I imagine @jugar laughing at me now... country living gal that she is!
    Up early thanks to my lovely cat...

    Uh, perhaps said cat can assist in the potential mouse-expedition? Had to laugh along with you!
    Good luck with the mouse-invaders. I hope there aren't any still hanging around by the time you open the camp.
    Have a lovely day!
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 420 Member
    On April 24, I posted my steps for week 3
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @jugar I think my chiro is very similar to an osteopath (as opposed to the chiro I used to see), but I haven't seen one specifically. I find it's enough to keep me ticking over and usually just a nice massage these days, then I get the brutal sports massage from C on a weekly basis if needed. As long as there's nothing more than a niggle, a few years of training have taught me that the best thing for my body is weight lifting.

    We've just booked our holiday for September - off to Rhodes (a Greek island) for a week. I'm going to put a countdown timer somewhere, then it can help me stay focused on my weightloss journey. I'll crunch some numbers and see what I might aim for. Ideally something that would see me fitting comfortably into holiday clothing I already own! :#
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @DD265 Rhodes! Lucky you :heart:

    @sophsjw Welcome! Dive right in and introduce yourself - if you have any questions, fire away. I hope you'll enjoy our lovely crew. If you want a quick overview of the general procedures and who everyone is, the first page or two of this chat thread is a good place to start. You certainly don't have to read the whole month, though! We always re-introduce ourselves on the beginning of each month's challenge. In any case, it's great to have you here.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    Thanks @veronica1359 ... found them!
    My community isn't loading photos properly so I missed yours on the 24th. Got them!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    4/25 exercise:
    9220 steps + 47 minutes Peloton + 10 minutes strength
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 661 Member
    It looks like mfp should only be down for an hour tonight at 8pm pst. Should fix the issues everyone has been talking about. Syncing issues, not being able to quick add...hopefully will come back up in an hour like they say!

    Welcome @sophsjw!
This discussion has been closed.