Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2022



  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    May 26 steps = 10,754
    May 27 steps = 11,368
    May 28 steps = 6964
    May 29 steps = 4360

    Please sign me up for June step challenge at 9000 steps a day again!

    @Pupowl & @jessicakrall8 I love to read, I have paperbacks, kindle app and a Kobo! I can jump from book to book, on either device no problem. My favorite genre is Paranormal Romance/Fantasy but I really read anything. From Horror to Mystery, YA, Fiction the list goes on and on lol
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Susanna527 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. Thanks for the welcome. I'm Susanna, and I just joined the F2F Challenge and am happy to be on the Shape Shifters team with you all :)

    So about me.....

    I've struggled with weight my whole life, but from about 35 years old on, I managed to maintain my weight at about 140 lbs (I'm 5'4") up until six years ago when I quit smoking (2-3 packs/day for 43 years) cold turkey. I'm happy I quit, but stupidly I went from a nicotine addiction to a food addiction, and I ballooned up to 200 pounds. A few months after that, I fractured my knee & tore the meniscus in a biking accident. I just kept eating, stopped exercising, and was in a very unhealthy place.

    I joined MFP in 2018 on the advice of a nutritionist at my job to monitor my protein intake (she was concerned as a vegan I wasn't getting enough protein) and I stayed for a while, but like so many other aspects of my life, I wasn't consistent and dropped off. I did manage to lose 20 pounds on my own, but then I let a series of crushing events (my only son, my bff and my companion all died within 2 years) turn me back to binge/emotional eating, and I put the 20 pounds back on. I was sad and really didn't care about my body.

    I'm now in a bit of a better place and am ready to tackle my weight and weight-related issues once and for all. Last week I started exercising again (slowly), and am being very consistent with recording my daily food intake.

    Thanks to all who actually read up to this point - didn't mean to ramble, wow!

    And last but not least, @jessicakrall8 - I would love to join the June step challenge, but am not sure where to sign up. My goal is 2 miles/day (I guess about 5,000 steps/day) and my favorite place to walk is around my town (New Haven). There are lovely places to walk (and bike) here - I walk everywhere - haven't driven in 35 years.

    My current weight is 200 lbs.
    My goal weight is 140 lbs.
    My food goal is to get enough protein & fiber, and go easy on carbs, sugars & unhealthy fats.

    I'm really looking forward to being a part of this group with you - hope you're all having a lovely weekend ~ Susanna

    Monday - 5/30
    Weight (Current): 205 (above weight was a typo)
    Weight Goal (June): 197
    Weight Goal (Long Term): 140
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    edited May 2022
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 217.0 (February 29, 2008)
    CW (Current Weight): 164.0 (May 29, 2022) - NEW DAY ONE! (GOAL WEIGHT: 140 or below)
    LTD: 53.0, *Current* LTD: 0.0

    Hi everyone, I'm so happy to join! For this challenge, I start at 164, but I felt it's important to post my all-time high weight as well, if only to proclaim, "I did it before; I can do it again!"

    *Susanna527*, I was so moved by your story and was deeply affected when I read about your biking accident and most profoundly about the tragic loss of your only son, bff and companion within such a sudden timeframe! You must be amazingly strong and resilient to have recovered up to this point! Even quitting smoking is an amazing feat of endurance. My sister also went up to over 200 lbs. after quitting smoking and alcohol at the same time. She is only 5'1" and has rhematoid arthritis; so it's very hard for her.

    Like Susanna527, I'm about 5'4" (5'3.5") and over the next couple of years finally got down to 140 (for about like...a couple days?) ;) ANYway, over the next few years, I went back up as high as 188 over the pandemic isolation period before finally trying to regain my footing along the path to wellness. I now realize I will be unable to get back to goal without at minimum the following two things:

    1) NO alcoholic beverages!
    2) Increase activity to a minimum of 40 minutes, five times per week.

    That's me - for others it might be different. I'm going to see if I can join the steps challenge as well. My work is about two miles' walking each way; so if I walk at least one way to or from work on most days I should be able to achieve this goal easily. (Walking is a way of life for me - I've never owned a car and I don't even know how to drive! I should be able to keep to this commitment.)

    I turn 64 on August 18th of this year (hopefully!) and I find I have lost a lot of strength and flexiblity over the past several years as well; so I'd like to gradually improve along those areas as well.

    I would like to join the Steps Challenge and would like to average at least 5,000 steps per day, most days of the week.

    Thanks so much for letting me join this team! Wishing the best to ALL!

  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    edited May 2022
    @walela617 - Thank you so much for your kind words <3. TBH, some days I don't know how I get out of bed in the morning, but I'm trying.

    I see we have something in common (in addition to our heights :smile: ). I don't know a lot of people who don't drive - in fact, in my 60 years on this planet, I've only met two other people (and now you) who don't drive. With gas prices these days, I'm glad, too. I changed departments at my job and now my walk is only 10 minutes each way, so I definitely need to get my steps in, in other ways :)

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    edited May 2022
    Hi Susanna, not only that, you are helping to save our Earth! Part of the reason I never resumed dating after my divorce is because people in the U.S. seem to think there must be something fundamentally WRONG with you if you don't drive! (Or else the'yre afraid they might have to chauffer you around!) Whatever, not *my* issue. I'm so glad you are much closer to your work! I think you said you used to have a FOUR HOUR commute? Unimaginable to me! We are close in age and height. It really hit home when I read about your son - I'm guessing 5/27 might be his birthday, am I right? (Sorry if that's not so - I just felt like it might be). I have an only son too and I worry about him all the time. I hope we can encourage each other along the way. We CAN do this! (Carole)
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    Thanks so much for the welcome, Megan! I would like to join the Step Challenge. I plan to do at least 5,000 steps per day (but I'm really aiming for about 8,000, ~five days per week).
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    @jessicakrall8 fantastic loss!!!!!

    @Pupowl sounds like your cat training if very similar to puppy training. Good luck, it sounds rewarding
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    Hi Jessica, I forgot to mention my favorite place to walk. It's the Minuteman Bike Trail Somerville/Cambridge/Arlington/Lexington, especially near Spy Pond. I don't always get to walk there, but anywhere outside and with at least some "nature" around is great! Lately, I have to skirt all kinds of construction areas because that's almost all I can see in the inner city, metropolitan Boston area, but we still have trees and flowers here and there! I also like Assembly Row near Somerville - all the baby ducks, geese and swans are around now! I wear a fitness watch but it's not one of the big names. I still like it. I will count mostly workouts on that, but I log in a lot more steps in my day-to-day, beyond walking to and/or from work. I'm so glad to be part of this team!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @Walela617 I have you down for the Step Challenge...good luck in June! You're already making friends here...encouraging're already a great addition to the team! Don't forget to drop into the Group Challenge...every week is different and fun (if I do say so myself). Link is on pg 1 of this chat.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Where are the rest of my steppers?!! 8 people this month? Don't forget to re-register...doesn't roll over each month because you need to adjust your daily goal...where are my regulars? [peeking]
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited May 2022
    Thanks for your introductions and have fun here in the group! Just wanted to hop on the car free bandwagon. I don't live in the US though and I know it is much more inconvenient to go without over there. Here is a fun youtube channel that often compares the infrastructure between the US/Canada and where I live, the Netherlands.

    I saw my steps for 27/28 May aren't filled out. I posted them with my weigh in on Saturday. Here are the numbers again so you don't have to hunt them down:
    May 27: 13.370
    May 28: 13.392
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Monday ~ 30 May
    Steps: 14.813
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I had a pretty relaxing day. I got two packages delivered in the morning. One boring (new earplugs) and one fun (new puzzles!). I wanted some smaller puzzles that don't take a few days to complete so I got a couple 500 pieces. The 2000 one was just really pretty and because the box was damaged it came with a discount. I have never made a puzzle over 1000 pieces and I think I will save this one for the winter and when my mom visits so we can work on it together.
    I tried the paw training with Tinus again. This time on the kitchen floor because it is white and I figured it would be easier for him to see the treat. I also used his liquid snack because it smells stronger and he likes it the best. I put a little blob of the snack on a plastic lid and covered it with the container. His first paw touch was a very tiny nudge, but he did touch it, so he got to eat the treat. I did this a second time and got a firmer nudge, and the 3rd time he put his paw right on top of the container! I was so excited, lol. :smiley: He got all the rest of the snack after the 3rd time and I stopped there. I will do this for a few more days and then try step 2, which is only putting down the container without a treat under it. I am having a lot of fun with this even though it doesn't take a lot of time.
    Happy Tuesday everyone <3
    (Puzzles under spoiler)
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 992 Member
    @jessicakrall8 I always forget to add myself for the step challenge !! I will go with 12,000 again please.
    My favourite place to walk is in my local park.It is a restored Victorian park.I love going through it & enjoy the change the seasons bring.It also has lots of steps & slopes so is great for a cardio workout.Plus a cafe which is not so good ! n the summer I also enjoy walking along the canals.My friend & I walked in every direction last summer.I hope to explore some more this summer.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    I’m Patrice and I live in Alexandria, Virginia, just south of Washington, DC in the USA with my husband and 11 year old Boston Terrier dog. We have two adult sons (ages 21 and 20) who both attend college — one studies at Boston College in Massachusetts and the other attends Clemson University in South Carolina. My husband and I both grew up in South Boston and our family members still live there; so, we visit often to help care for aging relatives or visit family and friends. We say we’re “going home” whether we are in Alexandria traveling to Boston or in Boston heading back to Alexandria 🙃.

    Our younger son is home for summer break but he’ll be working as a college intern in Boston from June through August. So, I’ll probably spend more time there this summer. My father-in-law has dementia - and my mother and a great-aunt who also lives alone - all need increasing support for daily living. I’ll have to plan carefully so I don’t undo my fitness and nutrition routine while I’m staying at my mother’s house.

    I started my own consulting business when my company downsized in late 2019, just before the pandemic, and only the Executive Director and his assistant stayed on as full-time employees. My work focuses on finding solutions to complex health and education challenges in partnership with the people most affected by the problems within the system (e.g., students, families, practitioners, etc.). “Nothing about me without me” is our guiding philosophy. My former employer sometimes hires me as a contractor, and I have a few other clients. I’m still trying to decide whether to concentrate on business development or look for a full-time job; but, at almost 56 years old, I worry that nobody will hire me. It’s a ‘limiting belief’ I’m working to overcome.🙄

    Right now, my main hobby is rowing, and the flexibility of being able to set my own schedule allows me to spend more time outdoors rowing. It’s like meditation, exercise, and enjoyment of nature wrapped into every outing. My husband and I workout with a personal trainer twice a week for 30 minutes and, when my younger son is home, we try to complete at least 10 minutes of abdominal exercises every day. I think it ends up working out to be about 4-5 days a week. I also play masters’ soccer (i. e., football as it’s called across the rest of the world 😉). It’s an old people’s league and I’m not a good player, but being a member of the team keeps me active and accountable.

    I’ve always enjoyed sports as a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none.’ However, I gained weight gradually while raising my children and working full time. I was also very engaged in my local community (e.g., civic and parent organizations; City budget advisory committee, supporting local non-profits and sports programs, etc.) and neglected my own well-being. As an ‘empty nester’ I began to dedicate more time to my health, especially during the pre-vaccination days of the pandemic when there wasn’t much else we could do or control.

    I was able to reach my goal weight in September 2021 and I’m trying to figure out how to maintain a healthy BMI range while finding more balance in my life. Currently, it feels as though nutrition and fitness are taking up more time and energy than they should. So, I need to establish better habits so I can spend more time on my business and community again. I’m taking it slowly and trying to be intentional about my choices.

    I love traveling so I’m looking forward to planning some trips in the near future. This year is all about simplifying my life by downsizing and building positive habits. My reward will be saving enough money and time to travel with my family! Obviously, I also need a lot of work simplifying my F2F Chat messages!! 🙄

    Best wishes to all the new and returning Shape Shifter team members!!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    Its the last week of school, YAYYYYYY. Super busy week ahead of me, but the end is in sight. This weekend was full of Graduations, Work, cleaning house, and being busy like crazy. 1 week, and I will have time off and time to workout again. I have been so tired that I have a hard time waking up at 6am, let alone trying to wake up at 430 to workout, ugh.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    edited May 2022
    Keep me at 10,000 step goal. Im hoping that since I have more time, Ill get my steps in

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited May 2022
    Susanna527 wrote: »
    Hello Group! :) Hope everyone is doing well today. I have a question about the steps, @jessicakrall8 - hoping this is the right place for it. A friend of mine gave me a Fitbit years ago, but I decided I did not want yet another device to be synced to, so I don't use it. I was planning on getting my "official" steps in by way of a YouTube video that shows the step count on the screen as they're doing the moves. Would this be okay? I asked to sign up without checking first to see if being connected to a device was mandatory to join. And last but not least (maybe I missed this somewhere), where do we log our steps, and how often?

    @Susanna527 What device you use to tracks your steps is completely up to you. I just ask that you post your steps (date - total) every few days to make it easier for me to keep up with the tracking. The step challenge spreadsheet as explained in the FAQ, is at the bottom of the same sheet used to track the weigh ins, so go to the main Fat2Fit page, find the spreadsheet link for June, go to that page, click on the tab for Shape Shifters and when you see the weigh in chart, just scroll down and you'll find the step chart. I take care of filling it in, you just post your steps every few days in the chat room. Easy peasy.

    No mandatory device connection required, but you're going to miss out on all of the steps you get from just walking around during the day...YouTube won't record those...have you tried using your phone in your pocket? I can't imagine life without my Fitbit now...have used it for five years and don't even have to think about it anymore...

    Let me know if you have any further questions.
    Jessica :smile:
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    @CasandraW - Thank you for sharing your inspiring story of resilience. I’m not sure if I’ve ever posted information about the well-documented research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with our team; but, for me, one of the most surprising aspects of the long term studies was learning that infants suffered more than older children later in life. We often think a baby or toddler won’t remember the early trauma but their young bodies feel the impact more profoundly.

    There are many helpful resources for learning about ACEs, and many members might be interested in the link to obesity, but I’m sharing a link to a site that highlights both positive and adverse experiences - called PACEs - because strong relationships are the most significant predictor of positive results (e.g., quality family relationships, caring relationships with friends, connections in the community).

    I’m glad you are now seeing the results of your loving intervention and I’m sorry it’s been such a difficult road. You are making such a positive difference! I hope you can rest easier soon and care for yourself (and/or accept care from others) so the healing continues. ❤️‍🩹 Wellness wishes to you and all the Shape Shifter members!

    TED Talk on ACE’s by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris:

    PACEs Resources and Community Activities:
  • bigbeff82
    bigbeff82 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all. Can I please sign up for the step challenge? Aiming for 10000 a day. I live in the Dorset countryside in UK. Beautiful walking 🙂 Need to get this weight shifted. I'm the heaviest I've been ever 😔 and can't get myself motivated to shift it! Trying to track my food but failing miserably to add it. Off into town to have a walk now... But first add food!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @Pupowl - I’ve been meaning to thank you for all the book recommendations. I appreciate the links you shared! I’m going to visit my son next month. So, I’m going to review the list this coming weekend and select a couple for him. 🙏🏼

    The video of Tinus was interesting to see. Great job with the training. I’m sure you’ll see progress with consistency of practice. So fun!

    Working to improve a little each day is a good reminder for all of us. After all, we’re training ourselves to behave in new ways. Your example with Tinus teaches us the positive difference we can make with just a few minutes of daily focused intention.

    I think nutrition tracking helps me remember to be more intentional and focused. Maybe I need a food tracking button! 😉
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @bigbeff82 - That’s a great idea you had to log your food before your walk. Since you enjoy your walk in the beautiful Dorset countryside, that’s your reward for the new habit of tracking. I read a little bit recently about the concept of ‘habit stacking,’ which is based on BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habit program.

    Author James Clear says: “One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking.”

    I encourage you to celebrate what you are doing right — walking! … building your tracking habit incrementally, with practice! … participating in the F2F group! 🤩 I think you will surprise yourself with the progress you make once you make the mindshift from negative self-talk and embrace what’s going right. Sorry for butting in with a comment when you didn’t ask for advice but I believe in you. 🎉
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited June 2022
    @jessicakrall8 - It’s amazing to me how much you manage to keep track of for this group. Hang in there through your busy week; and, I hope someone steps forward as a co-Captain soon to help with all the ‘behind the scenes’ tasks.

    I admire all the people who participate in the step challenge and hope I can build tracking steps into my routine in the future. For now, I’m trying to become more consistent in using the habit tracker. Once I’ve embedded those habits, I’ll work on building my steps. I’m cheering you all in though — Go step challengers!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    Susanna527 wrote: »
    … So about me.....

    I've struggled with weight my whole life, but from about 35 years old on, I managed to maintain my weight at about 140 lbs (I'm 5'4") up until six years ago when I quit smoking (2-3 packs/day for 43 years) cold turkey. I'm happy I quit, but stupidly I went from a nicotine addiction to a food addiction, and I ballooned up to 200 pounds. A few months after that, I fractured my knee & tore the meniscus in a biking accident. I just kept eating, stopped exercising, and was in a very unhealthy place.

    I joined MFP in 2018 on the advice of a nutritionist at my job to monitor my protein intake (she was concerned as a vegan I wasn't getting enough protein) and I stayed for a while, but like so many other aspects of my life, I wasn't consistent and dropped off. I did manage to lose 20 pounds on my own, but then I let a series of crushing events (my only son, my bff and my companion all died within 2 years) turn me back to binge/emotional eating, and I put the 20 pounds back on. I was sad and really didn't care about my body.

    I'm now in a bit of a better place and am ready to tackle my weight and weight-related issues once and for all. Last week I started exercising again (slowly), and am being very consistent with recording my daily food intake.

    @Susanna527 - Congratulations on giving up nicotine and coping with all the difficulties you have faced in such a short time. You’ve overcome so much and I hope you can recognize your strength and feel proud of yourself.

    I second what @Walela617 wrote. And, @Walalela617, congratulations to you on your significant loss of 50 pounds. I can certainly understand why you felt that was important to mention in your introduction! Wow 🤩— what an accomplishment. Keep up the fantastic work and welcome to both of you!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    June step goal 9000 steps per day

    May 30 Steps= 9532
    May 31 Steps= 9156
    Whoa just eeked by in those steps, did not go for a walk both evenings. My allergies have been kicking my butt. When I get home from Work all I want to do after Supper is read and book, then go to bed lol
    Hopefully today I can get my evening walk in.
    Happy June 1st everyone, have a great day!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    Maintenance Weigh In:
This discussion has been closed.