Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2022



  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    @Susanna527 @PatriceFitnessPal and anyone who can help me test the connection, please do so. Here’s the link in messenger as chat is open…thanks

    Hi @jessicakrall8 - I'm sorry I missed this - I looked through the messages yesterday to see if you wanted help checking the connections and hadn't seen anything by the time I fell asleep last night (super early, around 7pm). And, unfortunately, I'm not going to make tonight's chat, but I hope it goes well :)

  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 365 Member
    PW 197.0
    CW 195.0

    ADMIN: I will be out of town next Friday and will miss that weigh-in.

    It’s the first week after meeting my nutritionist. I’m still transitioning some foods/meals but making a few tweaks seem to be working. We ate out entirely too much this week but I did try to make good choices. I’ve increased water, dairy and whole grains. But we are going to visit family in a few days so I’m just hoping to maintain while I’m gone.

    It’s been hot! Like triple digits for multiple days. Many years we don’t get our first 100 degree day until August so to have so many already and it’s only June is not boding well for this summer. I’m having to change when I take my walks, either right after the gym, when I’m already hot and sweaty, or late in the evening before bed, when I sometimes talk myself out of going. Oh well, progress, not perfection!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    PW: 224
    CW: 219

    Saw 230 on the scale so went on survival rations. Trying to reclaim my MFP mojo.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    I thought I posted my steps for Sunday and Monday on Tuesday, but I might have posted on the wrong thread, so here's my steps for this week:

    Daily Step goal: 10,000
    Sun 6/19: 20,307
    Mon 6/20: 14,387
    Tue 6/21: 12,152
    Wed 6/22: 19,615
    Thu 6/23: 8,629
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Friday, June 24; week 4
    PW: 227.5
    CW: 228.2 ( gained 0.7 lbs; 0.31%)
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    I'm joining the link to messenger as chat that @jessicakrall8 opened now:

    It was easy to connect last night. I'll look forward to seeing fellow Shape Shifters there!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Chatroom in messenger open if anyone from the team wants to join:
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    6/22 9,085
    6/23 10,324

    I'm on my way back home -drove 5 hrs this morning to Lynchburg Tennessee; now 10 hrs from Lynchburg to home- 4 hrs to go
    Peace out - hitting areas w/no satellite in IL
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member

    The July 2022 Habit Tracker is ready for set-up. Since we start July on Sunday June 26th, you had better get going!! Here is everything you need to know:
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    I apologize for my late weigh-in. I found out that my mother’s scale needed a new battery when I tried to use it yesterday. Here’s my maintenance update;

    Name: PatriceFitnessPal
    Weigh-in Day: Thursday

    PW: 127.5
    CW: 128.6

    SW: 168
    LTD: 39.4

    Maintenance range: 120-130
  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    CW 190.5
    PW 192
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    The July team chat thread is open! Please finish up this week's weigh-ins here, but go to July for (re)introductions and to get all set for a new month -
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    Good Morning,
    June 20 Steps = 11,786
    June 21 steps = 9646
    June 22 steps = 10,256
    June 23 steps = 13,075
    June 24 steps = 8002

    we are leaving tomorrow for holidays, I'll post when we get back, but I will miss next Mondays weigh in.
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    PW 230
    CW 230

    I little stuck, but that’s ok
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @bumblesandbees Your starting weight was listed as that pounds or kgs? We always post all weights in pounds to keep things consistent, so just trying to clarify...if that's kgs, please convert and let me know so I can update the spreadsheet before you start your weekly weigh-ins! Thanks! I had sent you a private message but didn't get a response...sometimes the PMs are a little wonky. Thanks!
    Jessica :smile:
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited June 2022
    @izzyred9400 Thank you! Glad you survived the walk, that sounds horrible. I can't handle heat at all.
    Awesome pictures! Looks very different from the nature we have here. Of course it is super flat here too; I wish we had something like hills or mountains.
    Nice to hear your nutritionist is helping! It must be really hard to give up things like salt and sugar, but I hope it will help manage your bloodwork. Good luck!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member

    Last night's first casual chat was a lot of fun! We're not going to set topics on these chats, as we don't want anyone to feel they have to "prepare" for's not organized...we're just getting together to talk about our week, upcoming weekend, fact, for those who don't feel comfortable being on camera, turn your camera have that option and you can just talk with us...I think though, once you see how laid back it is...just like a visit with old won't mind the video.

    Thanks to @PatriceFitnessPal and @casandraw for showing up...was so much fun to get to know you both better. Hope you are now enjoying your weekend!

    Hoping to schedule the next one for a Friday in July, but I have to check my schedule as my renovation will be starting sometime this month and I want to make sure I don't conflict with that. Stay tuned!

    Jessica :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Missing the following weigh-ins (incl today):
    @TheMrWobbly (2x)

    Stats will begin early tomorrow morning, so please report in today. If your weigh-day has become inconvenient in your schedule, let me know and I can switch you to a better day that works for you. Thanks!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Hi SS... You have 1 more new member joining your team ... Please welcome @bassclef :)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited June 2022
    Welcome @bassclef to our team! Glad you found us! I'm placing this welcome in both the June and July chatrooms since we start the new month tomorrow...don't want you to miss it. As a former piano teacher of 23 years, I can very much appreciate your username! :smile:
    I'm Jessica, your Captain.

    Please take a few moments and read our FAQ file either on page 1 of the June thread or the first page of the July thread. It should answer a lot of your questions. If you have questions note covered, please post them and one of us will get back to you. Also, when you have a second, introduce yourself and give us an idea of what brought you here and some of the goals you have for July and beyond.

    Again, on behalf of the whole team and our motivators @PatriceFitnessPal and @angmarie28 WELCOME! I hope you find as much support and encouragement as I have during my time here!

    Jessica :smile:
  • bassclef
    bassclef Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you, @jessicakrall8! I play piano and bass guitar, thus the userID. I'm also a sometime gardener, healthcare professional, and self-proclaimed novice carpenter, (I'm trying to renovate my house.)

    I have used the diary part of MyFitnessPal off and on for about 10 years, but have never participated in the community. When it comes to diet and exercise, I do a pretty decent job of the exercise part, but I struggle with overeating and snacking. I'm hoping to meet some folks with similar issues for ideas, inspiration, and support. Looking forward to participating in this challenge!
  • KHill875
    KHill875 Posts: 156 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 142.4
    CW: 143.6

    I am so sorry. My husband has been gone on a work trip since Monday. I have been taking care of our 3 year old and 5 year old by myself all week and I completely forgot about weighting in.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Those paintings are amazing!

    This chat thread is now closed - go to July:
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    I hope you guys are having fun! I hear it is unseasonally warm in some parts of the US.

    The madness at work has been persisting and I called an end to it this morning after 13 hours of driving over the previous 2 days. Now to see if they decide to keep me on or not. Either way my health is way more important.

    Time to get a good sleep in tonight and go swimming in the morning before work.

    Let the good times roll!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    I hope you guys are having fun! I hear it is unseasonally warm in some parts of the US.

    The madness at work has been persisting and I called an end to it this morning after 13 hours of driving over the previous 2 days. Now to see if they decide to keep me on or not. Either way my health is way more important.

    Time to get a good sleep in tonight and go swimming in the morning before work.

    Let the good times roll!

    You should hop on over to the July chat! As usual, F2F started July on Sunday... I hope you can work stuff out with your job so that it is more reasonable, but if not - I'm with you on just walking away. You'll find something better!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    It looks like I forgot to post that this chat is closed. July is here:
This discussion has been closed.