TEAM: The Belly Flats (August)



  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Daily Update - Wednesday August 17, 2022

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: No 🥹
    Comments: overslept this morning. Apparently when you restart your iPhone it turns off all your alarms 🤦‍♀️.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Daily Post: Thursday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 2 mile walk 👟
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    Week 3 Aug (12-19)
    Daily Post (Wednesday 08/18)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (Under)
    Exercise: Yes ( 131 Mins. Aerobic )
    Goals/Day/Comments: Keeping a low carb routine, lots of exercise and 1/2 gallon water each day.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    THANK YOU for being a teacher. One of the hardest and under appreciated jobs in my opinion. No way I could do it! I’m sure working out is hard during the school year because you are so busy. We will be here to encourage you to find time for yourself!
    Thank you! :) The last couple of days I've been setting up my classroom and haven't made the best food choices. Hopefully that is not a preview of the coming school year. :o
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,833 Member
    Daily Post: Thursday, August 18

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (🧘‍♂️51 min; 💪15 min; 🤽‍♂️58 min; 🚶‍♂️3.6 mi/69 min; 👣16,500 steps)
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    Aug(12-19)Week 3
    Weigh in day: Fri. Aug. 19
    Previous Week's weight: 161.2 lbs
    Todays Weight: 159.8 lbs
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,833 Member
    August week 3
    Friday, August 19
    PW: 227.8
    CW: 228.9 ( gained 1.1 lbs; 0.48%)

    I knew I would have another gain this morning, but that's going to change this next week. I weighed 226.6 on 7/31 and my weight's been creeping up ever since then. On Tuesday, my weight exceeded 230, so I knew it was time to buckle down and get serious (230 is my 100 pounds lost mark). I can't allow myself to regain the weight I fought so hard to lose. This morning, it was 226.6 again. So, since I post a 7-day average, it looks like I've gained over a pound, but hopefully, next week should show a significant drop.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,833 Member
    Daily Post: Friday, August 19

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (💗58 min; 🤽‍♂️52 min; 👣7,500 steps)
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    edited August 2022
    Week 4 Aug (19-26)
    Daily Post (Friday 08/19)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (Under)
    Exercise: Yes ( 146 Mins. Aerobic )
    Goals/Day/Comments: Keeping a low carb routine and trying to burn 500 calories in exercise daily.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    August week 3
    PW. 172.8
    CW 172.1
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Aug(12-19)Week 3
    Weigh in day: Fri. Aug. 19
    Previous Week's weight: 161.2 lbs
    Todays Weight: 159.8 lbs

    Great week Caren!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Colleen790 wrote: »
    August week 3
    PW. 172.8
    CW 172.1

    Well done Colleen!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    August week 3
    Friday, August 19
    PW: 227.8
    CW: 228.9 ( gained 1.1 lbs; 0.48%)

    I knew I would have another gain this morning, but that's going to change this next week. I weighed 226.6 on 7/31 and my weight's been creeping up ever since then. On Tuesday, my weight exceeded 230, so I knew it was time to buckle down and get serious (230 is my 100 pounds lost mark). I can't allow myself to regain the weight I fought so hard to lose. This morning, it was 226.6 again. So, since I post a 7-day average, it looks like I've gained over a pound, but hopefully, next week should show a significant drop.

    I think it’s great that you acknowledge it and looked back at your history to see what’s happening. Your attitude is incredible. Love the idea of posting the 7 day average. Such a more realistic representation of what’s happening.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Friday, August 19

    User: pkg1998
    Previous: 261.6
    Current: 262.4

    This is what happens when you do great during the week and then the weekend is a free-for-all. I weighed 264.2 Monday morning after a bad weekend and 262.4 this morning so actually lost this week but the weekend kept me from having an overall loss. :(
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    Week 4 Aug (19-26)
    Daily Post (Saturday 08/20)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (Under)
    Exercise: No ( Mins. Aerobic )
    Goals/Day/Comments: Keeping a low carb routine.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,833 Member
    edited August 2022
    Daily Post: Saturday, August 20

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (🧘‍♂️12 min; 💪15 min; 🤽‍♂️60 min; 🚶‍♂️2.79 mi/57 min; 👣11,165 steps)
    Goals/Day/Comments: I'm back at it I think - I can feel it. I did have a snack at the movies last night though - a value combo (for just $7.50) for a little popcorn, a few m&m's and a few mouthfuls of soda. But I also snuck in some peanut butter pretzel nuggets. 😂 (I saw Bullet Train and found it very entertaining... it's a light-hearted action/comedy with plenty of plot twists, despite being about a bunch of assassins on a train. Brad Pitt was quite funny.)
  • UnicornMermaidMom
    UnicornMermaidMom Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh-In Day: Friday but I forgot to post yesterday

    Starting Weight: 290.2 lbs. (7/31)
    Previous Weight: 286.2 lbs. (8/12)
    Current Weight: 288.2 lbs. (8/19)

    I'm sorry for the gain this week. I know what I've been doing wrong and will be working hard on it this week.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Daily Post: Saturday, Aug 20th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over…ate out for lunch and dinner.
    Exercise: Yes…2 miles on the treadmill plus A LOT of steps from back to school shopping.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Weigh-In Day: Friday but I forgot to post yesterday

    Starting Weight: 290.2 lbs. (7/31)
    Previous Weight: 286.2 lbs. (8/12)
    Current Weight: 288.2 lbs. (8/19)

    I'm sorry for the gain this week. I know what I've been doing wrong and will be working hard on it this week.

    No apologies necessary. The best part of this comment is realizing what was not going right and working it out.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    August 21st
    Previous Weight: 239.5
    Current Weight: 238.5