TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    Wednesday 28 September
    Track: yes
    Under: no, the chocolate monster struck
    Exercise: yes

    It's going to be a great day; (I keep telling myself that 😂)
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    @JbeanR0212 Hi Jordan, sending positive vibes that things are better today. 💕
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    @JbeanR0212 Hi Jordan, sending positive vibes that things are better today. 💕

    @JbeanR0212 I'm with @DaffyGirl88 I'm hoping for all of you that today is a better day ❤️
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    Jennifer is still shaking the sedation off. Yesterday was scary for her and she is still startled. She has a heavy stutter, shakes and a concern someone will pop around a corner. Her and I have grown attached. When morning rolled around she couldn’t grasp my absence. We did discuss it before I left but in her mind I was going to be back by the time she awoke. Poor girl kept crying and yelling out for me. My sub and Jordan tried to explain but that led to the misunderstanding she was being punished. Bathing Jennifer can be an uncomfortable experience. I can see why my sub sped through the process. I can also understand Jennifer perceiving that as my someone hurting her. When she felt disregarded it ignited trauma. Jennifer bruises quickly and easily. She does have new marks but none that imply foul play. We had a virtual meeting with the behavioral health team last night and I heard Jennifer’s side this morning. I agree with Jordan that the situation could have been handled differently. I stayed close on call and was not contacted until after Jennifer was sedated. The words “we tried to handle her” were used a few times and it seems those tactics led to the explosion. Patience, space and understanding might have been all the difference needed. I agree with Jordan on that part. This is difficult, because of her physical injuries I can also see the urgency to contain her. I have not seen her in anywhere near the state that was described to me. It seems Jennifer’s PTSD took hold and got to a point where sedation was the only option. I hugged her on our reunion because I couldn’t bear not to. Poor little thing has me in tears. She is complaining about intense pain in her right shoulder and neck. Pain at the back of her skull at the left base and may have sprained her right ankle. When the offices open I will schedule an exam so we can determine how aggravated her injuries are. I am off this weekend while her old boss stays over but we are going to have breakfast together. Some reassurance for both of us. Jordan will be back permanently by the end of next week. I have washed Olivia’s little weighted blanket with lavender to help Jennifer feel calm and safe. She has a few appointments. Outside of that our focus is sunshine and relaxation. I thank everyone for their continued support.

    Lisa W.
    Home Care Aide
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    @JbeanR0212 Hi Lisa, thank you for the update. I'm sorry that your break got cut short and that Jenn wasn't comfortable with the fill-in care giver. It sounds like a difficult day for all parties. :( I'm glad that Jordan is coming back, I'm sure they both will feel better then. Jenn being able to see her daughter and Jordan being close by when needed. I hope everything worked out with her place of employment, or that she can find another position locally. Hopefully none of her injuries got aggravated. Hugs to all of you. <3
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    I sory everything we wait Dr seeing me. Isee escalated point! Tell no more hurt mean lady it scare me an lisa she say s name he’s hug me and sory I hug all you me happy no more cry good day I loves you happy happy
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    I read daffy! I no no all but Jordy!!! Me happy. You young flamo shots no tell lissa she stay sexy lady
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    JbeanR0212 wrote: »
    I sory everything we wait Dr seeing me. Isee escalated point! Tell no more hurt mean lady it scare me an lisa she say s name he’s hug me and sory I hug all you me happy no more cry good day I loves you happy happy

    Hey Jenn!

    So happy to see you pop in here 😁 I bet you are super excited to have Jordan home! That will be awesome! I hope there are no set backs when you see the doctor. Continued prayers and much love headed your way ♥️
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    JbeanR0212 wrote: »
    I read daffy! I no no all but Jordy!!! Me happy. You young flamo shots no tell lissa she stay sexy lady

    @JbeanR0212 I'm not sure what I said that you disagreed with. 😔 Tell me who hurt you and I will come there and smack them. 🤨

    I hope all went well at the doctor today. I hope you guys have good weather so you can get out and enjoy the sunshine again. 🌞💕
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    We will share a thread so others here can speak. I must confess I missed Jennifer too. She has such a tender heart and I missed laughing at the many thoughts she shares albeit not all need to be said. She is a workout though. We needed some space and we got it. She is my friend and I won’t do that again. Jordan is taking an extended leave so that her job will be held for her while she works to negotiate a transfer. She has a friend who will help her with the move this coming week and then she will begin looking for other employment.

    Lisa W.

    Shelly I so so so happy Jordan I missed much much she say no more mean heart happy docor say ok but no mor cray cray. So good see you I huggin daffy you best you mak happy. Lissa mak bad lady away she car and lay in grass feel sun and wind me good good day we pratis readingan I see my dog satday I soso hapy. Bluenot good working! I find punctuated gain!!
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2022
    Translation for Daffygirl
    I read daffy! I no no all but Jordy!!! Me happy. You young flamo shots no tell lissa she stay sexy lady

    I read that Daffygirl! I don’t comprehend it all but I saw Jordy!!! I’m happy. You are young in that Glamour Shot. Don’t tell Lisa what I say so she will stay. You are a sexy lady.

    Lisa knows Jennifer and is chuckling. You are aware and trying. That is what matters. Compliments that exclude body parts are okay.

    Lisa W.
    Health Care Aide
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    edited September 2022
    @JbeanR0212 Are you trying to say that I'm old now? 🤨😂😂 Yes, I was young then. It was taken 30 years ago when my husband was out to sea on deployment. Gads how time flies!! I don't feel - or act - a day older. 😁 Correction, I do feel older when I get up from sitting and my knees hurt 😕.

    So glad you got outside to enjoy the sun and wind. We're going to be getting 6 days of rain, the remnants of Ian. That's fine, it's nothing like what they got in Florida. I hope @Krysless2 is ok.

    Lisa is one in a million. 💕
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2022
    Daffy you no old lissa say good no more copliting. An krysless me girl I missen her. Were she go she the best.
  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,401 Member
    @JbeanR0212 Thanks, Jen, for your support! I’m trying!
    Sadly on Tuesday the archdiocese of St. Louis announced that they are closing our high school after this year. We are all devastated. I haven’t stopped crying nor have I slept since. Tuesday night was horrible with over eating and drinking, but I forced myself back on my clean regime Wednesday. I’m just so shocked, angry, confused, and devastated. But I have to be strong for the girls - my students need me to be positive and hopeful.

    Sometimes I hate adulting. 😢
  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,401 Member
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 15 min conducting
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    Thursday 29 September
    Track: yes
    Under: no
    Exercise: yes

    Weigh in
    PW: 141.0
    CW: 140.1

    Not sure how that happened! Between sitting in meetings all day and even succumbing to the temptations of the donuts 🍩😕. I'm banning them from next week's meeting.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    JbeanR0212 wrote: »
    Daffy you no old lissa say good no more copliting. An krysless me girl I missen her. Were she go she the best.

    @JbeanR0212 Ha! I'm not complaining! I have no problem being 62. And I wouldn't go back and relive those years for anything. 😊
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    edited September 2022
    Week 3 Results


    This Week's Honorable Mentions:
    Click here >>Week 3 Results[] have also been posted.

    Congrats to our top 3:
    1st - @therealbluenote. - 1.07%
    2nd - @Brandi_84. - 0.56%
    3rd - @DaffyGirl88. - 0.35%


    Team line-up1st - The Belly Flats

    All the teams didn’t lose as a whole so that’s why all the teams didn’t “place”
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    edited September 2022
    Week 4 Results
    This Week's Winners (posted 6-7 times):
    This Week's Honorable Mentions:

    Week 4 Results[] have also been posted.
    Congrats to our top 3:
    1st - @JbeanR0212. - 2.24%
    2nd - @ajdvegan. - 1.63%
    3rd - @susanshaughnessy80. - 1.25%

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,682 Member
    I "think" I did those correctly. 🤷‍♀️ Still learning the code. 😁😇
This discussion has been closed.