Seriously September!

magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
edited September 2022 in Social Groups
Alrighty then, September is upon us...time to get serious! No one wants to go into the holidays without a GAME PLAN.

Here's the place to ask questions, get ideas, focus and make it happen!
Then, as we enter the NEW YEAR (it happens in a blink of an eye), we have set ourselves up for SUCCESS! toppoints.gif

The stress factor had been removed because we have spent the last four months gathering ourselves and making sure we were on the right path ...we had a plan and we executed it! onesmiley2.gif

Here's to a Super September...make it delicious and make it happen!

Be sure and share your goals for SEPTEMBER...and review them at the end of the month. We are in this teamwork...let's help each other over the goal line! touchdown.gif


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited September 2022
    Menu first of all...

    coffee with nutpods
    homemade soy yogurt with 1/4 cup oats and 1/2 frozen blueberries
    Dr. Praeger veggie burger (no bun) LTO, ketchup
    raw veggies with homemade cilantro hummus
    burrito bowl AGAIN

    My day looks really about YOURS?

    September GOALs

    Drag out MY CHAIR GYM and use it daily...arms and legs
    Sauna on my days off
    Lose 5 pounds

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Great discussion thread, Nanc. We have a wonderful group here and it is exciting to see everyone working at their goals and participating.

    In August, I increased my activity levels, especially towards the end of the month, picking up the intensity and doing something every day. I lost 5.5 lbs, almost meeting my goal of 6 pounds. That makes for a loss so far of 41.5 pounds.

    I am going to think on my September goals and post them later.

    I was in an irritable mood this morning, especially when plans to walk in the park fell through. I jumped on the treadmill and worked out my mood with exercise, and then took the dogs for a walk around the property. Feeling pretty good now!

    smoothie w/ greens, blueberries
    stir fry with baked tofu over quinoa. we have some nice mushrooms and broccoli plus whatever else looks good in the fridge
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Thanks for getting things started, Nanc and 'grats on your loss last month! I love your energy and emojis and just all around positive attitude. So glad that we "met" here. :)

    Carla, WOOHOO on the loss this month! And yay for exercise improving your mood! I have noticed I'm much less irritable these days since I've been working out consistently. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a grumpy you-know-what at times, but definitely better. LOL

    I had decided last week that I'm going all in for September. The past couple months I've pretty much been deciding what I'm going to eat and repeating every day for 4 or 5 days then cooking again, etc. If things are tasty and I enjoy them I don't get bored. I just don't think about food as much as I used to, which is kind of weird but a very welcome development. I think the Mary's Mini helped me with that. If you eat potatoes and cooked veggies or salads every time you get hungry for a couple weeks the boredom of the food is the point, and you quit craving other things. I feel like I'm eating much more intuitively now. Sometimes I want to eat when it's "time to eat" but other times I just go meh, not hungry right now and put it off for a while.

    I signed up for a few extra classes at the gym this month and I have set up a home workout schedule for days I'm not at the gym. I am so much stronger and have so much more energy since I started doing this. I hope I never let myself stop working out again because it is easy to forget how much better I feel when I'm consistent with exercise.

    Other than that I am working on a massive project at the office and I plan to spend most of the "holiday" weekend in the office getting it finished. I really hope that once that is done I can schedule a week off and get away from there.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    P.S. I had mentioned in the August thread but I am slightly less than 4 pounds away from a normal BMI. That is my BIG goal for September.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited September 2022
    Good morning sweet peeps!
    @Carla_wfpb, that is some very serious weight you have lost. Yowzers and congrats! Way to kick that unwanted mood to the curb shoosmiley.gif're killing it!
    @Mihani fabulous commitment to the gym...I know what you mean about once you have that routine going, so much easier to keep it in "MOTION"...than you have to start all over again ...too much brain power. I think you have got this. And four pounds away from a normal BMI...fabulous! yattasmiley.gif That is HUGE!

    Yesterday, I got one thing done...made three quarts of green that's a win for me.

    Today's Menu:

    coffee with NP
    yogurt, oats, blueberries
    green juice
    burrito salad...made a huge one so will have it throughout the day...this really bothers the peeps in my office...ARE YOU EATING AGAIN?
    fruit at home for dessert
    Everyone, hope u all made it over here, to SEPTEMBER! peapodsmiles.gifpeapodsmiles.gifpeapodsmiles.gif

    Do have yourself ONE very delicious day!

    Happy you all like the smiles they are from someone called Sadly she stopped making them...I still am able to access my account (they were a paid subscription) for such great graphics.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    September is a fabulous month here in the PNW. This month I'm going to take advantage of any opportunities to walk or hike outside. When I don't go out, I'll use my treadmill but I plan to listen to music instead of reading to amp up the workout. I'm going to continue with the meal rotation because it is simple and keeps us from obsessing on one or two meals! (I'm looking at you, pasta!). And the usual goal of losing 6 lbs.

    My parents are back from their summer place and so I'm going to see if my mom wants to get on board with the walking and join me once a week. They are back to maybe joining us for a while in Mexico. They have waffled so much that I don't think I updated yall and then went back and forth a few times without me mentioning it. You'd think I was trying to torture them with this trip! At this point, I think if they get their passports in time they are more likely to come than not.

    If you are looking for awesome shorts just the right length, comfy etc, check out this short. I am linking to the brand's website to show all of the colors, but you can get them on sale other places like Amazon, maybe walmart, etc.

    Mihani, that is so awesome that you're 4 lbs away from a normal BMI. I remember what that feels like. I was on top of the world and felt strong. I'm so happy for you :)

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 861 Member
    Magic, what a great intro post, love all the emojis!
    Carla, so glad to hear you're feeling fine and are able to enjoy your walks again. Thanks for the link to the shorts. Congratulations on the August loss!
    Mihani, I would be money that you'll make your BMI goal in September!!

    I went to the doc yesterday - they took a couple of xrays (I actually have a slight fracture in my coccyx) and gave me some pain medicine (prescription strength NSAID). I slept a bit better last night after 2 doses of the pain med throughout the day, so I'm hoping tonight goes even better.
    The radiologist called me later in the day yesterday and said that I have compression in my T-12 (has nothing to do with the fall) and they'd like me to come back in a month so they can check on it. Guess I'm getting old :(
    I was a bit lax in my exercise in the second half of August but, once I'm able to resume ST and walking I'm going to get myself on a strict regimen. I really want to build up my muscle/bone strength as I age.
    Let's all have a great, happy, healthy September!! <3
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Magic - this is a very positive post and thank you for encouragement in reaching goals. I have been adrift a bit since coming back from Japan and really just surviving. I like the idea of new goals, plan of attack and reaching them. I will have to think about it.

    Spark - I am so sorry about the Coccyx fracture. OUCH! I agree about the strength training as we get older....maybe one of my goals.

    Mihani - that is awesome about being close to a healthy BMI! What a great goal.

    Carla - the less I need to bring the better. Brooks will look like he is moving in as Alaska Airlines allows 5 pieces of luggage for Active Duty Military. I agree about the meal rotation. I was going to make minestrone with pasta again as we just finished our last batch plus the last of the chickpea curry. I did find a recipe for chickpea and eggplant that I might make on Sunday.

    Enjoying the air fryer. Favorite snack seems to be one small white corn tortilla and hummus. Do to the Celiac's disease I can't have Pita bread anymore but the corn tortillas were delicious just air fried. Next I am trying plantains.

    Brooks' BD tomorrow. Having friends over for brunch. Making regular and gluten free waffles with peaches, pecans, and pumpkin seeds. I know it sounds weird the pumpkin seeds on the waffles but it adds a good crunch. Plus a salad...might be spinach & strawberries and walnuts with glazed balsamic vinegar. I was thinking I could either get little cupcakes or muffins instead of a birthday cake. Maybe little lemon poppy seed muffins with one candle. Plus mimosas but I will skip the champagne. UGH....need to get started on all this.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Good grief, Nanc. Weird that anyone at work would care what and when you eat, right? I used to sometimes feel self-conscious at the office eating my HUGE salads, but I don't care anymore, and I'm sure you don't either.

    I am tracking calories again though. I want to be sure I stay under 1500 and mostly land between 1200 and 1400 depending on starches. I just think for now the discipline of tracking the calories is right for me and keeps me honest in case I want to go overboard on the nuts and seeds.

    Carla, that would be so nice if your mom wanted to walk with you. I hope it all works out on the Mexico trip and they come for at least part of the time. Are you getting into any new projects lately?

    Those shorts look great! I am in such a transition stage right now I'll wait until next summer. I was all excited to fit into my next size down and most of the pants are already baggy. I am not actually upset about that.

    Oh, Spring! I'm so sorry about the fracture. No wonder you are in pain! I am glad you were able to sleep a bit better. I'm with you on ST and muscle/bone strength. I think it made a difference in my mindset when I started focusing on being strong and healthy into old age rather than just obsessing about the scale. I've always thought the scale is a bad measure of progress, yet I lived and died by it. LOL

    Bisky, the waffles sound delish. I got a waffle maker about a year ago and have yet to use it. Sigh. But I mainly got it because I was totally infatuated with the idea of making hash browns with it. Kept seeing posts about it on the various vegan websites I follow. Maybe I'll try it this weekend.

    Wish Brooks a Happy Birthday from all your pals on the ETL group.

    I don't know if anyone will remember but shortly before the covid era I got aligners which were going to take about 6 months to straighten out my teeth, right? Well, TODAY I'm done. Covid delays and stubborn teeth turned this into a marathon not a sprint.

    I have retainers I have to wear at night, probably forever, but I'm pretty happy. I had braces when I was a kid, but when my wisdom teeth came in my teeth shifted before I got them out, and then over the years more shifting to where I hated my smile, and I'm so glad to feel comfortable smiling again. Plus it's so much easier to keep your teeth healthy when they aren't all overcrowded. Yay!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited September 2022
    Totally short and sweet...

    coffee with NP
    yogurt with frozen blueberries and raw oats 1/4 cup
    huge salad...not really a burrito bowl: chopped onion, tomato, iceberg (obviously, much better lettuce out there, this just works for the time being), corn, beans, cilantro, corn chili salsa, freshly squeezed lime, AIR FRIED corn tortillas

    1 quart green juice

    Make today delicious!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    I know I just sent a link to shorts and here I am with another link, but this one is more important so I will post it anyway.

    If you have trouble finding comfortable runners, the Ryka brand is my newest go-to. They come in M and W width and importantly, they have a comfortably wide toe box, but narrower heel to fit a woman's foot better. I picked up a pair of waterproof trail shoes and I really like them so far. Nice and light, with very grippy soles and good support. It's pretty dry around here at this time of year so I can't attest to how waterproof they are yet.

    There's a labor day sale on now, and Zappos carries them too.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    Mihani, congrats! Huge accomplishment!
    Magic: Consider sharing that burrito salad recipe? Sounds likes something I would like for work,too.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    The Chinese Baked Tofu (great in air fryer) variations are now posted in the chinese tofu discussion. I change the spices and amounts up each time I make it but I came up with a general a blueprint.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Esmerelda, glad you found the September thread and look forward to getting to know you better.

    Nanc, your menu sounds great! Are you sleeping any better?

    Carla, I let my tofu go past the best by date, oops! I will have to get some more and try out your recipe.

    Yesterday I did laundry and a little house cleaning and took a nap. It was a nice day where I didn't even check emails or anything, and tried not to think about work (much). Today I'm heading to the office but I slept in so I probably won't get there until 10:00 at this rate because I'm just having my second cup of coffee.

    One thing I really need to do is clean out my closet. I already had a fair amount of clothing that was too big and now I have a bunch more so I need to clear those out. I don't even want them around as a fallback "in case I gain weight back" ... not happening!

    I made pizza on ezekiel pitas for dinners the past couple nights. So good! Will stop at the grocery today for broccoli, greens, fruit. Plan for the week:
    B - mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli, sauteed greens with onion and peppers
    L - big ol' salad with beans added
    D - smoothie
    Will try to wait until 11:00 for breakfast, then lunch around 3:00, and dinner after evening treadmill or strength workout. This week we have one person on vacation so I can't do much about my hours right now, but starting the week after I am going to try to get out of the office on time to be sure I have time to work out when I get home.
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Hey ladies 🌺🌺 I just joined the group and figured I'd introduce myself.

    I'm Sara. 31. Current weight 184 lbs. I've been vegan/vegetarian since age 16.

    I was obese (200 lbs) before I became a vegan in high school, and my weight has bounced around quite a bit since then. Lowest was 140, highest was 200 a couple of years ago. I'm aiming to get back down to 140 again.

    I've done MFP several times over the years, and it's always worked really well for me whenever I commit to it and count my calories. Then after I quit MFP I'll maintain for a year or so then fall into overeating habits again. I just started logging again 2 days ago, and I'm trying to get back into the MFP habit again, which is why I joined this group.

    Looking at the other posts for this month... I'm a huge fan of my air fryer πŸ’ž and tofu! I used to make tofu and veggie burgers to sell at the market (pre-covid) but now I buy my tofu in bulk homemade by a local woman. In fact I'm going to pick up 25 lbs on Wednesday 😊 4lbs at a time in my fridge, and the rest goes in my freezer.

    My goal for this month is just to log every day and try to generally stay under my goal. I've got to get back in the habit of it. And I know if I log I'll eat less, even without making specific goals.

    I hurt my leg a couple of weeks ago and doc says to take it easy a couple more weeks, so won't be doing any strenuous exercises, but I'd like to start a little stretching and some easy walks. Basically just baby steps to work my way back into the healthy mindset.

    I took "before" pics last week and I plan on taking my next set once I lose 10 lbs. I found it really motivating for me in the past 🌈

    Anyway if you've read this far it's great to get to know you guys. This group looks friendly and supportive, so I hope we can all help each other with accountability and motivation πŸ€“πŸ’«
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Hi Sara! Welcome to the group. I was at 220 (vegetarian) and when I went vegan I lost 70 pounds even though I didn't go vegan to lose weight and was as surprised as anyone that I dropped so much weight. I swear my favorite food group was cheese! LOL

    The other interesting thing, that I hadn't even noticed until my brother pointed it out, is that my skin cleared up when I went vegan. I had all these tiny white bumps on my face and I think I may have been slightly lactose intolerant without knowing.

    Since that time (a little over 10 years ago) I've been up and down the scale a bit between 145 and 170. I got serious again, joined a gym, cleaned up my diet a couple months ago and lost 10 back down to 152. I have about 3 pounds to go to be a normal BMI and so motivated to reach that goal.

    That's SO cool you have someone local who makes tofu. Never even heard of that. I will have to look into it in my area.

    Looking forward to getting to know you. :) I hope your leg heals quickly!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Welcome Sara! I am so glad you found this group! It is very supportive and I have learned a lot from the ladies here. I just got an air fryer so always looking for recipes. That is so great you made tofu and veggie burgers to sell.

    Brooks' bd brunch was a success with regular and gluten free waffles, fresh berries and maple syrup, a side salad of spinach, strawberries and walnuts plus a crustless quiche with mushrooms, onions, spinach and tofu. I didn't tell anyone that is was tofu and they didn't seem to notice. They probably thought I just went over board with veggies because it looked more like a veggie pie.

    Mihani - I admire your dedication to working out. It seems like diet and exercise have really come together for success.

    I am on a slippery slope with finding too many processed gluten free products loaded with sugar. Yikes.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Bisky, recipe for your tofu quiche? I used to make a mean quiche once upon a time. Glad the birthday celebration was fun.

    I got home so late from the office I didn't make it to the grocery or get around to cooking and just had some ezekiel toast with avocado last night. My guess is I will be there late today as well so I'm going with a new plan this week. Oats for breakfasts, salad for lunches, smoothie for dinners. I have potatoes but they will keep, and I will make time to cook my greens tonight (kale and collards) and add the cooked greens to the salads. I'll make sure I get time to cook next weekend.

    Heading to the office after a bit but I slept in until 7:30 so I'm not getting an early start. I don't know how much I'll get done on this project I'm working on. I've been so busy working on it that I've let everything else pile up and I need to get the mess on my desk sorted and prioritized for the week.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    @rayonrainbows Welcome, Sara! I think your goal of logging your food is perfect for getting back into the swing of things. Just a few days ago, I got curious about the calories in the meals I've been eating and I started logging again too. Plus my husband and I rotate through about 6 different meals for dinners, so once I enter the recipes it is super easy to add them to the food log. We buy our tofu 4 to 6 packages at a time and now that I know we could potentially get it in bulk, I'm going to be on the lookout!

    bisky, Brooks' bday brunch sounds divine! I'm going to need to dig out my favorite quiche recipe again and I think I'll serve it with a strawberry spinach salad like you. Next shop. These are the poles I have. They have dodads for the tips in the snow too.

    Mihani, I feel like I've been working on my closet sorting for months! I have been up and down in weight so many times and buying clothes over and over so it is hard for me to let go of the items that are too big. Hope you have good luck reorganizing your workload today.

    Happy Friday, Nanc :) How has your sleep been the last few days?

    Yesterday at the end of my trail walk, I fell again. Grrr! Always near the end too, so I end up absolutely coated in grime from head to toe. My ankle just gives out sometimes. No warning. If the weight is on that foot and I'm not prepared, I will just flail and fall. People look around like 'what did she trip on? there's nothing there!' (no one else around to see this fall, but I've always had this problem. might be more frequent now). Joe suggested, in all seriousness, that I start learning how to fall better. Tuck and roll! lol

    I had a day this weekend with 13K plus steps, over 5 miles. I'm sure I've done more than that in the past, but not while it was being recorded with my fitbit. That day included another epic treadmill workout that started with me thinking I would just walk and take it easy, but then a good song comes on and another and 45 minutes later the sweat is flying with every bounce.

    fuhrman blueberry oatmeal
    carrots and hummus or fruit snack
    pinto bean chili w/ cashew queso
    half 'caramel' apple