Seriously September!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    My sleep is back to crapola the last three days.

    Very discouraged.

    coffee with NP
    oats, yogurt, blueberries, grapenuts
    huge salad to eat throughout the day

    Labor Day hours...8 to 6 pm instead of 7 to that's good...and tomorrow is my weekend and my appointment with the surgeon to talk about my right knee.

    Hope your day is delicious everyone!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited September 2022
    @rayonrainbows WELCOME! awsomeness2.gif

    Super group and we all are very supportive.

    Love that we have grown quite a bit in the last few months.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Labor Day! I hope you have Monday off.

    Mihani - this was the recipe I used and adjusted: When a recipe calls for sautéed vegetables I always sauté the onions or shallots separately until translucent....otherwise I think they give off a "taste." Then I put them in a separate bowl and sauté garlic 2 minutes, add mushrooms then turn off the heat and wilt the spinach...and then add fresh herbs or seasoning. I did shave some parmesan for the top but skipping the eggs was huge. If I was making it just for Brooks & I, probably would skip that. I am so into Nutritional yeast since I found out it is gluten free. It was all gone after brunch so don't know how well it hold up the next day. Going to make it again this week with maybe peppers, onions and sun-dried tomatoes.

    Carla - I am so sorry about your fall. Are you walking with at least one pole? No more falls until after Mexico! Those are great poles. My girlfriend bought those a couple of years ago when we were walking in a park and she got spooked by a couple of strange people. I always carried one because I was afraid of the coral and rattlesnakes biting my dogs. If they have baskets they will be perfect for snowshoeing too. That was a lot of steps you accomplished!

    I think I need to look at upping my workouts, maybe with a treadmill prior to swimming. Walking with a male, West Highland terrier who wants to stop sniff and mark every 5 minutes does not make for a good work out. He is such a tourist. If I try to pull the leash to make him walk he actually puts his head down, feet dig in, bum goes down...unless he sees a cat, squirrel, skunk, deer or fox.....then he is pulling wildly at the leash. Cleo on the other hand is perfect walker.

  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Just realized I was probably wrong in assuming this group is just women. Sorry about that.

    Well… I was doing really great yesterday until my friend called me last night saying he was having relationship problems and in a bad place and needed some help. So my partner and I went over to his place and ended up talking and drinking and playing Scrabble until the wee hours of morning. So I woke up super late today feeling hungover. BUT. I did (try to) log everything I ate/drank yesterday and was only about 500 cals over maintenance. And I decided that today I would just jump right back on the healthy train, which I’m really proud of because my usual hangover “cure” is eating too much unhealthy food.


    @Mihani – Thanks! And congrats to you!! I dropped a ton of weight when I became vegan in high school, without actually trying to lose weight. It was just a natural result of finally putting some limits on my consumption, instead of mindlessly eating whatever I wanted. I was vegan for several years, but then I moved away from the United States and starting eating vegetarian. I definitely became somewhat lactose intolerant after being vegan for years. I haven’t eaten eggs in several years and I think milk is gross, but I still have some cheese and the occasional ice cream even though it hurts my tummy (silly I know). If I was able to find vegan ice cream where I live I would be all over it. Probably a good thing we don’t have it here ;)

    Yes to tofu! :D I’ve lived in Nicaragua the past 9 years or so. There are a couple of local women I’ve met who make incredible tofu and sell it at super accessible prices. It’s great living here for eating whole foods and a simple diet, but I do wish there were some things I could buy here that you can’t find. I have people who come visit from the states stock up on certain food items to bring me (black salt, nutritional yeast, grits, etc).


    @bisky – Thanks for the welcome! :) That veggie quiche sounds great. I wish I had an oven. Sounds a bit like a Spanish omelette I make stovetop (with tofu instead of egg, and zucchini or chayote instead of potatoes). I haven’t made that in a while, thanks for the inspiration :)

    I’ve definitely discovered that what has helped me lose so much weight in the past with MFP is just substituting veggies for as much as I can. I generally only eat 2 meals a day, but I like big ‘ol portions. So eating lots of veggies alongside a smaller amount of something more tasty/satisfying makes me finish my meal feeling full, and stay feeling full longer.


    @carla_wfpb – Hi :) If you live somewhere near a co-op in the US or Canada, you can probably buy tofu in bulk there. I’m not sure.

    Congrats on your treadmill motivation! And sorry about your fall! I think being aware of it and learning to fall better is good advice. I broke my leg/ankle when I was 12, so it’s still weak sometimes too. A couple of years ago my partner and I got into this excellent habit of taking a 45+ minute walk every evening around sunset (trying to get back into that habit again). I rolled my ankles several times at the beginning, but as my body got more used to the walking (and I dropped some weight) my ankles and legs began to strengthen and I had a lot fewer accidents. Part of it sounds like weakness in your ankle for sure, but part of the problem may be alleviated by slowly strengthening other parts of your body (legs, core).


    @magic71755 – Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the welcome! :D Enjoy your day off.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Spring, wondered how you're doing with your back. Hope it's feeling better.

    Carla, thanks for the updates to your recipe. I do that sort of thing with my beans and greens concoctions. Use white beans and add italian spices and a can of diced tomatoes, or black beans with mexican spices and salsa, or edamame with miso, ginger and soy sauce, or sometimes it's just whatever is handiest in the spice cabinet.

    I'm so sorry about your fall! Would any sort of ankle brace help?

    As to the clothes, I got rid of all my size 18s years ago and it has helped keep me from growing out of 16s because I didn't want to buy new (bigger) clothes. Now that I'm into 14s I want to get rid of the 16s. If it's not there it forces me back into compliance if my clothes start getting tight!

    Aww, Nanc... so sorry you aren't sleeping well again. Are you able to get to the sauna on your "weekend" and is that still helping with sleep?

    Bisky, thanks for the link to the quiche recipe. I will be giving that a try. Made me laugh about your dog wanting to stop and sniff everything. My dog does the same. I don't walk him often now. He has a big yard to race around in, although he doesn't do much racing these days. He's very senior and I worry about some of the other dogs in the neighborhood who aren't always controlled. It's very irritating, but I don't want him (or me) getting hurt because he's very protective.

    Sara, we are mostly women in this group. We have what we call our token male, Sloth, who makes rare appearances. Men are certainly welcome here but we might be too girly for most. Haha! And I totally get wanting to eat to "cure" a hangover. I used to say "starve a cold, feed a hangover" LOL

    Well done jumping right back onto healthy habits instead!

    I didn't get to the office until almost 11:30. Just piddling around this morning and couldn't get motivated to get out the door. It was a rainy, gloomy morning and seemed just right for staying in my recliner with a blanket, book, and a hot cup of tea.

    But labor day is for labor! I got a good 5 hours in once I finally got there.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi All, I've been reading but not doing much posting. Back is getting better but starts to stiffen up if I sit too long in one place. Will try to catch up tomorrow.
    @rayonrainbows Welcome to this very friendly and supportive group!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Sara, I'm curious, do you use black salt for a cuisine other than Indian? That's all I know to use it with. (I call it by its nickname 'devil's dung' because I just find that hilarious given the aroma) It is encouraging to hear that you were able to strengthen your ankle...thank you... it gives me hope that I can remain on my feet in the future! Have you used an ankle brace for training? debating whether it is good for short term or only slows down the strengthening of muscles. How do you like living in Nicaragua?

    Donna, the poles are arriving today. I looked all around for mine and couldn't find them, and I since I keep falling I decided it was worth just paying another $25. I will try one pole I guess, since I'm walking Radar. Does the pool you go to have treadmills? That would by handy. Our dogs are all about the squirrels too. They like to go fast but then want to stop at interesting sniff points. Usually if we say 'keep going' as soon as Ruby starts slowing down, we can keep the choo choo train chugging.

    This morning at the park, we saw a Barred Owl. We saw the same one on the weekend. It flew right across the path in front of us. Totally silent. Pretty awesome. Joe got to see a glimpse of it taking off today.

    I hit 13K steps yesterday again. When I am depressed, hitting 5,000 seems impossible. If I can keep exercising consistently, I might be able to stave off the blues, especially with our trip to Mexico in the winter.

    coffee coffee coffee
    fuhrman oatmeal
    snack of veggies or fruit
    pinto bean chili with cashew queso (the cheese is a serious upgrade. adding a bit of fat makes a huge difference)

    oh and yesterday I totally overindulged.
    I had 2 food4life raisin english muffins, one with almond butter & date syrup
    and still had my oatmeal, chili, and half caramel apple. oh and hummus and carrots. yeesh.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Here he is. super zoomed in and pixelated
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for your post: I didn't even know I could freeze tofu. I know, I know, I freeze everything else. This is a great boon to my menu plans. I will be more willing to buy tofu more often now that I know.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    Really interested in air fryer tofu suggestions. I love my air fryer! But I haven't tried tofu yet. Magic, thanks for the burrito salad idea! I take burritos for work fairly often but this is different enough to give me a little variety.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Spring, glad to hear your back is doing better.

    Cool pic of the owl, Carla. And 13,000 steps... awesome!

    I was so busy today I never had time to eat my salad so I brought it home to eat for dinner, along with a slice of ezekiel toast.

    I ended up making the mashed potatoes last night and had some for dinner, then filled up 4 containers for work the rest of the week. I had kale and collard greens I was going to water saute then I thought why not just clean, chop and throw in with the potatoes? Added the greens to the pot during last 5 minutes or so of cooking so they would wilt a bit then drained and mashed 'em all together. I think I'll do that all the time with mashed potatoes now. Really good, easy, and one less pan to clean.

    So all I ate today at work was the potatoes, but they are so filling and satisfying. Ever since I did the Mary's Mini it is kind of my go-to way to rein it in if the food starts to slip out of control and it gets me right back on track.

    Early bedtime tonight. Rough day.
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Well yesterday went great despite being hungover. I ordered a thin-crust pizza for dinner but made sure I made so many healthy sides that I only ended up eating one piece…. Sauteed onions & peppers, artichoke heart salad, steamed broccoli, and marinara. Ordering the pizza was more of a mental relief for me, so I’m glad I satisfied that craving while eating healthy and staying within cals.
    Had basically the same thing for breakfast with some added mushrooms and spinach. Yay pizza for breakfast ;)

    @Nihani – Getting rid of clothes is good! :D I also usually buy myself something super cute that’s too small to give me something to work toward ;)

    @SparkSpringtime69 – Thanks for the welcome!

    @Carla_wfpb – I mostly just use black salt for tofu scramble to give it eggy taste. I only use an ankle brace if I have an active injury. I don’t know if it slows strengthening or not, but if it prevents injuries that seems like a good thing? Not sure the answer to that one… I love living here. Simpler life. I work online so I’m pretty free to adventure.

    @esmereldaSP – Freezing tofu is super convenient but be warned it does change the texture. I’d experiment before freezing a ton of it. Also different tofus freeze differently… Some become a more spongy texture, some more layered/stringy… Some people really love frozen tofu, some don’t. The stuff I’ve been buying recently freezes amazingly and becomes perfect for tofu scramble. In the air fryer, I just cut and coat my tofu in some corn starch and bread crumbs and spices with a spritz of oil. Mmmmm

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 861 Member
    edited September 2022
    Bisky, I'm enjoying the air fryer in my oven too. I've been experimenting some, haven't had corn tortillas around in a while but that's on my list to try. Happy birthday to Brooks, glad to hear the celebration was a success.
    Mihani, I definitely want to work hard on building muscle, it's important for bone health as well as helping with fat loss. My main goal for 2023 is to build a strong ST routine. Congrats on finishing up with your aligners. You will want to keep up with the retainers, I got lax for a while and then it hurt like heck when I did put them in.
    Carla, thanks for all the clothing and shoe links. The next time I need a new pair of runners, I'll look into the ryka. BTW, thanks also for the variations on the tofu in the recipe topic. I think I'll try the Italian next. Sorry to hear you took another tumble! If it's the same ankle that keeps giving out, maybe you could try wrapping an ace bandage around it for some extra support; and I've heard that those walking poles are great. Love the owl pic!
    Sara, sorry to hear about your leg, I hope it heals up quickly for you. Homemade tofu sounds awesome! I don't think I've ever tried to make burgers with tofu, usually beans, lentils, quinoa, etc. Good job getting back to healthy eating right away after that night out.
    I don't think I could live without nooch, and the black salt is great for anything you want to give an eggy taste, I use it in tofu scrambles and eggless egg salad all the time.
    Magic, sorry to hear your sleep is bad again. Do you still take the supplements? Sauna?
    esmereldaSP, I have a number of recipes that call for frozen tofu - I usually buy four at a time, freeze two and leave the other two in the fridge. As others have noted, freezing does change the texture. I usually only freeze firm and extra firm, and I wouldn't use frozen in something like miso soup where you want the tofu's texture to be soft and silken.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 861 Member
    My back is slowly healing - I was taking the pain reliever three times a day, then two times for the last two days. I didn't take any today and will just take the one before bed so the pain will be less for sleeping. And, today was the first time I could sit on the couch without the donut, LOL.
    I think I'm going to try my AM yoga tomorrow; I'll have to make a few adjustments, no cobra and not sure about downward dog and the twisting poses, but most of the arm and leg stretching will probably be good for me. I'm also going to get my dumbbells out for tomorrow to do some arm exercises, just lowering the weight that's on them. And I can definitely get a short walk in - I went to the mall yesterday and walked around for a while with no ill side effects (and bought a few new yoga pants to boot :) ) - so I really have no excuse for not doing a short walk around the neighborhood.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Hey all, working like a maniac this week, even for me! Have been getting home late and not getting to a workout because I just want to be in bed at 8:00! Eating my salad now and should be able to at least get 20 minutes of strength in tonight before bedtime. I'm only short 400 steps for the day so I can get those in as well.

    Sara, excellent strategy with the pizza to have extra veggies and salad on the side. I've yet to try black salt. Will have to do that soon. Thanks for the tips on freezing tofu too.

    Spring, I'm loving strength training! I like feeling strong. So glad to hear your back is getting better and you were able to get a walk. When did you have aligners? With you on nooch... I put that stuff in everything! Hope yoga goes well.

    Changed things up a little today.
    B - mashed potatoes and greens
    L - lentil soup from the freezer stash
    D - big ol' salad, ezekiel toast

    Bad about fruit this week so far because I haven't been having my smoothies with berries. I will fix that tomorrow not hungry for anything now.

  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    I made a sort of stew out of a few leftovers for dinner tonight. I had green beans, a piece of red bell pepper, a little onion and about a half serving of baby carrots. I added some dutch baby potatoes, put it all in a crockpot, and added a foil pouch of Minute Mushrooms from Costco (garlic and herb). It turned out good! I ate it with a big green salad on the side. I have a few more pouches of the mushrooms, I'll do this again. I guess I should just admit it; one thing I love about WFPB diet is that I get to eat a *lot* of food. I wish I were a dainty eater, but I eat a lot. When I would diet before on portion control diets, I *always* felt hungry. I maintained WFPB diet from 2017-2020. I was confined to home on doctor's orders for a full year or so. I think Grubhub or drive thru joy became something to break the monotony of that lifestyle. Of course, I gained a lot of weight. I sure hope I can back to where I was then.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Esmer, I totally agree about the volume of food with WFPB. I like to eat!

    Stuck at the office late again but I got a good workout last night and can take tonight off as long as I get in another 500 steps before bedtime.

    I was able to use 15 lb weights for rows last night. Woohoo!

    Meals today were mashed potatoes with greens, a Dr. McDougall soup, an apple, big ol' salad with chickpeas added, slice of ezekiel toast with a smidge of peanut butter.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Spring, how did your yoga go? I always like working out in new gear (re your new pants). I'm on the lookout for a good yoga video or series for starting back up. I did hot yoga 10+ years ago but don't want to go back to a class for now.

    Esmer, with you on the eating. Sometimes I really need volume. I have been eating only between 11am and 4pm so I can have a big satisfying dinner but still have time to take a walk after and digest before going to bed.

    Congrats on the 15 lb weights, Mihani! Do you have a specific step goal?

    I've been alternating days between walks in the park with the dogs and longer more intense workouts on the treadmill. I'm really at a sweet spot right now with this routine. My walk in the park is in my fat burn zone for 90% of the walk if I don't run, and when I'm on the TM I am at least half cardio zone.

    We have had our garbanzo bean curry the past two days and I think we can eke out one more meal out of it for tonight. All 6 of our meals in rotation are better with baked tofu, so if we go ahead and have it with every meal we end up splitting a close to 1 lb package of tofu each day. I can fit a double recipe in my huge air fryer, so every second day I'm cranking out tofu. I know this is not balanced. but it is so good. I crave it.

    plan for today
    oatmeal w/ blueberries
    afternoon: smoothie with strawberries & greens
    dinner: curry w/ tofu, greens
    dessert: half caramel apple
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 861 Member
    edited September 2022
    Mihani, I had the aligners about 6-7 years ago.
    I haven't been doing well with fruit either - I keep thinking in the morning that I'll have a smoothie for dinner, but then end up opting for something else once dinnertime comes around. Congrats on the 15# rows!
    Esmerelda, your stew sounds delicious, and we sure do get to eat more volume with WFPB eating :p.
    Carla, it seems you've found a sweet spot for both your exercise and your meals. It sounds like you'll be getting some good results with that.
    Carla and Mihani, I found that I'm not quite ready to do the yoga routine - I have a fairly thick mat but it was still not enough to keep the hard floor from putting pressure on my tailbone. I have to wash the new yoga pants before I wear them anyway ( I always wash new clothes before I wear them), so maybe by early next week things will come together.
    I have been doing some other stretching though, standing or sitting on the cushy couch cushion. I also did a brisk 15 minute walk yesterday and four upper body ST exercises. Today DH and I went out to pick up a floor mat and some new potholders for the kitchen, and some new slippers for me, so our walk around 2 different department stores was my walk for today, LOL.
    Tomorrow I'm going to do some leg exercises: squats are out for now but I can do the calf raises, lying hip ad- and abductors and leg curls on the bench (may need to break out the donut for those though :# ).
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Carla, you are doing great with all your walking and even jogging! I don't enjoy cardio much but I know it's important. The treadmill is easiest for me because I just turn on the TV and zone out. My goal is only 5000 steps per day and usually I exceed it, but I lowered it from 7500 because it would seem overwhelming if I had a really sedentary day at the office and had thousands to go when I got home.

    Your meal plan seems to be working out really well for you.

    Spring, hopefully you'll be able to do yoga soon, but yay for finding other things you can do in the meantime. I wish I hadn't put off the aligners so long honestly and am quite happy with the results.

    I swore I was getting out of the office at 4:00 today so I could run to the grocery on the way home, but of course I got stuck late yet again, and had to get home to get the boy out and feed him. My salad prepper is out of town for a couple weeks so I'm on my own and I'll have to go tonight. I'll get box lettuce, shred carrots and beets in the food processor, and slice some radishes with it too. That plus some pickled red onion and beans will be just fine for salads.

    My favorite salad "dressing" now is some dijon mustard and a splash of bragg's liquid aminos. I used to almost always make a nut based dressing every week but I seem to have lost my taste for that.