Seriously September!



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Don't forget to eat your fruit!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Ha! Cute, Carla.

    I got through my 3 classes at the gym this morning. I even did some lifting in between my second and third class because there's a half hour break and no sense just sitting around. Just had a smoothie with protein powder added and now for a shower and get busy on work.

    Breakfast was 1/2 cup oats with a few walnut halves, cinnamon and soy milk (usually use water but I had a container open and want to use it up) plus a date. Gave me enough energy for classes. Probably put off cooking and laundry to tomorrow since I want to get a lot done in the home office today, but I should at least prep my salad veggies so I have those for lunch at the office tomorrow.

    I'm now less than 1.5 lbs away from normal BMI. I am hoping by the end of next week, but the scale sucks sometimes so I am not relying on it for measuring progress.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    I've heard of Bragg's before, but I'm not sure what it's for. Is it used as a supplement or is it a flavoring?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Did somebody Beetlejuice me, again?

    I am Scott, the token male/sloth of the group. I am seriously inactive here, because I am a lapsed ETL'er. I never was any good at it, although I believe in the concept, 100%. I am a vegetarian, who very rarely will eat a meat product. So, maybe not a real vegetarian, even? I don't feel 'too bad' if I accidentally eat something containing meat.

    I have to say the commitment and enthusiasm shown by those in this group is admirable. And that's why I stop in occasionally for some motivation. I go in cycles of poor eating/binging and then buckle down and eat better for awhile. It's the long haul I just can't seem to master. And of course, chocolate. :/

  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    In the past, I've done a lot of variations on a Dr.McDougal salad dressing recipe: 3, 2, 1 salad dressing. It's so easy!
    3 T vinegar of your choice
    2 T mustard of your choice
    1 T maple syrup or honey if you eat it

    I tend to put 1 t maple in and go from there b/c I don't particularly want it sweet. My variations: I almost always add a clove of roasted garlic and a pinch of red pepper flakes. When I have fresh herbs in my garden (parsley, cilantro, basil generally), I sometimes add them to taste. Blend everything in your blender or food processor. If you add herbs, you will probably have to adjust the amount of vinegar to keep it from getting too thick unless you add just a small amount. Just adjust to taste; it's not rocket science, lol!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    edited September 2022
    Mihani, mmm pickled red onions are so good.
    Mihani and Esmerelda, I like how simple your dressings aere. I got a couple of good ones from the 21 day vegan kickstart, but they've changed their website and these don't seem to be there anymore. They're not as easy as yours, but here they are:

    Orange Sesame Dressing
    1 T sesame seeds
    2 T seasoned rice vinegar
    1 T orange juice concentrate
    1 T water
    Spread sesame seeds on pan and toast in 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes. Put in blender and grind to a powder (I make a bunch of this ahead of time to have on hand). Mix with rest of ingredients.
    I've actually made this without the sesame seeds and it's still a nice light, refreshing dressing.

    Piquant Dressing
    2 T seasoned rice vinegar
    2 T cider vinegar
    2 T water
    2 T lemon juice
    1 minced garlic clove
    1/2 t paprika
    1/4 t dry mustard
    1/4 t dried oregano
    1/4 t salt
    1/8 t ground cumin
    1T ketchup
    Whisk all ingredients together.

    Carla, thanks for the fruit reminder :)

    Sloth3toes, glad to see you again.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    edited September 2022
    Esmerelda, Bragg is actually a brand that makes a number of products. Liquid aminos is a soy product that tastes very similar to soy sauce but a bit lighter in flavor. Coconut aminos also has a similar taste, a bit heavier tasting (I think) but is not made from soy, it's made from coconut. Liquid aminos has almost the same sodium as soy sauce, coconut aminos had much less sodium.
    I tend to use them interchangeably.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    esmer, I like the 3-2-1 dressing too. Is that is an Engine 2 recipe? I can't remember now. It's nice and easy that's for sure. I also make the ginger miso dressing from Engine 2 which is nice and light. I'm with you, not fond of overly sweet dressings.

    Spring already answered about the aminos but definitely high in sodium so if you are watching that coconut aminos is a better choice. I only use a splash for a little umami.

    I love coconut aminos for roasted veggies. Gives them some crispy spots without oil, and enhances the natural sweetness of the roasted veggies.

    Always good to see you pop in, Scott!

    I almost always have a container of pickled red onions sitting in the fridge, Spring. Sometimes I add a dash of cumin or some whole peppercorns with the vinegar for extra flavor. Thanks for sharing those dressing recipes they sound great and I saved them to try.

    Went to the office for a few hours then we lost internet so I ran home to get some stuff done and just finishing up a little more work before bedtime. Got two loads of laundry done, prepped veggies for salads, made mashed potatoes and a sheet pan of roasted broccoli. I added chopped red chard to the potatoes which turned them a little light shade of red. LOL

    I'm pretty sore today. We did a lot of upper body work yesterday and my chest and shoulders are feeling it. I'm thinking that's a good thing as long as it's not literally painful.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    As I remember it, the 3-2-1 dressing is from one of the John McDougal books, Mihani. Thanks, SparkSpring, for answering my question about Bragg aminos. Could I find Bragg products at a typical grocery store like HEB or Walmart?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    edited September 2022
    Good Morning!

    We celebrated our anniversary this weekend. The resort had gluten vegetarian pizza. Yay! It was a cauliflower crust and delicious.

    We went to the YMCA in this little town and swam our laps. Extremely clean indoor pool which is important for Brooks' and his skin cancer. The resort pool was not set up for swimming laps plus outdoors. We played 18 holes of a putting course. Lots of walking.

    Not having a kitchen to cook in and trying to stay on a gluten free vegetarian diet was challenging. I did bring my little smoothie maker to make protein shakes and some larabars.

    Had my Hgb checked and my H/H are stable but ferritin slowly dropping again. Boo.

    Just a word about Apple cider vinegar and Kombacha drinks....they are extremely acidic and can damage tooth enamel. Be sure and drink with a straw and use mouthwash after to protect enamel. Brooks was advised to avoid acidic drinks, acid fruits, alcohol and black coffee after his diagnosis of oral cancer. I blame the 3 cancers he has had on exposure to the burn pits on deployments. He was exposed 3 times.

    I will have to get some liquid aminos as soy sauce has gluten.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hi Sloth, nice to see you :)

    Thanks for the dressing recipes, Spring! Time for me to switch things up a bit with a new flavor to help me get my greens in.

    Mihani, I know I have asked before, but I forget. How do I pickle red onions? Onions, vinegar (which kind do you use?) and seasonings? 1.5 lbs away from normal BMI is so awesome!

    We had wildfire smoke in the air all weekend and weren't able to go outside, other than for a few quick walks around the property to stretch the dogs' legs. When we did go outside, we wore N95 masks. Today is looking much clearer and we should be okay to go to the park again starting tomorrow if the forecast holds.

    Have a good one, all!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    edited September 2022
    Mihani, I made pickled red onions once, about a year ago. The recipe is in a cookbook I have called Eat Vegan, by Smith & Daughters. I don't remember everything in it offhand, but it definitely had peppercorns, and I think also cumin.
    I love that somewhat sore feeling I get when I've had a good workout, like you said, as long as it's not "literally painful".
    Esmerelda, I'm not sure what those stores would carry. I used to get them in Wegmans when I was in NJ. I ordered the coconut aminos from Amazon not too long ago (came in a two-pack). I guess you could check those store websites and see if they carry it in the stores near you. Otherwise, you should be able to order any of the items online.
    Bisky, Happy Anniversary!! Sorry to hear your Brooks has been through so much.
    Carla, glad to hear the smoke has cleared up some for you.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Esmer, I think I've seen Bragg's in regular groceries. Usually around where the soy sauce is located.

    Happy Anniversary, Donna and Brooks! And yay for gluten free pizza! Good tip on the acidic foods/drinks. I had bought some hibiscus tea a while back because Dr. Greger highly recommends it, but he said to be sure to rinse your mouth well after drinking it and not to brush right away.

    Carla, pickled onions just white vinegar and red onions. That's it! You can add spices though, which infuses them with more flavor. I often use whole peppercorns and/or cumin. I love them on salads and in wraps. I find it only takes 1 to 2 days for peak flavor and they stay great for at least a couple weeks in the fridge although mine never last that long because I eat them up.

    Hope you are well away from the wildfires. Did you make it to the park today?

    Spring, I like the soreness too. It lets me know I worked hard for sure! I'm still feeling it so I will do some lunges and squats tonight but take it easy another day on the upper body exercises since I have class again tomorrow.

    Today was on plan...
    B - mashed potatoes
    L - the rest of the mashed potatoes and some roasted broccoli
    D - big ol' salad (spring mix, radish, carrot, pickled onion, tomato, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, dijon and bragg's) and a slice of ezekiel toast

    Will have a couple clementines for dessert because once again I didn't eat my fruit at the office.

    Nanc, hope you are okay, check in when you can!

    I have to get some work done tonight so I best be off.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    re: coconut aminos and soy sauce
    I use Tamari instead of soy sauce and most brands are gluten free and vegan. I get San-J lower sodium gluten free version (,aps,257&sr=8-4)
    We have lots of recipes that call for both tamari (or soy sauce) and coconut aminos, so we have both on hand.

    Still smoke in the air here. I'm going to take a mid-morning break from work and go on the treadmill in a few hours.

    Red lentil cauliflower curry is on the menu.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Carla, how's the air this evening? I bet the dogs are wondering why they aren't getting to go to the park all of a sudden! Mmmmm red lentil cauliflower curry. I haven't made that in quite a while.

    So let's see... class tonight was just okay. I didn't enjoy it as much as usual. Work is insanely busy and I'm losing my mind there. That's all the news I have here. Going to eat a salad then hit my desk for a couple hours before bed.

    Breakfast/Lunch was mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli. Dinner a smoothie and big ol' salad. Might have a slice of ezekiel toast as well if still hungry. I'm usually more hungry when I've had classes.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    Carla, sorry to hear there's still smoke lingering in your air, it's great you have your treadmill as an option.
    Mihani, you sure do work a lot. Wasn't your job going to hire someone to take some weight off your shoulders?
    I made a very large dish of roasted potatoes, broccoli, carrots and onions last night and will probably be munching on that for lunch or dinner the next few days.
    Got a 20 minute walk in today and did four arm/shoulder exercises: 3 sets, 8 reps, 5# weights. Can't wait until I can move the weights back up to where I had them, but I don't want to rush it and have a setback with the back, so I'm being verrrrryyyy patient and probably overly cautious :#
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Spring you're a wise woman! I've always thought I could do more than I could starting out and so often injured myself. Healing takes longer than taking it slow. The roasted veggies sound delicious! What seasonings did you use?

    We are going to hire at least a PT person for the front desk position, but we're still waiting on furniture to set up a new office and make room. It has been lost somewhere in transit I think... the company is looking for it now. Good grief.

    I got out a little early today to pick up my new glasses and that gives me more time to get some work done tonight without people interrupting me all the time

    Today was mashed potatoes with greens and roasted broccoli for lunch, an apple with some natural PB for a snack, and getting ready to eat a big ol' salad and if still hungry will also have a smoothie.

    Oh, I've been trying things on from my closet periodically and I have several things that fit me now including two very pretty dresses that I literally never wore. I am going to wear one tomorrow. Several pairs of dress pants that I was looking forward to wearing are now baggy. It's so weird because I am barely moving on the scale, but obviously the workouts are effective.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    Wow! A lot of news to catch up on. Is anyone planning on canning their pickled onions? If so, the Ball canning book has the instructions. I might just look in there for seasoning ideas as well. I have never pickled red onions but I'm going to give it a try now. Going into campus today. Lunch: sandwich on just made french bread with a grilled portabella mushroom and onions, Bousin garlic and herb cheese spread alternative (new to me),topped with spring mix and tomato. I'll also take an apple, I think. I bought some big Fuji's a couple of days ago. Have a great day, everyone!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, hope your next class is enjoyable! How do you like your new glasses?

    Nice work on the walk and arm exercises, Spring! Better to be too cautious than have a big setback.

    Esmerelda, that sandwich sounds amazing. You had me at 'just made' French bread and then brought it home with the rest of it.

    Our air quality was in the green yesterday morning, so we went for a walk at the park. The dogs were so excited :) I used one hiking pole. I didn't like it at first but got used to it pretty quickly after I made a height adjustment.

    I started picking the pinto beans we grew in our garden. They are a pretty variety! Creamy with speckles. I will take a picture once I finish the harvest. The corn we grew had a late start but we ended up with about 2 dozen small ears of corn. Very small...maybe 1/6th the amount of corn on a regular cob. BUT the flavor is amazing! So sweet and flavorful. We still have a few nice looking zucchini to pick, and there are half a dozen pumpkins turning orange. It was a fun little '3 sisters' growing project that didn't require pesticides, had minimal water requirements and was super easy to set up. No maintenance aside from watering twice a week during peak summer season.

    Veggie Stir fry with homemade stir fry sauce over quinoa is on the menu tonight.

    Hey Nanc, now that my trip is getting closer, I realized your knee surgery is coming up, too. Is that all scheduled?

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    This week is racing by. My girlfriend lost her little old dog due to cancer this weekend while we were away. So sad. She was the sweetest little dog, not a mean bone in her frail little body. I am glad she is no longer in pain but will miss her. This is my friend who I exchange dog sitting and will take my dogs while I am at Carla's. She has a West Highland terrier who is best friends with mine, Charlie Bear.

    Brooks left yesterday to visit his 96 y/o mother and to give his sister who takes care of her a week vacation. I had all these plans for reorganizing and not too much has happened on that front. I think I will start with my craft room. I had plans on helping Brooks set up a man cave off our bedroom. Weird military house. Has 2 enclosed sun rooms upstairs and down stairs.

    He made me a big pot of the chipotle hominy black beans the day before he left. I bought little corn tortillas for street tacos. They are so cute and 3 have total 100 calories. I add chopped tomato, onion and cucumber on top. I also have a Seeds of Change organic brown rice and quino that I mix for rice and beans.

    Carla - I am glad you are using a pole. No more falls, especially before vacation. I would like to find a gentle yoga on you tube or something I can easily do. This sliding hernia makes it difficult to do many of the poses. Maybe yoga should be our new goal.

    Mihani - I put the liquid aminos on the shopping list since it is gluten free. I got my nutritional yeast but completely forgot what recipe I was suppose to add it to.

    SparkS - Glad you are healing. Yay for new yoga pants! By the way I like your name Spark Springtime 69. I have fun making new names for you.

    Essy - I love stews. Your stew sounds delicious. I have a big container of beautiful mushrooms I need to do something with this week.

    R.Rainbows - I love all your tips on tofu. Keep them coming.

    Magic - There is nothing as bad as insomnia. When I can't sleep I but on some boring audiobooks from Youtube (free) or boring lectures to stop my overthinking at night. I beginning to think as we get older we have to prepare or do certain rituals prior to bedtime and avoiding looking at bright screens might be one of them for me. Prior to bedtime we walk dogs (it is so safe at night on base) and do other little rituals but I still struggle sometimes. I wish I could be the person who goes to bed early and wakes up early.

    Defrosted my last batch of Chickpea curry for lunch today. Need to go shopping for fresh vegetables after I clean out fridge.

    Cheers! Weekend is almost here.