WaistAways Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2022



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,260 Member
    LoraineGB wrote: »
    @ashleycarole86 sorry for the tardiness

    Sun 10,879
    Mon 11,730
    Tue 5,486
    Wed 5,800
    Thu 8,077
    Fri 10,604
    Sat 12,043

    Great week with steps! And I am also right there with you and @Terytha ... twenty pounds in the last 6 months and I still can't get a grip on it. Life is busier now than in a long, time. I haven't mastered it YET! Hopefully, I can soon without too much damage because I am getting near the top of my weight limit ever. :(
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,093 Member
    Thursday weigh-ins:
    @bowens1973 & @ashleycarole86 -- If you two travellers want to have a week EXC from weigh-in, that is OK! You'll be home soon and can just relax for this week. Let me know :smiley:
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 545 Member
    edited September 2022
    jugar wrote: »
    Finally the internet is back! We have been alternating weather-related outages and the taller half working on the electrical system today. It has been quite lovely not being able to get online most the day! I got the phone calls done, the workouts in, plenty of practicing (with recording bits just to drive myself crazy), walks in the woods, and the sad discovery that every single apple in our little orchard is GONE! They are not on the ground, not on the trees. I think they must have fallen (due to some unfortunate ailment) and when I mowed the other day, I probably sucked them all up into the clippings. The grass was seriously long, so I did not see a thing. In any case - one job less! I will be sad not to have our lovely apples, but the trees are now quite ancient, and this might be indicating that it is time to start replacing them. Good thing I still have jelly from last fall...

    On my walk in the woods today, though - there was a complete riot of very colourful mushrooms. Bright red, orange, yellow and every shade in between. Here is a cute one -

    Great colors in those woods! Sorry to hear about the apples but glad that you have one or 2 fewer things on your list considering the upcoming performances and travel plans! Let me know when you're thinking about going to NC and I'll see if I can pull it together to go, too. If I can't, perhaps Monica can. :smile:
    I can feel the length of days shortening, I swear! My inner bear is pushing me to nosh and nap. It's amazing that any of us can keep from fattening up for the cold months coming. I'm glad so many on the team have been in the green this week 'cause I may not have kept my lead from last week at the rate I'm going. I've worked more hours this week because my immediate coworker is away on vacation (on the Cape) and if I'm not there when the clients come in, they're not very pleased.

    Well, off to bed. I hope we all have lovely traveling dreams and solid REMs before daylight.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 983 Member

    It's been awhile since I checked in. All is going well and work is shaping up nicely. Last weekend I was able to get two walks in, date night with the husband, sewing and my husband and I made Mason jar terrariums with native plants from our forest @jugar I would love some of those mushrooms for my terrariums! To avoid the whats for dinner situation I used my clean simple eats macro cook books this week. Took the week one shopping list to the store and now I just cook the recipes. So nice! The 5 am workouts are going surprisingly very well. I'm getting up easily and I am really thankful to have my workout done for the day. Lunch prep isn't going exactly how I want. I just envisioned myself being able to do it faster. I was probably being a little ambitious since it is food for 5 people and takes about 40 minutes. All that prep makes a big difference in the morning routine and I am a lot calmer while directing the children through the morning routine. At work we screened little kids who may need special ed evaluations. There were sooooo many of them and it took 4 hours straight with new kids arriving every 10 minutes. It went pretty smooth considering it was the first one of the year!

    @PlaneMonkey I feel annoyed for you when your spouse goes through his healthy for a few days phase over and over again 😉 I have had some success in those situations by cooking a protien, a carb and then a vegetable or salad. Then you have to each plate your own portions of the different macros based on individual needs. That way you provided the healthy options but didn't monitor the portions or combinations.

    @Kali225 You have had a whirlwind of activity lately! Hope you get settled into a schedule you like soon. Good luck with the furniture!

    @MoonlitMuse Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

    @mick48 Hope you get into a routine soon as well. The first few weeks of preschool is like herding cats!

    @Melissa0711 Wow late night workouts take some serious dedication 👏 nice work!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,135 Member
    Thanks @jugar
    Brad is definitely taking you up on that
    His words.. "I'm having a good vacation and I don't want the scale to ruin it"

    I'll weigh in - I have my scale and I do every day anyway. You've been on this ride before so you know what to expect ;)

    I'll be back on the regular team for a bit, no doubt about it. The good thing is I feel ready to be back to my routines. Shouldn't be hard to get back to business as soon as I get home.

    I'd like to think I don't need to freefall as much as I have been on these vacations but I'm clearly not finding my groove to handle them any differently yet. A work in progress!
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    edited September 2022
    I‘ve been trying for a per
    micki48 wrote: »
    Great week with steps! And I am also right there with you and @Terytha ... twenty pounds in the last 6 months and I still can't get a grip on it. Life is busier now than in a long, time. I haven't mastered it YET! Hopefully, I can soon without too much damage because I am getting near the top of my weight limit ever. :(

    Thanks! @ashleycarole86 did say that when you moved your step count shot up and that's what's happening for me. I can't tell you the last time I had a week where I did so many days over 10k

    What is it with this funk? I get up every day planning to do well and then...... I have two favourite sayings, one is 'don't confuse efforts with results' and the other is 'the road to hell is paved with many intention', well I seem to be living and breathing the road to hell right now. I'm hoping this move will get me back on track and I hope settling into your new job and school year has the same effect for you.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,135 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    Goal zone
    Maintenance range 160-165

    CW 170.4

    As predicted :)
    I get home late Sunday night so I should have enough time Mon-Wed to ensure my first week back on the regular team isn't a gain.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    CW 190.0

    I will try to continue to creep in the right direction.

    There was no hockey this week due to a scheduling conflict between the teams so fingers crossed I will be able to get back out and sweaty next week. I'm hoping to go to the free public skating in my village this friday night to try out my mom's old skates to see if they will work as a backup pair for me. Mine are made of fibreglass (I guess to make them lighter) and they have started to crack around the heel. There's not much structural integrity left so I want to be prepared if they have a catastrophic failure during a game. not prepared enough to actually buy myself new skates though... Hoping for a "free" option first! ;)

    Last night we had a thai shrimp red curry with red peppers and sweet potatoes. very filling and delicious. I only made a small serving of rice to go with it and as there was no leftover rice, hubby didn't go back for seconds of the curry. maybe that's the secret for him. ;)

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,093 Member
    Time for the Friday line-up! Let's go, Friday people :smiley:

    @ells_bellz *
    @dillyg08 *
    @Pearl4686 *

    (people with * please be sure to weigh in this week! you missed last week, and we don't want to lose you! even if it isn't the number you hoped for, post it and make a plan.)

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,093 Member
    LoraineGB wrote: »


    So some facts about this weeks weight. My FIL is here and as he is 83 and unsteady on his feet, we put him in the master suite. This means I weighed on different scales in a guest bathroom on small tiled floor, so not a flat surface. It is also an hour before I usually weigh and we had Mexican last night. Facts not excuses - excuses are what I appear to use for not doing exercise 🤷🏼‍♀️

    ummm.... I hate to burst your bubble of disappointment, but you are in the green! You LOST 0.3 since last week. I know it isn't a lot, but every speck of green helps :blush: It is not a gain, it is not just staying the same - it is good. Now get out there and exercise!
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