Airport Lounge Discussion



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,592 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 give me my rain back LOL on second though, no rain all day, it can rain all night as I am comfy cosy inside, not going out for anything !! ok maybe if the fire alarm goes off ....
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was one of those days. Slept in getting a total of over 8 hrs. Worked on laundry, dishes, boiled some beef bones for Trigger and made one batch of cranberry sauce for Family Christmas on Sunday. Got called into work early as my friend needed help planning meals so we can tell the boss what we have meals till and get approval to put an order in that will hold us over till the take over. Tonight's dinner for the residents was what the housing crew provided for them and the rest of the little community. As it was a Christmas dinner they had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, beans and carrots mix, gravy, salad, dinner roll and dessert. No one new what to do. I normally don't work that shift so was completely lost. The ones running it had no clue. So we winged it and went well. The volunteers they had that actually showed up sat behind the dessert table and did nothing. Off for 2 days and then no time off until the takeover on Jan 16 unless the new crew offers to keep us as paid employees.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,416 Member
    Sleeping a lot...limping but up and moving , with use of a walker. Kiddos helping with chores, sure makes for a long day when you are used to being busy and suddenly cannot even walk across the room .
    Appreciate their help..just not good at doing the "take it easy " thing. More than once I have told them I am taking it easy and they just shake their heads. But this time..yeah I am down for a bit..just like ole cars our bodies got parts that begin to wear out. Wish all it took was a screwdriver and wrench to fix us!!
    So many in much worse shape than I am yep for a few days I'll kick back..but I also know I will bounce back..ya know cause Bumbles bounce!! hee hee
    We got the cold temps and none of the snow..not fair!! Ya'al be careful out there,,these temps are dangerous!! As much as I slept today I can feel me getting sleepy gonna call today done..
    Good night to all ...enjoy your weekend.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,488 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, its now snowing out again, probably end up with 4 to 6"s I'm okay with that ,, LOL I did not want the 10 to 15"s. They are going to get that inland. GOOD PLACE for it!
    @Cseguin2 ,,, sometimes we just need that sleep. I SURE HOPE they keep you on for work, but if not, hey now you have experience!! That's AWESOME and clearly you are a hard hard worker that'll follow you.
    @Katiecondy1 ,, OH GF I KNOW You do not like the take it easy, but glad to hear you are trying to. That'll help you in the long run. Also that the fam is helping you out!! That's a plus!! THE WEEKEND WILL ARRIVE before we even know it!!! OOPS I thought it was THURSDAY!! LOLOLOL guess it will arrive in just 90 mins!! LOL!!! Please take care. Molly take good care of your Momma, littles and kitties too please.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Billie story for the day: She went out to check on two of sisters working in the woods and came right back. She never leaves their side usually, so I thought they weren't working. Later, she begins to cry to tell me that at least one of the sisters is out there. I get my coat on and sure enough, one of the members was carrying firewood. If it weren't for Billie, she wouldn't have gotten some help. I love that dog. I got some good exercise and we got all the firewood picked up.

    Good night all!


    Tomorrow's word is FAITH.

  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,064 Member


  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,402 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you morning is going well. Today I am at Joe's parents and will be making the trek up to Muskegon about an hour away to go see my daughter and get some shopping done for Christmas. I really don't have the money to do anything but I really want to eat out at my favorite place. I am broke though. We will see how it goes. I am hoping I can do something.

    @NovemberGail - Billie always has really good travels. I am hoping you really do start those childrens books. I think they would be great for kids.
    @cormierannie - We are getting hit with some snow nd it is going to be alot.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - There are only 5 of us in the office so we don't choose a charity. We just get to wear jeans. I love jean day. It is great. It is getting better at Joe's parents. I feel more at home here. They are pretty fond of me at this point.
    @LindieMaeP - I love my yoga pants. I love the pockets in them too. I just only have 2 pair and want more pairs. I am sorry about Amigo. I know cats are definitely part of the family. I love my cats
    @CSEGUIN2 - I doubt the new crew will offer to help. What will you do for a job after this contract is up?
    @katiecondy1 - I am sorry your knee is still really bad. I am sure it will be for a while. Just take it easy. I know easier said than done. I am not someone who sits still either.

    Well it is time to get up and get around to go to my daughters. Have a great day

  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,768 Member
    I am backing out of the challenge for awhile. I am in the hospital with significant pulmonary emboli and blood clots so will not be able to work out other than walking for the next few months. This is a huge change of lifestyle for me since it affects my horses and dogs.
    Good wishes to all of you.

    Dear Serena, I so often wish I lived closer so I could help you with your beloved animals. You are courageous and brave to tackle all you do! I would request that you join the challenge so we all can remain in contact with you. So we can be here for you if/when you need a listening ear. You can join as a medical exception so there is no commitment from you to a team. The commitment is from us to you! Please think about it. My prayers are with you!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,259 Member
    Diane: Yeah that is right at least you do not have to shovel rain and if you have snow on the ground the rain will wash it away
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,502 Member
    It's 22 feels like 16 with a high of 38 for today. Insight Timer Quote: You are the sky. Everything else-it's just the weather.--Pema Chodron I AM: I am happy with my strong, capable body. Axe Sharpening: Embrace your shortcomings. Do you best.--Dustin Holsten 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Give thanks. List the kind things others have done for you. Fitness quote for today: Do it because making yourself proud is one of the best feelings in the world.--fitness Motivational quote for today: Keep smiling; you look good doing it.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 12,987 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: 100 Push Ups 10 sets of 10, 200 Squats 10 sets of 20 and 300 Crunches 10 sets of 30 after breakfast.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,488 Member
    @Novembergail ,,, Awww BILLIE!!! She's such a PAWSOME DAWG!!! Please pat her for us!
    @Dpecora653 ,, Debbie so TRUE!! And since we can only have one thought at a time, when we look for even if it's hard for the all of the amazing positive things we have/see/hear ,, WOW! It sure does make us smile (Even LOL if someone doesn't want to) I've done with quite a few. It always works even if only for a few seconds it does work.
    @Tabatha_Cain,, so glad you are settling in with his family. At some point there's bound to be a rough spot, but you'll handle that with the grace you have and they'll love you even more!! Hope you were able to eat at the spot you enjoy.
    I'm going to a pot luck/yankee swap in 90 mins. I haven't yet put the final touches on the mac and cheese or popped it into the oven for that wonderful crispy crust. I did add bacon into it, because everyone LOVES BACON it seems. We were asked to not spend more than 15 on a gift for the yankee swap (OOPS I've not wrapped it either!! I HATE WRAPPING! They used to do a Pot Luck/Christmas dinner, but so many of us here do not celebrate for various reasons. Seems many older ones HATE this holiday since it's either "The only time I see my relatives" or "I Hated it when I was young and I am NOT going to pretend now!" This is fine with me I do not celebrate it either based on so many things such as is the 25th really Jesus birthday? (A google search tells all) and Jesus didn't say to. How did it come out? Google search. I DO though enjoy seeing many in a much better mood. LOL don't we all. After that I'll come back up and as many if not all of you know I am the Challenge Leader on the Positively Strong 4 Life team, tonight at 9 PM (EST) we are meeting as leaders to see who wants to do what for the 2023 WINTAH 5% CHALLENGE!!! WOOHOO!!! We always preplan and make sure everyone is happy. PLUS we get to joking around some too. That's always fun. @Katiecondy1 we'll miss ya hon!! Hey let me know if you'd like an invite to be with us at some point .... TEXT me if you see this while we are in it, and of course we'll grab you right up!! Katie was many, many years also a leader. GF with that bummed knee we'll have you entertained!! AND YOU WILL US!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 5,922 Member
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,592 Member
    It looks like it is turning into a lazy day and I am ok with that as I have some reading to do. This morning was my congregation meeting and this afternoon I am just drifting watching the weather turn from clouds to sun to clouds again. @Dianedoessmiles1 can keep the snow, I am not interested. It's kinda too quiet here but not enough to go out and get another cat ... I almost looked at a link for the SPCA but I dont' have their kind of money to "adopt" a cat/kitten and I do not think I want a kitten either. I'll take advantage of this time and do some "decluttering of boxes" that will only bother the 50+ yr old lol
    @Kurtize love the pic, so cute !!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 don't get too crazy in your leadership meeting lol but do have fun !!
    @Tabatha_Cain I hope your weekend is going ok, I know the names of the citys or towns you mention. I used to be a bit TOOL TIME watcher even bought the videos and of course I lived across from Detroit so was very much affected by Michigan news and entertainment growing up. I just smile cause although I have never been there, I know of the place. My cousins used to live in Allen Park but where they are today, I have no idea. I have a niece in law who lives in Detroit with her kids but last I heard she was trying to immigrate to Windsor with her kids.
    @everyone have a wonderful saturday and if the weather is iffy stay home and have some hot chocolate ( or not ) and enjoy the afternoon/evening.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,416 Member
    quick check in..can't sit with the leg bent at this angle for long..
    gave in and got the walker out ..using it to get around..what a irksome tool that is in our house of gates!
    Due to "personalities" we have to keep all the dogs in their own areas and that means a lot of gates .
    But know that staying off the leg is the way to go..just sure is not my usual mode. I did get in some chair exercise and a few steps..mmmok..using walker would kill step count..just thought of that..oh grr..and this "smart" watch won't fit on my glad we are on break.
    Cold here and getting colder..Time to let the dogs and tuck them up for the night...
    Have a beautiful Sunday ya'al...
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,488 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, LOL We did have fun in it. Got a lot done in a nice amount of time. I can't believe what a shelter who needs us to ADOPT the pets and give them a good home are now charging!! Kittens are so funny!! I laugh so hard, so very hard at their antics, and the WILDNESS!! Sometimes we really need that giggles, of course it's nice to have a calmer older kitty (when I adopt an adult kitty I look for 2 to 7 years, though in general I stay with the 2 or 3 years old).
    @Katiecondy1 ,,,Hon it's time to heal that knee well. Do not even think about any regular routine for quite a bit. Is it time to see Dr?
  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,064 Member

    Thought of the day:
    Remember that success does not come from what you do occasionally,
    it comes from what you do CONSISTENTLY!!

    Enjoy a day of fun and peace :)
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,402 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Sunday and I am ready to go back to bed. I am not sure why but this weekend has been draining for me. I am so tired. I don't feel like I was able to relax much this weekend. Maybe it is just me. Not sure.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. So far things are going well with Joe's family. I hope you had a good time at your pot luck. Enjoy your leaders meeting.
    @LindieMaeP - That is interesting that you know the area. It is also cool that you lived in the Detroit area. Not to far from me.
    @katiecondy1 - I hope you are doing well this morning. It is ok to get the walker out. If you need it you need it. No shame in that.

    Well it is almost time to get ready and go to church. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,502 Member
    It's 20 feels like 20 with a high of 44 and possible wintry mix overnight tonight. Insight Timer Quote: Happy Hanukkah to the Jewish community! May your candles burn bright on this Festival of Lights.--Insight Timer Team I AM: Wherever I go, I bring with me the energy of calm and peace. Axe Sharpening: Let this be your reminder that you can do hard things. You are stronger than the pain. Stop running from it. Stop numbing it out temporarily. Face it. Feel it. Get stronger from it. Be unstoppable in the pursuit of your best self.--Stephanie Lawler 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Ask for help and let someone else discover the joy of giving. Fitness quote for today: Stay positive with your thoughts. Work hard with your Motivational quote for today: Life might be unfolding much differently than you had thought, but don't let that ruin your mood. Your new path has the potential to be more amazing than anything you could imagine.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 12,848 steps yesterday.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,259 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,592 Member
    Good morning folks, when I woke up at 4:45 AM this morning there was no snow - it looked likea dusting a little over night but within the hour we had snowthunder during the snow - at least 3 times thunder was heard! Interesting, as I have never experienced that before.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 see what is happening while you are in your meeting ?? lol It will turn to rain later I am sure of it !! Gene and I talked again last night about Amigo and another cat, and he said no he's not wanting to get another cat at this time, but he could change his mind. Turns out my daughters cat does eat friskies so she will be getting the food and snacks. She asked us not to bring it by this weekend as she has a sinus infection and is not up to company. On the 24th they are having another murder mystery dinner but I passed on this one as it will be holiday themed and no doubt have forms of spiritism in it too. Gene said he is going, well he is an adult and can make up his own mind on these things. I am glad the meeting went well and look forward to what ever LTGL gems and countries we will visit virtually.
    @katiecondy1 your smart watch CAN sit in your sock and can bring you the results maybe - I used to do that with my fitbit when riding a bike at work so I could get fitness credits, after all I was riding and moving. It worked like a charm. I hope you are getting around better today, did you see the video I posted of the Raven?
    @Tabatha_Cain I was born in the Windsor area and grew up in Harrow and lived in Windsor for a few years before coming west. I also grew up on motown, the real stuff and you might not be old enough to remember, but your parents might remember, when a kid on Sundays we always came in to watch Bill Kennedy At the Movies as he always had good movies and good information about the actors/actresses. It was also hockey night in Canada in our house every saturday night - I hve 3 brothers and they all had different hockey teams. I was for Detroit Redwings and my one brother was for Boston, another for Toronto and the other for Montreal so you can bet there was a lot of rivalry there lol I hope your feeling better as the weekend progresses and you enjoy yourself.
    @everyone have a wonderful day today and find something fun to do and just do it !!