Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,, being an older person, I can say I love gift cards that let me shop, go where I want instead of a certain place. I have some to places I enjoy eating, but I've had to cut back on eating out so they are still here, almost 200 worth. If they had been a VISA card, LOL they'd of been used already. Glad you are feeling better.
    @Dpecora653,, Debbie, you are ALSO AMAZING!! You are crazy busy, but still AMAZING! TY TY TY!
    @Macrat12,, HI Sarah!
    @Patti241 ,,, One channel is still saying mostly rain maybe 1 to 3"s of snow. LOL TIME WILL TELL!
    @NOvembergail,,, It's so strange to see what mankind is doing to itself. Yet greed takes it all over. Hope your day was wonderful and hehehehe Billie didn't get into trouble but that the girls did! Nicely of course. Today I bought the most softest blanket!!! LOL Izzy is very soft, but the blanket is even MORE softer. She'll LOVE IT!! Though it's really MINE!! I got a King though I have a full size bed. I'd rather have it to big!
    @LIndiemaep ,,, Took me a minute to figure out fogbows. LOL Cute. Pretty, and cute, can't say I've seen any though. I have moonbows though!! Usually in the winter so pretty!! TY TY TY TY for posting the video!! LOL I feel the same way any of my friends, family,, Oh they'd HAVE to join a different team!! I saw your grilled cheese on the news feed,, YUMMY!! I had one last night. I am waiting til tomorrow and Saturday to study for Sunday. Today met with the group, in person were quite a few, on ZOOM 3 of us. Two of us stayed til 10:30.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,050 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good afternoon all, hope your Thursday has been terrific. The weather today is cool but nice, 54 outside. Our granddaughter Jocelyn came by for a visit. It was good to see her. She is fun to be around.
    Stage 2 of our backyard project


  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I did some mucking about with Firefox which I use for MFP and looked to see if it would let me select my text color that way but it looks like the only text color it changed was the mfp colors which actually turned out great because I have a mute yellow background now and purple text for everything but the comment box bwahahahahaha I knew I could do this as I did it on Sparkpeople too. I can also change if want....I am not sure what dinner will be, I am being fussy at this point but no doubt will find something to foot the bill.
    @Kurtize - that is coming along nicely.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I got a total of 4 hrs and 9 minutes of sleep last night. Did get a couple tiny naps on the train as well.

    @ohnogoldens I am sorry to read about our health struggles. I also understand feeling the need to step back from a challenge. It's a hard decision to make. I know that even though I have been struggling to be active for different reasons if I left I would have less reason to at least try and do what I can. Overall it is your decision and I will support it. I hope you come back soon.

    So Wednesday let me see if I can remember....oh right LoL I slept in and much didn't happen before work. Stopped by my friends house to check a couple things about work and didn't expect the news I got. Found out that a rumer going around was true. My boss lost the contract for the kitchen after 20+ year with the city. As of today I know who got the contract and when they takeover. More information to come next week on the day of the residents Christmas party. For dinner the residents had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, tomato soup, corn and leftover deserts.

    Today has been a long trying day. Woke up at 4 am and got ready to leave to make the train for 5:40. It was cold and pouring rain. Reached our destination around 8 am and freezing rain. Was at the hospital for Hubby's appointments until about 1. Being cold for that many hours sucks. But all is good with Hubby as there has not been much decline in his muscles in 6 years. Hubby had an attitude after we got back to the train station and got our tickets switched to the earlier train. Also my delivery got here while we were gone. Thankful for my friend and her sister who came over and brought them in. 3 big boxes of meat (freezers are filled to the gills) and 1 big box of pantry items.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    @ohnogoldens I understand your need to step away from the challenge at this time, as your health is a priority. May I suggest though that you keep in touch via this team so that we can give you the support you need. As always our challenges are always based on our health and what we can do. I hope all goes well for you, hugs, ❤️❤️❤️
    @CSEGUIN2 glad you got the appointment taken care of and came back, hope you warmed up by now. It is unfortunate about the group home contract, but these things do happen. My son just went through the same thing and fortunately his company got the contract and his job continues for the next 5 years. Perhaps you will be kept on. Good staff is hard to find these days. How do you feel about it all ?
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @kurtize ,,, COOL backyard!! So happy you had such a nice day.
    I am backing out of the challenge for awhile. I am in the hospital with significant pulmonary emboli and blood clots so will not be able to work out other than walking for the next few months. This is a huge change of lifestyle for me since it affects my horses and dogs.
    Good wishes to all of you.

    Please check in with @Ceriusly1 ,, you could absolutely use the support. From the other post I had read I hadn't realized it's your health. Ask Ceri if you can join the team on a medical status, it's different that way and you do not need to exercise etc, because right now you absolutely can not do so. Walking is exercise once you are allowed to do so, but as @Lindiemaep said your teammates are such a part of your life, and you'll have more down time. The support when so scared is very valuable and this is very scary indeed for you. Having faith your Dr's are on top of this, it is quite the change in so many big ways others can help encourage you. We hope you'll ask about this option and what it involves. Of course as others said its your choice, always do what's best for you. No one knows better than you.
    @Cseguin2 ,,, UGH on the freezing rain!! I hope H is happy that he's not declining much at all. That sounds pretty awesome. So sorry things went south which affects your day very much. What a SWEET Neighbor to take care of your packages!! That's so good!! Would of been horrible if a porch pirate (CALL IT IS AS IT IS A THIEF!) had gotten that!! oh they'd of been thrilled, it's so wrong all the way around. THANKFUL for your dear neighbor!! WOOHOO!!! With work with your friend losing the contract what will happen for you? Sometimes they bring all new, other times they wish to keep the ones who are they can who aren't usually upper management.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,447 Member
    @ohnogoldens -totally understand the need to focus on your health. Please know we are all here to talk to ..complain to or just offer a shoulder if you need one. Take care of you!!



    I had planned on catching up today..then pulled a ..".Farm work is dangerous" stunt while doing chores..been limping, crying, saying bad words, and so forth since about 1 this afternoon. Basically stepped down wrong, twisted my bad knee popped like a over inflated ballon..and I cannot find the words to describe how it hurt..scream at decibel 10 is as close as I can come. I finished chores..then began to wonder if I could make it to the house. After much leaning , moaning and screams of pain I did finally limp into the house. Just as I walked in the blessed knee popped again. So I made sure to scream again to get everyones attention ,,no actually it HURT like a big dog!! I can tell you that pain at that level tends to lead to exhaustion ..I ended up taking a long nap, but the magick did not work..the knee still hurts..not as bad though..till it popped again!! Now this is no longer amusing it is just painful and I am the worlds worst patient. I will push till I fall down and get up ready to try again..folks this time I was ready to just lean against the wall and catch my breath. So I am glad we are on break, I would not want to do this while in the challenges, sorry my numbers are gonna be really down, I will do chair exercises and such but doubt if I will be able to throw out the numbers I am used to doing!!
    Gonna apply lots of stuff..wrap in heating pad and head for the bunk..plan....knee better in AM!!
    Reality..yeah right..might be ok till I need to use it for like to stand up or walk..hee hee
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Katiecondy1 ,, OUCH HON!! SUPER OUCH!! OH MAN OUCH!!! I totally CRINGED each time I read "popped". I know you are a nurse and all, but should you have it looked at such as an urgent care?
    That sounds so VERY VERY PAINFUL!! PLEASE TELL me the ones who also reside there at the VERY KINDNESS of your dear heart, ARE HELPING YOU? Angela has been good to you with that , ,, are the other 2?
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,434 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. This morning it is Friday so I get to wear jeans to work today. I am super excited about that as I love wearing jeans on Fridays. I would love to wear them every day but alas that is not so. We are finishing packing today and will be heading over to Joe's parents for the weekend. I am working hard and things are going well. I love that they are going well. It is nice. I am hoping for a good weekend.

    @NovemberGail - The brainfog has kinda gone away. It is still there a little bit. I was just mentioning to a co worker that we don't get tornadoes like we use to when I was a kid. Like it just isn't a thing anymore. It sucks that other people less prepared are now getting them.
    @LindieMaeP - It is nice to feel better. Hopefully you get rain. That would be nice. Like you said you don't have to shovel rain.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I do love gift cards as well. Just let me shop where I want. Everyone in my family knows that I am trying to lose weight so restaurants are not good for me. Which is nice. I hope you are doing well.
    @Kurtize - I love your backyard project. I cannot wait to see it completely done.
    @ohnogoldens - Oh no. Get well soon. I will be sending prayers
    @CSEGUIN2 - That is good that hubby is all good. Nice of your friend and her sister to bring in all your meat. Sorry about the freezing rain.
    @katiecondy1 - So sorry your knee popped 3 times. I wish it were not so. It is a blessing that you were able to get inside the house on your own. Lets hope it heals up quickly.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,099 Member

    Thought of the day:
    ABILITY is what you are capable of doing
    MOTIVATION determines what you do
    ATTITUDE determines how well you do it

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,570 Member
    It's 27 feels like 16 with a high of 36 for today. Insight Timer Quote: Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. Margaret Mead I AM: I am thankful for the moments of calm and clarity. Axe Sharpening: It's not failure we should fear, but rather we should fear not trying at all.--Claire Thomas 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Look for something positive to say to everyone you speak to. Fitness quote for today: My competition is not against the runner next to me. It is against the runner inside me.--Distance Runners Motivational quote for today: Every situation has something to appreciate, even if all you can do is be thankful for the lesson it has taught you.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 12,622 steps yesterday. Training plan for today: At Home SYLL Arms after dinner and 45 min either walk or ride on slim cycle later in the evening.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,321 Member
    Diane: All we got was a little ice and then mostly rain.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello One and All,

    The only news here is weather: no snow, bitter cold, winds are beginning to increase, and Billie just went outside--made her morning tour and came right back, found some sunshine and curled up.

    Two words today: responsibility and JOY

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,731 Member
    good morning everyone! it is a mostly cloudy and mild day here today. here we did not get much snow yesterday. where i am, it was mostly rain with some snow mixed in. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i did my strength training workout earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i also dropped off a bag of extra clothes i had to the clothing drop box that is close to my place. i like to help others whenever i can. i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,, Oh when I worked for the city I LOVED FRIDAY'S casual Friday!! Just pay $1 (It was in the 80s) to go towards a charity of our choice (they gave us a list). It was a great way to support a cause we liked and ahhhh WEAR JEANS etc!!! Hehehehehe if they did that today GUARANTEED someone would show up in PJs!! LOL!!! Hope the day at work is going /went very well!! ENJOY ENJOY the weekend with Joe's family, which is becoming your family too! SWEET!!
    @Dpecora653 ,, Indeed Debbie, believing is achieving. Have the dream, make the steps to have it a reality.
    @Patti241 ,, at the moment it's snowing, but we right on the rain/snow line, right on it. A few streets away it's raining. Likely will be here soon. As @Lindiemaep said,,, you don't have to shovel rain. That's a plus.
    @Novembergail,, Billie is a SMART GIRL!!! VERY SMART!!
    In the time it took me to type this, we are are now rain.

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    I got out for a nice walk this morning, something I needed to do and met up with a few from my congregation who were at Safeway too it was nice to see them and chat for a bit. I picked up rotisary chicken legs, 4 full legs for 10.00 but when I got home and started to separate it into meals for freezing there were 5 !! Bonus meal for someone lol I'll have that for dinner tonight and I put one aside for Gene as well - he can micro his as I will at dinner time. I also picked up a small package of Walkers Short Bread in the form of doggies - lol I ate some but I gotta watch that ! No snow yet or rain but it is ccccold out and glad I wore the red coat although the green will keep me warm too, the red is water proof! I need to make some pasta today with ground lean turkey - that will make a few meals for the weekend. Gene got home last night and made some pot stickers and pasta for his dinner but broke his egg sloppy and it burned on the ring so that had to be cleaned up - it will smoke a bit when I use it later. We talked about Amigo and both said no more cats - that could change, time will tell. He said, no more having to go buy food !! I still have to donate what is left I hope the SPCA is not too too fussy about food, I know they would rather have money ... not getting that...Gene will have to disassemble the cat tree, that will tell me for sure no cats if he does it this weekend or next. I do believe he is missing Amigo being on the couch with him when he is in the livingroom.
    @Tabatha_Cain enjoy your weekend and have lots of fun but remember to rest too so no rebounds !! Enjoy your jeans day at work - we became very casual at work too and it was ok not to have to wear a dress all the time ( the tomboy in me hated hated hated dresses) I lived in yoga style pants but they had to have pockets LOL
    @Dianedoessmiles1 are you enjoying the snow fall? Get some pics before the rains wash it away! I have a photographer associate in Ontario who does nature shots, birds, foxes, moose, etc oh and fabulous sunsets, he does a calandar every year and I got 2 of his, one for me and one to gift - the cover is a beautiful snowy owl!! and January is a red fox !! gorgous !! I am looking forward to putting it up on the wall. The friends were out today with the cart and I stopped by for a bit but not long, zoom this afternoon for me, looking forward to it too.
    @NovemberGail oh Billie is so smart !! I'll take the sun that way too !!But I wanna be in my lazygurl recliner LOL Hope your day goes well.
    @everyone have a wonderful day today, it's the dawning of the weekend - woohoo !!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎵🎵🎶🎤🎸🎷🎺
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,050 Member
    Good evening all, sending hugs and blessings to everyone. It is cold (42), rainy and getting some sleet.
    Wishing you a great weekend and evening.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    The scale is most likely going in the wrong direction this week, but I have good news, I have all next week and the week after to reverse that trend LOL Will I ??? Time will tell!!
    @Kurtize stay warm it's that cold here too and that is unusual for our area ... climate change, gotta love it !!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, Wahhhh it's raining and has been since 11:30 AM, just barely inland ,, snow. They "say" it'll turn to snow again at 7 AM and we'll end up with 3 to 6"s, time will tell. I am FINE with 3! It's still pretty!!
    @Kurtize,, please stay safe. Hopefully you do not have to go out tonight.