WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,199 Member
    I took my own advice and squeezed in a 20 min workout today. My eating was junk. I was within my calories but high fat, low protein. My stomach is definitely bloated. I think I need food testing. I have been eating decent, other than today and the scale has been up, and worse, my stomach looks huge. I really need to do an elimination diet, but I lack will power. I feel like as soon as I say no, thats all I want.

    And I just remembered I ate yogurt today and forgot to log it.. now my calories are going to be over.

    If you can stand it for 30 days, some elimination-like programs give a lot of support, with daily emails, etc. Years ago I did the Whole 30, which was certainly not something I could sustain at all, but in the re-introduction of foods I learned a TON of stuff. Ever since I have had little trouble maintaining by staying away from the things that made me bloaty or weird feeling. I don't have to stay away from them 100%, but they are lower on the list of things to eat than they used to be and that helps a lot. The 30 days might be hard and somewhat miserable, but it is only 30! Then the re-introduction is gradual and by your own choice which things to bring back first, etc. That is when all the surprises and interesting things happen. In any case, it does not feel worse than you feel after a day of high fat, low protein it sounds like. And you do all the testing. If you decide to try something like that, we'll be here to cheer you on. If not, then even minor "experiments" where you cut one thing for a few days and then try it again can tell you a lot. The "no" is temporary - you can do it with help, I'll bet. Hugs to you!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,199 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    I'm kind of bummed - a first rehearsal with a new ensemble that was supposed to be this evening had to be cancelled due to one person having covid. Bleah. But at least I won't put my mom at risk when I get to her place on Friday. A large community of older people certainly does not need that!

    It is another beautiful bright sunny winter day, so I'm out the door to catch some more tracks in the woods :smiley: The days are short, but they are sometimes gorgeous. Have a good one, all!
  • annieo22
    annieo22 Posts: 8 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit you sound like me with all the distress. Hope you feel encouragement.

    It's nice to read everyone's daily life's. I feel stuck in my little world and feel my situation is unique. I see an allergist middle of January and after insurance will have to take out a small loan 🤔 but that's what we do for our health isn't it? I have been this route so many times, it just seems fruitless! Thanks for encouragment.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit and annieo22 I have few co workers who were having a lot of trouble pin pointing their food intolerance. They ended up seeing a naturopath who use the manual muscle testing method. The results were very accurate and the naturopath even looked at their vitamins and shakes for allergens. One of them had issues with potatoes and some form of potatoe was in every single vitamin she took. It made a big difference for them and took minimal visits to figure out.
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    PW: 151.2
    CW: 152.2

    Checking in early. Up a bit but PMS hit me like a truck this week. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,199 Member
    PW: 151.2
    CW: 152.2

    Checking in early. Up a bit but PMS hit me like a truck this week. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Thanks! Hope it wasn't one of these...
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 560 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit I have seen commercials for Everlywell which has home testing kits. Insurance doesn't pay, so they are slightly pricey. But there are a couple for food sensitivity testing. I haven't done it, but let me know if you do!

    Ugh I ate way too much food last night at a dinner party, and tonight I seem to have a stomach bug. Trying to keep my mind off the stomach pain but not much is helping 😕 The flu is going around the office, so I hope it's not the start of that!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    I'm really struggling to follow my food plan. I just want to throw my hands in the air and say nothing works. I'm in my last week of work before brea and my TOM is less than a week away. I know those are 90% responsible for these feelings. In a week my plan won't feel so hard. Just trying to talk some sense back into myself. I'm just going to do the best I can even if I don't get it all right.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,167 Member
    Last call for week 1 steps (Dec 4-10):
    @micki48 @LoraineGB @bobagurl2017

    Per my morning check-in, the day started with a smoothie.
    Lunch was downtown before Brad left for a business trip. Japanese bbq cook at your table type meal. They had a Christmas special for 2 - edamame, miso soup, a rice dish, salad, and beef, pork belly, and shrimp. Delicious!
    Then Brad hit the road for Edmonton, I finished work, and got a ride home with family. When Brad the cook is away, take-out prevails. Well, not if it's just me, but with this houseful, that was the decision.
    Ordered from a place called Flavors of Montreal (ironic, cause that's where my brother and his fiancee live...) anyway, I chose a sub and that's that!
    Steps are low. The cold darkness is not motivating me but if I can muster up the energy I may try to go for a walk after supper. Wish me well!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Steps for week

    Sunday 6020 + 15 minutes Pilates
    Monday 8739
    Tuesday 9777
    Wednesday 10062
    Thursday 7286
    Friday 7316
    Saturday 9974

    Sorry these were delayed. Busy week. I had to laugh that 18°F was not “too cold” too. Having lived in Greensboro and now here in PA. I am cringing at these 22°F mornings. Luckily the days are still getting into the 40s.

    Very busy week at school and at home getting ready for things in school. Two and a half days left. I’ve been baking cookies because I signed up to contribute those. Miraculously, I am not delving into them. Just not feeling the sugar thing. Plus they are coming out crunchy rather than my chewy preference. Guess that’s a good thing. I am feeling bloated too. Don’t know if it’s food, post menopausal stuff or what. My joints and hands are so stiff and achy during the night and when I wake in the morning. Not sure if it’s aging or something else.

    @YinxFed i love what you said about spending time working on the plan. The book isn’t going to make it happen. I get that, but I’m kind of stuck and even find it difficult to set a goal, let alone reach one. I guess I’ve been bad at it so long now, it seems fruitless. This has been a tough year with no change to our situation in sight. I need to figure out how to take care of me. Make myself a priority. Take care of my health by getting rid of some weight. My saggy belly feels so huge lately. I know I didn’t look/feel like this before we moved. It’s bad. Sad. I don’t want to wait for a health emergency to finally make a change. That’s just not smart. My family’s heart and BP history makes it even more important to do something. My BP has been high last few times I took it. ☹️ Tomorrow my son has one of the heart tests from his recent scare. He has been feeling ok though. That’s good.

    I’m thirsty, need to drink some water and it’s bedtime. Great! 😂 🚽 Too much coffee ☕️ today.

    Better sign off and head to bed.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,199 Member
    Calling all Wednesdays! You're up -


  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member

    Sun 11,142
    Mon 8,365
    Tue 7,402
    Wed 7,037
    Thu 9,926
    Fri 7,203
    Sat 9,091

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 560 Member
    edited December 2022
    PW: 214.4
    CW: 215.4

    Up a pound, doesn't surprise me. My stomach was off last night and definitely has not recovered today. Maybe that will help me not eat too much tomorrow at the office christmas party and then drug rep dinner 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Well off to the dentist for a filling 😫
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,075 Member
    Greetings Team Waistaways!

    It's 5.30pm and once again I find myself sitting at my laptop tapping away in almost total darkness. I know that it's winter and it starts getting dark at around 3.30pm these days, yet I still find myself surprised. How weird is that? So I thought I'd just put down some thoughts before I get up and turn on the lamp.

    I see that so many of us are feeling frustrated at the moment with the progress that we're making. My thoughts are that we might as well just relax and accept that this is such a tricky month, and that as long as we are mindful of what's going on, we ought to remember to give ourselves a little bit of grace while we make our maneuvers! And it was you @micki48 that taught me that sentiment - a couple of years ago!

    Tomorrow I am having Christmas lunch with my reading group. But we won't be choosing our meal from the Christmas menu. We have decided to make our choices from the bar menu where we more likely to find healthy choices. We're having lunch in a pub on the river. And on Friday, Ben (hubby) and I are going out for a Christmas dinner. I'm looking forward to them both.

    I am getting our Christmas tree this weekend, and I hope to have both the tree and the house decorated this weekend. I'm excited!

  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    edited December 2022
    @EvMakesChanges Thanks for the thought about adding flavour to water, I've honestly never thought of doing it, I might get some Mio and see how I do. Liselyn wrote a really interesting/thought provoking post about water intake on the Dec team challenge and it made me think about it in a completely different way. I usually have at least two Yeti's of coffee in the morning, lots of English breakfast tea and I have decided that a reasonable daily goal for me is 0.5 - 1.0L and I am managing to hit it. Something is better than nothing and now it's cold here, not Canada cold, but cold for this desert implant, I just can't face chugging more than a litre most days.

    @micki48 Post covid arthritis is a real thing, check it out. I have it in my hands, I got it after covid and I do exercises to try and stop my hands going into a ball all the time - both of them do it.

    I'm feeling a bit at sixes and sevens today. I fly to England next Thursday, I don't want to go, I don't want to be away from Mr B and my boy. There's a myriad of strikes going on while I am there including border patrol, baggage handlers and the trains and it's making things awkward. I have something or other going on every day bar one and people are pinning me down for different things. I feel pressure, I don't do well with commitment and I am fully loaded for this trip. I'm putting off calling a poorly uncle to arrange a visit but it involves my sister hiring a car and taking our mum with us too, so my sister keeps texting and I keep coming up with silly excuses why I haven't called yet. It's too late today, tomorrow I must do it.

    My suitcase is filled with gifts for family and friends that I have accrued over the past few years since I have seen them. I'm taking clothes in my hand luggage as I don't know if the suitcase will make it out in time, I'm only in London one night before going to my mum's for Christmas and then I’m travelling all over. TBC…..

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,199 Member
    edited December 2022
    I'm with you on the sixes and sevens today @LoraineGB - I'm not sure what it is about an upcoming trip, but it sure puts one in an odd space. On one hand I'm energized to get everything ready, on the other, I'm just plain useless. I know it will be a bit crazy, I'm sort of organized, but I know there are lots of factors not yet quite pinned down. Your trip sounds even more demanding than mine - I hope you can sort out all the crazy stuff! Even though it is hard, your time there will make a difference for everyone.

    I'm leaving for Montreal a day (well, a half day) early to avoid travelling as much during our upcoming snowstorm. I hope the flight will leave on time, but it looks like Friday is going to be a bit wild and woolly, so I will be prepared for anything. Why does all the lovely snow have to fall on the day I'm trying to leave when I really want snow so much?? Someone up there is laughing like crazy.

    Hang in there, gang - we'll get through all the here-and-there, the them-and-the-others, the food-everywhere! and all the things.

    Thursday people coming up and a couple of Wednesdays still to go. I hope I haven't missed any - I'll go back and check:

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 151.2
    CW 151.6

    Sorry, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar when you talk (write) I have developed such a strong voice for you , like a great book character. I love it!!! You make it sound so simple. I have tried Whole30 multiple times and usually only last 5-10 days but I might try it again in January. I'm sorry your practice got canceled, but I am glad your mom is safe

    @conleywoods my coworker has someone she loves and recommended. I will probably try to go in the summer. Sorry you are struggling with your meal plan. I struggle everyday, so I have no advice, but I can sympathize. 🤣

    @lauren_989 thanks for the recommendation. I know a few people who have tried that. It wierds me out that they own your DNA after that. I don't know why.

    @YinxFed it gets dark at 3:30??? That's a little too early. I was driving to the daycare and sun was in my eyes at 4:45 and I was thinking of how annoying that was. My Kindergarteners are on the playground at 3:30. They is just crazy.

This discussion has been closed.