Shape Shifters Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Check-in ~ January 08
    Steps: 17.970
    Calorie deficit: yes
    Workout: no
    Vitamins: yes
    Sleep: 8h 39m / 84 score
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I had a pretty lazy Sunday. I washed all the bedsheets and put fresh ones on the bed. Cleaned both bedrooms as well, so it is all ready for my mom. I worked some on my puzzle, read a lot, played games, cuddled Tinus. Sleep was better, though it took a bit to fall asleep. Happy Monday everyone <3
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 526 Member
    Gm yall.
    Cw 220.6

    I'm feeling better but still some pain and inflammation but way better than what it has been. I did get to the chiropractor which helped tremendously by my numbers and what I had in inflammation. I was able to exercise some over the weekend with more than just walking Dinah. And it felt good. A bit sore. So, I am thinking strength training, weight bearing training as I'm hoping that once I see the dentist in March I'll be in surgery for left knee replacement come May.
  • kading55
    kading55 Posts: 11 Member
    MFP USER NAME: Kading55
    YOUR CHOSEN WEIGH-IN DAY: January 01, 2023
    TEAM PREFERENCE: No preference
    Target Weight: 165

    January 01, 2023: 191.2 lbs. (-3.2 lb.) From previous weigh in; (-8.8 lbs.) from original 26.2 lbs. to go!

    January 09, 2023: 189.3 lbs. (-1.9 lb.) from previous weigh in; (10.7 lb.) from starting weight. 24.3 lbs. to go!
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm finally back in Colorado after the trip from hell (it was halfway a vacation, ironically), but I'm leaving again Wednesday for the half marathon on Sunday.

    My ankle is still a little sore but improving. I'm somewhat terrified to get on the scale as I feel pretty bloated. I'm going to be disciplined with the logging/eating figuring that should help point me back in the right direction.

    @Pupowl totally with you on the scary movies. I try to avoid them. I do like a mystery - but more the cozy style- not explicit violence.

    @jessicakrall8 Good luck finding your companion. Good idea to go back when it isn't as crowded. I get overwhelmed at shelters and can't help but imagine how the animals feel.

    @PatriceFitnessPal Love the challenge! Sounds like its going to keep you busy! I'm toying with the idea of getting a rowing machine. My daughter rowed in college and it is such a good workout. Might be good for my husband, who is still trying to recover from his hip replacements.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    JenHul Monday weigh in days
    PW: 180
    CW: 178

    steps Jan 2=2408
    Jan 3=15,159
    Jan 4=6498
    Jan 5=7356
    Jan 6=11,662
    Jan 7=11,613
    Jan 8=4375

    I was not consistent with my exercise goal last week, I did pretty good on my water goal, my sleep is giving me a hard time, I have restless legs and wake up a lot during the night. I did not track food over the weekend I need to improve on logging as well. It was a busy weekend of travel and Grad dress shopping, with my daughter and one of her friends. My daughter does not graduate till next year, but her friend is this May.
    Hope everyone has a great week, and achieves there goals
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited January 2023
    I was thinking I'd skip the steps challenge this month, but I'm missing it. With the weather changing, I expect I'll have to move indoors. We've had some serious rain and flooding here in the Central Valley of California. I did manage a 3.12 mile (5 km) walk yesterday although it was starting to sprinkle towards the end. I have a treadmill, but honestly, I'm not that fond of walking on it. I also have a recumbent bike (I rode it earlier this evening for the first time in months), but the problem is, I don't get steps from that activity. So, my plan is to try to use the treadmill at least a little and to use the recumbent bike for the extra "steps", even though they won't be counted. I'm cutting my steps goal in half for that reason.


    @frankwbrown When using your recumbent bike, put your watch on your ankle instead of your wrist. You can also try just putting it in your pocket, but I think the ankle will work better.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @kading55 I'm confused...please help me to understand the way you post your weigh-ins.

    Here's what I see and what is confusing me:

    How can your current weight be 194.4 and 189.3 at the same time? Like last week, when I had the same dilemma, I'm going with the dated lines, but I wish you'd simplify this for me. I'm not sure all of the details, especially those that are conflicting, are needed. Can you help me out?!!

    I want to make sure I'm recording your info correctly, so let me know.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Monday weigh-in
    PW: 303.9
    CW: 303.5
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose - I’m sorry to hear about all the travel delays that disrupted your trip to NYC! You seemed to take it in stride. Your positive perspective is inspiring. I hope your ankle feels better before Sunday. I’m glad to hear your training regimen will be (relatively) lighter this week so you can heal a bit more. We’ll be cheering for you!

    Our boathouse hosts an indoor rowing competition in February and the organizers sell Concept 2 ergs at a discount following the event. It’s a good deal since the ergs are only used for a couple days for the event. I think about getting a rowing machine every time I volunteer at the event but then I remind myself that we don’t have enough space for one. We live across the street from the YMCA and I don’t use their exercise equipment enough so I’ll try to build a solid habit first …

    @JenHul - It’s nice that your daughter and her friend enjoy time with you, and include you as they prepare for their graduation festivities. The restless leg symptoms sound difficult. Lack of sleep can affect so many other areas of life. I hope you can get some relief.

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    kading55 wrote: »
    MFP USER NAME: Kading55
    YOUR CHOSEN WEIGH-IN DAY: January 01, 2023
    TEAM PREFERENCE: No preference
    Target Weight: 165

    January 01, 2023: 191.2 lbs. (-3.2 lb.) From previous weigh in; (-8.8 lbs.) from original 26.2 lbs. to go!

    January 09, 2023: 189.3 lbs. (-1.9 lb.) from previous weigh in; (10.7 lb.) from starting weight. 24.3 lbs. to go!

    @kading55 - I’m posting a sample report that might help you report the information @jessicakrall8 needs for our team spreadsheet. I’m using the information you reported above but feel free to correct anything I got wrong (e.g., you might prefer to use the 194.4 starting weight).


    Name: Kading55
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 191.2
    CW: 189.3



    SW: 200
    LTD: 10.7
    GW: 165


    You can always add a brief comment for context, etc. but we don’t want the weigh-in to get lost in the text because Jessica has a lot to sift through in the Chat already. Congratulations on all your progress. Keep up the good work!! It’s great to have you as part of the Shape Shifter team. I hope we are now your preferred team!! 😉

  • zog_a_log
    zog_a_log Posts: 33 Member
    Userid zog_a_log
    (Day of Week) Weigh-in Monday
    PW: 135.4lbs
    CW: 134.0bs
    LTD: 0 lbs
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @Nataliewr0403 Can you post your steps for Dec 30 and 31st please? I'm ready to close out December and report the results. Thanks! :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited January 2023
    Congrats @brttny7979 on logging daily for 6+ months!!! WOOHOO! Now THAT'S a great NSV (non-scale victory!! WTG! Nice loss this week too!

    @trappedskinnyb Good job on meal prepping!! It's always good to have a plan! Nice loss this week too!
  • kodakslim
    kodakslim Posts: 90 Member
    ⭐️Daily Check-In⭐️

    Had another good day food wise (probably because I have a bit of a sore throat, and didn't feel up to eating much :D ). Unfortunately I left my Fitbit at my parents house earlier, but I’ll report the steps recorded in the app so far, and will pick it up tomorrow.

    👣 Daily Steps Challenge 👣
    ⭐️ 9 Jan - 3,114
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    @Nataliewr0403 Can you post your steps for Dec 30 and 31st please? I'm ready to close out December and report the results. Thanks! :smile:
    I guess I missed those
    12/30. 12,404
    12/31. 8,779

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    @jessicakrall8 Thank you for updating my weigh-in day to Sundays!

    [All-time highest weight: 217 lbs. on 2/29/08]

    Weigh-in Day: SUNDAY (moved from Thursdays)
    SW: 152.2 (01/01/23)
    CW: 152.0 (01/08/23)
    LTD: 00.2 (Lost to Date in January)
  • ewilhelm2487
    ewilhelm2487 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey y'all, Jessica can I be put back on for weigh ins every week?
    Sorry I've been MIA these last weeks as I was incredibly sick.
    I got sick on Halloween and it lasted 8 weeks. I started smelling this horrible smell all the time and thought it was me. I started losing my mind. Come to find out I was smelling the infection in my body. I was almost septic and was on antibiotics, steroids and was a mess.
    My kids (3 years old and 9 months old) ended up getting sick and then sick again the day before Christmas Eve.
    2 weeks ago I started having chest pain and difficultly breathing and I started getting light headed when doing anything sort of activities. I've been basically sedentary for months. 🙄😭 So we have had a pretty miserable last few months and I just didn't have it in me to keep up with weight loss. Today is honestly the first time I've stepped on my scale since November.
    If I can rejoin, Saturdays will be my Weigh in day and my starting weight is 236.9. I have no idea what my previous weight was.

    @ewilhelm2487 My goodness you've been through the storm, haven't you?!! So glad you're better now! I've sent a message to the MODS to move you back to active. Give us a bit to get it done and thanks for including all the info I needed for the request! I'm sorry that your holidays were all tied up in this. I went through a similar infection (septic) in the hospital a few years ago and nearly died...thought it was something else and it was an infective mass that had ruptured...horrible experience. So glad you're ok. What did they say about the chest pain and breathing issues? Was that tied to the same infection or something else? Anyway...SO glad to hear you're getting better and you'll be stronger and back to normal in no time, I have no doubt! Make sure you resume activity slowly as not to injure yourself! Welcome back!


    I haven't seen anyone about the pain in my chest as it went away but I think the weather has a lot to do with it. I live in Michigan where it goes from 60° to -22° to 40° in a matter of days and every time the weather gets funky, I feel like crap. I know my allergies play a big part in my breathing issues so I try to stay indoors during this time of year. Thank you for asking!!
  • TexanMom8152
    TexanMom8152 Posts: 76 Member
    Weigh Day Tuesday
    PW 237.2
    CW 234.8

  • kodakslim
    kodakslim Posts: 90 Member
    💟Daily Check-in💟

    I stepped on the scales this morning for a quick peek and was pleasantly surprised to see -2.6 lbs since Friday!

    ◼️@jessicakrall8 could you please remove me from the steps challenge until further notice? I haven’t been walking outdoors very much recently and would rather do the challenge when I’m more active. Sorry to be a pain! Thank you.
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 220 Member
    Step check in:

    1/7 13,183
    1/8 10,558 (+30 mins indoor rowing, no steps counted)
    1/9 15,115 (+20 mins rowing)

    @jessicakrall8 for the chart name, I'd be more comfortable to use pedal__power if that's okay. Thanks for your efforts on this and your encouragement! I'm definitely trying to get in more steps because of this challenge.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Daily step goal: 5,000
    Sun 1/8: 10,853
    Mon 1/9: 14,735

    Three more days of 10k+ steps and I'll take a break. I had trouble today because it was raining so much. I started a walk during a break in the weather, but I only got one third of a mile into it before it started to sprinkle. I turned around and had to jog back to my car as the rain picked up. So, I went to the mall to walk indoors. Problem there is, the GPS doesn't work, and it seems to have a problem judging distance. I walked for 44 minutes (which included a brief wait at Starbucks), yet it only gave me one mile for that. Should have been closer to two. Oh well.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited January 2023
    Check-in ~ January 10
    Steps: 18.041
    Calorie deficit: yes
    Workout: no
    Vitamins: yes
    Sleep: 9h 35m / 84 score
    Good morning Shape Shifters. Another boring day. I mostly did some cleaning. I also dug up a patch in the garden. I feed the birds a lot, but with wet weather it can get gross. Now there was some weird black mouldy stuff growing, so I decided to just remove it by digging out the top layer. Guess that was a tiny workout as well. I wasn't feeling too great during the day because of a pretty bad headache. It was just getting worse in the evening with staring at the pc screen, so I went to bed really early to read some in my new book. I was asleep around 20:00. I had a lot of bad dreams in the second half of the night which wasn't fun. My mom will be here today, so my updates might be a bit shorter until I can catch up properly. Happy Wednesday everyone <3
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member

    CasandraW Steps
    January 7 8,818
    January 8 10,040
    January 9 8,674
    January 10 8,623

    Like many others I find it hard to get my steps in during January. We’ve been unseasonably warm so far this month but it’s still cold and gets dark early. I live I’m a rural area where there are not any street lights.
This discussion has been closed.