Jaw-Dropping January!

magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
edited January 2023 in Social Groups
Firsts! First day of the week! First day of the month! First day of the year! janboard.gif

Time to reflect a bit and decide who you want to be. Then make those changes and make it happen. As my pals TALKING TO DOCS* say, you are in charge of your own health.

I do not believe it is necessary to swoop down and try to do it all on day one, but gradually make one change...make it work, and then add another and another. HABITS! It's all about habits...and making them stick.
By the end of janboard.gif , we will have made some significant aka JAW-DROPPING, positive changes in our lives.

*Talking With Docs (two orthopedic surgeons from Canada...but not just info on knees and hips...lots more) is on YOUTUBE...here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/@TalkingWithDocs



  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    edited January 2023
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!! B)
    Magic, thanks for starting off the new year for us, and for that link-it looks like they have some interesting videos.
    I seem to be starting my New Year off with a bit of a cold. I haven't had a cold since January 2020, so I'm kind of bummed. Also very upset because I was supposed to go to my sister's today and see my nephew and his family, but I don't want to pass around whatever it is that I have, so I told her I wouldn't make it :(
    Anyway, don't want to start off the new year on a downer sooo -
    This year is going to be the year I finally get back to my former normal weight range (130-135). My DH is also going on a diet to lose weight (he has significantly more to lose, but I'm sure he'll do it this time).
    I have about 10 pounds to lose and am expecting to do that over the next 12 weeks. I actually want to get to 125, but that may be too thin, so I have to play that by ear.
    I posted my goals in December, but I'm going to post them here and then update every month to reinforce them.

    They are:
    1. lose the last 15 pounds (may just be 10, I'll see how I feel and look at the 10 mark and then decide if I want to go the extra 5).
    2. Increase flexibility
    3. Improve balance
    4. Build from a walk to a 5k jog/run

    I'm not quite sure if I can gauge the increased flexibility and balance with any kind of number/scale, I guess those will just be more "feeling" things. I know I can probably break out a measuring tape for flexibility and a timer for balance, but that seems like a lot of extra work :p
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Hi all, I have sad news. My boy collapsed yesterday and while he managed to get up and seemed okay after, he collapsed again and recovered enough that I was able to get him in the car and rush him to the emergency vet. It was his heart and he had to be put down. Thankful that he lived a good long life... 14 years is amazing for a larger breed and he enjoyed excellent health right up to the end. I'm also grateful that if it had to happen it did when I was home and could take care of him rather than him dying alone and frightened. House sure seems empty and quiet though. I need to sweep up all the dog hair tumbleweeds and get rid of all his toys, but every time I start to think about it I cry again so I haven't done much yet. I bought beer on the way home from the ER and dealing with a pretty wicked hangover on top of the grief. Not the best idea for coping but it seemed logical at the time.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    <3 Mihani, so, so sorry to hear about your sweet boy. He and you were both lucky that you were together during his last bit of time here, I'm sure that brought him a lot of comfort. IMHO there's really no reason to rush into cleaning up. Give yourself time to grieve, and please take care of yourself during that time. Hugs, and more hugs to you <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Oh Mihani, my heart ❤️ is breaking for you right now. I am so relieved you were there with him til the end. That way he was comforted through it all. I know all too well the deafening quiet you speak of…it’s not easy.

    I wish we all could be there with you. I hope you at least go over to your brothers for some TLC.

    May YOUR BOY run free now without any pain, Over The Rainbow 🌈 Bridge.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Thanks gals! I feel like I'm functioning again today. This was my first "only dog" and it is a huge adjustment and hole in my heart. Since I've always had 2 or 3 dogs at a time then when one dies it is devastating but your routine is the same just have to adjust to grabbing one less treat and fill up one less bowl. This... this is just weird and I realize how much my life has always revolved around my pets.

    Anyway, thanks for getting January started Nanc. Are you still enjoying days off or back to work? Give Lulu some extra snuggles from me.

    Spring, hope you are feeling better. I notice little things with improved flexibility and balance but you're right it's hard to really measure that like getting on the scale, measurements, or lifting heavier weights. Where I first noticed improved balance was shaving my legs! Standing on one foot was suddenly much easier and I didn't wobble at all.

    I managed to get a little motivated yesterday evening. Changed the bedding, swept up all the floors, and made the lentil stew. The stew was disappointing but we'll see if it's better today after sitting in the fridge overnight. The hair tumbleweeds were depressing me but I didn't move all the furniture so I'm betting that his fur will be making appearances for weeks.

    Thinking I'm going to skip going to the office today. I can work later in the evenings now since I don't have to get home to the boy :'( so I can make up for not getting anything done today. Or I may do some work from here later. I'm just not up for getting totally back to reality yet.

    Thinking about a grocery run early and get that out of the way. I don't need much just power greens for smoothies and some veggies to stir-fry. Thinking a batch of brown rice or quinoa and some stir-fry veggies will make life easy the rest of this week.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Yep, she sure has been getting extra snuggles from me...from you, @Mihani ! I know how hard this is...it was just five years ago that I lost Ernestine...I was a mess. Lulu changed all that, but I still cried for my sweet Ernestina! Man, do these precious souls find their way deep into our hearts.

    Sending hugs...loads of them!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Yesterday, I worked in my kitchen and did a good job. Just have to put the last of the dishes away and steam mop the floor. NOW, to keep it clean. I am going to make my meals ever so simple...trying not to make a mess. WHOLE foods...no recipes. And juices. Making a batch of green juice today.

    Also, moving into the dining room/living room ...clean up time.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    @Mihani I'm glad to hear you're on your way to better, hugs.
    I think I'll probably notice both the balance and flexibility most during my yoga classes. I just started them a few weeks ago at the gym and am loving them (Wed and Fri mornings). I'm definitely going to continue with them so I think that'll help with both and it's probably where I'll most notice improvement. Leg shaving :D:D - I don't tend to do that much in the winter, just during summer!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss Mihani - our girl passed on one year ago but we were blessed through a rescue to receive 2 precious ones just 10 later - doesn't replace her and all the memories we had of her but we don't feel quite as lost as these 2 seniors are bringing a lot of smiles to our life.

    Working on making sure my food program is what it needs to be. With being in kidney failure there is so much that needs to be changes re what I eat - and then add in other medical problems along with that. Was a bit off for the last week or so and my poor kidneys are telling me that I can't be off plan even for one day - so am back on course.

    Today (this afternoon) hubby and I will be taking down all Christmas decorations and then the floors need to be done. Hubby says he doesn't really enjoy January as it is the month where I take one room and we start with a clean up job from ceiling to floor - that way by spring all the house will be shiny clean - but boy does it take some work - I never let it get bad but this deep cleaning gets me every year - but I so enjoy it when it is done

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Easy menu today...

    just egg folded with jam
    green juice (I forgot to juice the spinach...I wondered why it was so easy...lol...but great tasting...really clean...cukes, lemons, granny smith apples, celery, ginger...it might be my go-to green juice from now on...will add the spinach to my taco mixture)
    lentil tacos
    more green juice
    roasted potatoes and broccoli
    ninja creami

    Make today delicious, everyone!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mihani, I'm so sorry about the loss of your sweet boy.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    edited January 2023
    Thanks, Carla and Marilyn. It has been a rough few days.

    Spring, haha yeah I don't shave my legs as often in the winter either. It's warmer if you don't!

    Nanc, your juice sounds very good. Fresh and clean.

    Yesterday I tried to get back in the swing a bit. Finished (mostly) cleaning the downstairs. Still need to mop all the floors which is a big job and can wait until next weekend. I got the upstairs swept up and straightened up a bit, but I still need to dust, mop, and clean the bathrooms. Did multiple loads of laundry since I was way behind on towels and bedding.

    Also did some cooking. Made mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli, balsamic roasted mushrooms. Also made that glow bowl recipe I shared late last month which is NOT oil free after all. I didn't realize chili garlic sauce is chock full of sesame oil. Oops. I bought it and made the recipe anyway because I wanted to try it and I'll see if I can create or find a similar compliant recipe because oh my yum that is some good stuff. Have enough of the roasted veggies, kale, quinoa and sauce for another 2 or 3 meals.

    The lentil stew that I made on Saturday is off somehow. I have made it multiple times and it's always good but for some reason it's not right this time. Likely going to get tossed out. Hate when that happens and wasting food, not to mention the effort to make it.

    I didn't work at all this weekend. I had planned to not work Saturday but intended to get lots done Sunday and Monday, but life (and death) happens. I felt like I needed to take it easy on myself and today I will face reality and get back to work and all the other stuff that I need to do.

    Plan for today...
    B - mashed potatoes with broccoli and mushrooms (later at the office)
    L - hummus and lettuce wrap, an apple
    D - glow bowl, smoothie
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Morning all...

    Glad you took some time off for YOU, @Mihani Your new "normal" takes some time to get used to. But what a great life your boy had...and yes, that is quite a long life for a large dog...may he RIP!

    My juice was so good, just made other Sprouts run and going to make a double batch today. I keep it fresh with a gizmo that vacuum seals the mason jars. So they are good for up to 7 days.

    today's planeatysmiley.gif

    coffee with np
    just egg liquid with a ton of spinach and chao creamy shreds and corn salsa
    green juice
    lentil tacos
    green juice
    thinking a lavash wrap...bought the lavash awhile back, gotta use it.
    make today delicious, mates! chef.gif
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Start of the year so thought I should share a bit on some of the changes I will be working on this year.

    I believe I might have mentioned but back at the end of August and beginning of September I was taken by ambulance to the hospital - kidney failure. Healthy kidney function number is 60 and mine crashed at 6. Have it back up to 17 and will be getting more blood work done this week to make sure it is still there or better. Last week the kidney clinic had me in to discuss diaylsis - how it is done and when it would have to start for me - am putting it off as long as possible with the goal of doing what I can to help keep the kidneys as stable as possible.

    So here is what they want me to do re food

    (a) 3 meals if possible but 2 would be ok
    (b) no snacks at all
    (c) absolutely no salt
    (d) no processed food at all, no red meat but if I have chicken only 2 oz total in a day but they prefer me to be whole food rather than animal protein
    (e) lots of vegetables and fruits
    (f) water - am to drink 3 L a day which is about 100 oz - that is a lot in my opinion and now that it is the new year I am really working on making sure I do this.
    (g) keeping a food journal every day with writing down all food for the day before eating anything. This will be looked over by the kidney doctor and dietition monthly to see where changes need to be made.
    (h) they want me to walk 30 minutes each every day this month - it can be broken down into smaller amounts but have to total 30 minutes of intentional walking - February it would increase

    Am enjoying reading all you messages and seeing what you are eating - gives me an idea of what to try.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Your plan sounds great, Nanc, and glad you are enjoying your juices again.

    Marilyn, I think you've done really well so far in your efforts. I hope you are able to continue to improve your kidney function.

    This is a quick hi. Worked late, came home and did a quick workout, light dinner since it is nearly bedtime. Couple little chores to do here yet.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Oh, @Marilynsretired, you have quite the battle going on. And with your positive attitude, you are going to beat this thing! urocksmileys.gif
    I love how you laid out your plan so specifically...so key to getting your health back. No matter what we are trying to achieve, it all comes down to THE PLAN! So, good for you! wootsmiley.gif

    Do keep us updated...and check in regularly with how you are keeping to YOUR PLAN! #teammarilynsretired
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    morningcow.gif MATES!

    I'm slowly putting all my pieces in order...right now I am working on the kitchen/dining room/living room. Will have these three rooms completed today...finishing touches. My feet give out before my right knee. It's always something, eh?

    So the weather totally saved me New Year's Day. It was raining a lot on and off all day and I decided to just hang with Lulu on the 1st.

    Come to find out, my niece's husband (they arrived on 12/31) came down with Covid. Now, last night, my sister tells me my niece has Covid. It's a good thing I never went over there.

    Tomorrow is my cardiology appointment to get a clearance for TKR on my right knee 2/27. They ask if you have been near anyone that has covid. YAY, I get to say NO. Otherwise, not sure what happens.

    Trader Joe run this morning...need potatoes (love their bags of organic russets and campari tomatoes)...hoping they still have some Harry and David pears left. But I doubt it.

    today's menu ...close to yesterday's

    coffee with np
    just egg liquid with spinach, etc
    lentil taco bowl
    green juice
    potatoes and steam veg
    ninja creami

    have one very delicious day everyone

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    @Marilynsretired so good to hear from you. It looks like the plan you're following is slowly giving you some improvement - I hope you continue to see better and better results over the next few weeks/months.
    Magic, Whew, glad to hear you avoided the covid contact!!
    My sore throat went away, but today I've had some sneezing (more annoying more than anything else). Hoping to be back to 100% in the next day or two.