Jaw-Dropping January!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Mornin' Ladies. I got up early and wandered around the house a while then went back to bed! So now I'm having some coffee and still need to shower and get to the office. I probably won't be there until close to 11:00 at this rate. Oops. Didn't get to the laundry yesterday either so I need to do that when I get home. Last night I made two pita pizzas with white beans blended into the sauce topped with banana peppers, black olives, red pepper, onion and nooch. Yum!

    I am going to do a very simple week of salads, cooked veggies, fruit, grains, beans, and soups from the freezer. I'm tired of cooking and thinking about food. I'll just make sure I have plenty of fruit and cut up veggies at the office so I stay out of the salty snacky stuff in the cabinet there. I'll take oats for breakfast at the office and try to get back to a 16:8 intermittent fasting so wait until at least 11 am to eat breakfast.

    Carla, I couldn't get the cast on right to get started. LOL I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I tried watching some youtube videos but it just wasn't sinking in. The way the days are flying by it will be March before I know it.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    I managed to have a 100% WFPB day yesterday! Going to shoot for another one, then another.

    Plan for today:
    B - oats with cherries, cinnamon, a couple walnut halves (later at the office)
    L - red lentil kale soup from the freezer
    D - big ol' salad
    S - fruit (have some apples, clementines and bananas at the office) and a handful of pistachios

    Yoga class tonight! Haven't ever taken a yoga class or worked with this trainer so it will be fun.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    Carla, the gym challenge ended mid-December - over the 8 weeks I lost 14.1 pounds and 9.5 inches.
    I'm about 5 pounds from my (first) goal weight; once I reach that I'll decide if I want to go another 5 pounds.
    Mihani, congrats on the 100% WFPB day, I hope you have many, many more ! :)
    I love my new yoga class. The current instructor is only going to be there until the end of the month, but I've heard that the former one (who's coming back next month) is just as good.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Spring, I really enjoyed the yoga class and I was reminded how great it is for reducing stress and tension. I'm going to keep at it and get back to doing a little yoga every evening at bedtime. I slept really well after that class but I woke up a little before 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep so I'm up and at 'em. I have strength class tonight so I hope I make it through the day and my workout with so little sleep.

    Two days away from the snack cabinet at work and staying 100% WFBP. Plan for today...

    B - oats with cherries, cinnamon, couple walnut halves, chia/flax
    L - soup, raw veggies
    D - smoothie
    Fruit for snacks if needed

    Also back to drinking a lot more water through the day and less coffee.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Well, will you look at that...Sarah's Vegan Kitchen recently did a youtube on tofu and she highlighted frozen tofu and how to prepare it (adjust recipes to make them yours i.e. omitting the oil, etc)...it really is about the process...also, she has a blog for details on the recipes or go her YOUTUBE channel...she is a fav of mine...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zkj_8bOd58&t=17s
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Lovely ladies...yayasisters.gif

    My knee replacement surgery is on 2/27...five weeks from Monday. I have decided to try a juice fast for 15 days, with the first five days juice and salads...then juice only, and then hopefully I am really ready for surgery with time to get back to food...completely WFPB.

    This is not easy for me...not sure how Joe Cross did 60 days (Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead) but I would like to get all those micronutrients into my body...and try and eliminate as much inflammation as possible. Not so much about losing weight but making my body ready for the onslaught of terror that is to come.

    I was in so much pain with my left knee, I was fearless when it came to surgery. JUST GET ME OUT OF THE FLIPPIN PAIN...I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO.

    My right knee is just as trashed as my left but I am not in pain...so I am a wee bit scared. I will have a chance to talk to the surgeon on February 14 to go over all my questions...and why am I not experiencing pain with this one is on the top of the list!

    Anyway, I am going to give a juice reboot a go. Starting 1/29

    Using the time leading up to the start date to clean up the diet of processed foods and get as clean as possible... will make juicing that much easier.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Wow, Nanc, that's ambitious! Good luck. I know people do it but 3 days has always been my max. I haven't done a full day of juice in quite a while. My favorite juice place closed and the other ones I've tried just weren't as good and I didn't feel well. The ones I was getting were mostly green very little fruit other than lemon and the other places were a lot more fruit. All that sugar wasn't good for me.

    I understand being afraid though. The anxiety/anticipation of surgery wears you down. I remember when I had those spinal injections years ago (which isn't even surgery although it's not fun) the first one I didn't care and just wanted to be out of pain. The second one I was an absolute wreck! I was so happy that two did the trick because I'm not sure I could have done another one.

    I've done really well this week sticking to WFPB. Lots of veggies, fruit, soup, oats. Last night I cooked up a pot of quinoa and a skillet full of onion, mushrooms and kale. Topped with a lovely lemon tahini sauce. Tasted so good. I think doing a few days of very simple food got my taste buds to settle down and cravings have gone away.

    Did miss strength class last night. I didn't get out of the office until after 6:00. I am going to bed super early tonight. Going to be working all day Saturday but next week should be easier and I can do some catching up because boss will on vacation. Sure hope I can concentrate on some things and get them knocked out because it's crazy at the office and I'm heading into tax time now.

    I AM taking a week off in May or June. I swear I'm doing it! LOL
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    @Mihani I will be making my own juices and will go for 8O/20 rule as advised by Joe Cross. 80% veg
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    edited January 2023
    Mihani, glad you liked your yoga class. I have one this morning which is a lot more strenuous than the Wednesday morning one, so I hope I have enough energy left in me to do my ST when the class is over.
    Congrats on staying WFPB for so many days - I'm on day six today. I've been eating a lot of salads and beans and quinoa and oats, nothing really processed (no packaged foods except oil, vinegar, dried cranberries which have sugar added, vanilla extract and maple syrup). I think I'll try one more week like this but will then add some more "other" food like tofu and tempeh - I really miss my tofu :/ Oh, and I miss Ezekiel bread (I found their english muffins at Walmart, so there's a six-pack in the freezer waiting for one more week to pass, LOL.
    Magic, thanks for the Sarah's Kitchen video, they all look delicious. I have two packs of tofu in the freezer now, so I'll definitely be making at least one of these the week after next.
    15 days on a juice fast - WOW! I'm not sure I could even make 2 days with just juice. I had to have a lung surgery years ago and had the same attitude-eat really clean, no alcohol, lots of water-I wanted my body to be as strong as possible to help me recover faster. I also worked on keeping positive thoughts about the surgery and the outcome to reduce some of the stress and fear I was feeling.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Nanc, I gave my juicer to my brother because I wasn't using it, and I have thought about getting it back because he's not using it now. He did the same that I did... used it like crazy for a couple weeks then done. I just couldn't stand taking all those lovely veggies and fruits and condensing them down to juice for some reason, but I don't mind buying it when someone else does the juicing. Weird, huh?

    Oh well, I only did like 2 or 3 days of juicing once every couple months anyway so it's not like I was committed to it long-term.

    Spring, I'm definitely going to do the yoga again but it's only offered virtually so everyone is on zoom and I don't really like that as much as the in person classes. The instructor was great. Started out with breathing exercises then the yoga. Very gentle and calming, and she read a poem at the end while we did relaxation. Kind of cool.

    Good job on the WFPB this week! I love ezekiel english muffins and would be looking forward to those too. I do have a couple loaves of ezekiel bread in the freezer so I'll use them eventually.

    Okay gals, I am committed to eating the food in the house before I buy more. Grocery runs only for household stuff and fresh greens/veggies/fruit. I have so much in my pantry and freezer that needs to get used up... grains, pasta, frozen veggies, beans, etc. plus all the containers of homemade soups in my freezer. I will not buy any more things like that or make any more soups until the pantry and freezer start looking a little bare. There's no reason for a single gal to have so much dang food stored up. I must have been a squirrel in a former life, hoarding nuts for winter. LOL

    Other than that I want to start hitting the treadmill in the mornings again. I've been working later and not getting it done at night so morning it is. Get to 3 or 4 classes at the gym, one or two weekday evenings and my usual 2 on Saturdays. Not going tomorrow though. Last day before boss leaves on vacation so we're going to be in the office trying to get to a few last things that need to be done yesterday.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Up and at 'em...my Friday...goes fast when you only work three days a week. LIFE IS SO FLIPPIN GOOD ON THIS NEW SCHEDULE! yattasmiley.gif

    To clarify...the first five days you eat salads and juice...then 10 days juice only; HOWEVER, if you just have to chew on something...carrots, celery... even watermelon are all fine. Listen, I am going to give it the old college try. I tried once before and got through one day and that was with watermelon at the end of the day. It is so NOT easy!

    Start date 1/29


    salad with rice
    daring chik'n
    ninja creami

    make it delicious everyone

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    I'm with ya, Nanc. I found 3 days to be my limit on juice only, but I am rooting for you to make it 10 days!

    I haven't been feeling well for a couple days and today in the office got very stuffed up and sneezing. So I'm thinking I am getting a cold or something and going to take it easy tomorrow. Putting off the road trip with my SIL until next weekend. Supposed to get very cold and some snow tomorrow anyway which would make it less fun to go.

    Can't wait for next week with no boss in the office and we can all pitch in and do some catching up while things are relatively quiet without clients scheduled in. Although when he's gone I end up fielding a lot more calls so I think I'm going to say okay I'm taking a 2 hour block in the afternoons to shut my door and concentrate on tasks, no calls.

    Made a grocery run today and stuck to my commitment to no stuff I don't need. I was out of oats so I got those, but other than that all veggies and fruits.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    Up in the middle of the night...horrible sleep. I opened my mouth yesterday at work to make things better...one of the managers was not sure of my approach but another manager came to my defense. With management, I am ok. But a few of the lot attendants are not going to be happy with me.
    (I am a receptionist at a car dealership)

    Details are not that important but what is important is if no one speaks up ...nothing will change. The only problem is, it totally got to me when I got home and ate stuff I shouldn't have. And my head was spinning all night from knowing some people will now be called to the red carpet. I think their approach is not to make me the bad guy but to implement changes that will benefit the whole dealership.
    But I can let the littlest thing disrupt my sleep...and this was not so little ... dramasmileyf.gif

    @Mihani I hope you feel better...lots of tea today...and broth? Whatever it is, hope it is short-lived.

    My plan today is to batch-prep a lot of juice for the next several days to get my body ready for next Sunday. But first, I need sleep...so I hope that coming here and getting a few things off my chest will help calm me down, and then I can find my way to slumberland.

    We are having a cold snap...it's in the 30s this morning. That's cold for us. I know, we are a bunch of lightweights when it comes to dealing with the cold. No complaints since the summer heat will be here in no time. I am fortunate to have an inside job, a car, and a home with AC...so no complaining.

    today's menu...not sure but a lot of carrot/orange/ginger/lemon juice and a salad

    hope everyone has a great day...thank you all for your support in this upcoming ten-day juice fast.