Jaw-Dropping January!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( @Mihani ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))rose.gif

    14 years together...it's going to take some time ... my heart goes out to you.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Yesterday didn't go as planned. Got to the nail place...she bailed ... a family emergency. NO CALL. Ok, so I went to Sprouts, in the same area, so not a total loss.

    MY lentil taco mixture...a bit of a cheat, @Mihani. One can Westbrae black lentils and LOMA LINDA (they have a line of food...one of the blue zones) packet of taco filling and one can mild green chilies. Easy. Tasty. but it is processed.

    LOMA LINDA FOODS: https://lomalindabrand.com/

    Then I make a huge bowl of the chopped crunchy iceberg, chopped tomatoes and onions, cilantro and then scoop the lentil mixture on top and add corn tortillas, air fried. so good...oh, and some taco sauce.

    If I make it tacos, per se, too small...need lots more salad stuff.

    today hair cut...will try nails again next week.

    slept straight through but only three hours...not sure why.

    took forever to fall asleep last night.


    coffee with np
    taco salad
    going to try and air fry tofu into little steaks, salad, frozen veg and applesauce

    ninja creami LULU's fav peanut butter (just a bit) strawberries and banana

    HOPE u are ok, Carla. I know the weather was horrible up in Washington.

    Make today delicious, won't you!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Mihani, I love pulling out the coloring book every once in a while - it's definitely relaxing. My DH bought me some crayons to use instead of the colored pencils I was using, and it's even fun, :)
    Magic, sorry to hear your manicure was canceled, that really stinks. We look forward to that pampering sometimes and having it pulled out from under us can be very frustrating. I hope the haircut is fun and rewarding for you.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thanks for the tips on the lentil mixture, Nanc. I will give that a try. Lentils are a staple here because they are easy, cook quickly, and super filling and nutritious. Sorry your mani got cancelled.

    Spring, glad I have company in the coloring book group. I felt a little silly at first honestly, but it's fun.

    Worked late again, ran a couple errands, had a smoothie, going to bed by 9:00. I have a strength class scheduled tomorrow after work. Nothing going on this weekend but I may take a mini road trip somewhere. There's a huge nursery about 45 minutes out that I've been meaning to check out. I need to stop spending money though, and I know I'm going to come home with new houseplants if I go.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Sleep sucks these days...going to try and treadmill before getting into the day.

    today's menu

    coffee with np
    lavash wrap
    not sure what's for dinner
    ninja creami

    make it delicious, mates!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hope you get some better sleep, Nanc.

    Have a class tonight so just a quick stop before I go get ready for that. I'm eating too much junky stuff the past couple weeks although eating plenty of good stuff too. I will get it together here soon I'm sure. I emailed my SIL this morning and the mini road trip is scheduled for a week from Sunday plus lunch somewhere out that way. I haven't done anything just my SIL and me for a while so it's something to look forward to, and I will have some new houseplants to brighten things up here after we go.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Morning all...

    my eating is not so great...and no excuse...just lazy I guess...so some processed stuff on the menu.

    sleeping is not great...last night was better, thankfully. today is back to work...maybe the new routine has something to do with it. Anyway, I'm up, having coffee with y'all...and writing all the food to bring so I do not forget anything...

    I think of you all the time, @Mihani, and know you are going through some difficult times...losing a cherished pet is not easy for anyone...but when you leave alone and lose that companion of so many years, it is crazy quiet and well, it just sucks! Love that you are going with your SIL on an outing. You will be giving all those lovely plants a new and loving home.

    my not so great menu
    coffee with npcoffeestat.gif
    oatmeal with blueberries
    daring original ck'n and applesauce
    fresh veggies and bitchin sauce (road show at Costco and they are selling a very tasty three-pack)

    my jaw-dropping January is not so jaw-dropping that's for sure.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sounds like we both need to work on getting it together, Nanc. I'm going to prep this weekend so I will be ready for a better week. I'll use up the rest of the store-bought hummus and wraps over the weekend too so I won't have any not so great stuff left in the fridge.

    This weekend is going to be pretty busy. Two classes Saturday morning, then working at home while I do laundry and food prep. Then the office all day Sunday because we have some things that have to get done sooner than later.

    So I guess I better go to the grocery tomorrow after work so I'm ready.

    Oh, Spring, I started that book. Not far enough into it for an opinion yet but going to try to read some more tonight. I've been running around too much this week.

    Carla, we miss you. Hope that Joe is doing better. <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    I slept ok...if I get five good hours, I am happy...and that's what I got.

    the menu is not great, again... I will try and right the ship somewhat on my weekend.

    Wondering if any of you have used the freeze-the-tofu hack, thaw it, and then cook it up. I always think I am going to use my tofu and then I don't, so I freeze it...I have a lot in the freezer right now.


    first coffeebath.gif

    I have two just egg-folded left...using them (I love these)...they will probably end up on my menu a lot during recuperation time after surgery...easy and good protein ...well, that's my thought process at least.

    veggies and bitchin sauce

    daring chic/n and apple sauce

    probably going to order green juice to counter all that processed food samvetesmiley.gif

    have a good day everyone.

    I echo @Mihani, @Carla_wfpb ...hope everything is ok with Joe...we miss you.

    make your day delicious, sweet peeps, won't you?

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Hello my peeps! Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Thanks for the love <3

    I do have fantastic news - Joe went for a follow up with the cardiologist yesterday after having the heart monitor on for 2 weeks, and the doc said there were no anomalies the entire time. Between that and not going into a-fib at all since the stress test back in October, he now doesn't have to take prescription blood thinners - just a low dose daily aspirin.

    I'm going through a bit of a sewing/quilting phase. I'm trying to stick with smaller projects that I can complete before I get sick of them. So far I've made 3 zipper pouches and a quilted table runner. I'm about halfway done the second table runner. Then I have a pillow top that I made years ago that needs to be quilted and sewn into a pillow.

    We've been doing our meal plans every second week and doing our normal rotations on the off weeks. This week is a meal plan. We're going to go with this one:
    We had it before several years ago and enjoyed it.

    Tonight we're having our garbanzo bean curry with baked tofu.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    So happy to hear the great news about Joe!

    Keep up the good work! <3
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Carla that is awesome news about Joe! Your quilted projects are so pretty. I found a knitting class but it was booked until March so in the meantime I'll stick to jigsaw puzzles and coloring. Trying to keep my mind occupied since I lost the boy, and even I can't work ALL the time. I'll never be a Crafty Carla but I liked knitting simple things. Just forgot nearly everything and youtube videos weren't cutting it so I want to take an in person class.

    Nanc, I've not yet tried freezing tofu although I've heard it is good that way and gives you a different texture. I should because I sometimes end up tossing tofu that sits in the fridge too long. Glad you got a little better sleep.

    I've been feeling really run down and I know the junky food choices and eating too late in the evening have a lot to do with it. Getting back to the gym classes is important too. This week I've scheduled two classes this morning, yoga on Tuesday, and strength on Wednesday. I plan to continue at least 3 gym classes per week, plus keep hitting the treadmill or heading outside for walks. I noticed after my strength class on Wednesday that I've been sleeping better.

    Okay, off to get on with my day. I am in the middle of a project with work that I want to finish today so I can concentrate on other things at the office tomorrow. I should be able to get quite a bit done this morning before I go to class and I can continue working on it while I do laundry after class. I am seriously considering hiring a cleaning service to come in and give this house a top to bottom deep clean. Will be pricey but I think well worth it. I'd still have so do some organizing and cleaning up to get ready for it, primarily my home office.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,122 Member
    edited January 2023
    Carla, sooo happy to hear everything's ok with Joe! Your projects are beautiful - I especially love the one with the squirrels on it <3 That food sounds like a holiday feast.
    Magic, I freeze tofu all the time. My store puts in on sale every once in a while so I buy a few and just freeze them, especially if they're close to expiration. It does change the texture (a little firmer and more chewy) so, if I want to make miso soup or some like that where I want the soft texture, I just use one that hasn't been frozen. I'll use frozen for pretty much everything else.
    Mihani, Glad to hear you're getting back to your exercise classes - I hope it helps you to re-focus on your health. It's so easy to ignore our well-being when we're stressed or grieving, hugs.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Mihani, you can always knit dishcloths out of cotton if you want a little project before finding a class. I have some beautiful coloring books that my mom bought me. I may have to pull them out after I'm done with my sewing phase.

    Nanc, I have frozen tofu before. Once it is thawed and you give it a squeeze you'll be amazed at how much water comes out. It isn't good for our baked tofu because it gets too dry, but is good with a sauce that the tofu can absorb.

    Spring, this week's plan is a feast for sure. We keep picking the most decadent of menus hah. The Chinese takeout menu was so good I almost felt guilty eating it. It was higher in salt though, so I'll have to restrain myself from making it too often. Are you still taking part in a challenge at your gym?

    Ruby had her torn ACL operated on last week. She hates being stuck inside while we go for walks, and hates having a cone on, but the surgery went well. Next Wednesday her cone comes off. 2 weeks after that, she can go for 5 minute walks on a leash. 12+ weeks until she is able to run free. I can't wait to see her running around hopefully without any limp at all. Love her and love her happy face when we go outside.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
