Jaw-Dropping January!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    So glad you avoided covid, Nanc!

    Glad you are feeling better, Spring.

    Another quick check-in. Worked late then came home and worked for another hour. Just ate a little dinner and going to clean out the cabinet with all the containers because I can't find anything in there (especially lids that match containers) and they topple out all over the floor while I'm digging around. I always start out organized but over time stuff just gets thrown in there and eventually all have to be removed and reorganized. You'd think I'd learn to keep it organized, but you'd be wrong.
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Happy New Year! :)
    I wrote down my goals. Jumping back in!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Welcome @letsgoplay1 ...I don't think I ever met you.
    So another one is down hangoversmiley.gif for the count: my brother-in-law, which means 3 out of the four adults...sister is still standing, along with my great niece, who is three.

    Today is my cardiology appointment to get clearance for TKR (total knee replacement). I get to, honestly, say I have not knowingly been in contact with anyone with covid.

    Today's plan REVISED

    coffee with np
    just egg liquid with creamy shred, two corn tortillas
    lavash wrap, spring mix, avocado, carrot ribbons, cukes, red onions, red cabbage
    steamed veg and roasted potatoes
    ninja creami

    have one very delicious day everyone
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,122 Member
    edited January 2023
    @letsgoplay1 Hi, so happy to see you here!!! :)
    Magic, good luck at your cardiology appt. today.
    Mihani, I use a lot of glass containers so don't usually run into that problem. My disorganization is mostly in the garage - every time I start a job I have to spend 10 minutes or more looking for the tools and whatever else I need to get the job done.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    Thanks @SparkSpringtime69

    Got an all clear for surgery...yay!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Congrats Magic!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi y'all. I left work a little early because I'm dropping. Haven't been sleeping well at all this past week. Going to have a cup of chamomile and go to bed for a while.

    Nanc, yay for all clear!

    Hi, letsgoplay, nice to see you here.

    Spring, I just bought some glass containers last month that I've been using to freeze soups. Seem to do a much better job in the freezer than the rubbermaid ones, but I still like the plastic for taking lunches and storing in the fridge. The problem is the ones I bought don't nest so now I have even less room in the cabinet!

    Last night I got out a coloring book and colored pencils that someone gave me a few years ago and I never looked at. It was actually kind of fun.

    Been doing pretty well this week since I had everything prepped, but have got into the crackers in the office cabinet a few times too. Will put a stop to that after today.

    I'm planning on a lot of work time this weekend but also going to tackle a couple house projects. I think first on the list will be closets. Especially the linen closet. What a mess that is.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Morning all...back to work today after my five-day mini vacay!

    But the new schedule starts today...so I work only Fri/Sat and then I am off my regular four days...sun-wed...work Thurs, Fri, sat. very excited bout this.

    today's plan

    coffee with np
    oatmeal with my regular add-ins (2T flax meal, cinnamon, frozen blueberries, grape nuts, plant milk)
    Lavash wrap
    frozen veg and baked potatoes
    ninja creami

    the not sleeping so great, @Mihani ... because you're missing your boy? <3

    be sure to take care of yourselves and make today delicious

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2023
    Morning all...hope everyone is ok...missing lots of youzzzz!

    Told the supervisor about TKR in late February. She said no problem. They will most likely get a temp for me. We'll see. I just want my job to be there when I am better. Going out for three months on FMLA. Family Medical Leave Act.

    today's plan...

    coffee with nutpod creamer
    lavash wrap...holy crap...it was soooooooooooooo good. Making again today...I do use a bit of Follow Your Heart Ranch on the Lavash...Atoria's Lavash https://www.atoriasfamilybakery.com/flatbread/lavash/

    sliced cukes, carrot ribbons, sliced red onion, cilantro, avocado, spring mix, FYH ranch...delish!

    dinner: microwaved potatoes at work with Trader Joe's Organic Mixed veg

    ninja creami

    make it delicious, if nothing else! Food should taste good!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mornin' all, this past week has been rough but I made it through. Have two classes at the gym beginning at 10 am and hoping that makes me feel better.

    Nanc, definitely missing the boy causing the sleepless nights. He's not there by my feet where he's slept for 14 years. That said I did catch up some Thursday night and slept pretty well last night. Even slept in until almost 7 am. And I didn't cry yesterday. So I'm getting there.

    Wish I could get some people in my life to stop pushing me about getting another dog through. Sending me rescue websites, etc. I am not ready for that, and I have said for years that I wouldn't be getting another dog until I am at least semi-retired because I work way too much. It worked out fine for me and the boy because he was very content and happy with our routine, but it would be difficult with a new dog. My family knows better, but friends are irritating me although I know they have the best of intentions and care about me. I have been kind but firm with a couple people to please stop.

    After classes I'll come home and do laundry, organize the linen closet, a little house cleaning, and do some work. Going to the office tomorrow so I want to get all my chores done today.

    I don't think I'm going to bother with meal prep this weekend. I am going to try a very simple week of oats with fruit and chia/flax for breakfasts, soup and fruit for lunch, and smoothies for dinners. I'll cut up some veggies and make a dressing or hummus for dipping to snack on at the office.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mornin' all! Got through my two classes yesterday and felt better after. I was kind of craving pasta when I got home so I made some brown rice spaghetti with Newman's Own sauce which hit the spot. Then I went to take a "quick nap" which turned into 4 hours. So I didn't get much done and will have to do laundry when I get home from the office later.

    Figuring on getting to the office by 10:00 and probably won't stay more than a few hours. I just want to get my desk sorted and look at the files on the schedule this week so I can start the week off right then I can work some more when I get home while the laundry goes. Need to stop for salad fixings and will make the Shane & Simple vinaigrette dressing.

    Plan for today:
    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB, an apple
    L - hummus and lettuce in ezekiel tortilla
    D - big ol' salad, a smoothie

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    Sorry for the late post..

    Love today's graphic, Marilyn...YES, you are doing just fine...you and Mihani...dealing with a lot.

    today's plan

    coffee with np
    lavash wrap...so good
    pretzels and mustard
    roasted potato and frozen veg
    ninja creami

    I love that I could enjoy all of today and not think about having to get ready for a work day. That brought to mind...

    I would have to prepare for the next day's work on two days off...now, JUST ONE. <3

    night all.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Mihani, glad you were able to get through the week, sounds like the exercise was helpful.
    Magic, sounds like your schedule is working out really well for you.
    I just finished reading Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis. It was an interesting book with a lot of studies referenced in it. I'm going to follow the diet in the book for a while - it'll help me cut out all of the packaged veggie products I've been relying on so much. I have a few Beyond burgers and some frozen meals I made a about a month ago, so I'll probably finish all of that up this week and start on Saturday with the Proteinaholic diet.
    Off to make out my grocery list for Friday shopping!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    The book sounds interesting...good luck @SparkSpringtime69

    today's menu

    coffee with np
    oatmeal with the usual suspects
    lentil tacos
    possibly some kind of snack
    lavash wrap
    ninja creami

    manicure today...badly in need

    walk Lulu, treadmill and chair gym for exercise

    make today count! love u guys. <3
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,060 Member
    The book sounds interesting, Spring. Thanks for sharing that info. Been thinking about a new book to rekindle some enthusiasm so I just ordered it on my kindle. (Haha... kindle to rekindle)

    Usual seasonal blues on top of the loss of my boy is making this a worse January than usual, but I'm trying to change things up a bit and find some new things to do. Tackling some household projects but not trying to do too much all at once like usual.

    Been playing with coloring books and got a new set of colored pencils (48 colors!) which is fun and relaxing. Trying to find a weekend or evening knitting class because when I tried to get back to knitting it was very apparent I have forgotten almost everything.

    Also working later at the office since I don't have to rush home to him, which I'm not sure is a good thing that I'm working later but it's okay for now. Keeps my mind occupied and we're really busy.

    Nanc, lentil tacos sound really good! Do you follow a recipe for the lentil filling or just use regular cooked lentils? Enjoy your manicure! And say hi to Lulu for me. <3