Downsizers Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @rwood566 I hope you are able to find a solution to your problems. I'm glad you are going to get assistance.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @Slimmersixties I would love to know what your strategy was last week for such a big loss.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,921 Member

    Username: Bluetail6
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    SW (9/1/20): 194
    PW: 165.4
    CW: 165.4
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    edited February 2023
    363days wrote: »
    @Slimmersixties I would love to know what your strategy was last week for such a big loss.

    Hi, that big loss is the upside of a very big gain!!! I fast 20 hours a day, count calories, and eat low carb! Went to visit my mum in the UK, didn't fast ate millions of calories and carbs and gained 10lb!!
    That big loss is mostly the water from the carbs coming back off plus a couple of pounds of fat!
    No magic solution to loss I'm afraid, just eat less calories than your body needs!!!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Steps so far this week

    2/5 2,425
    2/6 12,949
    2/7 12,500
    2/8 3,668
    2/9 6,256
    2/10 5,944

    Struggling to meet my step goal on days when I'm driving long distances! Must try harder!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    NanElisaP wrote: »
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    SW here: 267
    PW: 261
    CW: 256.6
    Loss this week: 4.4 pounds

    Fantastic loss! What helped you this week with your weight loss?

    laura9400 wrote: »

    How is it Friday? This week has been a complete blur. I have nothing planned for the next week so I believe I should be better focused.

    A busy week can throw planned meals and snacks out the window at least for me.
    363days wrote: »
    Friday weigh day
    PW 175
    cw 174
    sw 173

    Nice loss! I am considering a meal delivery service for three days a week. If her cooking is anything like here baking it will be delicious. I need to go on the website to see if the calories are listed.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Username: Bluetail6
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    SW (9/1/20): 194
    PW: 165.4
    CW: 165.4

    How was your week? Still finding extra ways to get the activity minutes?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Steps: 1,949
    Sleep: ✔️✔️✔️❌✔️✔️
    Log food: ❌✔️✔️❌❌✔️

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,879 Member
    PW 230
    CW 229

    Could be my other scale weighed heavy but I will take it lol!
  • Eatthefruitnotthecake78
    Weigh in

    PW 165
    CW- 165

    Still above maintenance...its a struggle with the diet atm. Not been to bad with exercise though. Need to get back to keeping my food diary, that will help
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    Ok so I am struggling! I can't remember if I posted about this but I am trying a high-protein vegan diet for 8 weeks. I was already vegetarian but my cholesterol was elevated so seeing if cuttings eggs and dairy helps. I am lifting weights more deliberately too. But my weight is up this week. It is frustrating and I know I should stick with it longer but I hope the scale goes down next week. it also just feels hard and I am stressing about getting enough protein. I am working with a vegan nutritionist and trainer so I am not just making this up on my own.

    PW 150.6
    CW 151.8

    2/5 13061
    2/6 6723
    2/7 7090
    2/8 4124
    2/9 6844
    2/10 8153
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 827 Member
    2/10- 10,592


    Fridays are a gym day, but most of my steps were from a silent dance party (headphones) my daughter and I had in the living room. I went over my calories because I ate some food after the gym and had a glass (or two) of wine I'm pretty sure I would have hit my calorie goal if I tracked the calories burned, but I don't generally look to eat those back. All in all a great Friday lol.
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    edited February 2023
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 157.3 pounds :( (gained 1.9 pounds last week after losing the previous 4 weeks)
    CW (Current Weight): 153.4 pounds :) (shocked to be down so much in 1 week)
    Lost 3.9 pounds since last Saturday. :o<3
    Down 16.7 pounds from my highest weigh in 2016.

    Last week I was bummed as I had worked to maintain my loss of 2.8 pounds from the previous 4 weeks but instead I gained 1.9 pounds. I knew some of the gain was choices I had made and some of the gain was my body and health conditions and possibly a new medication.
    This week I was incredibly surprised by the huge loss as it is not normal for me to drop 3.9 pounds in just 1 week.
    I was actually even down 4.1 pounds (153.1 pounds) when I weighed in first thing when I got up but I felt that was unrealistic and didn't really believe it so I took my thyroid pill and got back into bed and when I got up for good and weighed myself again I was 153.4 pounds so 0.3 pounds more than the first time I weighed myself but still down way more than I expected or thought was normal for me.
    I attribute the bigger than usual loss to a number of factors like my body righting itself from the gain last week, getting rid of some water weight/retention, going off a 3 week trial medication for a new health problem that affected my thyroid medication which changed my usual thyroid levels on my blood work, exercising every day except my rest day, eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking 8 cups of water most days, and eating less (partly due to possible stomach acid/hiatus hernia/ulcer and partly due to trying to make better eating choices).
    I am well aware that I will likely gain some of it back next week but I am going to work to maintain the loss as best as I can for next Saturday.
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    So happy to be back in the rv, have my eating well under control, getting plenty of steps in on non travel days and nearly back to my pre Xmas weight ! So determined to lose this last 14lb before my 60th birthday and get onto a proper maintenance plan (this is where I've failed before!) Hope everyone else is having a good weekend😁😁
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    The new Week 3 Group Challenge has been posted and will begin on Sunday, February 12th. Please join us as we Design Our Own Workouts.

    Here's your link:

    Hope to see you there!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    edited February 2023

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for February Week 2...Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 2/14 so I can post the results on Wednesday morning ...Thanks for your cooperation :)

    @888Angie888 2/8 - 2/11
    @rwillems 2/5 - 2/11
    @lennieKat 2/5 - 2/11
    @Bluetail6 2/7 - 2/11

  • rachjolly
    rachjolly Posts: 203 Member
    SW (January 1st) - 233.4
    PW (February 5th) - 224.8
    CW (February 12th) - 221

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited February 2023
    tahm42 wrote: »
    PW 230
    CW 229

    Could be my other scale weighed heavy but I will take it lol!


    Weigh in

    PW 165
    CW- 165

    Still above maintenance...its a struggle with the diet atm. Not been to bad with exercise though. Need to get back to keeping my food diary, that will help

    I know for me the food diary makes a difference. I gained this week and it all comes down to logging.

    Jpedno wrote: »
    Ok so I am struggling! I can't remember if I posted about this but I am trying a high-protein vegan diet for 8 weeks. I was already vegetarian but my cholesterol was elevated so seeing if cuttings eggs and dairy helps. I am lifting weights more deliberately too. But my weight is up this week. It is frustrating and I know I should stick with it longer but I hope the scale goes down next week. it also just feels hard and I am stressing about getting enough protein. I am working with a vegan nutritionist and trainer so I am not just making this up on my own.

    PW 150.6
    CW 151.8

    2/5 13061
    2/6 6723
    2/7 7090
    2/8 4124
    2/9 6844
    2/10 8153

    If you increased your weight training it can explain some of the gain. Give it a few weeks and see if things settle.
    Jpedno wrote: »
    Ok so I am struggling! I can't remember if I posted about this but I am trying a high-protein vegan diet for 8 weeks. I was already vegetarian but my cholesterol was elevated so seeing if cuttings eggs and dairy helps. I am lifting weights more deliberately too. But my weight is up this week. It is frustrating and I know I should stick with it longer but I hope the scale goes down next week. it also just feels hard and I am stressing about getting enough protein. I am working with a vegan nutritionist and trainer so I am not just making this up on my own.

    PW 150.6
    CW 151.8
    2/10- 10,592


    Fridays are a gym day, but most of my steps were from a silent dance party (headphones) my daughter and I had in the living room. I went over my calories because I ate some food after the gym and had a glass (or two) of wine I'm pretty sure I would have hit my calorie goal if I tracked the calories burned, but I don't generally look to eat those back. All in all a great Friday lol.

    A silent dance party sounds like fun. Nice steps!

    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 157.3 pounds :( (gained 1.9 pounds last week after losing the previous 4 weeks)
    CW (Current Weight): 153.4 pounds :) (shocked to be down so much in 1 week)
    Lost 3.9 pounds since last Saturday. :o<3
    Down 16.7 pounds from my highest weigh in 2016.

    Last week I was bummed as I had worked to maintain my loss of 2.8 pounds from the previous 4 weeks but instead I gained 1.9 pounds. I knew some of the gain was choices I had made and some of the gain was my body and health conditions and possibly a new medication.
    This week I was incredibly surprised by the huge loss as it is not normal for me to drop 3.9 pounds in just 1 week.
    I was actually even down 4.1 pounds (153.1 pounds) when I weighed in first thing when I got up but I felt that was unrealistic and didn't really believe it so I took my thyroid pill and got back into bed and when I got up for good and weighed myself again I was 153.4 pounds so 0.3 pounds more than the first time I weighed myself but still down way more than I expected or thought was normal for me.
    I attribute the bigger than usual loss to a number of factors like my body righting itself from the gain last week, getting rid of some water weight/retention, going off a 3 week trial medication for a new health problem that affected my thyroid medication which changed my usual thyroid levels on my blood work, exercising every day except my rest day, eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking 8 cups of water most days, and eating less (partly due to possible stomach acid/hiatus hernia/ulcer and partly due to trying to make better eating choices).
    I am well aware that I will likely gain some of it back next week but I am going to work to maintain the loss as best as I can for next Saturday.

    Sounds like a lot of factors contributed but it’s a fantastic loss!

    So happy to be back in the rv, have my eating well under control, getting plenty of steps in on non travel days and nearly back to my pre Xmas weight ! So determined to lose this last 14lb before my 60th birthday and get onto a proper maintenance plan (this is where I've failed before!) Hope everyone else is having a good weekend😁😁

    Isn’t it nice to be I. Our happy place. Enjoy your rv time.
    rachjolly wrote: »
    SW (January 1st) - 233.4
    PW (February 5th) - 224.8
    CW (February 12th) - 221


    Amazing loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited February 2023
    Steps: 3,371
    Sleep: ✔️✔️✔️❌✔️✔️✔️
    Log food: ❌✔️✔️❌❌✔️❌

    Terrible week for logging. It was reflected on the scale as a big gain. In all fairness to myself, I didn’t log yesterday as I really didn’t eat much yesterday as I have a toothache which is making my throat sore or maybe it’s the other way around. Anyways, I guess it means a trip to the dentist. Did I mention I hate going to the dentist. 🤦‍♀️
This discussion has been closed.