Fearless February!



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Oh, Carla! I love love love that quilt!!!

    This is another quick check-in. Went to plan on staying WFPB today again but did go out after work to meet up with friends and had a cocktail. It's fine just can't make it a regular thing especially during the week. Didn't order food out and just had ezekiel toast with hummus, baby spinach and tomato when I got home. Off to bed here soon.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited February 2023
    LOVE the quilt, @Carla_wfpb ...beautiful

    finished the laundry...there was a lot

    cleaned the kitchen

    down two pounds, up two pounds...not even close to the goal I set for myself at the time of surgery...but I am less than I was for the first one...so that is something.

    working on the living room and dining room today and making carrot/orange juice

    today's plan

    avocado toast but need tomatoes so late breakfast…
    Yum: crunchy Ezekiel toast, creamy avocado 🥑, juicy tomatoes 🍅…sprinkling of kosher salt…my favorite breakfast!
    cabbage salad and daring chik'n and broc
    mashed potatoes and spinach
    ninja creami

    back to work.

    make today deeeeeeeeeee licious, won't you!

    two YOUTUBE documentaries for you...

    first one is about WFPB eating with so many of the big hitting docs and stars featured:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgwiIszQE5w&t=1362s

    the second one is about the BLUE ZONEShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfX76wA2C6k

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Made two quarts of carrot/apple juice with lemon and ginger.

    Made a Trader Joe's run and got tomatoes and some other veggies ... going to try one pound of raw veg a day, in addition to the ones I eat with meals.

    Later today, making mashed potatoes to go with my wilted greens for work. Busy day. Oh and declutter the living room and dining room.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
    edited February 2023

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member

    Trader Joe's Tofu/Kimchi soup or whatever that was...a BIG FAT NO! I tossed it. :s
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 782 Member
    Carla, the quilt is just beautiful, you have a lot of talent.
    Mihani, you have to treat yourself every once in a while, right?
    Magic, thanks for the links, I'm going to check them out. Sorry to hear the kimchi soup didn't work out.
    I spent the last two days organizing all of my jewelry making supplies - when we move in I just hurriedly put everything into the cabinet, but now it's really organized so I can find stuff again.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Thanks for the links, Nanc. I'll try to get some time this weekend to check them out. Sorry the soup wasn't good it sounded intriguing.

    Spring, always such a sense of accomplishment when you get a project like that finished. I need to work on my office this weekend. It's a real disaster.

    Need to make a grocery run tomorrow because I have plans Friday and I want to get on my prep first thing Saturday morning. I have plenty of salad left for another couple days.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited February 2023
    up...having BLACK coffee...I am going to give a good try to stick with it this time @Carla_wfpb :#

    I had a doctor appointment this past Monday and he did not run a lipid panel (sigh)...he did that last time...this was really for pre op...but I did see I am anemic...now he has not gone over the results with me, but I looked at the test results on my app.

    And come to find out...(it was just a wild guess...) I googled to see if anemia plays a role in insomnia. And it says it does or could. Anyway, I ordered some iron capsules with vitamin c. This is not a new thing for me...and I think one time, a doc ordered iron...but I stopped taking it for some reason I can't think of.

    Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

    I gotta tell you guys... I am feeling so anxious about the surgery. The only thing I did yesterday was make two quarts of carrot/orange and mashed potatoes for meal prep. I love them with wilted spinach. I pretty much was a slug.

    Sunday will be a big push to get most of the rooms completed. My hardest room is done...the dreaded kitchen. And I am keeping it that way so all my meals are going to be super easy from here on out. I just don't have the time to clean it again. I also did all the laundry! The living room and dining room are not too bad...I just have to remove the clutter. My guest room and bathroom do need a bit of attention, as well as my bathroom.

    My calendar is clear this Sunday and Monday and I know once the clutter is gone I will be a bit more relaxed. (Oh, and I have to get my taxes in before surgery as well).

    You guys know I am so not organized...and you must be sick of hearing me talk about this. Do not feel like you have to comment. But I will put my tasks here on Sunday and Monday to be accountable and tick them off as I do them.

    Having people coming in to help me out after surgery ...well, I just have to have a clean, organized home (plus, when I am alone, I will need so much at the ready like meals and water)...so let's JUST DO THIS!

    today's menu

    coffee B L A C K
    avocado toast with tomatoes
    Fresh carrot juice
    cabbage salad with daring chikn
    mashed potatoes with spinach
    ninja creami pumkin

    Trader Joe's has tiny avocados...perfect for two slices of toast and then I use the Campari tomatoes. So good. So easy. NO MESS.
    have a wonderful day everyone...thanks for listening.yayasisters.gif
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Awww Nanc, I'm sorry you are so anxious. *hugs* When do you see your doc about the lab results?

    Think how great it will be when BOTH knees are working great and you are walking tall. I know it doesn't really help but only thing I can think of off the top of my head. I love those little avocados from TJ's. Nothing goes to waste and you keep the portion reasonable.

    I'm almost betting that part of your anxiety is worry over all the stuff you want to get done before surgery. Great idea to make a list and check off what's done. That will help relieve some of that and give you the boost of seeing what you accomplished.

    I didn't get out of the office until almost 6:30 but still made my grocery run. Got lots of veggies and the greens were really nice yay! Must have just been a bad week for greens last week. Two bunches of kale and one of chard. Going to make the long delayed cabbage and kale casserole this weekend. Also got mushrooms so the other bunch of kale and the chard will get cooked up with the shrooms and some onion and garlic.

    Ordered some sprout seeds today. I have an Easy Sprout kit and was doing that for a long while but it's been sitting in the cabinet unused for several years. Decided it's time to start sprouting again. It's easy and kind of fun really, and they sure do taste great. Plus not so much worry about the food-borne illness common in store-bought sprouts.

    Still feeling a little down but trying to battle through. Sooooo looking forward to spring. Things always look brighter then.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Mihani I think you are absolutely correct! I think my worry is about getting everything done and since I don’t sleep, I don’t get it done so I’ve gotta figure out a way around that. Thank you for that very thoughtful comment and response. Think you were absolutely spot on.

    My worry really isn’t about the surgery or the recovery I know how to deal with that and I trust my surgeon. And I love my therapist, even though he makes me cry.

    So glad you got your greens and everything is fresh this time your menu sounds fabulous! My menu today consists of lots of vegetables, and some Daring Chikn

    Day two of black coffee. I’ve got to tell you though it’s not as delicious as with my nut pod creamer but I’m doing it.

    Make today delicious everyone I’ll talk to you soon
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Good luck with your projects Nanc. I'm rooting for you!

    I got out of the office a little early today. Decided against meeting up with friends and just going to hang out at home and relax. Make a nice dinner, maybe play with my coloring books and pencils a bit. Or start on a jigsaw puzzle. I don't know... just feel totally blah right now. No energy or enthusiasm for anything. I'm fine at work because I'm so busy, but I can't motivate myself to do much outside work. I hate when I get like this. Only way to get through it is to keep moving. Fake it til ya make it!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Mornin' all... had my mobility class this a.m. which I needed! Feel so much better now because everything was so tense and tight in my shoulders, neck and upper back. All nice and loose now.

    First load of laundry just went in the washer and several loads to go. I am about out of clean dishtowels so I guess I better get those done.

    Going to do some cooking and cleaning. Also have some bookwork and billing to do for work. Going to the office tomorrow then play with my plants and new planters when I get home from there. Supposed to be pretty warm tomorrow. The sun is shining today. Hooray for that!

    Might splurge on grocery delivery too. I forgot to get beets and radishes for my salads. Need to bake some garnet sweet potatoes. I wasn't enjoying the regular sweet potatoes so I'm sticking to garnet or japanese from here on out. I like regular sweet potatoes in soups and casseroles, etc. but just plain they are kind of meh. And of course a big sheet pan of roasted broccoli because I have to do that every week, and make the cabbage and kale casserole.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited February 2023

    don't even have regular tv so that takes care of that...unless it is on one of my channels I stream. Anyway, I am about 10-15 minutes from the stadium...fyi just in case you did not know, Superbowl is here in Glendale, AZ, and there is a lot going on ...best to stay home and clean your house. vacuumsm.gif
    Having my black coffee and then...

    tidy up kitchen, again
    change linen DONE!
    tidy up bedroom (not bad at all)
    three small loads of laundry (so glad I did all those loads last week ...phew) DONE!
    clean master bathroom (really needs cleaning) 1/2 way finished
    *dressing area and sink DONE!
    *toilet and shower
    clean guest bathroom (kinda easy)
    declutter dining room (pretty cluttered...will take time) DONE!
    declutter guest bedroom (this is the worst of it)

    STEAM MOP ALL ROOMS bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, master bath, guest bath, guest bedroom

    make carrot orange juice
    gather income tax papers to send to CPA

    Will need a nap since I got up at 3:30. ugh

    @Mihani I love Japanese sweet potatoes...I have some in the fridge if they are still good. Hope today brings you closer to yourself.

    I hope everyone has a good day...make it delicious.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    I forgot the superbowl is today. Not that I would watch it anyway. Not much into sports.

    Today is all about work work work. Got all my chores done yesterday. Well, no I didn't but I got the must do chores done.

    I think my toaster oven is dying. This is kind of annoying because I really am trying to tighten up my budget lately and don't want to spend on that but a toaster oven is a necessity to me. I also want to get a new food processor. There's a tiny crack in the bowl of mine and a replacement bowl is nearly as much as a whole new unit. Crazy.

    Got my potatoes and broccoli made yesterday and will cook the greens tonight and make a pot of rice or quinoa. Then I'll be all set for the week.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member

    Fading here...but breakfast and a bit of a rest and shower will do get me back in the game.

    I love it...today is about WORK WORK WORK...let's get it done!

    This might make you feel better, @Mihani ...my fridge is dying...and I cannot be without ice for my recovery...so Tuesday, going on the hunt for a new one.

    Later, gators!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member