Airport Lounge Discussion



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a good day. Decided to sleep in and rest my foot more. But it's feeling better for the most part. Also managed to get 2 loads of dishes done. Also doing movement with my foot and shoulder on and off but not enough to count as actual exercise.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good Evening, All!

    I spent most of the day outside and the fresh air makes my eyes heavy by 10:00. This puppy is going to bed.

    The word for tomorrow is balance.


    Some of the flowers have gotten nipped by frost but this viburnum is doing well.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you all have a great day. Today is Friday. Joe works 12 hour shift today and does not get out of work until 7 tonight. So Date night is not going to happen this week. That is ok. It happens we have done a lot of stuff together this week. So it is ok. This Sunday is my Bridal Shower. I am excited. I have never been to a bridal shower before. So I am really excited for this one. I have been to plenty of baby showers but not bridal showers.

    @cormierannie - I am so sorry that your elevators are broken. I think they should totally make that a top priority to get it fixed. I am sure you are not the only one who is having issues because of the broken elevator.
    @Kurtize - You've got this. Here is some Mojo
    @CSEGUIN2 - I am sure combined exercise would qualify. I believe you only need 10 minutes to be able to track it.
    @NovemberGail - I hope the other flowers make it. It is hopefully not going to frost again.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 41 feels like 40 with a high of 64 and foggy this morning. Insight Timer Quote: You can never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy.—Eric Hoffer I AM: I am so much stronger than I think. Axe Sharpening: Be empowered by what you stand for.—Stormi Knight 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Meet a friend outside for a walk and a chat. Fitness Quote: Get strong or die trying.— Motivational Quote: You can’t run out of happiness. The more you spread it, the more you’ll feel it.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 14,668 steps yesterday. Training plan: Day 59/305 mile a day and 8 Week Strength-Advanced Deadlift Day after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,160 Member
    good morning everyone! It is a beautiful day here today, with some rain starting in the later afternoon. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! the other elevator is still not working at my building. i hope it will be fixed soon. it is very challenging for everyone in my building. i did my strength training workout this morning and i enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day,everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    I don't know about the rest of you, but I am ready for the weekend.


    Tomorrow's word is simplicity.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Even the combined exercise yesterday didn't equal 10 minutes. But that's ok. I do what I can. Today I got some walking with crutches running errands. Also did a little movement with shoulder and foot.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Tabatha-How exciting for you! I am sure your bridal shower will be so fun! Enjoy!

    Cseguin2-So sorry that you sprained your ankle. Hope it heals quickly.

    Lindie-There have been so many people that have told me that I should have been a photographer, but I throw my hat off to you. You take the most beautiful pictures! You trump me by a mile! I would have never thought to take a picture of dandelions. We spray weed killer on them! LOL. Such beautiful photos!

    We are going to have a cool crisp day here with rain coming later, so will get out early for exercise. Love being outside so the LTGL this week will be great for me.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good morning
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 49 feels like 47 with a high of 71 today. Insight Timer Quote: We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.—George Bernard Shaw. I AM: I start the day with a grateful heart. Axe Sharpening: If you’re not the best version of yourself, you only have one person to blame.—Nick Weite 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Become an activist for a cause you really believe in. Fitness Quote: You’re talking about my past because you know how much I kill my present.—gymaholic Motivational Quote: People will always try to push you down with their negativity. Stick to your path and show them the magic of positivity.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 16,050 steps yesterday. Training plan: 8 Week Strength-Advanced Active Recovery and Day 60/305 mile a day after breakfast.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,280 Member
    @ginnaboots -Cool! I'm on a break from her for now as long as the weather behaves. I jog every other day and then the off days i bike.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Today was a great day to be outside.


    If you look closely, Billie is in the picture.

    The only problem with the walk: ticks. I keep finding them on me tonight.

    Tomorrow's word is LOVE. (Right up your alley, Tabatha!)

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 43 feels like 41 with a high of 64 today. Insight Timer Quote: Love is a verb. Not a permanent state of enthusiasm.—Esther Perel I AM: I am whole and complete within myself. Axe Sharpening: Small steps can be so powerful. Don’t ever forget that.—Toni Livers 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today. Fitness Quote: Patience, persistence and consistency is the pathway to victory.—Kai Greene Motivational Quote: When you align your life with the Universe’s timing, miracles will come your way.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 14,442 steps yesterday. Training Plan: Day 61/305 mile a day and rest day.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are doing well this morning. I have my bridal shower today and I am thinking of cancelling it so nothing else goes wrong this weekend. This weekend has been horrible for me.

    @ginnaboots - Thank you for thinking of me.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good morning everyone