WaistAways Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 9,303
    30 min Barre
    Mon 13,933
    15 min elliptical
    Tues 13,155
    30 min lift
    15 min elliptical
    Wed 13,409
    Thurs 12,974
    Fri 10,418
    15 min elliptical
    Sat 9,832
    35 min lift
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,288 Member

    Sunday 6683
    Monday 7865
    Tuesday 8576
    Wednesday 11263
    Thursday 7855
    Friday 7449
    Saturday 5452
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Great job, folks - we had a stellar week 1. Came in 2nd, but we were by far #1 for % of green! More of us hit some green this week than any other team, and that is a bigger happy place than large losses that may be harder to sustain. Let's keep going!

    I'll have to make up a lot for today, though :grimace: Lots of hours in the car, nuts and raisins for snacking, and then pizza and beer for dinner after arriving here! And then sitting instead of my usual exercise bike while watching an episode of something. Yikes!! Tomorrow will include moving about and eating better for sure.

    OK - gotta hit the hay. Monday folks line up and be ready!

    Honorary Monday people:
  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 133 Member
    @micki48 Knowing what you can do is key!!

    Today, I made myself a healthy lunch and dinner with protein and veggies. I worked out this morning, took a nap this afternoon, and said yes to a piece of cake this evening (can't win them all).

    Tomorrow I plan to take a walk outside in the sunshine for my movement. It's TTOM so doubt I'll be up for more than that.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    @adrimango Sounds like a day full of balance. Love it!

    @DD265 You are the epitome of "how to get things done 101". Always amazes me! Hope you were able to muster the energy you were looking for today.

    While Brad and I were in Costa Rica my Mom (who lives with us) ordered fresh prepared meals from a new to her meal service. She liked them so much she ordered again so we tagged on this time. The food is good, and it's a nice time saver. The busyness with work and such these days requires little life hacks where we can get them. We even had time to both ride the bike tonight before heating up our healthy meals.

    Hope you're enjoying the family visit @jugar
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @DD265 I agree that you are the "get 'er done" queen. It isn't always fun, but it is practical and effective. You go, girl! @ashleycarole86 and @micki48 same hats off energy - you know what needs to be done, what to let go of, and then you do it. Yes!

    I helped my stepmom take an important step this morning, and hope to be able to help her through the next bit. I think we found the ideal place for my dad to go now that he needs more care and a good environment to get through this last part of his life as well as possible. It is a home set up exclusively for people with dementia. There is nursing care, help with all the daily things, good social, physical, and mental stimulation, and a great attitude. The physical set-up is designed with their particular needs in mind, and the staff is trained to validate people who might have a completely different reality in mind, and to give them care without. For my step-mom it will mean being able to go back to being my dad's wife and friend, rather than his caretaker and minder. I know it won't be an easy transition for either of them, but it feels like the right step to take. Somehow I find it amusing that it is in the same town as the person who takes care of my flutes. My instruments are the most valuable objects in my life, and this person is the only one who is allowed to work on them and to keep them in top condition. I hope this town's good mojo carries over to this care home for elders with dementia!

    OK - I have had an intense day emotionally, and got a good hour's fast walk in but no other exercise. Food was better than yesterday, and tomorrow I will get in a good workout no matter what. Phew!

    Catch up on those last couple of Sun-Mon weigh-ins and we'll be right into our week! It's looking good so far :heart:
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @micki48 @ashleycarole86 @jugar thanks for the kind words! Sometimes I could benefit from doing a little less, but I get such satisfaction from being productive that it's tricky to get the balance right. :smile:

    @jugar my granny has advanced dementia, and is so happy in her care home. Granny especially loves when there's musical activities - she sits with the biggest smile on her face singing along - and the staff adore her. My uncle, who was the primary care giver before, is also happier. I don't think it was an easy decision for anybody, but it was definitely the right one.

    I channelled energy from somewhere and got things done. I also delegated a lot and pushed a couple of things out; working on finding that balance! I managed to get 30 minutes walking on the treadmill reading my book once OH had left for work at 9pm.

    This morning I was up early for training; more working on the snatch. We had last year's weightlifting world championships or similar on the TV, watching 71kg ladies lifting 100kg+. Crazy. I did my lifts in between theirs and did my 'best lift ever' apparently, so that's a great boost. Back home for breakfast and a shower, I managed 20 minutes with OH before he went to bed after his night shift and I started work.

    We're having lamb and mint pinwheels from a farm shop for tea tonight. They look like lamb mince with mint through it, spread over pastry which is then rolled and cut like a Swiss roll. I hope they're as tasty as they look!

    This morning's excuse for not tracking breakfast in the moment: I was distracted by the cat being on my dining chair and had to sit somewhere else. :D
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Emotionally draining for sure. Glad you're so happy about the prospect of it being great for him (and your stepmom).

    Up a bit earlier today naturally, but not with enough time to fit a workout into the morning before work. Darn eh:P

    I have a lunch out and we are meeting a friend for a beer after work.. many opportunities to practice good choices!
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    So since it's a major goal to be all green this month, is it possible to take a pass on the weight for the next few weeks? I fluctuate way too much to be helpful for you guys. I mean, there was a 1.8# difference before/after my workout yesterday, so I think I'd be more of a hinderance.

    I'm going to keep lifting and I'm going to start a half-marathon training plan. Hopefully I'll be able to stick with it between my schedule and the weather (especially for the longer runs, which I'd like to do outside). We shall see how this goes with my EDS.

    It's been busy at work and I'll reach out to anyone who expressed interest in health coaching soon and I'll catch up with everyone's goings-on before long!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Yay it works!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    So since it's a major goal to be all green this month, is it possible to take a pass on the weight for the next few weeks? I fluctuate way too much to be helpful for you guys. I mean, there was a 1.8# difference before/after my workout yesterday, so I think I'd be more of a hinderance.

    I'm going to keep lifting and I'm going to start a half-marathon training plan. Hopefully I'll be able to stick with it between my schedule and the weather (especially for the longer runs, which I'd like to do outside). We shall see how this goes with my EDS.

    It's been busy at work and I'll reach out to anyone who expressed interest in health coaching soon and I'll catch up with everyone's goings-on before long!

    I think it is best to keep weighing in and going where it goes. I have big fluctuations too - it is normal, and even though we are all hoping for a green March, it is not a hinderance to be whatever it is. I think the real meaning of the effort is to have a really great month in whatever form that takes, and a good percentage of the team succeeding in the weight loss part as much as possible. Keep on checking in if that works for you - I think it is good for you to keep going here, updating us on your coaching, and building your own progress however it works for you. :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I got a new phone so just out of curiosity I'm trying to upload a photo. I was never able to previously unless I used the mobile website (which was so tiny on my screen!)
    This is me doing a plank after my tabata class - in case it works!

    THAT is a beautiful plank!!!
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