Jump Into June!



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,488 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Fingers crossed for vacation, Donna. Hope you enjoy your "mushy food" ... which doesn't sound appealing but I like a lot of mushy foods so I think it's just the word. Maybe we need a different word... like smoooooth food. LOL

    Way to go staying off amazon, Nanc!

    I had a weird day. Just felt kind of foggy and couldn't get focused. I am going to bed extra early tonight and hope it is better tomorrow. Having dinner with a friend right after work so I can't stay later like usual and would like to get in early.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB
    L - Dr. McD ramen soup, a banana
    D - leftover greens, small salad with tahini dressing

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yay to eating mushy food again, Donna! Mushy doesn't sound great, but it sure beats liquid only! I hope your trip works out after all.

    Nanc, only buying necessities on Amazon takes vigilance! Nice work. I should probably work on that. Thanks for telling me about the Ninja Creami back when I asked. I ended up ordering one yesterday. 1 to 3 weeks wait time, I guess because this is the time of year for ice cream! The plant based cooking show has a Butter Pecan flavor and a Coffee flavor that I am eager to try. I ended up getting 4 of the pint containers so that Joe and I can have separate flavors and (hopefully) have a base that has been frozen 24 hours ready to go.

    How are you feeling today, Mihani? Has the fog dissipated? I hope you have a nice dinner with your friend after work!

    I had my cousin, aunt & uncle over yesterday to come and see our place & meet our doggos. Lisa loves dogs and Radar and Ruby loved her. Lisa is going to house and pet sit for us when we go to my parent's summer cabin. I hope it all works out and that Lisa will be interested in doing this in the future. We will be able to really relax knowing that the dogs are at home and being well taken care of.

    Joe & I celebrated our 14th anniversary yesterday. Next year I think we'll try to plan for a little getaway.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    @Carla_wfpb I think you are going to love the Ninja Creami...I really have not experimented with lots of flavors...but I did see this posted the other day, like you said... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMJZIDH7O6w

    <3 YUM!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited June 2023
    Last day of clear liquids. I might have made a mistake on the pureed vegetable soup I have frozen. I used Vegetable better than bouillon and chopped tomatoes plus a ton of cooked vegetables. Reading post op diet for hiatal hernia says to avoid tomatoes as well as a whole list of foods to prevent ulcers and perforations of the stomach sutures. My surgeon calls tomorrow a.m. for a check up appointment and then I see her next week before we leave on our trip. So I will ask her.

    Carla - yay finding a dog sitter so you will feel comfortable to travel.

    Mihani - I hope the brain for cleared and you are feeling better.

    Magic - Is this a sugarless recipe for the Ninja Creami

    I can't wait to get out of this heat. Sunday and Monday are predicted to be 106-107*. :# I am back to getting up early and walking dogs then in the afternoon I go to the military Exchange (5 min drive from my house) and walk up and down aisles holding onto the cart for 30 min. Novel way to exercise. I don't feel like I can do the treadmill until I am a bit more stable but healing nicely.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    @bisky Here's the recipe from The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show's Blog:



    Butter Pecan Ice Cream
    ▢1 banana, ripe
    ▢10 deglet dates, or 5 medjool dates
    ▢½ cup pecans, toasted & divided in half
    ▢1 tsp apple cider vinegar
    ▢1 tsp nutritional yeast
    ▢1 tsp vanilla extract
    ▢1 cup soy milk, unsweetened, or plant based milk of your choice
    Coffee Ice Cream
    ▢1 banana, ripe
    ▢5 deglet dates, or 2-3 medjool dates
    ▢1 tbsp cashews, or 1 tbsp peanut butter
    ▢2 tsp coffee beans
    ▢1 tsp vanilla extract
    ▢1 cup soy milk, unsweetened, or plant milk of your choice


    Butter Pecan Ice Cream
    Add all ingredients except for half of the pecans to a blender and blend until smooth. The other half will be used as the mix in at the end.
    Pour into Ninja Creami ice cream container and freeze for 24 hours.
    Remove the lid after the 24 hours and place in the Ninja Creami Ice Cream maker. Press the Lite Ice Cream button.
    If mixture is still crumbly looking, place it back in the Ninja Creami machine and press the Respin button.
    Add the remaining pecans, place back in the Ninja Creami machine and press the Mix In button.
    Coffee Ice Cream
    Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
    Pour mixture into the Ninja Creami ice cream container and freeze for 24 hours.
    Remove lid after the 24 hours and place in the Ninja Creami Ice Cream machine.
    Press the Lite Ice Cream button.
    If mixture looks crumbly after the first spin, place it back in the machine and press the Respin button.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    The weekend's over...back to work...pretty set with food for my three-day work week...

    It features fresh fruit...grapes, peaches, and nectarines.

    Breakfast will be homemade soy yogurt with peaches and grape nuts.

    Making today delicious! -cheers

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    I highly recommend petwellbeing.com for holistic remedies for you pets.

    Lulu had been rubbing her eyes a lot lately. Just started her on Nettle Eyebright Gold and no more rubbing after one dose.

    They have an 877 number to call and ask questions and also a Vet on duty.

    I used them for Ernestine who was in Kidney Failure. I gave her Kidney Gold drops…she immediately started drinking water again and eating and got 10 more months of quality life.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,488 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited June 2023
    Mason Jar Salad at Work
    Dumped upside down
    Mixed up a bit
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Yay for finding a dogsitter, Carla. And belated Happy Anniversary to you and Joe.

    Donna, that's a great idea to go walk with the cart. A lot of people (probably me included) would be using that surgery as an excuse to not exercise so good on ya.

    Nanc, your salads look great. I feel like I'm not keeping up with the Joneses here not having a Ninja Creami. LOL

    I am not doing so well on food. The snack-monster has reared up the past two days and I'm overdoing the starches again too. Need to nip this in the bud.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB
    L - Dr. McD soup, a banana
    D - veggie sammich
    S - too many pretzels

    I can so tell when I'm not eating right. My energy level plummets and I feel out of sorts.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Magic - That salad looks delicious! With everything I love in a salad: walnuts, purple cabbage, red peppers, garbanzo beans, romaine lettuce, etc. Can you come make one for me??? I can't have salad for another 2-3 weeks. :( My great niece is in vet school and this summer she is working for a holistic vet.

    Mihani - it is so easy to get side tracked with food but getting back on track is one meal away. Do you like nuts? I heard that most of the nut passes through us undigested unless it is in a paste form such as peanut butter.

    Karla - Happy belated anniversary!

    Soup was fine with Dr. so I am having it for breakfast! I can also have refried beans and hummus! Yay. Better than the two weeks of liquids although I dropped 10 lbs but that type of weight loss does not last.

    30 min dog walk this morning before heat arrives. CB is in trouble. He chased a little feral kitten up a Pecan tree yesterday afternoon. I checked on it yesterday evening and it was still there. I left water and tuna at the base of the tree. I hope it came down. Last night, It was starting to climb to lower branches but then when I checked on kitty he climbed back up to about 20 feet. This is a really big tree and being a wild kitten I think he would just keep climbing higher if we try a rescue.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,488 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Awww... hope the kitten managed to get down by now, Donna. Glad to hear your soup worked out.

    I have some projects to do around here today. I am going to clean up and organize the walk-in closet in the master bedroom and the hallway linen closet. Have laundry started so I'll finish that, then work for a few hours, take a lunch break and tackle the linen closet, more work time then the bedroom closet. Going to the office tomorrow at least for a few hours so the boss and I can get through some things before they go out of town next week for a long weekend.

    Have a company lined up for next Friday to do a deep clean of the entire house. I am taking Thursday off too. I have been working on getting things put away before they come. The biggest mess is my office and while I made some good progress already with clearing the piles of paper and files finishing it will be my main project on Thursday. The cleaning company came highly recommended and if I like them I'll probably have them come in once a month so it doesn't get ahead of me again.

    Plan for today...
    B - oats with berries, banana, chia/flax
    L - big ol' salad
    D - baked beans with farro (assuming I get around to making the baked beans today)

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited June 2023
    Morning all...

    @bisky...thanks...the salads were super and lasted five days...but that was max. But only had two ready. So for today, using a little help from the freezer and food that I had stocked up on for after knee replacement.


    Just egg liquid with Trader Joe's char'd peppers and onions....making it at home and taking it in a thermos.
    lunch yogurt and fresh peach and sprinkling of grapenuts
    dinner...tattooed chef* enchiladas
    grapes and nectarine for dessert

    * https://tattooedchef.com/

    making today deeee licous. Cheers!

    Congrats, @Mihani for getting so many projects completed. You are inspiring. :)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member

    It's hard when we see other's on the same journey and reaching their goals quicker than we reach ours. I've been on my journey for over 2 years now. My cousin a few months ago had gastric surgery. She has surpassed the progress I have made in much less time. It stings a bit, I get it. But know you are on the right track and doing fantastic!

    I was going to post this after reading through the thread. (I don't get on here very often so when I do I like to read everything and catch up.) I feel what I was going to post may be a reminder that you need to read/see.

    Here is what I was going to share...

    Sometimes I wish my progress was happening faster. Other times I walk past the mirror, get a glimpse of myself, stop and stare in awe. Today was one of those days. Here is my picture from my heaviest when I first started my journey compared with what I saw this morning in the mirror.

    It doesn't matter how quickly it comes. What matters is we never stop trying.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    @JNettie73 Congratulations on your fabulous progress! You are rocking it! I always feel like I'm not doing great or that it is going to slow and I never stop to appreciate where I am. Of course, right now I have been back sliding and all of a sudden I can see how good I was doing in retrospect. Thanks for sharing your progress and for the encouragement for all of us on this lifelong journey.

    Tomorrow we're having 11 people over for Father's day. We're sending any leftovers (minus the salad and fruit) home with guests so that I have only the things I should be eating in the house. I think I'm going to go off of grains entirely as well as the usual no added sugar, whole foods scene.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,488 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Jnettie - wow, what a big difference! You came a long way. Congratulations. I guess everyone's journey is different and your cousin choose a different treatment for weight loss. The consequences for bariatric surgery are not easy and it is possible to gain the weight back if they don't find a diet or address their eating disorder.

    Carla - I went off most types of grain due to Celiac's diagnosis. Before surgery I was really concentrating on fruit for dessert. It helped a lot. 11 people? Are they bringing food?

    Magic - I am going to make those salads for Brooks next week. He loves them in those containers. Salad dressing on bottom right?

    Mihani - Good for you hiring a cleaning company. We have a wonderful lady come in once a month. The morning she comes in I take everything out of the bath tub and the counters...so they can clean throughly with out wasting time moving my stuff around. I also declutter every room of papers, magazines and stuff.

    So started on the mushy stage....realized if I could have beans I could probably have my beloved chickpea pasta....I just cooked it a little longer. Increased my morning walk to over a mile....little sore now..

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Nanc, adding nectarines to my grocery list!

    JNettie, wowza. That is truly inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and the pictures. I admit I still struggle with feeling really fat even though I'm 70 pounds lighter than I used to be and only 20 to 25 pounds from where I think I should be. I've been battling that last 20 pounds for years now though and it gets discouraging.

    Have a fun Father's Day celebration, Carla! What are you serving up?

    Donna, agreed about the consequences for bariatric surgery. I know two people who have done that and one has gained a fair amount of weight back while the other had complications and has had several surgeries since. On the other hand I know a gal who did the sleeve and she has done very well and had no problems. She's younger... mid 30's.

    I'm having my family over for dinner next Saturday and have decided to make tex mex casserole, mex coleslaw, roasted red potatoes, blue corn chips with guacamole and salsa. I'll just have a bowl of fresh fruit for dessert. Watermelon, cantaloupe or honeydew, grapes, blueberries. I might even try making my own tortillas. We'll see.

    Heading to the office.