Jump Into June!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    Thanks @Mihani …I have calmed down and know what we are doing is the right route to not only weight loss but continued good health!

    Hope you’re doing better…so sorry you got so sick. Hope the food order arrived!

    Two of our service advisors are out today with your exact symptoms! Crazy.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Today's Plan

    just egg frozen folded with strawberry jam
    16 oz carrot/apple/cucumber/ginger/lemon juice (homemade) last of my juice...need to make a fresh batch on my weekend.
    watermelon...kinda good...had Green Grocer pick it out
    rice and tofu mix
    chao cheese sand on rye bread with pickle mustard from TJs

    I'm too lazy to stir fry my broc...only enough left for one more day, so I will make it tomorrow when I have an extra hour in the morning.

    Yesterday, I made it to 7 pm...first night since coming back to work.

    Hope everyone's day is delicious.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    Two JUST EGG toasted, at work, at my desk. I put something strawberry 🍓 jam on them. 😋! a4d2egzsmgqm.jpeg
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Feeling better today other than very tender stomach. I was able to eat a little bit of banana and half a slice of toast yesterday, and the same this morning. Went to the office just for a few hours because I knew stuff was piling up and my boss was likely stressing without me. Now I'm having a cup of veggie bouillon and some saltines which doesn't seem to hurt my stomach at all. Yay for that.

    I lost 4 pounds in 2 days. LOL

    I've seen those just egg things but haven't tried them, Nanc. I'll keep those in mind.

    Okay, off to nap! Brought work home so I can hang out here tomorrow and nap if needed. I sure hope I will be back to normal by tomorrow though.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Oh no! Are you feeling any better, Mihani? I hope you are resting if you need to. Something you ate or a bug?

    I have never had a JUST egg, but now the folded kind is on my grocery list! Sometimes I get a hankering for an egg and toast. Veggies don't appeal for breakfast and I get tired of the non-savory oatmeal and smoothies. I suppose I could start making scrambled tofu again, but we get so much tofu in our diet already.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    cross-post. glad to hear you're on the mend & having a nap :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Marilyn, I missed your post. If you haven't already you should give Dr. Esselstyn's Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease a read. It's one of my favorites... easy read but loaded with info. He had amazing results with people in various stages of heart disease.

    Carla, I'm feeling pretty normal this morning. My stomach is still sore but more like the day after a rough ab workout not like someone is stabbing me from the inside. That's major improvement! I'm not sure if it was caused by food or a bug, but either way I'm glad it's over.

    Sticking to toasted italian bread, bananas, bouillon and saltines today. I did grab some kale and mushrooms at the store yesterday and will make a skillet of goodness with those and a grain tonight. Maybe barley or farro. Want to keep things bland and soft for a few days.

    Going to get a load of laundry done this a.m. then head up to my desk for the rest of the day. Not up to the house chores/projects that I had planned for today so I put off my helpers to next weekend. Good day to sit at my desk and get work done. I'll open up the window in my office for some fresh air and sunshine.

    I am going to make dinner for my brother when he comes over next Saturday. Thinking about the OSG tex-mex casserole. Haven't made that in years and it was a favorite once upon a time.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    Glad you're feeling so much better... a good idea to keep it easy on your tummy a bit longer, @Mihani.

    Just a note about Just Egg...really does not taste like egg...but I like it...and for work it is easy...I take them along and toast them at work .. Also, a taste of Kala Namak might give it an eggy taste. I have never tried that...but might today.


    just egg with jam
    broc and rice
    cheese sand on rye bread
    cherries and watermelon

    make it a delicious day, everyone!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Magic - What is sad once your office mate goes off the diet she will rebound plus another 5+ lbs....we all have done that and our hormones and metabolism go into a reset mode and that is how we gain the weight back +++... we raise our "set point". But I would never give this advice but try to lead by example in talking about how much you love your vegetables.

    Mihani - I hope you are feeling better and able to keep some good food down and get some rest.

    Marilyn - I agree with you about fruit juices. They raise our sugar too high. I do like the whole fruit smoothies of fruit and greens but have to be careful when adding bananas.

    Carla - I use to love my daily disposable contacts. In July I get cataract removal with the multifocal lens implanted. Brooks had it done last month and recovered nicely...I am going to get both eyes done at the same time.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    UP and at em! It's my weekend...and I slept 6 hours...YES!

    My niece has invited Lulu and me to HOUSTON...both of us! Now, that I can walk pain-free all day
    long...and climb stairs--they have a three story home...she waited until both knees were completed! Working on when we would go (has to be after September 23rd ...that's when I get my two weeks vacation reset). Now, to figure out how to get Little Miss Lulu in an approved carrier that she will fit in. She is so leggy and trim...18-20 pounds. We are excited.



    Just Egg with jam Shredded Wheat with Bran, fresh strawberries and soy milk
    Mason Jar salads https://healthmylifestyle.com/ultimate-guide-vegan-mason-jar-salads/
    broc and "beef"
    Cherries and Watermelon, apricots and nectarines to choose from
    Ninja Creami strawberry/banana/peanut butter Share with LML!

    Have a delicious day everyone.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    In Joe Cross' first movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, his JUICE FAST was followed by Dr. Joel Fuhrman...all testing is done by THE Dr. Joel Fuhrman...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3I8hK3OqwY&t=280s

    Worth watching. Oh and btw, since my mother had high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and type two diabetes, ending up on dialysis (ALL LIFESTYLE DISEASES)...and dying at 73 from congestive heart failure but all three contributed to her death. my doctor constantly tests me for everything...I take zero Rx meds ...since I am negative for all three and always told after my physical to carry on with whatever I am doing, since it's working! (And yes, he knows I am Vegan and I do JUICE--homemade juices...NOT bottled juices from the market!)

    Dr. Fuhrman comes in at the 8:35 second mark.

    My resting heart rate is 55bpm
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Nanc, I remember Scott/Sloth did the Joe Cross thing for a while although I don't think he did ALL juice for very long. Can't remember now. He lost a good amount of weight doing that.

    How exciting to be looking forward to the trip to visit your niece!

    Donna, hope recovery is continuing to go well. I ate some "baked beans" meaning some navy beans with a little BBQ sauce. I felt the need for some fiber and nutrients after all the bread and crackers the past few days. Seem to be fine, yay!

    I'm reminded how much I love baked beans though. I think I'll make a big batch of them to eat through the week. I'll have to stop at the grocery tomorrow. I can add some mushrooms and kale and serve 'em up with a salad.

    I didn't go to the play as I was afraid to be out and about just yet. I've been getting lots of work done but geeze the day goes by quickly. I will never in a million years actually be "caught up" on work.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Nanc, that sounds like a fun and exciting trip for both you and Lulu. How wonderful that she can come and that you and your knees are now able to do this!

    Donna, having great vision without multiple glasses and contacts etc. sounds so good. I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience with it. I don't think I will elect to have it done early, but if they are in there anyway for cataracts then it seems like there's no reason not to.

    I'm on the fence about the contacts. They dry out at night when I'm watching t.v. and they make my close-up vision worse, making reading glasses a necessity. I've got some lubricating contact drops on order. I think I'll end up ordering 3 months worth and just using them occasionally.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Mihani - glad you are feeling better. Now I am craving baked beans but still on liquid diet from Surgery until Wednesday. Then I go on a soft mushy diet which kinda sounds like baked beans might work?

    Carla - I never liked wearing them for more than 6-8 hours. I always wore them snorkeling or scuba diving and then immediately threw them out. The constant switching for needing readers bothered me.

    Well our vacation plans are up in the air. We were suppose to fly into Burlington, VT spend a couple days and then drive to Mont~Treblant, Quebec. Brooks was going to do a triathlon and then we were going to explore old part of Montreal. Boo....forest fires are not under control and with Brooks' asthma it is not a good idea...so we are still flying into VT drive to NH for a couple of days and then onto Maine. We have several friends living in Maine and they say their air quality is good. Anything for a break of this Texas heat. Inside temp in car read 113. I think the high was 98*. Friday is suppose to be 105*. I needed a walk this afternoon. Went to the big commissary on base that is air conditioned. Walked the aisle for 30 min.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Bummer about the vacation plans, Donna.

    Home a little early today because I needed to get away from the office. Work being done on the building and it was LOUD. I ran a couple errands and getting ready to do a little cooking, then back to work in my home office.

    I really did have a productive weekend. I got a lot of work done and feel like I have a slightly better handle on things for the moment. Still way more work than I can get done but I have it better prioritized. Also cleaned up my home office quite a bit and it's not so depressing in there with the piles of paper and files sorted and organized. Still more to do but it's much better.

    So I'm making a big skillet full of onion, mushrooms chickpeas and kale. I was going to try baked beans but remembered I am going out to dinner Wednesday and I don't want to have too much food prepped. I'll make those this weekend.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB
    L - Dr. McD miso soup, handful of saltines, banana
    D - some of the beans and greens concoction, brown rice, maybe an apple if still hungry

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    Day 12 of ZERO shopping on Amazon for things I WANT!

    Making my day clean and delicious! Cheers!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Today's Menu features Homemade Vegan Yogurt...thanks to Vegan Blueberry's two-ingredient recipe.

    Making each and every day delicious. -Cheers!

    Day 13 of zero Amazon reckless spending.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Last day of liquid diet...tomorrow I get to start mushy foods such as my vegetable soup I made preop that I blended and froze. Dropped weight on this liquid diet but I know it is just fluids and not really losing weight. Have been living on protein drinks and broth. I talk with the Dr. on Thursday and will ask about baked beans and hummus. I guess after they do surgery on the stomach and hiatal hernia it is easy to perforate it or cause an ulcer. Don't want any complications.

    I don't know what is going to happen with our trip. Now they are saying the air is clear in Mont Tremblant after rain. I looked at the hotel in old town Montreal that Brooks reserved and it looks great...we haven't canceled our reservations yet. Still up in the air.

    Had a short 10 minute session on Peleton bike.....didn't have much resistance but it felt good to move legs.