Jump Into June!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'm committed to making my own tortillas. Every blog I have ever seen says they are easy and FAR superior to store-bought, and after looking at some recipes they do look pretty easy. I am going to try a batch before Saturday so I can make sure I know what I'm doing before making for company.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
    edited June 2023


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    @JNetti73 super before and afters! Wowza is right. Keep it up.

    YES! @bisky dressing on the bottom...(you could leave dressing out and add it once dumped...but I liked the chickpeas sitting in the dressing...) hardiest ingredients go low, and more delicate to the top.

    I am going to try taco salad today...pico de gallo on the bottom with "meat- with cooked bell peppers and onions" mixture, kidney beans, corn, crispy romaine lettuce, cilantro...corn tortilla strips added after the salad is dumped. "meat" is Gardein ground be'f

    I'll let you know how it goes...just making three for my days off.


    yogurt, nectarine (they are so sweet lately, @Mihani)...grapenuts
    taco salad
    no sure what's for dinner.
    ninja creami for dessert

    My friend/co-worker is losing fast, but that is because she is between 800-1000 calories a day... not sustainable, and the rebound effect will not be pretty. IN the meantime, she does look good. Oh well. Thanks, everyone. I know we are doing a better job in the healthy weight loss routine.

    Making today deeeeeeeee licious. Cheers!

    Love the great niece becoming a vet...super to have her in the family, @Bisky. <3
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    edited June 2023
    Magic- Thanks for the tips. I will be so glad when I can have raw vegetables again. Living on my pureed soup, refried beans and protein shakes. The tortoise wins the race. The calories are so low she is living on. I hope she is eating a lot of vegetables.

    Mihani - Can't wait to hear how the tortillas come out.

    Carla - are you recovered from your party?

    Still on the mushy phase. We went to a Mexican restaurant and I had refried beans. They tasted so good after the liquid diet. I brought home another cup for tomorrow. Brooks makes delicious refried beans in the Instant Pot but he has been so busy. I had a down day today. Not sure what is going on. My heart rate when I walk is up to 118 and I am slightly short of breath. Had a great walk yesterday 1.5 miles. It might be this heat wave although I am not out for long and might be dehydrated. It is 103 now. Luckily today was the check up and labs from my hematologist office. BP was 92/60. It will be interesting to see the results.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hey all... busy week since I'm taking Thurs. and Fri. off. Lots to get done before Wednesday is over. I'm so excited over two days off. Someday I should take a whole week!

    I will definitely let y'all know how the tortillas turn out. I'm looking forward to trying them.

    Absolutely, Nanc! I am sure that your great recovery from knee replacements, etc. are due in part to your dedication to health and nutrition.

    Donna, yay for refried beans! When do you get back to real food?

    Which reminds me... a friend likes to joke that I don't eat "real food" and I'm like seriously? What is "real food"? Hamburgers and packaged convenience foods apparently. LOL

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    FINALLY... @Mihani taking some well-deserved time off...good for you. Enjoy!

    Taco salad turned out good...I ended up making four...so one for Thursday at work. Will make three different ones today or tomorrow to take me through Fri-Sun. I seem to do better with these salads made ahead of time...it's summer and you know what that means...light, fresh food here in the Valley of the Sun.

    With that said, loving my homemade plain yogurt with fresh fruit and grape nuts.

    Also, making homemade french fries in the air fryer...ages ago I got a gadget to cut the potatoes into fries...so that's what they are ... plain potatoes, crisped up in the AF. With ketchup of course.

    Lulu gets to share.

    Have a great day everyone...make it deeeeeeeeeeeee licious.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thank you! I hope you had a fun celebration for Father's Day.

    Thank you. Yes, that is exactly it. Everyone's journey is different. I feel we shouldn't compare our progress to anyone else's. I believe when we do that we are just setting ourselves up for failure. The only person we should compare ourselves to is the person we were at the beginning of our journey, a month ago, a week ago, yesterday.

    I hope that didn't seem like I was looking down at my cousin for choosing surgery to help with her struggle. I am not. Her path is not a path I would choose for myself. But if it is working for her and she is happy then I am happy for her.

    I have a good friend of mine who also chose the surgery route. He lost then gained back. His doctor prescribed him medication to help with weight loss. He is doing well now with it. He keep encouraging me to ask my doctor about the medication too. That also is not a path I am interested in for myself. For him it is about getting the results the fastest way possible. For me it is about making life style changes that I can maintain indefinitely. I am okay with my slower progress and journey.

    Thank you. I've lost about 68lbs so far. Somedays it is a smidge less (3-5lbs). I am roughly half way to my goal. Sometimes I get that fat and disgusting feeling too. Especially if someone snaps a picture of me sitting. Then my stomach squishes up doing all sorts of funky stuff. When that happens it doesn't look like I made progress and is very discouraging. LOL

    This past year I've struggled with losing. I've had a few stressful situations I've been navigating and have not made much scale progress. For the past few months I have been playing around with different things - changing up my exercise routine, adding in more activity, drinking more water, not tracking my calories (Chef AJ and health summit recommendation). None of it worked for me. Though changing up my exercise routine did make me feel stronger and give me more energy. I am back to tracking my calories again because that is what is the most effective method for me. I have read it is much more difficult the closer you get to goal. I will revaluate when I get to that point.

    What is in your tex mex casserole and coleslaw? I love tex mex! I hope your tortillas come out well. I keep seeing how easy they are to make too. I've been wanting to try making them too.

    Has anyone tried making their own crackers? Yesterday I was reading another chapter in How Not to Die and there was a suggestion to make crackers. I would like to try making those at some point too.

    Thank you! I still have a way to go. I know I will get there eventually. I have an upcoming doctor appointment next week. I am curious to see what my blood tests show. I'm hoping my A1C dropped even lower.

    Taco salad sounds delicious too!

    Last night I made warm tahini potato salad. My husband and I loved it but my daughter did not. It was tahini, Dijon mustard, capers, garlic, onion, dill, parsley, lemon zest and juice, and potatoes. I served it with a salad and steamed artichokes. I love cooking. This week I picked a few new recipes from my cookbooks to try.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member

    Here is my dinner from last night.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    YUM! That looks deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee licious! Great job, @JNettie73 ! LOVE artichokes!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    JNettie, I don't think any of us thought you sounded unkind about your cousin. Not to worry there. The tex mex casserole is an oh she glows recipe. When her first cookbook came out it was all the rage around here. It is not 100% compliant because although I leave out the oil I do use the daiya. I have made it without daiya and it is still very good. If I recall I made a cheesy sauce from cashews and nooch and mixed that in instead. Since it's a dinner party for non-vegans I'm going with the original recipe.

    The recipe isn't available on the OSG blog but I found it on another website: http://www.theveraciousvegan.com/2015/02/tex-mex-casserole.html

    I am going to make this coleslaw: https://www.veggiesdontbite.com/mexican-cabbage-slaw-with-cumin-lime-dressing/

    I'm super jazzed about making my own tortillas.

    That potato salad looks yum!

    Nanc, glad your salads are working so well for you. I'm all about the prep. I know that if I don't have stuff ready to go I'm doomed. I need to get my salad prepper friend back on the job. I quit the gym I was going to so my budget is a little less strained. I learned a LOT and loved it, and they had many benefits not just workouts, but it was very expensive. I will use what I learned to work out at home or I'll join another gym that isn't so expensive.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    First day of Summer...I love it!

    today's plan

    homemade soy yogurt with Trader Joe's Organic low-sugar strawberry jam and grape nuts
    Mason jar taco salad
    tofu scramble with rye toast

    Making Mason Jar salads today for Friday - Sunday ...sweet potatoes in the air fryer, romaine, yellow and orange bell peppers, shredded carrots, shredded purple cabbage, chopped English cuke, olives, chickpeas, walnuts. YIKES.

    As long as it's good, I won't get tired of it. I will be grateful I did meal prep!

    Making it deeeeeeeeee licious. Cheers!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Got home early today because I had a mammogram appointment late afternoon. I've never had one before (yes I know I should have started getting them 10 years ago shut up) and it wasn't as awful as I anticipated but not exactly something I'd want to do every day. LOL

    So we'll see what they say. The tech said for someone who hasn't had one before it's common to get called back for more images and ultrasound because they don't have anything to compare it to. This doesn't make me super happy but I've decided to quit neglecting my screenings and doctor visits and I have to deal with the consequences of my prior neglect.

    Super excited for my 3 whole glorious days off. I will go to the office at least for a few on Sunday because stuff will be piled up and I don't want to deal with that first thing Monday morning.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Mihani - Enjoy your days off! Good for you getting a mammogram ! So important. I guess you are not old enough for the colonoscopy experience but that is also very important. When I was 50y I had my first one and they found 3 polyps that were removed and I have not had any since.

    JNettie - I love how real and open you are. You did not sounds at all critical. The struggle is real for the morbidly obese people who are 200 -300 lbs or more overweight and I actually think for the majority of those people they would be better off getting a gastric bypass along with counseling. The body gets out of whack and those hunger hormones can drive you crazy as it fights to get back to a set point. Of course I believe the best solution is to follow a diet such as ETL but it is challenging especially if you don't have a support group like this one. Your dinner looks delicious ....

    Magic - I love greek yogurt 0% fat....is your homemade yogurt similar? How is the knee?

    Carla - are you still recuperating from your event?

    I am still on the mushy diet for another week and a lot of meds to prevent stomach ulcers around the suture line. Good news I had a hematology appt. on Monday and my H&H is up to normal and my Ferritin level is the highest it has ever been. For some reason the iron saturation is down so one more iron transfusion when I get back. The Hiatal hernia caused Cameron's lesions that have been bleeding small amounts causing my anemia. I hope I am on a good path to health. Loving my banza pasta (it is always mushy the next day), steamed vegetables (overly steamed) and refried beans. So much better than the liquid diet. I can't wait to have a fresh crunchy salad.

    We leave on our trip tomorrow. Fly into Burlington, VT...spend 2 days, then up to Montreal for 2 nights and then over to Maine for 4 nights. My friends picked the pups up today....so quiet without them.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,930 Member
    Donna, the colonoscopy is on the list. I thought I'd get the least scary procedure done first. I have major anxiety about medical procedures so I'm taking baby steps.

    Sure hope everything heals up quickly and you can get back to normal. Have a wonderful trip!

    Big plans today. Laundry, some more cleaning and decluttering to be prepared for the cleaning company coming tomorrow. Grocery shop for the dinner party Saturday although I may do that tomorrow morning. I never got to my bedroom closet so I'll get that project done today. I want to have everything else done so I can concentrate on my office tomorrow. Figure that will keep me busy and out of the way of the cleaning crew.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited June 2023
    Enjoy your vacation, Donna...love the different locations.

    Mihani, yay for your time off...happy for you.

    Back to work today...I did get my three Mason Jar salads made for Fri-Sunday.

    Today is my last taco salad. I really like this one. Lots of flavors.



    yogurt (it is soy yogurt...and to make it Greek-style...I just use a colander with two layers of paper towels and drain it for a few hours. This is pure vegan yogurt...two ingredients...the starter and organic soy milk (water and soybeans)...takes no time to prep...and the instant pot does all the work. Super results. Today, I will add low sugar strawberry jam and grape nuts.

    Mason jar taco salad


    the end. make it delicious.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited June 2023
    LOL Donna is right, I have been recovering from having everyone over. My batteries get run down so easily and I definitely dipped into my reserves to make it through Father's day. That said, everything went really well! Between rain showers we sat outside under a sun shade (rain then sun, rain then sun, all day) and played a game of golf toss out on the lawn. Joe and my brother did the grilling and we had the fruit salad and green salad ready before everyone arrived.

    Even as the person not eating that diet, Donna, it feels like it has been a long while now since you've been able to eat 'normal' food. Glad to read about your good lab results. Have a great vacation!

    Nice work getting your mammogram done, Mihani. You and I have both been working on getting some overdue appointments taken care of. It is hard to do but sure feels good when they are in the rear view mirror (insert joke about colonoscopy and rear view mirror ;) ). I am so happy that you are taking 3 days in a row off! I cannot remember you ever taking 3 days off in a row in all the years I've known you. Certainly not a week. Enjoy!! <3

    Your jar salads are so appealing, Nanc! I need to get back on the salad train and start adding in some tidbits to make them interesting.

    Jnettie, that potato salad looks amazing. I had potato salad on my mind the other day. I think because we were grilling and I have memories of summer picnics with aunts and uncles where there was always potato salad.

    We leave for Vancouver Island in a little over a week. Because it isn't that far away geographically it doesn't feel like a big trip to me, but the reality is that due to multiple ferries and their schedules plus driving, it is going to take us 14 hours to get there! At best, it can be done in 11.5 hours, but that means a lot of stress and driving at least the speed limit the whole way and not making any stops and it only works if the first ferry is on schedule. That doesn't sound like a good start to a vacation to me! Instead we will get on the first ferry to avoid rush hour and then stop for a leisurely breakfast mid-island.

    coffee coffee coffee :)
    Breakfast: Dr Fuhrman oatmeal
    Lunch: cantaloup & yogurt
    Dinner: garbanzo bean curry with baked tofu
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member