WaistAways Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 133 Member
    PW: 157.6
    CW: 156.6

    Sorry to be several days late! I did weigh on Mon but didn't post. School started back this week for both my daughter & wife so I've been in major support mode and trying to keep the house up. Walking for a few hours while I work (standing desk + folding treadmill) has been a game changer. My back hurts less, my ankles aren't swelling, and I'm not stressed about finding time to walk around meetings and when it's not stifling hot.
  • wdalzell5401
    wdalzell5401 Posts: 28 Member
    @conleywoods, it's good to know that you're safe and I hope you can return home soon. I have been watching news reports about the fires in Canada and can only imagine how frightening it is.

    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 77.9
    CW: 78.4

    Well, I think I can say that life is starting to return to normal. A few hours work on Monday saw the last of my Dad's stuff cleared out of his condo and I handed back the keys to village management. That stress is no longer hovering and it's now a waiting game for the condo to be refurbished, resold and then see what money is left after the village ownership sucks out their share.

    I played two rounds of golf this week and it was wonderful to not have a niggly knee disrupting my game. On the flip side of that, I no longer have an excuse for any bad shots 🤣
    Looking back on the week, portion sizes have been under control. There were a few days where I didn't schedule in regular snacks and I noticed by Friday, after the increased exercise through the week, I was feeling 'empty' and could easily have spent the day grazing in search of satiation, but drank more water and tried to keep busy instead.

    I hope you are all staying safe and well.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @wdalzell5401 good strategies! It is easy to succumb to those empty feelings, but having a plan to hydrate and keep busy helps prevent that "search of satiation" - well put! Oh - those bad golf shots? It's the glare of the sun. Or a gust of wind. Or someone shouted over there... Glad your knee is feeling better!

    A very quiet day here - finally got to a lot of clean up and doing some Pilates. That sure felt great. I needed both the stretch and the toning.

    Lots of positive energy here today - keep up the nice green weigh-ins!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    AND it is time for your favourite nag to do her thing! All weigh-ins due through Saturday to wrap up week 4:

    One more week to finish up August - let's get to work on week 5 and make it even better than this one!
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    CW: 221.6
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    PW: 194
    CW: 194.2

    I went out to dinner last night with some friends I hadn’t seen since May, and we went to a Dominican-Asian fusion restaurant. The fusion sushi rolls were very yummy and I had a couple margaritas.

    This whole week I’ve had contractors over doing work on the house and since they’ve arrived very early every day, I’ve not had a chance to get my workouts in. I also desperately needed to clean, so I spent hours after work scrubbing, mopping, etc various spaces in the house. It sometimes feels so daunting because we have so much more space than when we lived in our apartment. I realize that I can’t leave it all to one day and will have to space out cleaning priorities.

    My husband is still working on the front yard, and we also realized this week that we’re going to have to grade our yard because one side is definitely having issues with water drainage than the other. He’s looking into a French drain and what we need to pick up to complete it. Anyone else familiar or have any tips?

    I have my dietician appointment next Wednesday so I’m looking forward to seeing my progress there. My goals for this week (Saturday - Friday) are:
    Walk my dog at least 30 minutes every morning (weather permitting)
    Cardio-based workouts 3 days for at least 30 minutes (M, W, F)
    Resistance training workouts 2 days for at least 40 minutes (T, Th)
    Drink plenty of water on the weekends
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member

    I got back from London last night, where I took Mum to a show. I was struck by how young she looks (she's 83) and I am grateful for having inherited her genes.

    We had a terrific night - there's nothing quite like a West End show. And such a buzz seeing the streets honestly teeming with people. It was quite exhilarating

    And we're also dog-sitting a gorgeous little dog called Lady. I'm definitely ready to welcome another dog into our lives. Watch this space!

    A busy week and a short MS flare up has seen my workout routine suffer somewhat. At least I can take Lady out for a walk for the next couple of days. She goes home tomorrow night! I should be good to resume my exercise schedule next week.

    @wishfuljune your home renovation sounds really exciting. Can't wait to see some pix when you're done.

  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 105 Member
    PW: 153.4
    CW: 151.4

    Sun- 12120
    Mon: 11900
    Tue- 10321
    Wed - 10930
    Thur - 5522
    Fri - 11686
    Sat - 2800

    I’ve been mindful of my food intake this week and focused on my steps. Guess it paid off :)
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 419 Member

    Steps - 19-26
    Sunday - 3,319
    Monday - 4,632
    Tuesday - 1,424
    Wednesday - 5,369
    Thursday - 2,220
    Friday - 4,374
    Saturday - 3,475
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 419 Member

    (Reminder that I don't have daily pledges for @veronica1359 and @littlemzkitty .. if you want to make one feel free but otherwise you are omitted from the consistency stats)

    Have a good weekend all!

    @ashleycarole86, sorry I did no understood what you meant?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon WaistAways!

    PW: 172.5
    CW: 173.2
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    CW 92.1
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,196 Member
    The August Week 5 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Aug 27th. I hope you will join us for Non-Scale Victories and celebrating our successes! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    LAST CALL! Week 4 is ending soon - please get these last weigh-ins posted :smiley:

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Weigh in (late)

    PW 211.9
    CW 213.7

    Sorry for the red friends. I know I’ve been missing out on posts. I will try and catch up tomorrow. My eyes are super strained after a good long drive in the dark. Not my favorite. But we had a fun day at the beach with my granddaughter.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member

    Two beautiful ladies.. wowie zowie!!! :*
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member
    Morning Loves ❤️

    Sunday weigh in -

    PW - 184.3
    CW - 183.7

    Finally - a green entry!

    Back later, Friends!
  • project_shan
    project_shan Posts: 135 Member
    Username: project_shan
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    HW: 188.0
    PW: 164.6
    CW: 164.4

    Steps: Aug 20-27

    The past couple of month's have been a struggle in terms of nutrition and weight loss. September will be better!
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