Optimistic October!



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Pineapple sounds good Nanc... now I wish I had got some when I stopped at the store tonight.

    Carla, sorry about the headaches. Great job keeping up the treadmill habit even if you have to cut back on the mileage.

    I did fine today until I got home and ate a bunch of blue corn chips. Shouldn't even have bought them. I have been working late every night this week and I'm tired and a bit ragged. I am going out to dinner with a friend tomorrow then taking half a day off Friday to go to a festival with another friend. Looking forward to that. Then getting together with family on Saturday. While I'm glad that I'm making more effort at a social life, I do wish that all these were spread out a bit more!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    LOVE the social life, Mihani...I am making more of an effort as well. Now, that I no longer ONLY deal with pain on my days off...the world has opened up to me.

    Saturday...cleaning my patio furniture on Saturday...got a blower and a little green machine...which I really needed to keep that patio furniture looking good...so much dust back there from the gardeners.

    Sunday, lunch with a good friend...actually best friend for 70 years...I'm turning 75 tomorrow. I think I have mentioned this before...we both grew up in so cal...and ended up 20 minutes from each other in AZ.

    Monday, doc appt at 10...boss'es day at 12...(running in to work to help celebrate our super wonderful boss..she's the best)...then late lunch at 2 with coworkers...two no longer work and the third has the day off

    today...same stuff...

    Burrito…homemade Ezekiel tortilla with beans and rice
    carrot/apple juice
    soup with loads of spinach
    gardein burger

    making life deeeeeeeeeeeee licious!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    My post disappeared ugh! Oh well, good morning all! Had fun out with my friend last night. Today is the day I'm taking off before noon and going to a county fair with another friend. Then I'm supposed to meet up with some people this evening and I totally forgot about that. And tomorrow family time at my brother's house. Too much fun crammed into 3 days really need to spread out the social life.

    Nanc, glad you mentioned boss's day. I'm always forgetting that one!

    Being short-handed and putting in extra long hours all week the treadmill hasn't happened but I have got in my yoga and mindfulness time before bed. Except last night because I had two margaritas with dinner and just wanted to go to bed. I need to concentrate on getting a lot of work done this weekend because everything exploded again.

    Plan for today is up in the air. I'll have some oats with berries for breakfast (taking to the office) and then I'll see how it all plays out. I'm not much into fair food and there probably aren't a ton of vegan options but I'm sure I'll find something there, and then dinner out tonight probably just a salad.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    Up way too early...but, I'll just have to roll with it...

    having coffee

    Big CleanUP weekend...got my blower, got my Little Green Machine to clean the cushions...probably even steam mop the tile ... MAKING MY PATIO BEAUTIFUL>...getting some kind of flowers to put in planter...two days of zero commitments except to make our home more beautiful.

    Have a great one, everybody!

    I just have to get through today...some coworkers are being very rude and disrespectful...I just don't get it. NOT FUN!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sorry about the coworkers, Nanc. Hang tough and enjoy your patio beautification project.

    I had fun today with a friend at a county fair. But my allergies were awful and I looked like I was crying half the time. :'(

    Plans for tonight got cancelled and I'm actually grateful for that. I am tired and sniffly and want to chill and get to bed early. I am going to the office tomorrow for most of the day then getting together with the family. I will work from home Sunday and try to knock out a couple projects that are stressing me out and would be a big relief to put in the rearview mirror.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Man, allergies can really wreck everything...I get them in my eyes, where they burn so bad I can't even open them...horrible. Hope you're feeling better, Mihani.

    Things were better yesterday...and thanks for the words of wisdom...sure helped.

    Just Lulu and me this weekend...had coffee..waiting til it gets a little light out and then our walk.

    My 75th birthday was yesterday...I am so glad it is over. I wanted to hit a goal weight...so much stress on me when I do that...so NOT doing that again...didn't even come close. Lunch with BFF got moved to another week...she has 9 grand kids...and we kinda have to work around her schedule.

    My Ezekiel burrito was so good yesterday...making again today and next several days. Just beans, rice and cheeze...Chao Creamy Shreds. Now, I would rather have a flour tortilla...but this is a whole lot better for me (us)...can't beat the way Ezekiel works in our bodies. Slowly digests and causes no spikes in sugar...at least not for me.

    Brothy noodle soup with spinach. Tomorrow, I will hit the Asian market and get some fresh herbs and bokchoy to add to my soup.

    I am using up what's in the house.

    Living life deeeeeeeeeeeeeliciously. Make it a good one, mates!

    Smileys are not working. I might contact the gal...she stopped making them...but left the website up, for those of us that paid a membership, to use. So, not sure if she'll fix whatever the prob is.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Nanc! How are you liking your birthday bike?

    Nice job of upping your social outings, Mihani.

    I've put 13 miles on the treadmill this week and since I took Thursday off, I will walk tomorrow. I'm planning on another 3 miles to get to 16 total. The previous 2 weeks were around 22 miles each but 16 is a lot better than 0, so I will be proud of myself for continuing on despite struggling.

    I'm cutting out all bread and added sugar and getting back on track this coming week. No more sourdough bread or mug cakes!

    We had breakfast out, a last hurrah of sorts.
    For a snack we have carrots and hummus ready.
    Tonight we're doing falafel with salad & island vinaigrette.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Happy Birthday, Nanc! I like ezekiel tortillas too. Hope you can get the smileys working. I always get a kick out of your clever use of them and they are so cute!

    Uh oh... did me mentioning mug cakes get you on a kick, Carla? Sorry, but you paid me back because I picked up some pumpkin spice oat milk creamer this week. LOL

    Not that we are susceptible to suggestion, right?

    I'm actually not crazy about additions in my coffee but I do like it once in a while for a treat.

    Awesome job on the treadmill!

    Spent about 4 hours in the office then dinner with the family for my brother's birthday. It was a nice, quiet time. Lots of laughs.

    I'm going to try to do something fun once a week with friends or family. Just to get out and do something different besides work and home (where I'm often working too) but not like this week! Having stuff to do Thursday, Friday and Saturday was a bit much. I'm so ready for a quiet day at home alone tomorrow.

    Like Nanc, I'm trying to use up some stuff in the pantry and freezer before I buy more groceries. I don't particularly like frozen veggies but if they are mixed into soups or mashed in with potatoes or squash they aren't so bad. Speaking of squash, I have two spaghetti squash (I had bought one then my boss gifted one) so I'll do something with those tomorrow. Other than fresh lettuce and cocktail tomatoes, maybe some baby carrots and cucumber and broccoli, I'm trying not to buy anything else until I clear up some overstock.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi! Everyone sounds so positive and energetic! Is it the change in weather? I just got back from visiting my 81 year old sister in SC. She was very supportive of my diet and we had a wonderful time. Brooks and I got up before sunrise every morning and walked the beach. My niece led a bird watching nature walk in the forest preserve one day and my other niece just moved to SC and it was so fun to catch up.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    So glad you had a good visit, Bisky! You've mentioned it can be stressful so I'm happy to hear that. Beautiful pics. I was missing you and forgot you were going out of town again. I can't keep up with your travels. LOL

    I have been incredibly lazy today. Just worn out honestly. I puttered around somewhat energetically this morning then took a nap. Now I have laundry going and potatoes in the oven. New favorite method is slice in half (quarters for larger ones), sprinkle with TJ's 21 seasoning salute, and bake. Easy to grab for a snack or cut up to add to salads or serve with beans and veggies.

    Then I have a little work to do tonight but I mostly blew it off after spending several hours in the office yesterday. It's going to be a busy week coming and I'm finding I need to recharge more than I used to.

    I didn't get the treadmill habit going this week being short-handed at work and so much going on. Starting tomorrow I will do at least a mile of intentional walking every day and 2 or 3 miles a few times a week. I have kept up on the yoga or mindfulness every day and I think it's helping me manage stress better.

    This week will be another easy one. Only prepping is the potatoes. Rest will be frozen veggies, canned beans, bag salad, fruit, smoothies, oats.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    quick fly by...

    Ezekiel burrito
    lunch out with coworkers...two no longer work there...one has today off...checked the menu..they pretty much have zero...will take something...will take my own salad dressing...I think I can get a small salad
    dinner home...broccoli and tofu stir fry.

    my patio looks great...made it to Lowe's...I even have a planter and flowers.

    back later to see what you all have been chatting about.

    live life deeeeeeeeeeeeeee liciously, won't you!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome back, Donna! I'm glad your sister was supportive of your diet and that things went well. Nice photos & what a location right there on that wonderful beach.

    Mihani, I was already into my mug cake routine when you mentioned having one. Sorry about giving you the flavored coffee urge! I just wanted something different, too. I'm thinking one little carton in October and then one in December. It's something I can have and know I won't go overboard on.

    I made falafel this weekend. It turned out okay but it wasn't fantastic so I am still on the lookout for a basic chickpea falafel recipe. This one didn't have any texture and was very soft. I had it on a store bought pita that I could taste the sugar in. yuck. Better to skip the bread entirely. If I make my own pitas we devour them all in a few days and store bought is full of bad stuff and doesn't taste that great to me anyway.

    Today: falafal on salad or red lentil cauli curry. tis the season to bring out the good ol' standby.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hope you had fun with your lunch ladies, Nanc. Glad to hear your patio project turned out well.

    Carla, during my search through recipes I became familiar with the great cooked/uncooked chickpea debate for falafel . For authentic falafel you don't cook them just soak then proceed. I did see one where the author roasted canned chickpeas to dry them out a bit before making the falafel. Thought that was a clever idea.

    Decent day at work and stayed on plan for the first time in a while!

    B - oats with all the usual goodies
    L - big pile of lettuce with curried chickpeas
    D - veggie wrap with tzatziki sauce, baked potato

    I used yukon gold this time for the potatoes and I prefer the russets. A little too watery and I like the skin of russets better.

    Heading up to hit the treadmill then possibly a bath before an early bedtime. I used to enjoy soaking in the tub but it's extremely rare I take the time now.