Optimistic October!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    I like the falafel mix from Trader Joe’s. Soak them for a bit and then either bake or fry them.

    So a small dilemma. Friends and family like to bake me gluten free desserts which is nice but these things are loaded with SUGAR. I feel like to show them my appreciation I have to eat some. Then the fricken sugar cravings come back.

    Brooks took me to a Fruteria today. One of the perks living in San Antonio. Big beautiful cut up bowl of pineapple, mango, watermelon and melon with a big decorative cucumber on top for $4.00. Speaking of cucumber my skinny niece cuts up cucumbers almost every evening and adds a little Greek dressing….thats all, no fattening feta cheese or taziki sauce. 79uf45erq1hw.jpeg
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mihani how do you make your curried chickpeas?

    Carla - Hilton Head is beautiful. We saw a small shark in the water! Walked 2-3 miles every morning on the beach.

    Magic - Are these the co workers who went on the diet pill?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Bisky, these were packaged curried chickpeas and did have a little oil. A Dozen Cousins brand. I am going to try to take time to make my own this weekend. I remember one from Vegan Richa's cookbook or website that was really good that I'll have to find.

    I have been buying this tzatziki sauce... WFPBNO and tasty. https://www.goodfoods.com/product/plant-based-tzatziki-style-dip/ It's my new favorite for veggie wraps and pitas.

    It's difficult to decline treats when someone goes out of their way for you. My SIL always gets desserts from this incredible vegan bakery in town when we get together. While I'm not big on sweets, I always end up eating some because she went out of her way.

    Planning another good day on track here. And I got a mile walk in last night so over 8000 steps for the day.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    edited October 2023
    Mihani - Good job with the walk! I feel the same way about deserts. I would be much happier if someone would find me a Snapdragon apple and cut it up for me. Still no Snapdragons in San Antonio. I did find som in HHI last week and they were so good. When I go back I am buying a dozen to put in my suitcase.

    I will try that tzatziki recipe!

    I have gone from morbidly obese to obese and now officially overweight. 38 lbs to goal and I hope I don’t blow it! Starting BMI 40.1 and now 29.8. It is interesting that in the last 2 months I have only lost 5 lbs but lost inches. Cutting out flour, sugar, caffiene due to Celiac’s and Menier’s for health has made a big difference.

    Brooks had his colonoscopy. He had several precancerous polyps removed and biopsies. In black and white the Dr.wrote increase fiber and decrease red meat. So what did he want after? A HAMBURGER! I threw a fit. He is so disconnected from nutrition and health sometimes.

    Yogurt, nuts and fruit this am. Black bean corn taco for lunch and salad for dinner.
    Walk dogs and swim today.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm jealous of the fruiteria, Donna! On our next trip I will spend time shopping the fresh produce markets instead of eating out all of the time. I hope you can help Brooks reduce his meat intake.

    I've also been digging a greek-ish salad with no oil and quick homemade tzatziki lately. Love the crunch of the cucumbers.

    Yesterday was a great food day. Everything on plan and I felt in control.

    I walked 4.25 miles yesterday on the TM and 3.5 today. I bought some foot icing things that help me a lot with recovery.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    edited October 2023
    I'm not sure I've ever heard of a snapdragon apple, Bisky. I love finding new varieties in the grocery and trying them out. Maybe they don't make it to Ohio.

    Hope Brooks gets on board. It's hard to see people we love not taking care of their health. Although, I have to admit I don't always do so well myself.

    Excellent mileage, Carla. Funny we both got into the tzatziki sauce at the same time. How are puppers doing?

    I'm taking time to do a real prep this weekend. I've been relying too much on bag lettuce in wraps or salads and I'm getting bored with it so I end up digging into the snacky stuff at the office. I need to have some ready to munch melon, cucumber, baby carrots, etc. next week.

    Marilyn, how you doing?
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited October 2023
    Morning all...just way behind...having horrible non-sleep issues...nothing new for me, but taking a lot longer to right the ship.


    homemade bean burrito
    gardein burger
    broc and tofu stir fry
    carrot apple juice

    living life deeeeee liciously!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Good plan, Mihani. Prep can make all the difference!

    I hope you can get a good sleep tonight, Nanc.

    I walked 2.25 miles today. I had to go at a slower pace than I would have liked, and had to go flat to deal with some wear and tear from all of the walking. The first few weeks of these walks, I was getting a huge amount of zone minutes according to my fitbit. Like 90 zone minutes or more in a day. The walk I just completed today was at my new normal base pace (faster than I started at), and I still only got 10 zone minutes. Granted, I walked for 45 minutes instead of up to 1.5 hours, but there's no way I'd get close to 90 zone minutes regardless.

    Yesterday, I alternated between short jogs and some climbing to stay in my target zone and I hit my 90 zone minutes but as I said, a bit of wear and tear as a result. My knee is okay but I can just tell it isn't 100% and one of the backs of my heels is sore despite some icing yesterday. I am hoping I can work at the intensity I want to tomorrow.

    Another good food day yesterday.

    Leftovers tonight. We made a wide rice noodle stir fry yesterday and added broccoli and mushrooms to the recipe. It's good but a few of the ingredients (vegan oyster sauce & something else I forget) have added sugar, so it will not be a go-to dish for us.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
    edited October 2023
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Awww... *hugs* to Nanc and wishes for a good sleep, and *hugs* to Carla hoping your heel and knee cooperate. It's so frustrating when we are on a roll and then an injury keeps us from keeping on. Kudos for adjusting and staying on it even if it isn't at the level you were doing.

    I've had a week here. I feel all off kilter and not coping well. I am taking tomorrow off, although I'll do some work from home, but mostly going to prep and get ready for a really good weekend/week of healthy eating. Did a grocery run on the way home and I sure wish groceries weren't so damn expensive now. I have to go to the office one day this weekend, probably Sunday so I can have two days in a row out of there. Have a project I can't really do here at home but I'm having difficulty getting done during the week when everyone is interrupting all the time.

    <3 y'all
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    hope your mental health day break helps, Mihani...I think it will...you are go go go (work-wise), from the opening bell. It's good that you are taking today off.

    thanks...sleep was a little better...that is the one area of my life I just cannot get right.


    homemade bean burrito
    gardein burger
    tofu broc stirfry
    almonds and carrot/apple juice

    some small snack after work...

    living life deeeeeeeliciously...

    Oh, tomorrow there is a plant-powered meet-up at the natural grocers...I am going to try and make it after my haircut. I will be on that side of town. I am kind of excited. Meeting people with a passion for eating food that no one had to give up their lives for.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yay to you taking the day off, Mihani! I hope it helps with everything that is going on.

    Plant meet up sounds fun, Nanc. Let us know how it goes.

    I was on plan yesterday. It feels good.

    I managed to get 101 zone minutes today with walking and jogging 3.25 miles. Mostly walking! Trying to get my knees and heel to last.

    I've been having my blueberry spinach smoothies all week for breakfast.
    Dinner tonight is going to be our garbanzo bean curry with baked tofu.
    Lara bar as snack / dessert. So far I am in control with them.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi y'all... I am enjoying my day at home. I worked for about 5 hours then knocked off to do laundry and clean up the kitchen a bit. Tomorrow I will finish this one file I've been working on and food prep for the week.

    I got a couple more varieties of the good foods dips. One is queso and the other is a cilantro dip. I really like the tzatziki that I've been buying and hoping the others are just as good. They are all WFPB and no oil, and really perk up wraps. The smaller grocery I hit up most often carries Atoria whole wheat and flax flatbreads that I load up with lettuce, veggies and the tzatziki, sometimes some beans added. They are the only ones I've found with no oil.

    I got baby carrots, grape tomatoes, cucumber and celery to make snack bowls for work instead of diving into those dang PB pretzels my boss keeps buying. I will make up a bunch of "snack packs" with the veggies to take to work and have ready to go. Plus apples, cantaloupe and clementines. Will have a handful of sunflower or pumpkin seeds along with.

    Nanc, glad you got a little better sleep. Hope you made it to the meet-up can't wait to hear how it was!

    Carla, you are totally rocking it lately. Send some of that energy my way if you can spare it. LOL

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Mornin' All,

    I am heading to the office today. I haven't done my cooking yet but will get on that when I get home. Not a lot to do, just bake potatoes, cut up veggies for snack packs for the office this week. I am going to take one of the Good Foods brand dips to the office with me to make the veggies more interesting.

    Spent yesterday kind of re-grouping. Read, did some housework, started a jigsaw, took naps, went to bed early.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    edited October 2023
    I got a lot done at the office! My boss didn't show up and I got the project I wanted to get to done. Didn't let myself get distracted by all the other things demanding to be done. Yay!

    I decided to stop at the store and get kale and mushrooms to make a big pot of greens, beans, mushrooms and onions again. I'll throw a bag of frozen mixed veggies in there too. I haven't been doing that for a few weeks and I can really tell a decrease in my energy, clarity, and overall feeling that I'm doing the best for my health.

    Plan this week is a smoothie or oats for breakfast with the usual chia/flax, walnuts, berries and cherries. I always add power greens to smoothies but not always to oatmeal so I'll make a point of doing that if I opt for oatmeal. That covers the BS part of GBOMBS. Lunch will be my GBOM concoction. Dinner will be a big salad possibly as a wrap. I have english cucumbers, baby carrots and grape tomatoes to make up snack packs for the office. Plus cantaloupe, apples, clementines and bananas.

    Just want to get one perfect week behind me, and then I'll be on a roll and keep on keepin' on.

    Oops... forgot I also got broccoli and already had potatoes. I'll cook those up to add to the salads.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member