WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 222
    CW 225
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 182 Member
    Username: Bowens1973
    CW: 229.0
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Welcome @petexj78 and @LalasCrazyWorld and @Sta827 .. great to have you on board

    @Kali225 this is also my first year in a fantasy football league and i totally know what you mean about it requiring another level of investment

    Got back to soccer Tuesday.. my only cardio in three weeks aside from some light walking. My lungs struggled but I played the whole game and it felt good.

    We leave for Cali tomorrow and things have been non-stop so I apologize for the delayed check-in. Step report to come later!

    @MaddawgMadsen you bet . I'll pause you on the step team for Dec. Thanks for the heads up
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    We have another new member - and they requested the "funnest" team! Let's hope we live up to it :smiley: Welcome @sugagirl5 Enjoy the team!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 621 Member
    @sugagirl5 welcome to the team!

    @ashleycarole86 I am glad you are feeling better and you got to play soccer!

    I have had a few good days recently! I hope it shows on the scale next week. I need to start going the other direction. Focusing on one day at a time and trying to not let the whole month of December derail me like it normally does.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    Yesterday ended up being a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. We had an officer shot and killed on a traffic stop. This officer was a friend of mine because he was a very good friend of my husband's. I ended up leaving work early to support my husband. We met up with other friends to commiserate together for a while. After that, my husband wanted to get some liquor before heading home. He didn't want to drink alone, so I had a couple beers and a couple shots where we toasted to our fallen friend. Then, neither of us had the energy to cook, so we ordered pizzas.

    This self-sabotage/rebellion felt more like survival. I'm mostly back on track today (mostly because I allowed myself a half pump, grande, chestnut praline latte) and don't regret any of my decisions yesterday. We did drink, but I wasn't looking for comfort from the alcohol. In fact, I dumped out the rest of the liquor this morning.

    I am still shaken by this, but incredibly grateful to have this group so that I can share and have the accountability to stay on track with my goals despite the other horrible things happening around me.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @sugagirl5 - welcome to the team! I promise the post I just put on here is an anomaly. We're usually much more fun.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Yesterday ended up being a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. We had an officer shot and killed on a traffic stop. This officer was a friend of mine because he was a very good friend of my husband's. I ended up leaving work early to support my husband. We met up with other friends to commiserate together for a while. After that, my husband wanted to get some liquor before heading home. He didn't want to drink alone, so I had a couple beers and a couple shots where we toasted to our fallen friend. Then, neither of us had the energy to cook, so we ordered pizzas.
    This self-sabotage/rebellion felt more like survival. I'm mostly back on track today (mostly because I allowed myself a half pump, grande, chestnut praline latte) and don't regret any of my decisions yesterday. We did drink, but I wasn't looking for comfort from the alcohol. In fact, I dumped out the rest of the liquor this morning.

    I am still shaken by this, but incredibly grateful to have this group so that I can share and have the accountability to stay on track with my goals despite the other horrible things happening around me.
    This, in my view, does not qualify as self-sabotage or rebellion. You are absolutely right not to regret your food and drink decisions after this shock. If you get stuck there, we'll be after you, but a sudden loss of this kind takes recognition and for you to stop for a minute and look it in the eye. Horrible things happen, and you stay strong and accountable, but also take the time to feel it. Hugs to you, dear Jolene. And a salute to your fallen friend.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 621 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen I am sorry to hear for the loss of your friend! I agree with @jugar, that is not self sabotoge in the least. And I'm proud of you for getting back on track today!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    @sugagirl5 welcome welcome!!

    @MaddawgMadsen so sorry to hear about your terrible Wednesday. And so sorry for your husband. Sending hugs.

    Today clearly got away from me. Have to move my workout. I briefly logged off work and thought I could swing into dinner and a workout. I caught up with some friends over the phone. But then got pulled back into work until 9:30 and had a super late dinner. Have to shower and hit the hay now. Weigh in tomorrow and not sure where I will fall. Doesn't feel like a "loss"-type week after the holiday.

    I quickly tried on my snowpants tonight - didn't go so great. They are a size 18. I have some size 20 pants in the mail right now because my size 22s for work are getting way too baggy. So that's improvement but I have work to do if I don't want to have to shop before hitting the slopes in January (assuming there is good snowfall by then - in Maine and northern NH, probably will be). Night all.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @Kali225 Even if the snowpants aren't feeling so great yet, you are making huge progress these days! You are going great guns and those pants will fit - I'm betting on it!

    Time for the Friday line-up and the remaining folks from pre-Friday to get ready to roll:

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    edited December 2023
    we have a slight update to my post. I was ready to call it a day. then I remembered the football game was on. as it turns out, 2 of my fantasy players were absolutely killing it and it gave me so much energy + a desire to stay up anyways, that I ended up doing my workout! wooooooo! okay actual goodnight this time.

    also @Gidgitgoescrzy we will take a proxy cheer for the Packers from a Ravens fan!! anything to pile on the chiefs :D
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    So sorry. I thought I had sent a post saying we're were gonna be outta town for the Thanksgiving holidays and I'd like a pass on last Friday.

    I get back today and I don't see that post anywhere. I plan to weight in tomorrow (Friday is my usual weigh day). I hope that's okay.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    @MaddawgMadsen I was so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Sending prayers
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 553 Member
    CW: 187.6
    Happy Dec 1st!
    I’ve got to dash - walking first thing with a friend and then to work. I’ll introduce myself later on.
  • petexj78
    petexj78 Posts: 6 Member
    CW: 276.2

    Almost back to my pre-thanksgiving weight.. I don't think the dec challenge starts yet, but wanted to get a starting weight in there..

    Thanks for the welcomes from everyone!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. He was a great guy and will be missed by so many people.

    I think I mentioned that my shoulder was hurting during my trip and it was slowing me down, especially hindering my sleep and making workouts a no-go for me. I finally went to the chiropractor yesterday and he says I really messed it up. I wish I knew what I did. I just assume I slept on it wrong every night of Thanksgiving week. The bed we had in the house we were staying in was not comfortable and the pillows provided no support. I also hate that I'm at the age where when I sleep wrong I have pain for days and now weeks. Oh well.

    My chiropractor said I can work out, I just can't use that shoulder or arm. So, all lower body workouts, no bowling, and chores are going to have to wait or be done with my non-dominant left arm. It does feel better today, and he said it did seem better than even yesterday. I have another appointment Monday, so hopefully a weekend of rest after a couple great adjustments will allow me the luxury to workout fully again.

    My question for everyone this week is, what do you do when an injury slows you down? I know we have a couple of people on here with foot issues, another with back problems. I love hearing about new shoes to help, adjusting walk lengths or intensity, different stretches and strength training, and other techniques. So, what have you done in the past that has or hasn't worked, and what would you do now if you were to have an injury slow you down?
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    I will be the first to answer my own question.

    The weight I am trying to lose now is because of the negative attitude and subsequent bad habits I developed to deal with an injury 10 years ago. in 2010, I started running as a way to lose weight, get in shape, and give myself a goal - the first was to complete a half marathon. By September of 2013, I had run over a dozen half marathons, several smaller races, five or six relay races, and two marathons. I also played soccer multiple days/week. In September 2013, I hyper extended my hip during warm up for a soccer game. It hurt, but I played through the pain for the entire game because my team would have forfeited since I was the only female that showed up. I also didn't have insurance at the time (between jobs and very poor), so I didn't have my hip really looked at for a few years.

    This one injury ended both my long distance running and soccer careers. I was angry and in pain. I wasn't willing to try other exercises like walking or swimming because I didn't like them. So, to ease the pain, I found myself at the bar with my friends a lot. This was not the right way to deal with an injury!

    Since the time I started with this group (July of this year, I think), I have sprained an ankle, had other shoulder issues, some lingering back pain from a minor car accident last year, and now this shoulder pain. I have been frustrated and annoyed, in pain too, but not as angry. I also have the gift of hindsight and know I never want to be where I was. I need to keep moving forward. So, this time I am being more diligent about my diet, careful with my drinking, and determined to exercise around my injury.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    So sorry. I thought I had sent a post saying we're were gonna be outta town for the Thanksgiving holidays and I'd like a pass on last Friday.

    I get back today and I don't see that post anywhere. I plan to weight in tomorrow (Friday is my usual weigh day). I hope that's okay.

    No problem! I gave anyone who missed last week an excused day - you're in the clear!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 261.3
    CW: 261.0

    Definitely want to kick it up the next two weeks with good meals and steady movement so I can hit the holidays in stride. would like to be in the next decade before the new year.

    @MaddawgMadsen ugh, such a good question, and sorry to hear about your arm! this is not your week. you're getting hits in a lot of ways.

    I would say I go through phases with my injury - tendonitis in the foot. I recently told my therapist that watching so much football this season has inspired some jealously of the players - yes, jealousy of professional athletes - because they can jump around and run and move so athletically. I cannot do a jump squat. I cannot run. I have to be so careful not to overdo things or risk setting back whatever healing has occurred. So one thing that did help was making steps to recovery part of my health goals, like; I wasn't really committed to icing and elevating and now it is one of the boxes I try to check for my daily habits. I can't say I will burn as many calories as I did pre-injury because I simply can't do plyometric movements, but I can still feel like I am getting "health points" and making some progress by taking these non-movement actions. I also ditched my fitness tracker/fitbit because that was only going to make me feel worse. I also changed my mindset about workouts. I absolutely have to modify a lot of movements, including pushups and planks and the like, because it isn't good to be on my toe with weight along the foot that way.

    Patience is key and I do run out of it some days. Walking is so key for my mental health and as I've mentioned in posts, I can definitely over-do it because I just want to keep moving and jamming to my songs, so that took a toll for almost a year. I also occasionally just google or search reddit for things about my injury and hear from other people who have been through it, get some new ideas. that's where I got the lacing my shoelaces differently idea.

    Reading through your injuries - do you have any interest in biking? It's low-impact for your ankle, no real strain on your shoulder except for holding the handlebars. Have to make sure the seat and bars are adjusted so as not to bother your back. My sister has had some terrible low back issues for a year and she likes to stationary bike. I personally love to bike on the road or trails when I can - my bike is just not in Boston at the moment. You get the wind in your hair a lot easier than walking or running :)

    I have one more workout for the week and it looks like quite an effort - see how the rest of my workday goes.
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