WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    What do you do when an injury slows you down?

    Well I pout for a few days, I complain about it a few more, then I make excuses for a couple of days... Then I suck it up and work around it...

    Honestly, I haven't had to stop exercising from any of my injuries, even after surgery, I was walking everyday, it wasn't much, but it was more than 99.9% of people who had double spine surgery would do. (At least that's what my surgeon told me, he called me amazing) LOL, his actual words were, "your recovery is amazing", but that counts...

    So yeah it's important to listen to your body and know when to pull back, and when it's okay to push through. I definitely pulled back recently until I got the confirmation that the bone wasn't broken.

    My Mom had back issues and stopped working and went on disability at 45, and before she died, she told me the only thing she regrets, was that she stopped moving... That stuck, so I don't care how much it hurts, I will not stop moving. I do try to learn the best way move for whatever is ailing me, or how to avoid that area. Now am I ever going to play sports or run marathons, nope. I just never want to be that person that says, no I can't go on that hike, walk, tie my shoes, bring down the boxes, etc...

    Lets also be honest though, I will never be the girl in a CrossFit class, or lifting heavy weights, so for my level of exercise, it's a lot easier to work through it.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen I love the injury question. They can cause serious derailments, anger, frustration - all that and a bag of chips, a few beers, and then depression because of weight gain.

    They don't have to. It is sometimes almost impossible to find workarounds, but the search for them is crazy helpful. I'm the oldest person in here, so I have certainly gone through a few injuries, and learned along the way. I have not had a truly incapacitating one yet, but still needed to figure out how to be this new imperfect me :rage: Sorry for how long this message is, but I'm getting old, so it's OK, right?

    As a performing musician with hours of practice to do every week since childhood, repetitive stress and bad use were always on the radar, and this helped build up some useful contacts to prevent and minimise. Osteopath (for me far more effective than chiropractor), physiotherapist or trainer depending on the stage of injury, and careful monitoring of movement habits helped a lot. Luckily, fellow musicians are generous about calling you on the bad stuff you're doing! Annoying, but good. Ugh. But these habits did not prevent me from having some bad eating habits and rather minimal strength building practices.

    Injuries are what helped me get into a more intentional use of exercise. After a rather nasty hip and then knee injury, I learned a lot, had good physio, and then finally (after the knee) started working with a trainer who also got me paying attention to weight and diet in a more effective way. During the almost year I could not put weight on a bent right knee, I rode horseback without stirrups in a bareback pad, I worked my upper body hard for the first time ever, and gradually the trainer helped me get my strength back in that leg. Now that knee is my favourite canary! If I slack on my lower body strength work, it hurts. So does the hip. I started losing weight during that year, and it has stayed off 11 years now.

    More recently, I had a bad fall in April 2020 that resulted in a very large hematoma on my left buttock. It was not terribly painful once the initial stage passed, there was no break or tear of anything. But I could not sit on that buttock for what turned out to be a year until I had surgery to remove the encapsulated hematoma. Then 8 weeks with a drain, and finally I could start to straighten my lower spine out again. There had been no horseback riding or anything sitting possible during that year, so at least I took the time to do plenty of walking, snowshoeing, and exercises that did not put me on my butt. I felt like I dealt with it well and never stopped finding ways to keep strong and moving as much as possible. It took a long time to rebuild the hip flexibility and strength on that side, and to straighten my tailbone back out, but now it seems OK and my trainer has helped tons with the "finishing" work. I have a huge scar and all, but function is as good as it's going to get. Now I'm working on foot stuff, nasty nerve pain on the top of my foot, so new solutions are being sought!

    Injuries are going to happen, most likely. Coping with them, finding ways to stay healthy with reduced or changed mobility - that's our big task through that. I look forward to hearing how you have dealt with this!

    Any injury that causes less exercise has to be accompanied by less eating, sad to say. And good nutrition! Kick that whiner begging for junk to the curb!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    The December team chat is open! Let's start the last round of (re)introductions for 2023, set some goals for finishing off the year, and getting some realistic commitments settled:

    Finish weigh-ins and exercise stats here through the end of Saturday, and head to the new month for new stuff :smiley:
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 643 Member
    Good question about injuries. I haven't had many knock on wood. I did have tendonitis in my knee at one point, so I added stretches that the sports medicine doctor recommended. I limited my jogging since that made it worse and stuck to walking for a few months. Luckily it improved and hasn't flared up since!

    I would say though, that the first time I lost a lot of weight, I developed gallstones, which led to an ultrasound, a liver mass which led to a mri, and a pancreas mass, concern for a precancerous cyst. Several biopsies and possible major surgery made me turn right back to food for comfort. Luckily the cyst ended up being benign, I'm just going to live with my liver mass and keep an eye on it. But my food habits fell out, I started dating someone and we ate out a lot and I gained all but 10 pounds back that I lost. So now I am kicking my past self for not keeping the weight off, but am working on getting back down to where I was and even lower.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Friday night! It was great to go ride first thing this morning - Jasper and I made as many different patterns in the arena as possible, and had a great time. It looked a little like this, only messier :smiley:

    He is getting more supple, our new saddle makes my communication to him much easier, and all the Pilates has helped me handle his bigger movement now that he is really striding out! It was cold in the arena, but we were toasty warm from all the exercise.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    There have been a lot of scammy friend requests going around - do not respond to anyone using the name of Stephen J. Townsend with a military photograph. I got one, thought it was legit, but the messages were just to say hi and had nothing to do with MFP. I Googled the name and this popped right up:

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 643 Member
    @jugar I got a friend request from him too. I typically don't accept unless I know the person, or it's someone from our group. Honestly though, I track on the lose it app and staying on mfp just for this group, so I don't have much to share!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Time for the last of the November weigh-ins! I know it isn't really November anymore, but for F2F purposes, December isn't until Sunday :smiley:

    @LalasCrazyWorld (if you want to update your starting weight)

  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    We have another new member - and they requested the "funnest" team! Let's hope we live up to it :smiley: Welcome @sugagirl5 Enjoy the team!

    Hahaha 🤪 I’m sure y’all will be a hoot! Glad to be on the waistaways let’s get those waists snatched! 💃🏼

    lauren_989 wrote: »
    @sugagirl5 welcome to the team!.

    Thanks! Glad to be here I def need the motivation this month!
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    @sugagirl5 - welcome to the team! I promise the post I just put on here is an anomaly. We're usually much more fun.

    Aww thanks and no worries! Life happens and we all go through it! I hope you’re coping ok and feel free to reach out to me or the group if your grief is too much <3 we’re here to support each other right!
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    My question for everyone this week is, what do you do when an injury slows you down? I know we have a couple of people on here with foot issues, another with back problems. I love hearing about new shoes to help, adjusting walk lengths or intensity, different stretches and strength training, and other techniques. So, what have you done in the past that has or hasn't worked, and what would you do now if you were to have an injury slow you down?

    My answer (that would come from my chiro) is stretch stretch stretch! Also stay hydrated and not to over rest yourself. Stay active whether that’s walking short distances or going to aquafit (which I love for my bad back) and try to eat as clean as possible since you can’t burn off the calories as much with high intensity activities (the hardest part I usually fail at lol)

    Hiiiii @Kali225 👋🏼
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...


    I went to a wreath making class on Monday night and I'm thrilled with my results! I hope it lasts throughout Christmas.

    And to continue the theme, my brother is hosting his annual Christmas Jumper party tonight. It's definitely starting to feel festive in our house.

    @MaddawgMadsen exercising with injuries? Carefully is my watch word! Slow and gentle, but keep moving is my advice.

    Hope everyone has a fine Saturday. BTW it's freezing in Worcestershire today - brrr!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    CW 215.5

    I know I have been MIA. Or maybe MII ( missing in inaction).

    Will try and catch up on posts soon. I’m considering going to support for December. I know it will be more of what it’s been. My mind is busy elsewhere. I did get a new Pilates mat hoping it will entice me.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 420 Member

  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    leni1us wrote: »
    So sorry. I thought I had sent a post saying we're were gonna be outta town for the Thanksgiving holidays and I'd like a pass on last Friday.

    I get back today and I don't see that post anywhere. I plan to weight in tomorrow (Friday is my usual weigh day). I hope that's okay.

    No problem! I gave anyone who missed last week an excused day - you're in the clear!

    Thanks @jugar!

    PW 164.0
    CW 167.1

    Well, the Thanksgiving holiday and subsequent vacation have wrecked havoc on my calorie intake. I'm not surprised at the number but I'm hoping quite a bit of it is water retention. We shall see. This week I'm uber focused on what goes in my mouth and a bottle of water goes with me everywhere. Hope everyone has a great week.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @YinxFed Can I order one? I want you to make one for me, and I'm not usually a wreath person! It's beautiful. I hope you enjoy the cold snap :smiley:
    micki48 wrote: »
    I know I have been MIA. Or maybe MII ( missing in inaction).

    Will try and catch up on posts soon. I’m considering going to support for December. I know it will be more of what it’s been. My mind is busy elsewhere. I did get a new Pilates mat hoping it will entice me.
    MII - that is a good one. But we know you are there, and we love hearing from you even if it is briefly and not as often as we would like. Let me know if you want to go on support for the month, but don't disappear even if you do, ok? :heart:

    Jasper and I had a wonderful ride today - set up more poles to trot over, and his favourite mare (ridden by my friend) was there too. Nowhere near as boring as usual! And we both had someone to learn from. Later, I picked up the crampons for his hoof boots, so soon we will be able to get back out on the roads and trails even if it is icy.

    Wishing you all the best weekend!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Five more weigh-ins to go for this week - I hope you can get them in, or ask for a pass for the week!

    Tally ho!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member


    Nice one! Lost 2.6 pounds this week!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    hello hello. I had a lazy morning in bed with some video games but got out and about for some errands eventually, did a really hard but empowering 30 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible - basically, here are the exercises and reps, just keep going through the list) workout, decorated my apartment for christmas, and took a 30 min float in the pool!

    having a small 2nd part to my dinner now since I didn't really have the full bit earlier - too distracted on the phone while decorating. I will also be setting up a new TV I got on black friday - I've been using my current TV since my 2nd semester of college (just shy of a decade) so I think I got my money's worth there. :)
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