My 6th Week on the Acid Watchers Diet after a diagnoses of LPR

Today I am in week 6 of following the Acid Watchers Diet to heal my severe throat irritation due to Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR). It's not easy to follow, but the acute reaction to triggers is motivating and I want to heal myself. I think following the plan in the book and the cookbook is helpful in that it not only gives you recipes to omit triggers, but adds in full nutrition and wow in 6 weeks it's made a huge difference. We got a bed wedge that goes under our mattress and for the first time in maybe 30 years I'm sleeping all night long! That alone has been life-changing. I was a big partier always and recent conversion to empty nesting had me indulging more than ever. So I stopped that. Stopped occasional party smoking (I know, bad...but I stopped). I stop all eating and drinking by 7:30 pm each night (and turns out, nothing I ate or drank after 7:30 was good for me!). I'm experimenting with coconut milk yogurt, manuka honey, oat milk. I did not give up my one cup of coffee per day (because, I have to have something!). I have been to a couple of dinners out with friends where I sip tea while they eat. I miss booze, ain't gonna lie. But, for the first time in years I'm losing weight. I'm down 13 pounds in six weeks. My A1C is down. My cholesterol is down (that was the big shocker, down about 40 points), blood pressure is down (for the first time in 20 years it's been near normal (with meds, but might be able to reduce). I also upped my workouts iwth a trainer to 3x a week and am making a point to walk more (my average resting heart rate went from 86 bpm to 77). So, here's the thing, if I can do it ... me the person who lived to indulge...ANYONE CAN. I'm hoping to continue building on what I'm learning, nip this body revolt, and get fit and healthy! Only 60 pounds to go!